Category Archives: 2016 January update two

When is it time to FIGHT? Oregon Standoff Strategy Check – Rex Reviews

FK – Do you think George Washington had god’s army? Really? There’s never been any such thing and never will be outside of stories in ancient tribal propaganda.

I agree that the initial action was foolish, misguided, maybe intentionally by instigators or idiots or both take your pick. But this event has put this issue all over the world. It’s up to us now to make sure the sheeple understand that we are in the right in a war against this beast system that started it.

Even if the first real firefight, that was really in Texas 20 years ago, that they started, if totally their fault, as it was, they, our domestic blood enemies, our greatest enemies that have white skin and wear expensive suits and aren’t hiding in a cave on the other side of the world, will call us every name in the book and eventually use all the military’s might against us if they have a president in the now red house that is, as always, one of their tools along with a congress of fools, cowards and whores.

In short, it won’t be an easy or short fight. For a time it may or probably will look as if the evil ones are winning. If we seek to fight them in the open on a large scale they probably will win. If we focus on eroding their foundations, another outcome may be possible. But make no mistake, it will be forced upon us, and even if it’s not we are fools for not expecting it to be and for making every possible preparation.

But then we don’t have a nation of men anymore, but a nation of cowardly whores and even the so-called pre-eminent ‘pro-gun’ group can’t find the backbone to publicly state what will be required.

I was involved in the patriot movement in the 90s when the OK City bombing went down. I saw the patriot/militia movement deflate because of that. That’s because this is a nation of cowards. But even after that we still had a militia movement of sorts but it’s never been what it should be and making it what it should be is what we need to focus on. To do that we have to get over our fear of the ‘m’ word that’s actually in the Second Amendment.

When the metal meets the meat it’ll be about who has the courage to at least show up or act on their own in whatever way they can not about who’s ‘official.’ Most of the ‘officials’ are whores.

It’s not about what we want. It’s about what will be required.

The patriot movement won’t grow up until it learns to do three things:

Stop worrying about what our domestic blood enemies, our greatest enemies that have white skin and aren’t hiding in a cave on the other side of the world, including the mainstream newswhores, say about us. The last one of them to stretch a rope after the war crimes trials will still be lying as its last filthy breath spews out of its upper sewer.

Stop kowtowing to their “Liberal”(commie) trash ‘friends’ who vote to kill them every time they vote.

Stop being cowards and start openly declaring what will be required to fix this mess if it can be fixed: an extensive and thorough “Liberal”(commie) trash season whereby we eradicate enough of our natural born statist/authoritarian vermin to restore Liberty and the Bill of Rights.

See what evil they are preparing for:

Oathkeepers: Malheur SITREP: 2200L 23 JAN 2016

FK – And what they have proven they are capable of:


FK – How much longer until we bring them to justice? For more on this evil go here.

From a couple weeks back:

FK – The Fed Nazis and their evil communist/globalist masters have proven they have no problem with ‘collateral damage,’ i.e. women and children and your grandma and your dog.

Mitch McConnell Wants To Give Obama Unlimited War Powers

FK – We’ve had 20 plus years of speeches and the internet for 20 years. The saturation of the ‘awake’ may not grow much more. It’ll be, as always, up to that tiny minority.

And we won’t always win every battle, or always be right, but we will always be ‘in the right’ because our domestic blood enemies are so clearly evil:

FK – The mainstream newswhores will NEVER give the real patriots good press. Thinking they will is a fool’s quest. Our domestic blood enemies will call us every name in the book no matter what side fires the first shot and no matter who’s winning or losing. We need to make sure we’re the ones who write the future history books.

The ‘range war’ has been going on for decades, unkown to the average cowardly dumbass in this country that only cares about its little pathetic existence and its subservience to its employers and the banksters.

Most of them are still in total denial of what’s coming:

FK – Heard this on Radio Paradise this morning which I find to be ironic. Can’t say for sure what they mean with their song but I know what it means to me. Will we really sit back and let things get that bad?

Maybe we already have:

Brandon Smith: The Advantages of Barter and Localism

Tori Nonaka “Team Glock” World Class Athlete WeaponsEducation

FK – We’re going to need many more like her.

Because of garbage like this:

FK – We’ve had the internet for 20 years. It’s too easy to learn how evil socialism and the effort to disarm us all really is. And there are so many others that we should be at the very least expelling from our ‘free country.’ In reality it will take an eradication. This arrogant garbage won’t stop lying until it’s forced to stop.

This is why the evil creatures want us disarmed:

FK – Who or what is allowing this evil, this zombie apocalypse, to encroach on western civilization? What should we be doing about it?

FK – Some of the ignorant but sincere ones can be converted to the cause of Liberty. But the fact remains we’ve had the internet for 20 years now and our domestic blood enemies are still telling basically the same evil lies they always have.

But if a beauty queen can get it:

FK – That vid is from September.

FK – We must make America a “Liberal”(commie) trash-free zone.

Or they will turn us all into criminals:

FK – Let me be clear. We are at war. To deny this is to deny reality. The only recourse will be forcing our domestic blood enemies to stop lying and stop attacking our Bill of Rights, the document that makes us exceptional.

Hypothermic Patients – or how not to be one

FK – Cut my wet clothes off and I’ll be really pissed, especially if it’s that ridiculously overpriced cold/wet weather gear that I or someone else might need later.

Some of us aren’t rich and we can’t just go out and buy more on a whim. In a true ‘survival’ situation there might not be any more to buy. Don’t make me die twice. I’m not Hugh Glass.

Hypothermia can happen in 40-50 degree weather, especially if you’re wet. You haven’t been cold until your teeth are chattering uncontrollably, to the point it seems they could cut your tongue off if you stuck it between them.

Floyd Collins died from exposure years ago because of the weeks(or days accd. to Wikipedia but I don’t remember it that way) he spent trapped in a cave with others bringing him food and water.

I’ve seen people who travel for a living not even be smart enough to keep a sleeping bag or extra water in the vehicle.

And everyday street or work wear is not good enough:

FK – You absolutely do not want to wear cotton clothing in winter weather. You need things that will wick moisture away from your skin. There are modern materials and even ancient ones that are must haves for this time of year.

FK – Wool will allegedly keep you warm even when wet. I haven’t tested this. I’m told there are certain types of wool such as Merino wool that will not itch as badly as the ‘wooly pullys‘ they issued us in the Marine Corp. Those things feel like ants against bare skin. That’s why I prefer the more modern materials the military is issuing now a days.

Much of this gear can be bought at local military surplus stores. Do a search and see if there’s one near you. I usually go to Radcliff, KY near Fort Knox and Clarksville, TN., near Fort Campbell.

Dumbing Down University

FK – I think we’re giving them all way more attention than they deserve. What we need to be giving them is hot lead. But Western Civilization is lacking in real men.

Special Effects Legend Hunts UFOs – Open Minds UFO Report

FK – Why doesn’t he team up with those who claim they can summon the aliens on demand?

The phenomena is very real. Much of the propaganda much less so.

The Real Reason Oil Is So Cheap And How Rockefeller and Rothschild Are Involved

FK – I hope gas goes down to 50 cents a gallon and stays there.

Many of us cannot afford to play the ‘bigger game.’ Survival is the order of the day.

There was plenty of oil in the 70s. They embargoed to get a price raise.

In the early 80s the eco commies were claiming we’d be out of oil by now. Another bunch, maybe the main bunch, we need to be hanging.

Who really owns or controls the Saudis? Why haven’t we invaded them?

Why is it so hard to focus on our real enemies?

He has several links.

Who’s protecting whom?

FK – As long as the sheeple need to eat and wipe their butts there will be an economy of some kind. As long as the elites value their votes for whatever real reason the steak, ice cream and satellite signals will continue to flow.

Another false warning, among so many?:

FK – Predict doom long enough and eventually you’re right.

Let’s hope groceries get cheap again. I haven’t noticed those going down with fuel.

So are most investors just middle class Jim Bobs with a few thousand in the market or is it mostly the more heavy hitters?

Many to most factory workers probably don’t make 15 bucks an hour. Around here the sheeple think 12 bucks an hour is a ‘good job.’

The Marxist mutt and the hitlery are well aware they are lying for their masters, who ain’t us.

It’s looking like they’re going to ram Trump into the now red house on the votes of Tea Party idiots who’ll vote for any smooth talker that promises to end their greatest fears. No wait, that’s the demoncrat constituents, right?


FK – If we don’t kill off these live white commies we’re not going to have a country left much less a ‘constitution’ or Bill of Rights, which is the document that makes us exceptional. They are waging war on us and on human Liberty and our failure to recognize this fact and act accordingly amounts to national suicide.

The trash is right about one thing. We need to teach our real history, warts and all, including what the Second Amendment is about: eradicating collectivist statist garbage like this creature.

The more indoctrinated you are in communism the better off you are. That’s what this whore means. We should be teaching children reality at an appropriate age, with no version of authoritarianism having a corner on the market of what’s put in the textbooks.

One more time: The purpose of having weapons is so we can hunt and eradicate walking garbage like this.

The communists/globalists have been ‘flim-flamming’ the willfully ignorant for decades. It’s time for that to end, by whatever means necessary.

5 Ridiculous Myths Everyone Believes About the Wild West

The NRA Just Sent Obama A BRUTAL Warning That He Will Never Forget

FK – Since so many ‘gun laws’ aren’t ‘enforced’ as they shouldn’t be we should repeal them right Wayne?

Gee, for a few seconds I thought maybe he was going to actually say something for once, like “It’s time to repeal all the gun laws,” or maybe “Our real enemies are our domestic blood enemies that have white skin and aren’t hiding in a cave on the other side of the world,” or even miraculously “The evil lying communist/globalist trash that calls itself ‘liberal’ and ‘progressive’ have destroyed these cities with their evil laws that were designed to create inter-general parasites, constituents, that could be counted on for votes for the local demoncratic machine by paying the stupid and the lazy to breed.”

No such luck.

What we do need to get across to inner city blacks, and whites, and whatever else, is that they are nothing but tools at best, to their masters. But the sad fact is too many of them are apparently too stupid to understand this. They just want a check.

It will take more than weakly pointing out the obvious and stupidly demanding that laws that should never have been passed at all be ‘enforced’ when the problem is crime, not ‘criminals'(by whatever handy definition) with a gun.

We must first focus on the criminals that seek political office with consistent deceit and limitless arrogance. That’s what the Second Amendment is about, not common street crime.

Are they finally getting serious?:

FK – Well, the No Rights that aren’t Allowed group is getting a little better, slowly, but will it be too little too late?

What about saying what must and will be done to the trash that seeks to disarm us all if it ever tells us to ‘turn them in?’

What about helping to organize, arm and train the fighting force, the ‘militia,’ the ‘m’ word that’s in the Second Amendment that strikes fear into the hearts of the elitist NRA leadership, that will be needed to kill enough of our domestic enemies to restore Liberty and the Bill of Rights to our country?

Do you know “Liberal”(commie) trash down the street or road from you that voted for the Marxist mutt? If so you must know it voted to kill you, just as it will vote to kill you when it votes for hitlery or the open ‘socialist’ sanders. Do you know what your right, duty and responsibility is upon that occasion?

As always, my standard response to such:

Who’s our greatest enemy? Those who build the Trojan Horse or those who open the gate?

Nothing will get better until we stop worrying so much about the fundie ragheads and start rounding up and at the least deporting our real enemies, our domestic enemies.

So who or what is our real enemy? A tiny no. of fundies who manage to kill a few mush heads now and again or our own white home-grown “Liberal”(commie) trash that works relentlessly to disarm and thus fully enslave millions?

What will we do when a commie SCOTUS rules it’s OK for the “Liberal”(commie) trash, our real enemies, to demand we ‘turn them in?’ How many cowards will comply? Those are the questions that matter.

What’s an ‘illegal gun?’ Those two words are nowhere to be found in the Second Amendment.

Was the Inland Center a ‘gun free zone?” Why is commiefornia still a ‘may issue’ state? Why do we seek ‘permission’ to exercise the most basic right any creature possesses, that of self defense?

If the Marxist mutt and other commie extremists that call themselves ‘liberal’ and ‘progressive’ tell us to surrender our weapons and thus our most basic right, they’ll find out what blood really is.

The most important ‘private property’ anyone owns is their own life, health, safety, and no one, anywhere, anytime has the ‘right’ to take that from them or deny them their most basic right, that of self defense.

We all get the elected public servants the brain dead sheeple deserve.

I’ll vote for the candidate that will bring the troops home, activate the militias, and re-invade and re-conquer commiefornia and the other commie enclaves on the left and East coasts.

They’re not ‘leftists,’ ‘liberal’ or ‘progressive.’ They’re communists/globalists. They want us disarmed so we can’t kill them when enough finally wake up to the necessity of doing so.

Our Liberty is dying because of our failure to hunt the “Liberal”(commie) and globalist trash to extinction.

What must be done – A manifesto of the ‘isms.’

Don’t understand my bad attitude? Start here.

Governments will always be able to get guns so we must always be better armed than them.
Act politically but prep for what history shows will have to be done. It’s way past time to prep for what will be required.

Bill Of Rights Birthplace Partially Demolished By Developer

FK – Didn’t know the Bill of Rights had a birthplace per se…

Is this the company’s website?

Is this their contact form?

The Bill of Rights is what makes us exceptional.

Bill of Rights Birthplace Partially Demolished by Developer