Tag Archives: jesus

A few things that might matter, or ‘The Basics’ part two

A few things that might matter, or the basics part two
Barry Bright Dec. 16, 2017
(As always, click on the links to help you understand!)

The universe doesn’t care about your plans.

We are flying through space at millions of miles an hour on a water-soaked fire spitting rock. There are no safe spaces here.

If someone is stealing the fruits of your labor before it even reaches your hands or demands you surrender your health, sanity, mind, or an inordinate amount of time just to earn an existence from them they consider you to be their slave.

Self defense is the most basic right any creature possesses. If you don’t have the right to fight back against and kill those who would enslave you or enslave you further you’re a slave.

If there’s a group or ideology you’re not allowed to question they may be the ones who consider you to be their slave.

If you have to seek ‘permission’ to fight back against or to question anyone or anything from the ‘authorities’ who are supposed to be the ‘servants’ of the ‘we the people’ then you are their slave.

Those who tell you to seek permission to kill them when they truly need killing consider you to be their slave or to rightly share their slavery.

If you think you could never kill any creature or being the last thing you need to do is vote because voting is electing a master to hire a whore to force your political will on your neighbors at the point of a gun and on the pain of death.

There are no pacifists in voting booths because voting is the ultimate violence.

Voting is one tiny step in an ongoing process whereby one demands proof of what streams out of the mouths of politicians during their campaigns and demands they protect our liberty and increase human liberty while in office.

Politics is human nature and vice versa. Those who think they can ignore politics are fools.

Politics touches everyone’s existence 24/7 all over this planet and probably off planet as well.

It doesn’t matter how ‘free’ you think you feel when the black-suited nazis break your door down at 3 am and kill your grandma and your dog and your kids on their way to arrest you because they got the wrong address for someone who allegedly possesses something a segment of our population thinks they shouldn’t.

If you survive to be railroaded into prison because the cops and prosecutors had to cover their tracks Bubba or Bella your bi-sexual cellmate won’t care how ‘free’ you feel either and neither will the corporation or government that built the prison in the name of profit.

If someone or something or someone’s god is threatening to torture you alive in fire for not being a good slave or ‘righteous’ enough then they and their god consider you to be their slave or a fellow slave, regardless of whose hell they’re threatening you with.

Those who threaten such don’t love, like or even respect you as a human being, but consider you to be their subject/slave just like the ancient tyrannical kings the gods were patterned after.

Thirty years in this world at any time, 2 years preaching and 3 days of torture don’t equal billions being burned alive in fire forever.

The golden rule is a great thing until one realizes his neighbors don’t mind being slaves to various and sundry forms of authoritarianism and thus have no problem voting all of us into their slavery.

That’s why the Founders left us a secular government and it must remain that way.

That’s why we have a Bill of Rights that an evolved and still-evolving species in the form of ‘Anti-Federalists‘ insisted upon to force our governments, rulers, would-be masters to ACKNOWLEDGE not grant our natural born right to kill them when it becomes necessary.

That’s why they forbade ‘cruel and unusual punishment’ and many other things backwards tyrannical rulers once forced upon their subjects in the name of maintaining their power over them.

If you prefer being a slave you don’t deserve the oxygen you steal from the rest of us on a daily basis for you are a pathetic sniveling coward.

And the truly sad thing is you probably don’t care and fully deserve the lash across your back.

If you waste your time here waiting for the world to end make sure not to breed for you are only passing your slavery on to your children who may not want to share in it.

There is no right to work covertly or overtly to enslave others under any ideology or philosophy or ism. Those who do so deserve to be hunted to extinction.

All of us and future generations will continue to pay a high price for our failure to do so.

The Basics

The most important thing to understand is they consider us to be livestock:

FK – And we’ve all been sitting on our hands while they arrest those brave Bundy Ranch defenders and railroad them into prison.

When will Trump bring the troops home and have them hunt our real enemies?

If the military were fighting for our freedom they’d all be here.

The empire’s military hasn’t fought a war for Liberty since 1865 and the bad guys won that one.

I’m a vet, do ya’ want to thank me?

The most important things to do

And what our domestic blood enemies will bring here eventually:


FK – So who are our real enemies and what is the color of their skin and where were they likely born? Who drug the Trojan horse through the gates?

Of course ‘white’ hands aren’t clean either:

1,400 investigated in child sex abuse inquiry, including politicians

The cancer on America’s face, or why I do what I do…

The only real reason for the militia

10 Questions for Conservatives

FK – The short answer is the tool using monkeys are still a very primitive species and neither ‘side’ is really interested in freedom. They only want to force their version of authoritarianism on others because it makes them feel secure, either from a big bad world they’d rather die than understand and really deal with or from a sadistic god that will burn billions, including kids and babies, alive in fire forever.

We still exist in a very dark and dangerous age. It’s a long climb out of the well of ignorance.

Only a few really attempt it.

The most important things to do

The purposes of gods and golden rules

On to questions for commies:

FK – You mean communists. We’ve had the net for 20 years. There’s no excuse for the evil they do.

The patriot newbie guidebook

3 Things Everyone Should Know About Religion

FK – I was raised in a rural Southern Baptist Church. The big Baptist church in town put their Sunday Services on the local TV station as did a Baptist Church in Louisville, this state’s largest city. You can bet there are differences.

I’ll never forget when our preacher proclaimed “If this church ever has a dance I’m leaving!” This was because the church in town was having one.

The Louisville preacher’s sermons usually bordered on the blatantly un-biblical in an effort to please his ‘educated’ flock.

Funny stuff, or it would be if so many morons didn’t take the crap seriously and use it as an excuse to sit on their asses and wait for the world to end while passing their slavery on to their children. It’s the most pathetic/horrifying thing I know of.

Back in the 90s I attended a ‘watermelon bust’ to hand out fliers for a ‘Democrat'(loosely defined) candidate at what was called a democrat event. The crowd was listening to a gospel music band and likely preparing to go vote for Clinton/Gore. I was a registered Republican or maybe Libertarian at the time.

The sheeple don’t think. Politicians and modern priests know this and take advantage of it.
The Southern Baptists have recently proven once again that they have been infiltrated by their vote earlier this year to condemn the ‘alt-right,’ probably without really understanding what it even is.

It’s probably impossible at this time to understand all the minute details of all the current versions, sub-versions or subversions. Several lifetimes could be wasted on such.

The purposes of gods and golden rules

What to teach your kids

No sacred cows, or a new global Bill of Rights

Top UFO Researcher talks Tom DeLonge, Steven Greer and evil aliens


FK – If he’s stupid enough(or a liar) to think anything that came out of hitlery’s mouth meant anything beyond a way to get votes then not much else he claims can have much credence.

Questions for your candidate

Who deserves to vote?

If there are several species coming here some of them may very well be ‘evil’ by our definition, as in they would use us or our resources in ways that we would consider to be detrimental to us. Get a clue. Think ‘cosmic diplomacy’ and ‘cosmic war.’

We must avoid ‘belief’ and go with thinking and examining what evidence we have. Blind faith is one of the most dangerous processes going. Along with willful ignorance and blind obedience it’s part of the foundation of tyranny, from whatever source.

“Any sufficiently advanced technology is indistinguishable from magic.” – Arthur C. Clarke


“For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places.” – Ephesians 6:12

The problem is so many are still depending on ignorance to explain things they don’t understand because it’s easier that way.

We need to take our country back then hold the war crimes trials and figure out who the real ‘conspirators’ are and who or what we need to hang.

That means we need to start thinking like adults and stop looking for saviors of any kind and start taking on personal responsibility for the world we exist in. But that’s far too hard for most. It’s easier to sit around and wait for the world to end while passing on ones slavery to one’s descendants.

The big question is when will mainstream scientists(and preachers/priests/churches) stop lying and when will we stop lying to ourselves?

Disclosure, or exopolitics is now a thing…

The purposes of gods and golden rules

Some more on this:


FK – What’s the name of the book the witch was carrying?

Why Is Hillary Clinton Talking To Laurence Rockefeller & Holding A Book About Extraterrestrials?

Hitlery only said what it thought would get it votes. If it’s told not to ‘disclose’ it won’t unless ‘disclosure’ is part of the plan. It’s a tool.

If klinton the 2nd had ‘won’ the election maybe ‘conservatives’ wouldn’t be sitting around with their thumbs up their asses waiting for Trump to wave his magic wand. Maybe we’d be in full-blown civil war by now or maybe the republicrats would still be claiming they want to repeal commie care.

A new birth of Liberty, or death

The FAQs: What Christians Should Know About Antifa

Last Sunday violence broke out among protestors at the Martin Luther King Jr. Civic Park in Berkeley, California. According to the Los Angeles Times, “Some anti-fascist protesters, wearing black and with their faces covered, chased or beat Trump supporters and organizers who had scheduled and then canceled the ‘anti-Marxist’ rally, citing concerns over safety.”

The “anti-fascist” protesters—known as Antifa—attacked several people, including a Samoan man and a biracial man who is half-Japanese.

Here is what you should know about Antifa:

FK – There are two kinds of anarchists: commies posing as anarchists so they can tear down the existing order and install communism, which is ultimate control, and real anarchists, those who truly want ‘no government.’

Strike one.

There’s no real biblical(ancient tribal propaganda) declaration against self defense, though several versions, sub-versions and subversions like to claim so. Regardless of the lifetimes that have been wasted arguing over it, it’s a good thing the Founders, some of which called themselves ‘christian’ saw no problem with killing govt. employees and ridding themselves of ‘god appointed kings.’

Strike two.

There’s no such thing as a ‘right’ to work covertly or overtly to enslave those around you. This applies to all forms of authoritarianism from all times and places.

You’re out.

Stop lying. Or at least do better research.

If libertarians(loosely defined) and ‘christians'(even more loosely defined) and ‘conservatives'(also loosely defined) don’t soon figure out they have a common enemy that must be eradicated all this argument will be a moot point.

You’re not gonna get beamed up child. It’s time to wake up and grow up and take personal responsibility for the world you exist in. The ancient tribal propaganda isn’t gonna save you. It wasn’t even written for you.

The crazies won’t be helped by the culture war or ‘Waking up is hard to do’

Let’s rearrange the deck chairs

Choosing sides

The golden rule is a great thing until one realizes many are content being enslaved and will happily vote for everyone to share in their slavery, no matter who or how many they have to kill to make it so.

The purposes of gods and golden rules


7 Government Officials Who ADMITTED Alien Life EXISTS

FK – Billions are perfectly OK with the idea that their sadistic god, that’s ‘their’ god, is going to burn the vast majority of tool using monkeys that ever existed alive in fire forever and would be quite willing to kill millions or billions in wars over which sadistic god or version, sub-version or subversion of such will have the pleasure of doing so.

And you ask why so many are still ‘closed minded?’

We’re still a very primitive species and we still exist in a very dark age.

I don’t ‘believe’ in aliens. I simply acknowledge there is sufficient evidence to admit the UFO phenomena exists. What it really means or will ultimately mean for humanity is still probably an open question that will remain so for generations to come.

The big question is when will mainstream scientists stop lying and when will we stop lying to ourselves?

Disclosure, or exopolitics is now a thing…

The purposes of gods and golden rules

A modern 10 commandments

America Is At Civil War! Fake Racism, So-Called Homophobia, & Fake Killing Of The Poor


FK – You’re just now figuring this out?

A new birth of Liberty, or death

Points For “Good Behaviour”: Canadian Government Introduces the Creepiest App Ever


FK – Of course the healthiest thing one can do is never question authority and certainly NEVER fight back!

Why don’t you all shave your heads so we all look the same and no one has to feel inadequate?

And why does anyone brush their teeth in the morning? Is that for that sleep snacking?

A new birth of Liberty, or death

A modern 10 commandments

A modern 10 commandments
Barry Bright July 11-12, 2017

These didn’t come from anyone’s god but from years of frustration and anger over the willful ignorance of my fellow tool-using monkeys:

1. Thou shalt not treat any human being like a jackass by requiring them to trade their health, their life, or an extreme amount of their time in this world just to ‘make a living’ which really amounts to enriching others.

2. Thou shalt not call any human being a ‘human resource’ or ‘consumer’ or treat them as products.

3. Thou shalt not make war for profit. Thou shall make war for Liberty when it proves necessary and kill if necessary those who work covertly or overtly to enslave those around them.

4. Thou shalt never question the right of any individual to fight back against or kill those who would seek to oppress or enslave them nor tolerate any self-appointed or democratically elected ‘god-appointed’ kings, dictators, rulers or whatever they may be called in the future.

5. Thou shalt not seek to disarm the common people such that they cannot make war upon and conquer or destroy if necessary those who would seek to rule them.

6. Thou shalt not force thine own version of reality on another either through government force nor via any contrived quilt trip or threat of eternal punishment by a sadistic god of any origin.

7. Thou shalt not question the right of any individual or group to question the motives of any other individual or group.

8. Thou shalt not force others to unwillingly participate in your version of what ‘charity’ is since charity comes from the heart, not a government or religious gun.

9. Thou shalt not force thy version of ‘morality’ on others except to keep those who have truly harmed others or their property from repeating their crimes.

10. Thou shalt love thy neighbors better than thyself with the recognition that just because you don’t mind being a slave to one version of authoritarianism or another doesn’t mean they want to share in your slavery.

When I see that we’ve had a Bill of Rights for 200 years that so few deign to understand or value I figure in about 10,000 years the tool-using monkeys will be ready to understand these 10 precepts.

If they don’t kill each other off over whose version, sub-version or subversion of how to ‘save’ mankind is ‘right.’

The purposes of gods and golden rules

And the cultural norms keep marching on, or dying off…

FK – We’ve had the net for 20 years now. It’s incredibly easy to learn how evil the twin evils of socialism and gun control are. Most sheeple(old word for ‘normie’ I guess that we were still using a couple years ago) have smartphones to help them disengage their heads from their rear ends, if they so choose.

But it’s always easier to cling to the old lies and myths than to wake up and grow up and take on personal responsibility for the world one exists in.

The mainstream newswhores are ‘educated’ adults(loosely defined) who are hired by other allegedly educated adults. I cannot be convinced they do not fully understand the evil they do.

Why don’t we joke about Stalin or Mao Te Sung? They killed far more ‘normies’ and people than Hitler did… And we still have ‘educated’ trash in this country that openly admire Karl Marx and his Manifesto and yet we allow them into positions of authority and to indoctrinate children and college students while ‘conservatives’ stress over a few causalities produced by fundie ragheads who were probably funded and armed and encouraged by western government agencies.

What’s wrong with this picture?

So what is the source of ‘alt right?’ Isn’t that another term our domestic blood enemies came up with to help them hide their evil? Why use it as if it has real meaning when every time the commie trash uses it they are trying to associate those who simply want to live in a free world with another form of authoritarianism not that different from what the commies want to force on all of us at the point of a govt. gun?

If the troops were fighting for our freedom, they’d all be here.

The patriot newbie guidebook

The Bill of Rights is what we’re fighting for.

A new birth of Liberty, or death

What does ‘We the People’ actually mean?

It means we are responsible…

We have a representative republic, guaranteed to every state, not a democracy.

We have a Bill of Rights that acknowledges rights we are born with, not granted or created by any government.

We vote with the knowledge that voting is the most violent act anyone can participate in because voting is electing someone to hire someone to stick a government gun in our neighbors’ faces and force our version of reality on them at the threat of their very lives.

We stand ready to protect our Liberty and the Liberty of our neighbors, not destroy it, via any version of authoritarianism, of any age or place.

We are prepared with knowledge and force of arms to make war against and kill if necessary those who would destroy our Bill of Rights whether they represent domestic or foreign enemies.

We do not lie to ourselves, our families, our friends, our business associates, our descendants, our enemies, about these things and do not EVER tolerate those who would have us do so.

If the troops were fighting for our freedom they’d all be here.

The only real reason for the militia

What is a man, really?

It’s July 4: What are we really celebrating?

Editor’s note: This is a repost of a  letter to the editor of the Central Kentucky News Journal that I posted on the old version of Free Kentucky News back in 2003. Sadly, it’s as relevant now as then…

The Fourth is coming, let’s list all the things we’ll get to celebrate.

Our fully-stocked shelves in the food and department stores so that we stay well fed and entertained and don’t get too upset or ask any inappropriate questions. Any good farmer will keep his livestock well fed and contented so they stay in the fence.

The drug war, it costs billions, makes police work more dangerous, fills our prisons with more prisoners per capita than most other countries, including many third world police states, allows law enforcement agencies to seize property without so much as a hearing and only proves once again that prohibition doesn’t work and of course keeps billions flowing through our economy via a global black market.

The IRS, that steals our money before it reaches our hands, makes many of those who actually pay taxes work till May of each year to cover this ‘progressive income tax’ that is a product of the ‘Communist Manifesto,’ requires you to have a number to get a job, whose agents can harass you, fine you, lien your property, imprison you, cause you to produce personal and business documents at only their demand, murder you, all without the real warrants required by the U.S. Constitution.

The former Bureau of Alcohol Tobacco and Firearms, now under the ‘Justus’ Dept., an agency whose members have not been made to pay for firing fully automatic weapons into a building full of women and children during a raid in the early 90s, in the name of impressing the U.S. Congress so they could get a budget increase. A raid that resulted in what has since been proven to be the murder of 80 plus people, including 17 children, whose only crime was being ‘non-mainstream’ for there were never any drugs, automatic weapons or real evidence of ‘child abuse’ found, two ‘abuses of the laws’ of which the BATF never had in its purview.

Numbers on our vehicles so we’re easier to track and find in case we break one of our tens-of-thousands-plus laws and statutes.

Little pieces of plastic with those bad photos that give us permission to drive our own vehicles down the ‘public’ highways after we passed a test at age 16 and are only required to get them updated, and not be retested even though they’re allegedly for our ‘safety,’ every four years so the state has a current photo of us and our address in case they want to come see us.

The ‘environmentalists’ whose real goal is a more socialist America with their lawsuits and legislation that destroy homes, livelihoods, and entire communities and who have so brainwashed our society that our local college held a ‘conference’ where no dissenting speakers were invited to refute the long-disproved propaganda that was disseminated to the young minds who got ‘college credit’ for attending and of course was ‘covered’ by the local ‘newspaper’ as if all that was said by the ‘official’ speakers was gospel and no one that spoke in opposition was even worth mentioning.

The gun laws of several large metropolitan areas and some states that can put you in prison for defending yourself and your property.

A $200 ‘license’ to own fully-automatic weapons, the Militia weapons the Second Amendment is really about, not your deer rifle or duck gun, while the Iraqis were smart enough to riot in the streets after our forces tried to seize their personal Kalashnikovs.

Road blocks for our ‘safety’ that are reminiscent of those old black and white films about the Nazis where our modern Nazis get to ask us for our ‘papers.’

All the ‘Christians’ who forfeit the responsibility they are born to and wait lazily to get beamed up without wondering how much the Devil accomplishes every day they sit apathetically in their pews and mindlessly in front of their televisions.

Our great entertainment and news media industries that use the greatest weapon ever designed by man to keep the sheeple stupid and pacified.

All the preachers who tell their congregations, because it’s what they’re paid to say, that we must faithfully and blindly ‘render unto Caesar’ when we have no Caesar.

Our ancestors who shouted ‘no King but King Jesus’ 200 years ago as their preachers led them into battle to found the greatest nation state, now empire, that has ever existed in known human history with a preamble to a Constitution that all school children learn says ‘Of the People, by the People, and for the People,’ not ‘Of Caesar, by Caesar, for Caesar.’

All the freedoms that our parents, grandparents, great and great-great grandparents allowed to slip from their grasp so we can watch the parade go down Main Street like the citizens in that 1970s mini series ‘Amerika‘ and pretend that the children watching and participating really have a future that’s worth living for or fighting for.

Barry Bright
Taylor County – Willowtown community
founder, webmaster, president, chief cook and bottle washer – freekentucky.com
June 10, 2003

Which was in part influenced by this:

And an updated version:


The actual text:

By Thelen Paulk

I had a dream the other night, I didn’t understand.
A figure walking through the mist, with a flintlock in his hand.
His clothes were torn and dirty, as he stood there by my bed.
He took off his three-cornered hat, and speaking low, he said:

“We fought a revolution, to secure our liberty.
We wrote the Constitution, as a shield from tyranny.
For future generations, this legacy we gave.
In this, the land of the free and the home of the brave.

“The freedom we secured for you, we hoped you’d always keep.
But tyrants labored endlessly while your parents were asleep.
Your freedom gone, your courage lost, you’re no more than a slave.
In this, the land of the free and home of the brave.

“You buy permits to travel, and permits to own a gun,
Permits to start a business, or to build a place for one.
On land that you believe you own, you pay a yearly rent.
Although you have no voice in choosing, how the money’s spent.

“Your children must attend a school that doesn’t educate.
Your Christian values can’t be taught, according to the state.
You read about the current news, in a regulated press.
You pay a tax you do not owe, to please the I.R.S.

“Your money is no longer made of Silver or of Gold.
You trade your wealth for paper, so your life can be controlled.
You pay for crimes that make our Nation, turn from God in shame.
You’ve taken Satan’s number, as you’ve traded in your name.

“You’ve given government control, to those who do you harm,
So they can padlock churches, and steal the family farm,
And keep our country deep in debt, put men of God in jail,
Harass your fellow countrymen, while corrupted courts prevail.

“Your public servants don’t uphold the solemn oath they’ve sworn.
Your daughters visit doctors, so their children won’t be born.
Your leaders ship artillery, and guns to foreign shores,
And send your sons to slaughter, fighting other people’s wars.

“Can you regain the freedom for which we fought and died?
Or don’t you have the courage, or the faith to stand with pride?
Are there no more values for which you’ll fight to save?
Or do you wish your children, to live in fear and be a slave?

“People of the Republic, arise and take a stand!
Defend the Constitution, the Supreme Law of the Land!
Preserve our Great Republic, and GOD-Given Right!
And pray to GOD, to keep the torch of Freedom burning bright!”

As I awoke he vanished, in the mist from whence he came.
His words were true, we are not Free, we have ourselves to blame.
For even now as tyrants, trample each GOD-Given Right,
We only watch and tremble, too afraid to stand and fight.

If he stood by your bedside, in a dream, while you’re asleep,
And wonders what remains of our Rights he fought to keep,
What would be your answer, if he called out from the grave:


What does ‘We the People’ actually mean?

It means we are responsible…

We have a representative republic, guaranteed to every state, not a democracy.

We have a Bill of Rights that acknowledges rights we are born with, not granted or created by any government.

We vote with the knowledge that voting is the most violent act anyone can participate in because voting is electing someone to hire someone to stick a government gun in our neighbors’ faces and force our version of reality on them at the threat of their very lives.

We stand ready to protect our Liberty and the Liberty of our neighbors, not destroy it, via any version of authoritarianism, of any age or place.

We are prepared with knowledge and force of arms to make war against and kill if necessary those who would destroy our Bill of Rights whether they represent domestic or foreign enemies.

We do not lie to ourselves, our families, our friends, our business associates, our descendants, our enemies, about these things and do not EVER tolerate those who would have us do so.

If the troops were fighting for our freedom they’d all be here.

Tomorrow, April 19, is our real birthday

The only real reason for the militia

What is a man, really?

And something else we need to re-learn:

FK – If you can’t un-volunteer from something you volunteered for what are you?

With more reasons why:


FK – The average dumbass doesn’t have anything to say. They lack the backbone or the brain to be real human beings. That’s why the elites consider us all to be livestock.

Russia is ran by a dictatorship so they’re probably a lot smarter about the money they spend. We have too many lobbyists and corporate constituents to enrich with the ‘black budget.’

The IRA, a socialist group, has been seeking independence from England for centuries, so they can run the tyranny themselves.

We need to demand Liberty, not false freedom.