Tag Archives: fossil fuels

It’s official – GRETA is a project

FK – From the mouth of a dictator no less. amerika has no men left to really say what must be said and do what must be done.

The tool’s string pullers should have been arrested at the airport.

The Marxist globalists don’t care about anyone’s comfort. We are livestock to them and their masters the banksters.

Trump Warns Of Civil War If Impeached Causing OUTRAGE, But He Isn’t Wrong And The Media Knows It

The greatest scientific fraud in history?:


FK – Western civilization is drowning in an ocean of lies. Without men to do what must be done now we are lost. Our failure to hunt our domestic enemies to extinction will doom us.

They know full well the lies they tell:

FK – It’s not about the climate. It’s about control.

Controlling the children’s minds:


FK – I think it needs a little short moostache. But then Hitler was the lessor of the evils and this creature represents the greater one.

They are waging war and they know it.

“All war is based on deception.” – Sun Tzu

Law of war

The Art of War

10 Amazing And Successful Military Deception Operations

This is the most appropriate thing I’ve seen in a while:

FK – All it needs is a mustach, like Stalin’s. He murdered millions more than the Nazis ya’ know.

A precursor to Hell on Earth

And the only limit they will accept will be the limit we force on them:


FK – We must hit net zero on communist insanity regardless of how it’s manufactured.

Scientist suggests eating human flesh to fight climate change

Ever heard of ‘Soylent Green?’

FK – Eco propaganda of the past…

As if we didn’t know:

FK – Don’t laugh. It may be you on that conveyor belt someday.

Who or what is controlling the propaganda?:


FK – So is he advising the CIA advisor or vice versa?

More questions we shouldn’t ask:

FK – Are you ready for all us Yankees and rebels to move north?

Most adult voters have no grasp of politics(human nature).

Who deserves to vote?

Questions for your candidate

What to teach your kids

When billions believe in a falsehood to the point they’re willing to kill you or watch you being burned alive in fire forever that makes it very real.

What’s the ultimate question?

A conspiracy to indoctrinate, or “What is an education?”

The AGENDA 2030 SMART CITY Challenge – Government To AWARD $75 Million For Best SMART CITY Design!


FK – How much longer until they build a dome and institute “Logan’s Run?”

If you think the rural areas will escape this crap think again. They will have drones with sensors/sound detectors/etc. They will eventually force all into tracked vehicles if not fully automated ones. You won’t control the shut off switch.

I was pretty ‘green’ back in the early 90s and actually wanted to attend that eco commie conference. It didn’t take me long to figure out that most eco commies are really just a bunch of socialists.

Klinton the first helped me learn just how evil that really is.

The eco commie movement was created as a control device. Watched this years ago:

The Report from Iron Mountain A Blueprint for Tyranny

Almost 30 years later and we’re still not hunting them to extinction as we so desperately need to do.

Oh for a nation of men.

But there are none. They will take the chip, bow down and suck that big govt. cock so they can keep getting their satellite TV feed with their smart TVs that will monitor all they do in their own homes.

The republicrats aren’t going to save us and there are no men here to do what will be required.

Christian rebels and modern cowards

Destroying Christianity From Within

And it’s still going on:


FK – We do have too many stupid sheeple and we make the mistake of allowing them to vote.

Who deserves to vote?

Questions for your candidate

What to teach your kids

Is this how they will control the occupants of the dome?:

FK – So why can’t I signal my fat cells to just go away?

After 25 years as a political activist and 30 of playing journalist or whatever I fully understand why they talk down to us.

We should be hunting them to extinction but telling that to the average dumbass will get you that deer in the headlights look, then they will raise or tuck their tails and run away like a frightened fawn or a whipped puppy.

The brave are those who know they are afraid and act anyway, running toward the sound of gunfire or going to the gun turn in point and killing all the trash running it.

The only real reason for the militia

We are defeated. There are no men here.

What is a man, really?

The brain dead sheeple will find out what real anxiety and depression are when the bubble finally bursts, as it always does. Flight will no longer be an option. There will be nowhere to hide.

In order to get to the positive one often has to work through a lot of negative. I despise sheeple who only want to focus on the ‘positive’ which is often/usually a false construct which allows them to temporarily ignore realities of this world because the last thing they want is to take on personal responsibility for those realities. I cannot respect them.

What’s the ultimate question?

A conspiracy to indoctrinate, or “What is an education?”

I’m proven right once again:


FK – Weapons without the will to use them turns them into toys for the range or the deer stand.

If this were a nation of men we’d have a genuine citizens militia with authority over all governments and their agencies in every county of this country.

But there are no men here.

Once again my standard answer to such:

Teachers and other so-called adults who don’t feel comfortable being able to shoot back don’t need to be around kids. They’re setting a bad example. Lot’s of fat out of shape teachers are setting a bad example as well.

We’re flying millions of miles an hour through space on a water-soaked fire spitting rock. The only ‘safe zones/spaces’ are in the minds of morons. If I had a teen he/she would be trained in how to fight back and for damn sure be able to access a loaded weapon in the home if need be. We don’t live in a country that destroys everyone’s natural born rights because of the actions of a tiny minority.

We have an epidemic of communism/globalism that must be dealt with as the cancer that it is.

We MUST get the commies out of the schools and the universities and the textbook companies and teach reality and real history warts and all to children including basic survival skills, martial arts including shooting, physical fitness and military skills as the Boy Scouts were created to do.

Then ALL young adults must go through some basic military training where they learn basic infantry skills and get further exposed to reality before they are allowed to vote.

Yes, the AR15 and its variants is a ‘weapon of war.’ Stop apologizing to your enemies for your right to kill them.

What the commie globalist trash hopes to accomplish is our submission. Our failure to hunt them to extinction will ensure their success.

The right to fight back is the right to private property. The most important ‘private property’ anyone owns is their own life, health, safety, and no one, anywhere, anytime has the ‘right’ to take that from them or deny them their most basic right, that of self defense.

Crime is a red herring for ‘gun control.’ Always has been. Even if ‘gun control’ could be proven to reduce common crime it would still be evil as it would render the common people unable to kill government criminals when necessary.

Governments will always be able to get guns so we should ALWAYS be better armed than the average soldier, sailor, Marine, guardsman, whatever.

There’s no such thing as a good ‘gun law.’ All gun control is propaganda designed to condition the sheeple to accept more control with total civilian disarmament being the final objective thus all gun control is an act of war. All who forward it should be arrested, tried for treason against human Liberty and executed.

There’s no such thing as a ‘right’ to work covertly or overtly to enslave those around you.

Doing what is required to fight tyranny is always ‘illegal.’ When the blood war starts whatever we can pick up and use or steal and use will be ‘legal.’

The question is not “What will you do when they come for your guns?” but “What will you do when they come for your neighbors’ guns?”

The words ‘illegal gun’ aren’t in the Second Amendment.

The most important things to do

It’s time to put guns back in the schools and educate children in reality not communist fantasy land.

Why the commie globalists want us disarmed

What I told my elected public servants about ‘gun control’

AR15’s are Weapons of War? (2nd Amendment Fact & Admitting the Truth)

The origin of the right to keep and bear arms

Don’t be found in a pile of brass. Be found with your brass strung out behind you along an avenue of approach. That’s how wars are won.

Aliens Exist says the Worlds Highest Ranking UFO Believer [FULL VIDEO]


FK – Seen this guy in various other vids and seems credible on ‘this’ subject but then starts pushing the global warming propaganda and ‘the aliens are here to help us’ B.S. Some of them may be, and some of them may be as evil/dangerous as our own “Liberal”(commie) trash that use the environment and various other causes as an excuse to control every aspect of our existences in this world. I don’t trust Greer either or anyone or group that puts blind faith in these entities, beings, whatever they are or any other version, sub-version, subversion of religion, ideology, ism, whatever.

To be clear, we would be absolute screaming fools to disarm for ‘the aliens’ or any other excuse. Only evil creatures tell you you don’t need guns, whether in the hands of the military, or especially in civilian hands, who should be better armed than the common infantry soldier in case they have to start killing soldiers.

I grew up watching Star Trek and reading some sci fi and really just always assumed we would eventually ‘make contact’ for good or ill, probably both. Think ‘international relations’ and how imperfect that is. How imperfect will ‘inter-galactic relations’ be?

Only a political child would think that if there are multiple ‘alien’ species out there flying around they haven’t already attempted to carve out their own piece of ‘free space.’ The likelihood is that we are like the American Indians were to the colonists and the kingdoms and nobles of Europe, something to be exploited and conquered.

Religions have killed as many but not as many, at least in modern times, as those seeking to force their ideology of a ‘perfect society’ on the rest of us at the point of a govt. gun.

When the “Liberal”(commie) trash, whose ideological ancestors murdered 200 mil. in the 20th century alone, stop sending the black-suited Nazis and soldiers they profess to hate to kill those who refuse to obey their evil commie laws then I’ll lend some credence to his high hopes.

The problem as always with the ‘golden rule’ is that many have no problem being slaves to one form of authoritarianism or another and thus have no problem voting for all of us to be as enslaved as they are. They certainly have no problem with their favorite dictator, or elite tool, like the Marxist mutt or Trump, killing anyone they think they should fear, whether ‘right wing extremists’ here or brown-skinned fundie ragheads overseas. Sad facts.

Trump could turn on a dime and most of his ignorant supporters wouldn’t know the difference, and target real patriots and ‘conservatives’ and ‘libertarians’ here if they challenged his obvious masters’ agenda that’s now being played out in the middle east just as it’s been for the last several administrations.

The elites he refers to also created communism for their own purposes. But now billions blindly believe that someday someone will ‘do it right’ and are quite willing to kill those who don’t want to go along. If you think you’re supposed to be free every time they vote they vote to kill you.

When millions believe a falsehood to the point they’re willing to kill you over it, that makes it very real.

Time to wake up and grow up and take personal responsibility for the world we exist in.

What must be done – A manifesto of the ‘isms.’

Disclosure, or exopolitics is now a thing…

No sacred cows, or a new global Bill of Rights

Disruptive Technology and Free Energy Under Donald Trump?

FK – While ‘free energy’ sounds wonderful I have to ask a few basic questions:

What would happen to the global human population? Would it crash, remain the same or would the rats start breeding to the point that we couldn’t find solitude on the highest mountain?

How do we know these other ‘beings’ have our best interests at heart? Maybe it’s in their interest to hand the tool using monkeys a toy they’re not ready to play with yet?

Hell, millions(billions) can’t make a logical rational decision before they enter a voting booth and we’re thinking about handing them the keys to the universe? I don’t think so.

What will these ‘free energy devices’ cost? How will we prevent the corporations and banksters from obtaining the patents and charging a lifetime of payments for one?

Free energy or cancer cures won’t mean squat without real Human Liberty.

What to teach your kids

Secret Antarctica Coverup? Inner Earth, Alien Bases & More 11/11/16

FK – Disclosure wouldn’t put your channel out of business, especially if you switched to ‘exopolitics’ as it’s called. The various versions of authoritarianism will not fail to use it to whatever degree it exists as propaganda to further their agendas from claiming the aliens are here to help us and give us ‘free energy’ to telling the simple minded they’re just ‘angels and demons’ and the big beam up is coming soon.

Real disclosure, or acknowledgement, won’t come until it’s forced either by unforseen events or by a grassroots groundswell demanding it. First we need to take our country back from all the various forms of authoritarianism.

With the resources Trump has he probably knows a lot of things. My only question is will he quit using his bleach blonde dye over the next four years so his hair can turn gray as most prezzes’ do.

And I figured Trump would win, sans enough voter fraud to put the CFR witch in the now red house. Though klinton seems to be taking it well, maybe too well. I’m still not convinced Trump isn’t just another faker and hiterly was just another willing ride in the dog and pony show, her limitless hubris and pride notwithstanding.

Hillary Clinton Pledges to Kill Coal Jobs

FK – Gee I thought the Marxist mutt already beat the CFR witch to that particular bit of NWO nasty. They’re just trying to get Appalachia back on the demoncrat ticket by putting them all on welfare and creating more inter-generational parasites.

They don’t think they’re ‘all knowing’ so much as they know what’s best for them. The most important thing to understand is they consider us to be livestock.

A ‘job’ is not necessarily better than no job, if they’re requiring you to commit what amounts to slow or even fast suicide to do it.

Don’t worry after they install the solar panels on the old strip mine sites they’ll allow a few workers to stay in the mountains for maintenance but force the rest into the cites as part of the long term ‘wilderness project’ whereby they force us all into the village, or at least those that don’t choose to fight back.



FK – How do we know the universe didn’t end? The hard drive has been re-booted multiple times now…

The question is who or what is behind all the anti-cern/science/evolution/ and ‘flat-earth’ propaganda? Is it all just distraction or are there people with money who are really that stupid?

Wait, they spent millions to build a ‘creation science(young Earth) museum here in Kentucky and are now building an Ark.

We’re still a very primitive species and we still exist in a very dark age.

Scientists at Large Hadron Collider hope to make contact with PARALLEL UNIVERSE in days

FK – Millions have been existing in a ‘parallel universe’ for thousands of years:

FK – The ancient tribal religion ‘interpreted’ via the ancient tribal propaganda evolved from earlier versions that required child, human and animal sacrifice. It’s disgusting and pathetic to think that millions, no wait, billions, are still willfully ignorant enough to take it literally.

What did those who ‘created’ us in ‘their’ image do to keep us believing in such tripe, insert a stupidity or slave gene?

So they’re gonna ‘prove’ the ancient mythology via modern construction techniques/tools/materials and models? They should’ve wasted their millions on an actual craft that could float around the world and collect two of each kind from each continent and cram them all in there. That would be an interesting and useful experiment.

All our tools haven’t made the primates that much smarter.

Part two of this:

FK – Intellectually no one with a conscience can promote willful ignorance and the idea that some sadistic asshole that was patterned after the ancient tyrannical kings that told their subjects/slaves “Obey me or I’m going to torture/kill you,” is worthy of being ‘served'(worshiped) by anyone, especially its victims that it obviously considers to be slaves.

The fact that the ‘special tribe,’ named so by itself, created superior propaganda to other primitive cultures, proves it’s true. Of course. How could anyone miss that?

Yes, I love my ‘sin’ and the idea that I can ask questions of anyone or anything including the ancient tribal propaganda and those that promote it over reason and it’s sad that billions condone torturing the vast majority of humans that ever lived alive in fire forever, probably them as well since “few there be that find it,’ despite the ‘blood sacrifice’ the ignorant ancients thought necessary to cleanse them of their sins.

The ancient tribal propaganda doesn’t ‘say’ a lot of things. In fact it’s a very poor history. The OT, or the ‘torah’ reads like a history of the victors, or as we’d say now, PR, for our ‘war on terror’ where we’re fighting the ‘bad guys’ for ‘democracy.’ Simple solutions for simple minds. Now it’s being turned into conjecture and excuses. No surprises there.

What’s the real reason for this? What in the human psyche makes it want to control others and how they think, act, feel? Is it just a concern for the stability of social structure?

Movies and works of fiction or literature, like the ancient tribal propaganda, are often ‘inspired by true events.’ That’s how that works.

In all the ancient tribal propaganda and the later version that most of ‘god’s chosen’ still reject as blasphemy only once did ‘god’ go to the trouble of actually writing down what he wanted his sheeple to know. When he sent his son he didn’t even provide him an allowance so he could hire a secretary so his words weren’t written down until decades later, in four different versions, from human memory, which everyone knows is infallible.

Evidence against a recent creation

Might want to watch this:

FK – I long thought he was probably telling the truth. Regardless, too many ‘professionals’ have seen these objects and it’s easy to imagine what an ignorant ancient race would make of the ‘watchers.’

The human race is a long way from growing up when so many still point to a little book of ancient tribal propaganda and say “This is all you need to know,” when human history itself proves them wrong.

This guy points out some interesting things about the ancient tribal propaganda:

FK – Don’t blindly trust everything or anything, that’s the ‘anything’ that’s in the dictionary, that you read or hear. Only a child thinks one can.

The Tesla battery heralds the beginning of the end for fossil fuels

While wind and solar power have made great strides in recent years, with renewables now accounting for 22% of electric energy generated, the issue that has held them back has been their transience. The sun doesn’t shine at night and the wind doesn’t blow year-round – these are the mantras of all those opposed to the progress of renewables.

Now the renewable power billionaire Elon Musk has just blown away that final defence. Last Thursday in California he introduced to the world his sleek new Powerwall – a wall-mounted energy storage unit that can hold 10 kilowatt hours of electric energy, and deliver it at an average of 2 kilowatts, all for US$3,500.

That translates into an electricity price (taking into account installation costs and inverters) of around US$500 per kWh – less than half current costs, as estimated by Deutsche Bank.

That translates into delivered energy at around 6 cents per kWh for the householder, meaning that a domestic system plus storage would still come out ahead of coal-fired power delivered through the conventional grid.

FK – Does anyone know if this will really work? Will the average consumer be able to afford it? If enough who can afford it buy it will it make grid power too expensive for the rest of us? Is there a time-scale for a switchover? Who will decide that? I think the govt. has true ‘free energy’ systems they’ve acquired from ‘other‘ sources. Allegedly J.P. Morgan stopped Tesla because he didn’t want to sell antennas. What will be the catch for this? There’s always a catch… Yes, I’m cynical. I’ve been paying attention for too long.

The Secret USA Space Fleet, UFO!


FK – Yep, this tech would change everything. If everyone was flying around in the air what kind of privacy would we have in our own back yards? Not that we legally have it now.