Tag Archives: ocean

Here Comes Supersonic Flight: Rebirth of a Former White Elephant

FK – I’m glad to see this though I’ll probably never be able to afford it. The masses so-called can’t afford trips to Europe much less at 5 grand a pop.

As usual the isms ignore those aspects of human nature/behavior/reality they find inconvenient.

What must be done – A manifesto of the ‘isms.’

The article on Reason:

Here Comes Supersonic Flight: The Rebirth of a Former White Elephant

What’s Really Happening In North Korea

FK – Trump needs to fly to N. Korea in Air Force One and see if his charisma can overpower the police state. Maybe they keep N. Korea for the same reason they kept Cuba all those years.

Trump as click bait, and other things…

Secret Antarctica Coverup? Inner Earth, Alien Bases & More 11/11/16

FK – Disclosure wouldn’t put your channel out of business, especially if you switched to ‘exopolitics’ as it’s called. The various versions of authoritarianism will not fail to use it to whatever degree it exists as propaganda to further their agendas from claiming the aliens are here to help us and give us ‘free energy’ to telling the simple minded they’re just ‘angels and demons’ and the big beam up is coming soon.

Real disclosure, or acknowledgement, won’t come until it’s forced either by unforseen events or by a grassroots groundswell demanding it. First we need to take our country back from all the various forms of authoritarianism.

With the resources Trump has he probably knows a lot of things. My only question is will he quit using his bleach blonde dye over the next four years so his hair can turn gray as most prezzes’ do.

And I figured Trump would win, sans enough voter fraud to put the CFR witch in the now red house. Though klinton seems to be taking it well, maybe too well. I’m still not convinced Trump isn’t just another faker and hiterly was just another willing ride in the dog and pony show, her limitless hubris and pride notwithstanding.