Tag Archives: air conditioning

Disruptive Technology and Free Energy Under Donald Trump?

FK – While ‘free energy’ sounds wonderful I have to ask a few basic questions:

What would happen to the global human population? Would it crash, remain the same or would the rats start breeding to the point that we couldn’t find solitude on the highest mountain?

How do we know these other ‘beings’ have our best interests at heart? Maybe it’s in their interest to hand the tool using monkeys a toy they’re not ready to play with yet?

Hell, millions(billions) can’t make a logical rational decision before they enter a voting booth and we’re thinking about handing them the keys to the universe? I don’t think so.

What will these ‘free energy devices’ cost? How will we prevent the corporations and banksters from obtaining the patents and charging a lifetime of payments for one?

Free energy or cancer cures won’t mean squat without real Human Liberty.

What to teach your kids

How Much Of America Is In A Drought?

FK – Wow, 4 minutes eleven seconds without mentioning ‘global warming(man caused).’ I’m impressed.

Climate change is UN-led hoax to create ‘new world order’ – Australian PM’s adviser

FK – Of course there’s been ‘climate change’ as long as there’s been a climate, which the evidence shows is billions of years. The evidence also shows the “Liberal”(commie) trash will use any excuse, real or imagined, to control every aspect of every existence on this planet. It’s in their nature. They won’t stop until we force them to stop.