Tag Archives: goolag

The lies of legislation and history and the cowardly morons that make it possible

There are morons on all sides. We’re surrounded by them and some celebrate every scrap or crumb that is thrown to us by our masters instead of hanging them as should have been done long ago.

A year or so ago I listened to a maybe awakening sheeple whine about the on-going Marxist defund the police propaganda and he said he’d recently bought a gun to defend himself/family/whatever.

I pointed out to him that the SCOTUS ruled more than once that the police don’t exist to protect anyone because the governments can’t be financially responsible when someone is robbed, raped, murdered…

“So we’re on our own then,” he blurted. I let it go at that. I didn’t think he could handle the reality that we’ve always been on our own. For the benefit of the simple minded – yes the sheep dogs do sometimes manage to ‘save’ someone. But they’re still sheep dogs.

The sheepdogs work for the shepherds so they can shear and eat the sheep. Their job is to protect the state, enhance their revenue and enforce their laws. The wolf is a disinterested survivalist. 

Treason should be defined as waging war on human liberty and the concept of natural rights. The communists will claim, already have, that anyone fighting for liberty is treasonous since ‘they’ represent the state(s).

Much of what passes for controversy is really distraction. The average conservative is caught up in valid arguments about real evils while ignoring real and greater evil that funds the propaganda we are all drowning in.

Welcome to a nation of pacified morons or WHAT MUST BE DONE NOW!

FBI Tells Americans to Report ‘Family Members and Peers’ for ‘Suspicious Behaviors’

FK – Well, here we are, and there’s only one direction left. 

CNN Medical Analyst Wen: Life ‘Needs to Be Hard’ for Unvaccinated Americans

FK – We should be making existence hard for communists. But since they have been successful and there are no men here…

Exclusive: Inside the Military’s Secret Undercover Army

FK – This propaganda piece has been out a while and since it’s from a mainstream source can’t be trusted. It may be what the ‘deep state’ or NWO hopes we think. Then again the best propaganda is a mix of truth and lies apportioned according to the audience.

But then when someone tells me they blindly trust any source I know I’m dealing with a political child.

What if Covid-19 came out of a US military lab?

Nation’s Largest Teachers Union Approves Plan to Promote Hate-Based Critical Race Theory in All 50 States and 14,000 School Districts

FK – The NEA was probably formed as a Marxist globalist front group. The Marxist globalists built the schools for their own purposes. So why is any of this surprising?

Iowa Teacher Goes On Wild Rant About Not Being Able To Teach CRT

FK – If they don’t value human liberty and the concept of natural rights this country was founded upon they don’t belong in the classroom or around children. This creature is working to destroy those things so it should be tried and executed for treason.

VIDEO: Charlottesville Takes Down Lewis, Clark, and Sacagawea Statue

FK“Take away the heritage of a people and they are easily persuaded.” – Karl Marx

All according to plan because they were successful and there are no men left here to stop them.

The American Revolution: Visiting Lexington and Concord

FK – What are the school children in Mass. taught about this? The evil white supremacist colonists took up illegal guns(some stolen from the brits) against their benevolent king?

How was Concord pronounced then?

Do you know James Perloff’s version of events that day?

What would the penalty be for a genuine peoples’ militiaman or woman carrying a modern militia weapon onto that ground?


It’ll not be surprising when this park is bulldozed and turned into a Marxist globalist monument to natives and slaves or the vax makers.

How ironic that the Yankee general that killed enough Americans to ensure the continued taxation of the Southern States by the Union Govt. participated in the erection of this monument.

The Democrat party of that time was the party of small govt. and the republicrats as I call them were the party of big govt..

Lincoln didn’t free the slaves. The 13th amendment did. Look it up. His proclamation was war propaganda like the modern notion the Union invaded the south to free the black slaves. They invaded to maintain the power to tax them.

How far we have fallen.

In reality the day the common people shot back should be our greatest holiday:

Tomorrow, April 19, is our real birthday

Eric Adams: Democrats’ Priorities ‘Were Misplaced’– We Need to Focus on Handguns

FK – It’s time to repeal all gun laws and treat the scat that passes and enforces them as the criminals they are.

Still we live the lie:

Six Fake 2nd Amendment “Sanctuary States”

FKThe 2nd Amend without the MILITIA is a wingless bird.

Sanctuaries are where cowards hide their buried guns

A precursor to Hell on Earth

The only real reason for the militia

Not enough, not soon enough:

Supreme Court SLAMS Left’s Election Lies

FK – So what will this do to prevent election fraud in the next cycle?

I’m not holding my breath for the legislatures to save us. Trump certainly didn’t.

Another elected useless eater:

People will ‘revolt’ if vaccines are mandated: Gov. Kemp

FK –  You have to be a moron to take it. This is a society/culture of morons.

Any employer that mandates the evil vax should be gut shot and drug down the road behind a truck.

The vax is the key to all this. There’s some reason, beside the evil profit motive, they want that crap in most of humanity. It’s not for our benefit.

There are no men here or the trash that blatantly stole the prez election would be hanging from trees.

Only docile obedient morons are allowed to travel:

Safe Travels in Japan|JNTO


FK – And of course, no comments allowed.

Heads in the sand:

Are All People In California Complete Morons?

FK – They can have all of new yawk slimy as far as I’m concerned as long as THEY TAKE IT WITH THEM!

In the 80s and early 90s the big fear was the Japanese taking over the country. What happened with that?

Honestly amerika is so far gone it wouldn’t be that surprising. The libertarians have wanted to put the highways in ‘private'(corporate) hands for a long time. Who owns most of these corps(corpses) now? Does anyone really know?

Secession and breakup that many ‘conservatives’ were discussing after the election was blatantly stolen would mean chicom troops on the commie coast.

What is also coming here:

FK – The mental midgets are running what’s left of amerika because they were successful and there are no men left here who even understand what must be done.

The elites love it when the sheeple protest as they watch from the comfort of their offices and couches with the knowledge that no sign ever knocked down a wall.

What must be done – A manifesto of the ‘isms.’

The most important things to do

A new birth of Liberty, or death

The law the militia should be enforcing

Don’t they know amerika has fallen?:


FK – You’re reading the release from that globalist tool as if it means anything at all…

Why the commie globalists want us disarmed

A precursor to Hell on Earth

Different prez, same agenda:

BIDEN IS ARMING ALQAEDA AGAIN (I’ve got the Receipts!)

FK – Different tool in the now red house, same agenda.

Do we know the real reason’s why?

Don’t worry, no one without the vax is gonna be flying.

More of the same:

CIA Stories: Death Squads in Afghanistan

FK – At least they used to kill communists. Now the communists or whatever passes for them run the CIA and the FBI and the military.

It was all probably planned long before, like 9/11, like the OK City bombing, like Waco, like JFK, like WWII, like a lot of stuff. Oh, now we have aliens.

Who’s really wearing the masks and which ones if any are real?



Exclusive: Inside the Military’s Secret Undercover Army

Another big reason there are no men here:

The SportsBall Social Containment Mechanism Explained


FK – Allegedly here in amerika the love of pro sports is waning due to the PC kowtowing by those who run it. Not so sure about the college level. I do think it’s funny when I wear a shirt from some team other than ‘the Cats’ here in KY and some morons look at me like I just stomped their puppy.

There’s nothing new about simple-mindedness. These ‘men’ have always been the pawns in the wars fought for the ancient regimes.

Athletics should be useful for young people to build them up to serve in their local genuine peoples’ militia. But that’s beyond the understanding of the average fan.

This is still your flag. Have you pledged to it yet?:

All my columns since right before the plandemic:

Sanctuaries are where cowards hide their buried guns

The law the militia should be enforcing

Real or not, Corona is a setup

Who’s writing amerika’s obituary after the virus war?

Tomorrow, April 19, is our real birthday

Welcome to our new soft Hell

Learn to RULE or BE RULED!

Variabilities in disease and tyranny

Cities are burning and the denial rages on

A tale of non heroes and a dying empire

The livestock are turning into ants at the picnic

Yes we’re AT WAR!

Herding the great amerikan beefalo to the butcher shop

One witch down, millions to go

How nations fall and empires rise

Bargaining with devils and aliens for Agenda 21

Never (blindly) trust the white rabbit

Voting by or for genocide

The absurdity of blind belief, blind faith, blind voters

Welcome to the rat turd that is amerika(and the world)

Galactic war by other means, and cat ladies

The biggest lie of all

Generals: We will murder real Americans

The fed gov has lost all legitimacy

The earth turns over and an empire falls

Generals: We will murder real Americans

But who are they murdering for?

“If this was a case of political expediency or the death of an “innocent man” is of little consequence to history, as we can testify today, terrorists are defined by the state, the press, public opinion and pressure on the system and people that rule. The rights and wrongs are defined by the “winners” of the age you live in, not by any truths recorded or spoken.”
Gavin, London – commenter on a news story about Britain’s‘Gunpowder Plot”

When some piece of shit tells us we can’t kill it that means we probably already should have.

If the globalists or whatever they really are would separate themselves from the effort to disarm the common people and focus on helping those who truly need help and separate that process from political power they might begin to be tolerable. But the fact they never will shows all they’re about is THE POWER.

How the demonscat party can save itself

What is likely really planned for the long term is the elites will eliminate the ‘extremists’ on both ‘sides,’ establish the parameters of discussion and action, then they will RULE.

Learn to RULE or BE RULED!

If Trump really is about to pull a magic wand out of his ass or he’s fake deep state. If the generals even vaguely understand what they’re really participating in or who or what is really behind it, it will still be civil war, a war that’s been going on really since the beginning of the republic.

As I told some a few years back,when things get bad we won’t know who our real friends or enemies are. 

Regardless of all this we have started down a dark tunnel, that really we’ve been in for generations but most have tunnel vision and can’t see what’s happening around them or would rather die than do so.

We vastly outnumber the military, the fed nazis, the elites/oligarchs who run them. If enough would ever learn this we could fix this mess in months at most or at least start the war crimes trials by then.

If we had the genuine peoples’ militia that should’ve been built 30 years ago most of this evil would be featured in online vids hanging from trees and light poles.

All the past year has been orchestration, a loose script. The vaccine is the key to it all. Why are they, including Trump, so determined to get it into most of the population?

The only real reason for the militia

Joint Chiefs of Staff Issue Military-Wide Memo Declaring Biden Will Become 46th President

FK – Or is this the deep fake?

FBI vetting 25,000 National Guard troops to prevent insider attack


Situation Update, Jan. 18, 2021 – Game-changing intel grants Trump new pathways to VICTORY

Morons on top of Morons:

How we take America back

FK – The French resistance was mostly communists and they killed people and blew things up. That’s what happens in war.

Forgive me, in my efforts to skip over the stupidity I missed the suggestion for a con con. Will there be a militia encampment outside the front door to keep commie trash and republicrats from attending????

Welcome to a nation of morons

New Jersey gym says state ’emptied out every single dollar that we have’ from bank account

FK – If they think this war will be won in the courts they’re delusional.

How nations fall and empires rise

Enough said:

FK – But who did they really elect?


Will they prove me wrong?:


FK – The generals said they’d murder real Americans.

Today the Founders who killed Brit soldiers would be branded ‘lunatic fringe.’

This country is lost. 

My answer to ‘Molon Labe

There’s nothing civil about it:

Triggering a Second Civil War?


FK – They started it generations ago. The fact you’re even discussing this instead of acting proves I’m right when I say there are no men here.

A breakup will mean chicom troops on the commie coast.

You are all delusional.

The Romans lost their republic after 80 years, like us, because their men lost the resolve to keep it.

The Yankees overpowered the Southern independence movement by numbers and logistics, more bodies, beans and bullets. It wasn’t a civil war, a battle over a single government

Now there are no men left here with the brains to understand what must be done nor the balls to carry it out.

The Romans, like us, became soft, and lost the conception of a citizen militia that could stand against Caesar.

The Founders created a government without a king, but millions here still look for one to magically wave its wand and solve their problems for them or to ride in on a white horse or in a golden chariot or flying saucer and sweep them away to some imagined paradise.

How pathetic and horrifying.

Let me correct you: “With communists about to seize total power and murder whomever gets in their way we have no organization, no men, no logistics to stand against them, only 70-80 million ‘trump supporters’ standing around ringing their hands like the cowardly creatures they are.”

On Jan. 7 the national congress completely de-legitemized itself. You are part of the problem.

Atomic warfare makes conventional warfare obsolete???? Huh??? WTF planet are you are on????

Oh I see, if 10 % of Trumps supporters showed up armed with enough rope to do what should be done on Jan. 20 then the Joint Chiefs, who said they’d murder real Americans to make sure the commie trash is inaugurated, would simply nuke them all, right?

Well to be honest, I wouldn’t put it past them. They or someone has been waging biowarfare for nearly a year now.

Our real enemies have been here since the beginning.

Sanctuaries are where cowards hide their buried guns

We passed the brink on Jan. 7, 2021.

I’ll certainly say “I told you so,”:


FK – Will the aussie govt. redistribute the weapons it took from its slaves 20 years ago?

Why the commie globalists want us disarmed

The key to all this:


FKNo. That’s a permission slip to kill some fuckers. Won’t be tolerated.

We are livestock to them. Nothing else. Unless we are prepared to kill them they will continue to rule us.

Microsoft, Oracle, Salesforce join effort to develop COVID-19 vaccination digital passport

Salesforce executive vice president and general manager Bill Patterson said in a statement that the cloud-based software firm looks forward to helping organizations “easily and safely customize all aspects of the vaccination management lifecycle and integrate closely with other coalition members’ offerings, which will help us all get back to public life.”

If we don’t kill them we deserve what they plan for us.

Dr. David Martin on Experimental mRNA COVID Vaccines: This is NOT a Vaccine! It is a Medical Device

Blindly trust no source

FK –  Oh honey, that’s the short list.

Only a moron would take the vax. It’s the key to all this. What’s REALLY in it and what or who is REALLY behind it?

Thailand PM: No shots until proven safe

Another moron, well-meaning or not:

FK – Oh good fucking grief. The National German Socialist Workers party was the lessor of the evils, like every prez candidate the sheeple vote for. The greater evil won that war and now rules here. Their propagandists still tell you what to think.

Hitler rightly viewed the Bolsheviks as evil. He claimed it was based in or created by jewry. Read some real history not crap.

If some group is claiming you can’t question them you’d damn well better be ready to kill them.

if they’re saying you have no right to kill them you probably already should have.

Welcome to the delusion. You really have no fucking idea what you’re talking about.

What they want is your submission or your head in a noose. WILL YOU FUCKING HAND IT TO THEM ON A SILVER PLATTER???? OR WILL YOU AT LEAST DIE FIGHTING BACK????

Business as usual:

FK – So the federal bureau of instigators is working for or against us????

I know what the past tells me…

Letting obvious shit hold the highest office in the land(on the planet?) is ‘part of the plan?’

What shit comes up with this shit?

Who does this guy work for?

Can he doc./cite all this? Did he record any of these conversations?

Anything on mainstream anything is questionable. This guy could be as spooky as any.

A precursor to Hell on Earth

‘Influenced’ is probably a vast understatement:

FK – It’s not so strange. It’s impossible to be a traitor to something one hates.

It’s all about controlling the message, the parameters of discussion and the parameters of accepted behavior. This is why the co-opted ‘conservatives’ and libertarians et al in the mainstream are crying out for non-violence and peace when the opposite is what we must ultimately resort to. 

China ‘Sought to Influence’ 2020 US Election, Director of National Intelligence Assesses

The killer bees of fake news

Oh don’t fear, Trump may yet whip that magic rabbit, unicorn or wand out of his back pocket(This is a vid, not a meme. Click on it. I don’t know why Bitchute embeds show up smaller than those from goolagtube. Can’t find a way to make them bigger.):

FK – Posted this on Bitchute because the goolagtube channel I found it on was terminated by the commie corporates.

Don’t know the date of this speech. It’s Jerome Corsi, author and long time writer at World Net Daily.

I do lend him some credence because he’s always been reasonable but as always I’ll believe it when I see it.

If not, how much longer will this be true?:

Biden’s Gun-Registration Scheme Would Cost Firearm Owners Billions — If It Passed Congress and Americans Complied

FK – That’s a big ‘IF.’ Here’s one definite “NO HELL NO!” Communists of one sort or another will die. Count on it. What happened in Canada? What did Trudeau unilaterally do? Whose orders was he following?


More evidence of a crumbling empire:

FK – At least he calls them evil. So many are in such deep denial of that.

The patriot newbie guidebook

Ten percent of 70 million would outnumber the military, the fed nazis, the newswhores and certainly the elite shit that’s really behind/funding this.

So when are they going to land the chicom troops?

Christian rebels and modern cowards

Or maybe not:

FK – So soon we forget. The text the narrators is reading appears to be this. It seems very similar to The Protocals of the Learned Elders of Zion.

Or maybe again:


FK – None may know where the real precipice is. 

Disclosure, or exopolitics is now a thing…

Protecting the real criminals:


FKCongress de-legitamized themselves on Jan. 6.

The law the militia should be enforcing

When Armed Resistance to Tyranny is Appropriate

At least someone gets it:

FK – Sadly most are still too deluded to understand your words nor what will be required…

A new birth of Liberty, or death

The enemy says violence can be good(goolagtube removed this for violating their communist standards before I could post this edition):


FK  – You Brits lost your country when you surrendered your guns without killing your commie trash.

We have guns but no men to use them. This is proven by the fact that our domestic enemies have gotten this far without being hunted.

What is a man, really?

Nationalism vs globalist/communism is a globalist construct, like ‘right vs. left.’

Though millions believe in both, the real outside choice is the concept of natural rights, the basis of which is the right to fight back and kill those who would enslave us further or completely and totally.

Unfortunately neither ‘side’ is interested in true human liberty.

When I was young the communists depended on ignorant, desperate poor whites for votes. Now they target them.

When the minorities are no longer of use they will be abandoned as well.

Learn to RULE or BE RULED!

More of the same:


FK – Sadly many morons and non-men will sign up for it…

‘Reconciliation’ is code for submission, their only goal.

Chasing the racist alt-right boogeyman

Berating the obvious:


FK –  Democracy is their tool.

Where does she plan to get the votes for this? Off the vote tree?

Where’s there smoke there’s fire:

FK – ‘Election denialism.’ Well that’s a new one. Their ability to come up with euphemisms for evil is as limitless as their arrogance/hubris.

The word ‘demagogue’ however is applicable, even if Trump finally does prove to really be on ‘our side.’

The sheeple voters have a short memory. So do ‘conservatives’ who always go back to the couch whenever a republicrat is selected for the now red house.

Election fraud has been endemic since the founding of the republic. This was simply the most massive example that became publicly known.

The Marxist globalists want Trump deleted(if that’s not an act as well) because they know if enough sheeple ever wake up and magically turn into men and adults they will be deleted.

That should have happened generations ago.

The fight will be in the streets where our boots will track the blood and in the hills where it will mix with the streams and flow down to the oceans and into eternity.

Children are still amazed by reality:


FK – Only a moron would ‘believe in’ aliens. When they finally announce themselves billions will worship them as gods. The same billions who will stupidly take the vax.

Read Major Keyhoe. But he may have been a disinfo agent too…

What will the commie trash do with the space force?

Most belief is really about an alleviation of responsibility.

I’ll never forget the preacher who told us “I think it’ll all be over by 1985.”

Time to vote from the rooftops.

Connecting Dots: UFOGate to the Missing Trillions

Another reason for all the distraction?:

FK – Well, I always wanted to try cross country skiing.

This one’s just for fun, or what’s left of it:

FK – As in how long will it take this country to totally collapse after Jan. 20.

They don’t want us to have much time here so we don’t figure out how fucked we are.

The older one gets the more time flies whether one is having fun or not.

If you want time to slow down go to boot camp, or to war.

Buddhist monks spend days, weeks, months and even years in silent meditation. You’re a lightweight.

Saw a couple mediums a few years back, twins. Claimed they could communicate with the dead. One of the questions a spirit asked her when I was there was “Are you a witch?”

Which made me wonder, ‘Do dead people spend eternity in the ignorance they died in?’

When I was a kid we rode velociraptors to school. Breaking them to ride was easy, It’s that constant nipping that can get annoying. We were smaller back then too.

The stories of Frank and King are mostly mythologies. Look it up, not in mainstream history.

Tubbman I think it was said “I free a thousand slaves. I could’ve free thousands more if I could’ve convinced them they were slaves.”

Having been basically raised by my grandparents I was maybe more than most aware of the overlapping of generations. My grandmother didn’t like the long hair and beards worn by the hippies and she also hadn’t liked the same worn by old men of her childhood who were born in the early to mid 19th century.

Walters lied through all of her history. As some claim most empires last around 250 years. We’re around 245 I think.

This country is dying/dead because we allow too many concrete thinkers to vote, and their dead relatives, and their dogs.

My great aunt told me a few years back “I can’t believe I’m eighty(whatever) years old.”

I just shrugged and looked at her and said “I’ve been around old people all my life.”

I remember walter concreatehead telling us about the moon landing and watching the feed on a black and white tv. The year 2000 was an unimaginable thing then. We were supposed to have habitable space stations and colonies on Mars and flying cars instead we have a civilization in collapse because we failed to kill our domestic enemies, our greatest enemies.

Age is no guarantor of wisdom. Every election cycle proves this. Billions die after having wasted their time here looking for a saviour of one variety or another.

My grandfather used to go visit someone to tell or ask them something, rather than call them on the phone. Then hem haw around for 30 minutes before he’d get around to the reason we went there. Used to drive me nuts.

Having grown up in the horse and buggy days with dirt roads those old people had a very different conception of time and distance. When my grandma said “Out of the country,” she didn’t mean England or China or even Tennessee, she meant 5 miles down the road.

‘Protagonist syndrome’ is why so many don’t see beyond their own time here and think about the kind of world their children will inherit or whether they will be free or eternal slaves to lies and false causes, propaganda, created to keep the sheeple pacified and stupid, See the religions and the Marxist globalist propaganda.

‘Those who control the past control the future,’ from a basic blueprint for what’s happening now. And every generation, born into its own cultural conditioning, has little clue what really happened before it.

“History is lies agreed upon,” – attributed to Napoleon.

The ancients probably did experience small changes in tech from generation to generation, though not to the degree we do. Culture was a different thing, that ‘old time religion’ is never what our grandparents remember.

All this info means we’re drowning in a larger ocean of lies.

What’s that ancient Chinese curse?: ‘May you live in interesting times.’

One wonders what the Watchers think of this discussion, if they care.

I’ll never forget the preacher who told us “I think it’ll all be over by 1985.”

Time to vote from the rooftops.

I’m a vet, do ya’ want to thank me?

All my posts since right before the plandemic:

The law the militia should be enforcing

Real or not, Corona is a setup

Who’s writing amerika’s obituary after the virus war?

Tomorrow, April 19, is our real birthday

Welcome to our new soft Hell

Learn to RULE or BE RULED!

Variabilities in disease and tyranny

Cities are burning and the denial rages on

A tale of non heroes and a dying empire

The livestock are turning into ants at the picnic

Yes we’re AT WAR!

Herding the great amerikan beefalo to the butcher shop

One witch down, millions to go

How nations fall and empires rise

Bargaining with devils and aliens for Agenda 21

Never (blindly) trust the white rabbit

Voting by or for genocide

The absurdity of blind belief, blind faith, blind voters

Welcome to the rat turd that is amerika(and the world)

Galactic war by other means, and cat ladies

The biggest lie of all

The biggest lie of all

“We’re not trying to overthrow the government. The government’s already been overthrown.” – Charlie Puckett, KSM Commander

That’s never been more true. The Congress of the dis-united states of amerika has completely de-legitimized itself.

While we wait for the next false flag or maybe real event because some true patriot or group of real patriots have finally had enough we need to check off a few things:

I was recently at a meeting where someone used the phrase(more or less), “If we have to resort to this…”(guerrilla warfare or something similar) while pointing to a book about infantry skills.

Immediately I understood, as I have many times, here’s a person still in deep denial about the situation they face and what will be required.

There is NO ‘If’ anymore. The national/federal government/congress has clearly abandoned the people, the Bill of Rights and the concept of natural rights it was based upon.

It is a matter of months at best until those who claim to value human liberty will have to choose between kissing, fondling and sucking whatever is stuck in their faces or kill the creature that stands before them.

There’s a reason they want to take our kinetic energy weapons or at the very least guarantee that no future generations are trained in their use beyond protecting so-called national(corporate) interests.

The origin of the right to keep and bear arms

If 1/10 of the MAGA morons who voted for their saviour would show up armed on the 20th there wouldn’t be an inauguration but a hanging.

The biggest lie of all:

FK – The military and police commit acts of violence on a daily basis and would find this traitor’s blatant lie amusing at best.

Did this piece of shit ever commit or advocate any violence while conducting the drug war?

It wouldn’t know freedom if it was written on a Louisville slugger and applied to the side of its head.

All govt. is force thus voting is an act of violence. Time to vote from the rooftops.

“Anyone who clings to the historically untrue-and thoroughly immoral-doctrine that, ‘violence never settles anything’ I would advise to conjure the ghosts of Napoleon Bonaparte and the Duke of Wellington and let them debate it. The ghost of Hitler could referee, and the jury might well be the Dodo, the Great Auk and the Passenger Pigeon. Violence, naked force, has settled more issues in history than has any other factor, and the contrary opinion is wishful thinking at its worst. Breeds that forget this basic truth have always paid for it with their lives and freedom. – Robert A. Heinlein

Our Founders committing the act of violence that started this country:

Tomorrow, April 19, is our real birthday

The origin of the right to keep and bear arms

Even without the massive voter fraud, or Trump’s lack of a magic wand, what the pieces of shit the congress are allegedly allowing to be sworn in on Jan. 20 have already promised to do is enough to go to war.

Biden should’ve been executed 30 years ago for its crime bill. There is nothing more evil than working to disarm the common people. Any and all working toward that goal, and ALL GUN CONTROL is propaganda toward that goal, should and must be treated as the criminal traitors they are.

But as always, there are no men here with even the understanding  of why this must be done.

The only real reason for the militia

Why the commie globalists want us disarmed

What’s happening now will end up having geopolitical implications rivaling World War II. The amerikan dumbass sheeple have ‘elected'(really selected via organized massive voter fraud) a total piece of shit that’s obviously suffering from advanced dementia, proving once and for all that it matters little to the oligarchy who or what their tool really is as long as it’s manageable. 

Army secretary: 6,200 National Guard troops to be in DC area ‘by the weekend’

FK – Proving that the NWO will have no problem using the military against the people.

Time to vote from the rooftops.

Biden Says He Will ‘Defeat the NRA’ While in Office

FK – The ‘No Rights that aren’t Allowed’ group  has long been part of the problem. It had to be dragged kicking and screaming into this war and is still grossly delusional of the reality we face and of what will be required.

The Swamp Swallowed Trump

FK – With no mention of what will be required which proves me right every time i claim “There are no men here.”

Time to vote from the rooftops.

And I find I must include a comment from this:

D Benton Smith Participant

Please allow me to make my thinking and position absolutely clear. I am officially and publicly pulling the Emergency Brake/ Panic Alert cord on this choo choo.

Here’s my most recent email to a friend, in which I just say it straight. Might as well say it straight to you, as well.

My adrenals will not allow me to give a flying fuck about the denizens of TAE arguing vehemently and in great detail about a disaster that was OVER WITH months ago.  They are just too gawd damned far back from the ongoing real time events for me to give the tiniest little shit about what they think.  Whatever it is they think, they should have thunk it 4 years ago.  Why blather about it now ?  They are worse than a mere distraction. They are a threat to your physical survival because they would have you blather instead of think and act in response to a real and present danger.

We are days,  a few weeks at the most,  from the most stunning Blitzkrieg of draconically authoritarian lawfare in human history. I suggest that it’s a pretty good time to be thinking about that  instead of Twitter and Bitcoin.

Laws are about to be swiftly imposed and enforced which will restrict your movement and participation in such fundamental aspects of your daily life as leaving your house, buying groceries or emailing a friend. You are about to be forced by law ( and the need to eat, shelter and move around)  to accept an mRNA vaccine that will change the entire human genome, forever,  despite the complete and utter absence of knowledge about possible undesirable consequences.

Your knowledge, opinion and vote have just been proved to mean absolutely nothing . mRNA has never been used on humans, and there are ZERO long term studies of effects in either the short or long term.

Extreme violence on a large scale is unavoidable. Large numbers of people will resist the government forcing them to isolate,  lock-down, wear a mask, take a risky vaccine, cross a state line, get on an airplane, or buy groceries  without an “vaccine passport.”

Nothing ( except perhaps by Divine intervention . . . and I am not being facetious) stands in the way of the authority to make and impose those laws , , ,   and yet those are the laws which the Pence administration has already promised that it will implement immediately upon his inauguration.

It is well past the time to confront , like an adult,  precisely how you are going to respond to each of these challenging developments, because they are happening.

This ain’t America no more, Boz. The America we think of when the word comes up is, is going underground. Topsiders and slowpokes are about to be rubbed out.

Still pushing false hope?:

FK – Whether this is true or Trump is in handcuffs in the now red house basement it’s still civil war.

Where are the men to fight it?

Time to vote from the rooftops.

Dead, Dead, Dead…:


FK – Time to vote from the rooftops.

Secession and breakup will lead to chicom troops on the commie coast. This will all lead to a power seizure on one ‘side’ or the other, not ours.

Part of the problem:

FK – They’re waging war. It’s not THAT FUCKING DIFFICULT TO UNDERSTAND!!!!


All this shit is rhetoric, propaganda. If you know any real men with anything approaching a real clue it’s time to MAKE YOUR PLANS ON HOW YOU’RE GOING TO TAKE THE WAR TO THE ENEMY!!!!!!!!

The real enemies of human liberty are a minuscule portion of the population. It’s the shit that runs and funds their propaganda arms. It’s also the military upper echelon that has chosen to defend the NWO and corporate communist police state.

All pro-human liberty military personnel need to be asking themselves “When should I shoot the officers?” The cops who tell themselves they value the Bill of Rights need to be asking themselves why they haven’t already arrested their communist superiors, tried and executed them for treason.

My answer to ‘Molon Labe’

Sanctuaries are where cowards hide their buried guns

Future generations are on the line:

FK – Anyone who doesn’t realize there is only one option left is an utter fool.

This has all been scripted from the beginning. Trump is probably part of it. 

The only real reason for the militia

More of the script:

FKHave you ever watched ‘The Fringe’ or ‘Colony?’

The patriot newbie guidebook

The official script:

FK – It may as well have steered the Titanic toward the iceberg.

And from a supposed patriot:

FK – How much are they paying you? What do they know about you?

Those are the only questions that matter.

There won’t be another four years. This is the end game.

Or what have they told Congress? What do they think they know that we allegedly don’t?

Treason is what happened(This vid was removed before I even published this post. Soon there will be no ‘free speech,’ anywhere, and guess what will happen then.):


FK – What happened was the reading and enactment of a script. “Whose script?” is the question.

Secession and break up will mean chicom troops on the commie coast.

An old control device in different hands:


FK – Is there any limit to euphemisms for communism? No. Because there are no men left to kill the liars.

One of many domestic enemies: Ford Foundation

Hollyweird communist standards:

FK  – How ‘free’ are the Taiwanese anyway?

How curious that after centuries of the Europeans screwing them they adopted a European philosophy.

We’re doing a plenty fine job of ‘downplaying our own greatness.’ 300 + mil. sheeple and we can’t find enough men to hang biden/harris before it’s sworn in.

Money is the real god of this country/culture. They all think it will save them from what’s coming when it’s the first thing that will be taken from them.

The only solution is to remove the planners:

FK – All ‘currencies’ are susceptible to the same shit. All ones and zeroes floating in cyberspace. That shit can and will evaporate.

All this cyber cash is how the banksters will wean the dumbass sheeple off cloth dollars, if they really intend to do that, and the libertarians and patriots and conservatives will have helped them.

I would say “Buy ammo,” but there’s none to buy so now is the time to use it to take more from your enemies. Are you smart enough to know who they really are?

How cold was Spain in the ice age? Here in KY it’s been around that a couple times since I was born.

We’re apparently not ‘free’ in the west:

FK – That bobbie sounds just like that brit on the Jeffersons in the 70s.

I still have doubts it was the chicoms. We have plenty of trash over here that is capable of any evil.

Train her to hunt and eat communists. She’ll never go hungry.

The grand old party is already torn apart. Mccommie did it. What a colossally stupid move.

A not-so-perfect logic:

FK – Time to vote from the rooftops. It’s NOT ABOUT TRUMP!

Oh the braindead ‘independents’ haven’t seen CHAOS yet.

I didn’t vote for Trump either time. I drive over several states. Biden signs were a rarity. I don’t trust pollsters, even the alleged ‘honest’ ones.

When all is said and done biden and it’s pet monkey will force those who claim to love liberty to either kill their enemies or bow before them.

I know what my choice is. Do you?

The latest rumor today is that he’s signed the Insurrection Act. Is that enough broken china for you?

It’s civil war either way, and the corporate funded commie trash started it well before we were born.

That stuff is leading where it always does with the fall of nations and empires, to one ‘side’ or the other coming out on top and RULING. Which side do you want to rule?

Past 9:17 or so you sail off the waterfall… 

When Armed Resistance to Tyranny is Appropriate

The first thing to refuse:


FKWhy is the vaccine the key to all this? What’s really gonna be in them?

Nearly Half Of U.S. Voters Believe Health Officials Have Been Misleading With COVID Data



FK – Who or what really wants us sterilized?

A massive malevolence:


FK – Time to vote from the rooftops.

The National German Socialist Workers Party were the lesser of the evils. The greater evil won and rules us all.

A precursor to Hell on Earth

The new standard:


FK – What if someone had predicted what’s happening now when this doc was made? Actually it was, 100 years before.

What will the survivors know?

FK – Is this why congress is going along with the evil?

Or this?



Or will it matter?:

FK – Gee, for a quarter heartbeat there I though you were gonna say “It’s highly unlikely the transition will be peaceful.”

But sigh, there are no men here. Let the saviourists prove me wrong.
Time to vote from the rooftops.

When they kill the first amendment then which one is next? Do you know????

Mozilla Chairwoman: ‘We Need More Than Deplatforming’

And let’s finish with some mild seasonally late entertainment:

FK: Well that was the best thing I’ve heard you do.

Can you shoot as well as you sing? That’s what’s gonna matter.

Time to vote from the rooftops.

“Political tags – such as royalist, communist, democrat, populist, fascist, liberal, conservative, and so forth – are never basic criteria. The human race divides politically into those who want people to be controlled and those who have no such desire.” – Robert A. Heinlein

A new birth of Liberty, or death

It needs to be defended by MEN with FORCE!

All of my columns since right before the plandemic:

The law the militia should be enforcing

Real or not, Corona is a setup

Who’s writing amerika’s obituary after the virus war?

Tomorrow, April 19, is our real birthday

Welcome to our new soft Hell

Learn to RULE or BE RULED!

Variabilities in disease and tyranny

Cities are burning and the denial rages on

A tale of non heroes and a dying empire

The livestock are turning into ants at the picnic

Yes we’re AT WAR!

Herding the great amerikan beefalo to the butcher shop

One witch down, millions to go

How nations fall and empires rise

Bargaining with devils and aliens for Agenda 21

Never (blindly) trust the white rabbit

Voting by or for genocide

The absurdity of blind belief, blind faith, blind voters

Welcome to the rat turd that is amerika(and the world)

Galactic war by other means, and cat ladies

The absurdity of blind belief, blind faith, blind voters

Most of what goes on in this world is absurdity.


The problem is slowing down long enough to see it.

I’ve been reading a book about Buddhism, people who spend/waste years of their time here looking for enlightenment while avoiding the constant striving that defines existence in this world or matrix or whatever it is.

But isn’t striving for enlightenment also striving?

What’s the ultimate question?

I saw one of those electronic billboards the other day. One flash was a Trump billboard, the next read “Vote the Bible.” or somesuch.

The smarter Founders, the anti-Federalists who insisted on a Bill of Rights, the document that makes us exceptional, knew better. That’s why those who wrote the Constitution left us a secular government. And it must stay that way.

If we replace communism, or fascism, or corporatism or whatever ism one wants to think this is with the old insane isms of the past that millions died arguing over we won’t be ‘progressing’ or existing under the concept of human liberty based on natural rights, the concept this country was founded upon.

That must NEVER be allowed.

Many still ‘prep,’ not a bad occupation or hobby, except some to many to most stupidly think this storm is just gonna pass them by or if they’re out in the woods far enough they just won’t be seen.

They pretend goolag Earth doesn’t exist.

There will be no where to hide. One can either go kill our domestic enemies, our greatest enemies, in place or sit home and wait one’s turn.

Those who pay attention knew for months, indeed years, that this was coming.

Those who don’t went out to vote for another savior that will ultimately fail them. But they won’t even know it because they still fail to understand how far gone we are.

For once a ‘press conference’ worth listening to:

FKHow much longer?

If this isn’t stopped what’s left of the republic, and there’s not much, won’t be worth what a sewer rat wouldn’t eat.

Mainstream media cover-up of the explosive 2020 ‘election fraud’ investigation – documents will be released on 11.25.2020

The law the militia should be enforcing

The only real reason for the militia

Traitors in sheeps’ clothing:


FK – What men will force the criminal prosecutions of those really behind this evil? Who will put the rope around their necks?

I’ll certainly volunteer. 

Why the fuck is this so hard to believe? How can anyone at this point not understand how evil these creatures are and what they’re capable of? WHERE THE FUCK HAVE THESE MORONS BEEN????!!!!!!!!!!!!

The issue will be the level of corruption in our ‘just-us’ system and how many black-robed shysters will be paid to shut these lawsuits down with any excuse.

The question is not whether or not the FEMA camps will be used but who will be sent there.

“Evidence!” CIA SCORECARD And THE HAMMER Used To Alter Election Counting Machines For Biden

BREAKING: “Operation Scorecard” CIA-run vote theft software was running in EVERY swing state… “glitches” switched votes from Trump to Biden

A ‘path to victory’:

FK – Intent? They telegraphed months ago what they’d do. Voter fraud has been endemic in the large cities and small towns and rural areas since the beginning of the republic.

I attended a conference on voter fraud 20 years ago during which it was determined that elections in this country are largely a farce.

The longest shot would be for the allegedly anatomical males of this country to grow a pair and do what will be required to save what’s left of our natural rights.

If biden gets into the now red house it’ll be ‘retired’ within a year and the communist witch will take its place. The SCOTUS which is NOT the final arbiter of our rights will likely fail to stand for those who want to live in a free country and world. 

Any sheeple dumb enough to ‘vote twice,’ which isn’t even possible if the rules are followed, doesn’t need to be voting. About half the populace or really more has no business voting.

Who deserves to vote?

Questions for your candidate

What to teach your kids

When billions believe in a falsehood to the point they’re willing to kill you or watch you being burned alive in fire forever that makes it very real.

During the news conference by Trump’s legal team they said the fraud was massive and obvious. Is your head up your ass or are you lying?

The republicrat party is highly infiltrated, really indeed it was founded, by ‘big government types’ and Marxist globalists. That’s what they do, infiltrate.


It’s way beyond that:

FK – What does honesty have to do with any of this? THIS IS WAR!

Calling the Constitution a ‘trick’ proves me right.

If by some miracle ‘the law’ goes after the shit it should pursue then you will be proven wrong.

But that’s a big ‘IF.’

The governments ignore our constitutions and Bills of Rights on a daily basis. Because there are no men left here to enforce them.

War is not always voluntary

Idiots voting for idiots:


FK – In reality the investigations into vote fraud here should go back multiple decades and invoke a death sentence for those orchestrating such. 

Most Rigged, Fraudulent, And Corrupt U.S. Elections In History

The Roots of Voter Fraud in America

The Greatest Election Fraud in American History

Deep State & Joe Biden’s Most Extensive Voter Fraud Operation

Massive Vote Fraud Across U.S. as Trump Decries Attempted Coup

Not Just Vote Fraud: The Unseen Factor That Shifted MILLIONS of Votes to Biden

The counters make the results:

FK – History repeats.

Hurling cowardice:

FK – “…biting their nails….”

Thank you for proving me right. If this were a nation of men the militias would be readying to hunt those involved in this obvious fraud and biden and harris would be featured in an internet vid hanging from a tree.

If this evil goes unchallenged the sheeple and the cowardly ‘conservatives’ and ‘libertarians’ all fully deserve what the future holds for them.

It’s NOT ABOUT TRUMP! It’s about conserving the concept of natural rights enshrined in the Bill of Rights and in the Bills of Rights of several states that acknowledges our right to hang biden and harris et al when they seek to destroy the Bill of Rights, the document that makes us exceptional in all the world.

Was April 19, 1775, the day our ancestors started killing government employees, ‘mob violence?’

What cowards. What pathetic pitiful cowards. You included. 

Armies run on their stomachs someone once said:

FK – I won’t ‘believe’ in free energy. I’ll accept it when I think it works. But the tool using monkeys will probably use it as a reason to either breed themselves out of existence or be like those mice that had everything provided to them and basically went insane.

Belief is dangerous. Blind belief is serving evil.

Believing in science is just as dangerous as believing in the ‘inerrant’ and ‘literal’ interpretation of someone’s ancient tribal propaganda.

The purposes of gods and golden rules

They don’t call us ‘human resources’ and ‘human capital’ and ‘consumers’ and treat us like products on the web because they respect us as human beings. They consider us to be livestock. See censorship of ‘conservatives’ and ‘libertarians’ by goolag, fakebook and twatter.

A modern 10 commandments

A different storm:

FK – When I’m out delivering freight I see plenty of traffic on the road. More than I want usually.

If the sheeple don’t disengage their heads from their asses they fully deserve to be treated as the livestock they are.

If enough commiefornians move to your burgeoning commierado they may not be voting for what you want. Democracy is hell.

The commie coast may eventually invite the Chicoms over to ‘protect’ them from the armed redecks in flyover country. How does 2 million Chinese soldiers on this continent sound? Or maybe via Canada…

This war won’t be won with tractors, unless they’re being used to move beans, bullets and band aids to the front or to draw and quarter the Marxist globalist trash that’s really responsible for all this.

Neither side in the so-called culture war really wants true freedom.

The crazies won’t be helped by the culture war or ‘Waking up is hard to do’

What they’ve always known:

FK – They KNOW most of the population is stupid. They graze and breed and die and pass their slavery on to their children. It’s always up to that tiny minority.

The vaccine is the key. Why do they want most of us to take it?

Biden’s Pentagon Transition Team Members Funded by the Arms Industry

The truth is the best propaganda:

FKWhy are the Marxist globalist propagandists allowed into the now red house? Why aren’t they hanging from trees and light poles? There are no men here.

What must be done – A manifesto of the ‘isms.’

Still berating the obvious:


FK – Who the fuck is really going to stand and fight? Are there any men/adults left in western civ.?

As I’ve said from the beginning of this they’ll force the vaccines through the schools and employers. Most of the sheeple will go along to keep their bills paid. Debt is how they control us.

Why didn’t the aussies kill their commie trash when told to turn in their guns? Now they fully deserve whatever is done to them. 

If the evil ones win it will all be forgotten. They’ll run the schools and write the history books as they do now.

We should be so lucky:

FK – They’re already here. Waiting. Have you seen ‘Colony?’ 

Well, I thought I was done with that topic:

FK – Finding the monolith is what kicked off the movie. The early hominids were a pre-story. The ‘ancient aliens’ thing goes decades back. One wonders where Kubrick got his ideas.

The end of the flick, been decades since I read the book, is harder to comprehend. Symbolic of a ‘rebirth of cosmic man’ or whatever.

Maybe we should be asking where Clark got his ideas.

What is the scale of infinite? Is there a mathematical formula for that?

The real message is probably written in our DNA but the tool-using monkeys are yet too stupid to interpret it.

Maybe it was the same folks who put up the rocks in Georgia, the ‘guidestones.’

Well, I got distracted for a while off the Kubrick page, ended up here. He wrote ‘The Thirteenth Tribe.’

If there were any men left in this country we’d have a genuine people’s militia in every county with a national leadership that could start hanging these bastards until some of them decide to start talking.

If they can kill presidents they can certainly kill you.

“Man isn’t a noble savage, he’s an ignoble savage. He is irrational, brutal, weak, silly, unable to be objective about anything where his own interests are involved—that about sums it up. I’m interested in the brutal and violent nature of man because it’s a true picture of him. And any attempt to create social institutions on a false view of the nature of man is probably doomed to failure.” – Stanley Kubrick

That goes for all of them, the institutions that is.

A History of Anti-Gravity Research

The Buzz Aldrin clip:

Christian rebels and modern cowards

A new birth of Liberty, or death

All my columns since just before the ‘plandemic’:

The law the militia should be enforcing

Real or not, Corona is a setup

Who’s writing amerika’s obituary after the virus war?

Tomorrow, April 19, is our real birthday

Welcome to our new soft Hell

Learn to RULE or BE RULED!

Variabilities in disease and tyranny

Cities are burning and the denial rages on

A tale of non heroes and a dying empire

The livestock are turning into ants at the picnic

Yes we’re AT WAR!

Herding the great amerikan beefalo to the butcher shop

One witch down, millions to go

How nations fall and empires rise

Bargaining with devils and aliens for Agenda 21

Never (blindly) trust the white rabbit

Voting by or for genocide

All we have is our refusal:

FK – The greatest absurdity is there are no men left here to stop this madness.

The basic blueprint for what must be done:


How nations fall and empires rise

But wait, this has been an empire since at least 1865 when a portion of the states told another portion at the point of a gun and after 600,000 dead “You shall not un-volunteer from something you volunteered for!”

Out in the rural areas Trump signs, posters, billboards are still popping up like mushrooms. Still, he has no magic wand to wave and likely wouldn’t use it if he did. If he loses this contest it’ll be from massive voter fraud.

But will the elites care? 

“Give me control of a nation’s money and I care not
who makes the laws.”
~ Mayer Amschel Rothschild

To whatever degree that quote is true, and I’ve never been able to find any real ‘evidence’ that the ‘Rothschilds’ control the global money flow, though many clam so, It’s certainly true in practice regardless of who or what the real ‘conspirators’ are.

One thing for certain, money is the god of this world. It’s certainly been the real god of what is now amerika since its founding. This country is now full of sheeple who stupidly think all this crap will never REALLY affect them. They still treat politics as a spectator sport and pretend a flag in their yard on a Trump sticker on their car makes them patriotic.

What fools. Viewing anyone or anything as a savior is a dangerous stupid thing. There are millions of morons in the large cities that can be ‘volunteered’ or conscripted as was done during the War for Southern Independence. The Yankees won that one because they had the beans, bullets, band aids and bodies to throw at the Southern army until they were finally worn down.

Now they have drones and we have cowards on couches with no conception of their right, duty and responsibility to fight back.

But then as I’ve noted several times on here this is all historically based submission. The submissive have been surviving to breed for a very long time while they graze and breed and die and pass their slavery on to their children. Except for a brief period in the latter 18th century when the colonies had real men and women:

“Lee’s encounter with the mob stemmed from his conduct on the night of September 1, as the people of Concord and their neighbors prepared to respond to the so-called Powder Alarm. In a surprise move, British Regulars in Boston had that day seized the provincial armories at Cambridge and Charlestown. Rumors quickly billowed through the countryside that royal warships were bombarding the capital and royal soldiers slaughtering the inhabitants. In a comic rehearsal for April 19, twenty thousand Yankees picked up their muskets and headed for Boston, only to find that the town was safe and Redcoats back in camp.” – ‘The Minutemen and Their World,’ Robert A. Gross

“The narrow winding roads from the seaboard to Concord were soon clogged with oxcarts supposedly carrying city products to the country. “Have seen twenty load [of military supplies] covered with dung go out of town myself,” reported an observer in Boston, “but lately all carts have been searched by the [British] guards, and unluckily last Saturday evening a load of cartridges were seized pack’d in candle boxes…” Weapons were bought, borrowed, or commandeered from every possible source. One daring band of Patriots even smuggled a British cannon out of Boston under the very eyes of its artillery company guard. Altogether, the Committees of Safety and Supplies achieved extraordinary success. It took a team of four oxen and a horse the better part of a day and a night simply to haul two cords of wood the twenty miles from Concord to Boston. Yet within a few months, despite shortages of arms in the colony, despite the need for secrecy, despite the muddiness of country roads during the winter thaw, the provincials managed to amass twenty thousand pounds of musket balls and cartridges, fifty reams of cartridge paper, loads of tents, pickaxes, spades, hatchets, and wheelbarrows, hundreds of barrels of flour and beef, tierces of rice, firkins of butter, and hogheads of rum. – ‘The Minutemen and Their World,’ Robert A. Gross

They are gone with the wind.

For many multiple decades the globalist Marxists have been indoctrinating the minds of children and church goers to the point they cannot understand what the ‘deep state’ really means or what must be done about it.

Voting as always is an act of violence, since all government is force, and only a tiny step in an on-going process whereby one must be ready to use the jury box and bullet box in addition to the ballot box, or mail in ballots or whatever fraud is gaining popularity now.

It’s OK to enslave humanity as long as it’s done in a peaceful and loving manner.

Another Phony Conservative Judge Nominated To The Supreme Court

Finally, A President Told Us The Truth—Sort Of

Ruled by demagogues or men behind the throne:


FK – So in reality the demonscat party was meant to lose at least this prez election, if not the last one. Or maybe it will be totally destroyed and replaced by something else.

Not that it matters for their real goals. Why do they want everyone or at least half the pop. to take the vaccine? The vaccine is the key.

When Trump was running I could find no evidence of him being political much less standing for natural rights and human liberty. He did at one point vocally support an ‘assault weapons ban’ and called the klintons his ‘friends.’

Will we be saved by a miraculous troglodyte?

Our real enemies have made sure there are no men here to do anything about this or even with the understanding of what must be done. 

And the same old game continues:

FK – Waking up is an ongoing process. You have much left to do.

10 U.S. Code § 246 – Militia: composition and classes

Militia (United States)

How many FBI agents or govt. informants(traitors) were directly involved? Did they provide material like in the first Trade Center bombing?

FBI Invents “Militia” Conspiracy To Kidnap Michigan Governor Gretchen Whitmer

They’re directly involved in most ‘terrorist’ incidents in this country.

Lest we forget:

And they lie:

We asked the FBI to give us the records of 90 domestic terrorism arrests — then things got kind of weird

FBI finds no evidence of Antifa’s involvement in national unrest

The Sting: How the FBI created a terrorist

FBI won’t document domestic terrorist arrests

If there were enough men left in this country thousands in every locality would’ve already provided the commie gov. and all other commie trash elected, appointed and hired public servants speedy treason trials and executions.

Communist mercs such as Black Bloc and Antifa et al serve the elites. Why haven’t those who fund them been sought out and executed for treason? Again, there are no men here.

You should be careful. The federal bureau of instigators might decide you’re a ‘domestic terrorist.’

Exclusive: FBI document warns conspiracy theories are a new domestic terrorism threat

FK –  Using the phrase ‘conspiracy theory’ is a sign of intellectual laziness and cowardice. Or blatant propaganda.

Just to be clear:


FK – Tell me again why the federal bureau of instigators should be protecting such garbage. 

More on this:


FK – This is what it’s all about:

“But, clearly, the prime minister has laid down some ground rules which any functioning democratic state would insist upon, having to do with, you know, arms belonging to the state, not to — not in private hands. The current circumstances come out of what I think is a very important and indeed appropriate action that the Iraqi government has taken.” – U.S. Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice in a news story about a militia in Iraq refusing to lay down their arms. (How about that imported ‘democracy?’)

Every meeting, rally, ‘protest,’ whatever you attend one must assume there are infiltrators there, either to gather intel, make the group look bad, set people up, whatever.

As an old saying goes, “When five Klansmen are having a meeting three of them are probably FBI.”

This is all because there are no men here to create, arm, train a proper genuine peoples’ militia that would then gather up the local commie trash and either provide it a speedy treason trial and execution or expel it from this country.

I recommend the former, especially for the leadership and the wealthy globalist garbage that donates to the Marxist NGOs, front groups and foundations that keep propaganda streams such as National Propaganda Radio alive and spewing its filth all over our airwaves.

But this is a nation in denial and ripe for invasion, really it was invaded long ago, or collapse from within. Millions still stupidly grasp for a savior that doesn’t exist, either of this world or another.

Does that sheriff understand there must come a time when the newswhores are arrested and provided the treason trials they have deserved for multiple decades?

The commie trash has for a long time tried to eradicate elected law enforcement. Most sheriff departments in large cities do little actual ‘law enforcement.’ This is so the the elected communist trash can control ‘the law.’

If they were really trying to arrest their commie trash governor and had been successful in their recruiting efforts, assuming some miracle happened and the physically adult tool-using male monkeys in this country actually grew a brain, balls and a backbone and joined them and tens of thousands showed up at the governor’s mansion and statehouse to do what must be done what would the newswhores whine about then, just before the duct tape was slapped on their mouths and they too executed for their crimes against natural rights and human liberty?

But this is a nation of pathetic creatures that fully deserve what’s coming.

“Violence, naked force, has settled more issues in history than has any other factor, and the contrary opinion is wishful thinking at its worst. Nations and peoples who forget this basic truth have always paid for it with their lives and freedoms.”
Robert Heinlein in his novel “Starship Troopers”

“A nation of sheep must, in time, beget a government of wolves.” — Bertrand de Juvenal

Once again, because there aren’t enough men here:


FKAll empires rise and fall. This one will be no different.

“A democracy cannot exist as a permanent form of government. It can only exist until the voters discover that they can vote themselves largesse from the public treasury. From that moment on, the majority always votes for the candidates promising the most benefits from the public treasury with the result that a democracy always collapses over loose fiscal policy, always followed by a dictatorship. The average age of the world’s greatest civilizations has been 200 years. These nations have progressed through this sequence: From bondage to spiritual faith; From spiritual faith to great courage; From courage to liberty; From liberty to abundance; From abundance to selfishness; From selfishness to apathy; From apathy to dependence; From dependence back into bondage.”
Alexander Fraser Tyler

Ignorant desperate sheeple of all races have always been tools to the power elites. We are livestock to them. There is nothing more important to understand than that if one is to grasp ancient or modern politics.
Soon we’ll be ants at their picnic.

For over half a century now they’ve been paying the stupid and the lazy to breed and encouraging their offspring to vote. For a reason.
But who or what are the elites, really?

Who deserves to vote?

Questions for your candidate

What to teach your kids

When billions believe in a falsehood to the point they’re willing to kill you or watch you being burned alive in fire forever that makes it very real.

Because there are no men here:

FK – All because there are no men here to hunt globalist Marxists to extinction.

Who deserves to vote?

Questions for your candidate

What to teach your kids

When billions believe in a falsehood to the point they’re willing to kill you or watch you being burned alive in fire forever that makes it very real.

Why be surprised?:

FK – They’re waging war and they know it. Nothing surprising here. 

Nothing at all:

FK – My thoughts remain the same: There are no men here to even understand much less undertake what must be done.

What is it you still fail to understand about these creatures?

I’m sure countless comments could have been found, written by ‘christians’ celebrating that what’s her face is now burning in christian hell.

What would be worse?

We are still a very primitive species and we still exist in a very dark and dangerous age. Our dogmas may yet destroy us. But future tool-using monkeys will exist as communist slaves unless so-called ‘conservative’ and ‘libertarian’ men grow a pair.

This virus shit will NEVER go away. It’s too useful to the elites. They needed a new and better way to herd the livestock. 

What is a man, really?

A little more history and insanity that springs from its misinterpretation:

FK – I’m thinking about all the noisy tools and guys wearing workboots that built that room those fat morons are lying around in so that scam artist can make money off them.

This is a nation and culture ripe for invasion and total enslavement.

Well, the invasion already happened and the total enslavement is on its way.

Los Angeles. Yep, Figures a lot of this would be going on in commiefornia, the land of fruits and nuts.

As it burns many of these creatures are immigrating out to fly over country bringing their insanity and voting habits with them and there are no men left to stop them.

They are the worst of hypocrites since voting is the ultimate act of violence.

Who deserves to vote?

Questions for your candidate

What to teach your kids

When billions believe in a falsehood to the point they’re willing to kill you or watch you being burned alive in fire forever that makes it very real.

If you think all is connected search ‘electric universe.’ Is this all just a bad dream in god’s mind?

Or are we avatars for a species that got bored with paradise?

I know from my own observations that this isn’t a prison planet, it’s an insane asylum and the inmates think they’re running it.

And lastly the supposed human male screaming like a girl.

Still more distraction:

FK – We’re still not hunting commie trash to extinction I see.

In a free country with alleged free speech there’s no such thing as a special little group whose motives can’t be questioned. When we have that we have a serious problem. We have several.

Now where’s the vid where Trump says we’re in the middle east to protect Israel?

No, there’s no official cure for them:


FKWait, can’t masks interfere with lesbian or lbqwtf ever sex? Isn’t that racist?

Govt.s are only bad when the ‘right’ people are in charge.

It’s mean to point out when someone’s gaslighting cause it might be a condition they can’t control with modern medicine. They should be prevented from buying semi-auto lighters.

And more wishful thinking:

FK – None of this will end until we force it to end. But western civ. is bereft of men, or adults in general.

Be careful of rumors in war. Back in the 90s it was “This October the tanks are gonna roll.”

The vaccine is the key. 

Make of this what you can:

“Since no quantified virus isolates of the 2019-nCoV are currently available, assays designed for detection of the
2019-nCoV RNA were tested with characterized stocks of in vitro transcribed full length RNA…”


Proven right again and again:


FK – Slavery is the new normal. Or really more slavery than we already have.

Now for our history lesson:

FK – Now look into ‘christian identity‘ and the notion that he was white or ‘aryan’ and that many Europeans and thus amerikans are really descended from the lost tribes of Israel.

There as always are several versions, sub-versions and subversions of that one.

More history some won’t like:

FK – Do Near death experiences vary much from culture to culture and religion to religion

No sacred cows, or a new global Bill of Rights

A new birth of Liberty, or death

The law the militia should be enforcing

The Fate of Empires and Search for Survival – Sir John Glubb

Herding the great amerikan beefalo to the butcher shop

Well Dr., the problem is most of them are oblivious.

A while back I was looking for some modern sustenance and was told in so many words by a young woman in a pizza store it didn’t matter how fat I was as long as I was happy.

What absolute horseshit.

But that’s what our schools and universities produce, heads full of Marxist globalist horseshit.

But then they don’t want a population that can get off the couch and fight back or be ready for conscription when the Chinese or whoever or whatever hit the beach.

When Jefferson or whomever wrote of the ‘pursuit of happiness‘ they should have acknowledged that might include a king being happy to have subjects(slaves) or a plantation owner being happy to own former Africans or whatever.

This doesn’t mean we throw the Founders out with the bathwater because they owned slaves. It means we build on what they started.

We have modern slavery in the form of income taxes, gun laws and employers who demand we waste all our time helping them to get richer just so we can earn an existence.

For the record most sheeple never get within ICBM distance of a life or actually living. They graze and breed and die for the most part wasting most of their time in exchange for the money, mostly ones and zeroes floating in cyberspace, the banksters tell them they can’t live without and can’t get unless they take out a loan and ‘work for a living.’

I’m a vet, do ya’ want to thank me?

The patriot newbie guidebook

GOA: Media Demonizes Apparent Self-Defender Kyle Rittenhouse

The latest excuse for Marxist globalist propaganda:

FK – It wouldn’t be a problem if our culture wasn’t raising children to be children.

A well-grown boy, at the age of twelve or thirteen years, was furnished with a small rifle and shot pouch. He then became a fort soldier and had his port hole assigned to him. Hunting squirrels, turkeys and raccoons soon made him an expert in the use of his gun.” – Dr. Joseph Doddridge, in his 1824 book ‘Notes on the Settlement and Indian Wars,’ quoted in Michael Edward Nogays book ‘Every Home a Fort, Every Man a Warrior’

“No small shot gun, during my residence of seven years of war in America, was ever kept in the house of a backwoodsman. You will often see a boy not over ten years of age driving the cattle home, but not without a rifle on his shoulder; they never stir out on any business, or on a journey without their rifles. Practice from their infancy, teaches them all distances…

“I never in my life saw better rifles (or men who shot better) than those made in America. They are chiefly made in Lancaster, and two or three neighboring towns in that vicinity in Pennsylvania. The barrels weigh about six pounds two or three ounces and carry a ball no larger than thirty-six to the pound; at least I never saw one of a larger caliber, and I have seen many hundreds and hundreds.” – Colonel George Hanger, captain of a Hessian Jager corps of the American Revolution, as quoted in Muzzleloader Magazine’s ‘The Book of Buckskinning.’

Go look at some old cemeteries. It was once common for young women to marry men a decade or more their senior. More modern insanity.

The Wisconsin ‘law’:

948.60 Possession of a dangerous weapon by a person under 18.

From the mainstream newswhores:

FKObvious self defense and dead white commies, a good thing.

Maybe from a ‘legal’ perspective:

FK – He needed better militia training. Where were his compatriots? Why did he end up jogging down the street alone with the commie zombies chasing and attacking him?

Why aren’t we teaching all young adults and children basic self defense against government tyranny?

It’s time to put guns back in the schools and educate children in reality not communist or religious fantasy land.

What to teach your kids

National propaganda radio was blatantly lying about this the other day. Why is that trash still allowed to spew its filth over our airwaves? Don’t say they have a ‘First Amendment right’ to lie.

There is NO RIGHT to work covertly or overtly to enslave humanity.

And again:

FK –  So much for the argument that 5.56 isn’t an effective self defense round.

The race card is Marxist globalist propaganda and nothing else. Morons repeat it because they’re morons.

This is a nation of 320 million sheeple and few real adults. There will always be ‘officer shootings’ and bad cops and morons who blindly defend the police although they daily break their oaths by enforcing laws that don’t belong in a free country.

The Marxist globalists will use every event they can real and imagined as propaganda. It’s possible they feel backed into a corner or maybe there really is a scheme to completely destroy the demonscat party and replace it with who knows what.

His compatriots needed better training! Why the hell was he running down the street alone with the commie zombies chasing him?

The SCOTUS has ruled more than once that the police don’t exist to protect anyone.

Teachers and other so-called adults who don’t feel comfortable being able to shoot back don’t need to be around kids. They’re setting a bad example. Lot’s of fat out of shape teachers are setting a bad example as well.

We’re flying millions of miles an hour through space on a water-soaked fire spitting rock. The only ‘safe zones/spaces’ are in the minds of morons. If I had a teen he/she would be trained in how to fight back and for damn sure be able to access a loaded weapon in the home if need be. We don’t live in a country that destroys everyone’s natural born rights because of the actions of a tiny minority.

We have an epidemic of communism/globalism that must be dealt with as the cancer that it is.

We MUST get the commies out of the schools and the universities and the textbook companies and teach reality and real history warts and all to children including basic survival skills, martial arts including shooting, physical fitness and military skills as the Boy Scouts were created to do.

Then ALL young adults must go through some basic military training where they learn basic infantry skills and get further exposed to reality before they are allowed to vote.

Who deserves to vote?

I’m a vet, do ya’ want to thank me?

War is not always voluntary

The most important things to do

What is a man, really?

Maybe this will all be a good thing, or maybe not:

FK – If we had any men here the squadettes would’ve already been tried and executed for treason. 

Oh it will come all right, to every little town, mountain and holler.

Are they trying to destroy the demonscat party so they can replace it with something else not yet named or thought of by the average sheeple?

The regular sheeple fully deserve what’s coming. Thousands of us have been screaming at them for years to disengage their heads from their asses.

Are you sure Trump isn’t just another part of the problem? We MUST STOP LOOKING FOR SAVIORS!

Our domestic blood enemies will keep lying until the last filthy breath is forced from their vile upper sewers.

If the police care about enforcing the Bill of Rights, their Oaths and real ‘law and order’ why aren’t they arresting the commie trash that runs these cities and states?

For that matter when will the local sheriff pay out bounties for dead commie zombies?

Welcome to a nation of morons

Why the commie globalists want us disarmed

The cancer on America’s face, or why I do what I do…

Thousands like this woman:

FK – Maybe we should laugh at all this as long as we can. Wait, this was done a month ago…

Do they plan to save or enslave you?:


FK –  The ‘return to normal’ really means the pacified oblivious stupid population of sheep we had before the internet.

They want a future pop. that can’t exist without the corporate owned state that will call itself a ‘democracy’ or some other cute name but really be a mix of socialism(fascism) and whatever else they decide to inject.

Did ya’ see what I did there?

As I wrote:


FKThey’ve probably been doing that since our ancestors left the trees.

Disclosure, or exopolitics is now a thing…

Connecting Dots: UFOGate to the Missing Trillions

But maybe it’s all just more distraction:


FK – Most of the ‘money’ in the world is ones and zeroes floating in cyber space. That crap can evaporate like the mist on an Indian summer morning. 

What other mythologies do we need to understand?:

FKSo who are the ‘Watchers,’ really? They often wrote of things they did actually see. Like modern grocery store tabloids take a real event and blow it up into fodder for the gum chewers. 

More versions, sub-versions and subversions:

FK – The ancient globalists vs. the ancient nationalists, what a concept. Both depending on ignorance and fear to maintain their status quoes.

Read a book several years back that claimed Yeshua was raised by the Esssenes and taught to be a messiah. But they abandoned that plan when he came of age but he went on with it.

The monks of various kinds were an old idea that came down from probably way before the Buddha, an ascetic of his own time.

Yeshua was called ‘rabbi‘ or teacher by his followers and most rabbis of that time were married.

Speaking of the sex drive or what’s left of it:


FK – It was quite a revelation to me when during my perusal of the London Museum in 1988 I saw a Roman era leather bikini.

But I was young, freshly ‘college educated’ and still very politically naive.

My western civ. professor did tell us about, Sumerian girls I think, who according to tradition would sell their virginity at a certain age in the public square.

The goddess cultures of the past were allegedly replaced by ‘the patriarchy,’ a trade I’m not sure was all that great.

Even the goddesses needed strong warriors to defend the empire.

Many aboriginal American tribes had female leadership or at least strong influence. They still had warriors.

We basically have none, or at least very few who will stand for anything but a paycheck and a retirement plan.

I went to the topless beaches on the French Rivera and saw some, uh, ladies who would’ve been more presentable if covered by a wool blanket. Others were quite distracting. I wished and still do we had that over here.

Well before being fat as a pig became the fashion.

Maybe the question to ask is why is the human sex drive so strong and why has religion or other ‘moralists’ sought to suppress it.

Some of the Roman emperors were known for publicly pushing ‘morality’ while others ran from it. All cultures have created some form of it.

What if the promiscuous females emotional or whatever problems that lead to her adventurous lifestyle are really what cause problems in marriage?

I was raised to look for the ‘helpmeet’ promoted in the ancient tribal propaganda who’s only real purpose was to cook, clean and pop out babies. That was and is the last thing I wanted.

Is deciding it’s time to ‘settle down and have kids’ a good reason to marry anyway?

Met a guy a few years back who thought it was OK for him to have two or three girlfriends but they’d better not screw around on him. There’s the ape and his harem.

Our governments have been paying the stupid and the lazy to breed for half a century now so why is anyone surprised?

The tool-using monkeys are still collectively insane after all this time. 

The purposes of gods and golden rules

No sacred cows, or a new global Bill of Rights

One last one just for fun:

FK – So the universe is a red solo cup. Damn, I was so determined not to learn anything today.

We obviously have ‘free will’ but that exists within certain genetic, cultural, governmental, whatever parameters. In other words most of our choices suck because our enemies have been successful and there are no intelligent brave men left to change this.

If we had true ‘free will’ we wouldn’t have to waste our time in exchange for money as corporate jackasses. Plenty of the tool-using-monkeys have a hive mind already, Spend some time in a factory or industrial setting or go deliver freight or join the military or your average religion.

Who or whatever created or infiltrated ‘christianity’ intentionally created one of the best control devices ever conceived.

The modern cancer of Marxism strives to replace it. If it succeeds future tool-using monkeys will have even less natural rights, liberty, freedom, than the victims of the Catholic Church or the protestants or the fundie ragheads or whoever.

They’ve killed each other by the millions for millennia over which version, sub-version or subversion is the right one and probably aren’t finished yet.

If we could eradicate Marxist globalism we’d have to immediately turn and stop the religionists from enslaving us in their version of authoritarianism. Simple fact. 

We’re probably resources to whatever really owns this world, a science experiment if nothing else. That’s if they pay us much attention at all beyond their teenagers playing games with our pilots or their strange dietary habits that involve cow lips.

So back to what anyone with intelligence perceives as reality that we actually  have the power to affect.

Well apparently these days are over:

And this is just beginning:

All Free Kentucky posts since the beginning of the ‘plandemic’ or whatever one chooses to call it:

Real or not, Corona is a setup

Who’s writing amerika’s obituary after the virus war?

Tomorrow, April 19, is our real birthday

Welcome to our new soft Hell

Learn to RULE or BE RULED!

Variabilities in disease and tyranny

Cities are burning and the denial rages on

A tale of non heroes and a dying empire

The livestock are turning into ants at the picnic

Yes we’re AT WAR!

Cities are burning and the denial rages on

America, now amerika, was born in violence. The Founders perspired and bled, and made their enemies bleed, the most important part, to provide us what little Liberty and natural rights we have left here.

If we lose what’s left we lose all.

So that makes Beshear’s statements about his effigy hanging and the firing of one of the men who allegedly did it all the more absurd, a blatant lie.

British tax collectors were tarred and feathered, a very painful process. Some got worse.

But that’s what modern Marxist globalists do on a regular basis, blatantly lie about our history and their intention of controlling our understanding of not only our history but current events.

It’s always about keeping the mob pacified and stupid.

Meanwhile minorities who’ve been targeted for decades by msnm ‘reporting’ on ‘racism’ and a welfare state that destroyed inner city black families and culture in the name of creating voters for the demonscat party are stupidly destroying their own neighborhoods.

While other morons just stand by and let it happen.

The minorities of whatever kind are simply tools, pawns, manipulated for the destruction of western civilization.

Up the road in liberal(commie)ville they protest the death of a victim of the drug war, not just normal ‘police brutality’ but police stupidity that believes it does a good thing in helping to build the police state while indoctrinating morons in the ridiculous notions that all illegal drugs are ‘bad’ and the ‘good guys,’ are there to save them.

Simpletons all.

Multiple decades of Marxist globalist propaganda has produced all this evil. Wait, the republicrats helped bring about the drug war which wouldn’t continue if all the right assholes on all sides weren’t profiting from it.

Is some foreign power really pushing drugs into amerika or is it just another way for the biggest money launderers, the international banksters, to stay afloat?

And morons ‘on the right’ stupidly still call their domestic blood enemies the cute names they labeled themselves with to hide their evil from the desperate and the ignorant. They even go along with calling the reds blue and the real alleged patriots red.

Of course now we know McCarthy was right.

On Joe McCarthy, Washington Post Gets It Embarrassingly Wrong

Most-hated senator was right

Wait, in the 1860s the radical republicans were the big government extremists and socialists served in Lincoln’s army.

But that’s too damaging to the amerikan mythology. There’s nothing new about any of this evil.

So now 200 plus years later the empire is made up of pathetic pacified morons who think they bear no responsibility for what happens in the world around them and nothing can be done anyway.

The outcomes of political campaigns

10 Rules for the voting booth

Stages of political awareness….

And the sheeple continue to raise their sheeplets in ignorance guaranteeing their future pacifism and slavery.

Our enemies have defeated us and there’s nothing to do but wait for the rioters to show up or for the no-knock attack and hope you can take out maybe one or two of the black-suited Nazis before they murder you in the name of a paycheck and a retirement plan.

A nation of cowards and morons:

Did Three Percenters back Beshear effigy at rally? What to know about the Kentucky group

The patriot newbie guidebook

The only real reason for the militia

George Floyd Protests Continue

Asphyxiation not the cause of George Floyd’s death: Autopsy

Protesters hang effigy of Kentucky governor near state Capitol

Kentucky Protestors Hang Effigy Of Gov. Beshear During Demonstration Against Coronavirus Restrictions

FK – Take Back Kentucky claims they didn’t organize the rallies in Frankfort.

Of course all attendees of these events are vetted and given full background checks  to include employment with any Fed Nazi alphabet soup agencies or Marxist globalist NGOs, right?

For the benefit of morons, that was sarcasm.

Kentucky gov hanged in effigy as gun protest turns against coronavirus restrictions

Kentucky protester who hoisted Gov. Andy Beshear effigy fired from car dealership

FK – The corporates often care less about ‘freedom’ than the commie trash do. Nowadays the commie trash are often running them. See ‘social site censorship.’ All this regardless of libertarian ideology about unfettered capitalism.

“Right to work’ often means ‘right to fire’ for any reason.

Rioters Descend On Cities Across America To Exact Vengeance Over George Floyd’s Death

Minneapolis Mayor to Rioters: Please Practice Social Distancing, Wear Masks

Do I really have to point out how absurd that is? Yes. This is clearly a nation of morons.

Constitutional Scholar: “Trump Is Carrying Out The Globalist Agenda”

Or maybe he’s doing something right?:

MAJOR: Trump Finalizes End of US Relationship with Corrupt WHO – VIDEO – Fort Russ

Or maybe the WHO is simply being sacrificed in the name of larger goals?

Main Street Dropping Like Flies

Global Socialists Win in Midst of Pandemic

FK – It would be a restoration and it won’t be peaceful because our domestic blood enemies, our greatest enemies, will NEVER stop until they are forced to stop.

Welcome to a nation of morons

Furious Gov. of Minnesota says George Floyd protests are being manipulated by ‘domestic terrorists’ and international forces trying to destabilize the nation and fully mobilizes the National Guard as US descends into chaos

And before I finished with this post they changed the headline to this:

Trump blames ‘ANTIFA and radical left’ for violent George Floyd protests after Minnesota Gov. suggested white supremacists and cartels could be manipulating riots to destabilize nation as US descends into chaos

Well maybe they’re getting close to the right idea:

‘This is chaos’: Angry mob storms CNN headquarters as protests roil Atlanta over George Floyd death

Yes, they are…


FK – So Trump admits HE controls the ‘National Guard’ and not the state?

What about the state militias we once had whose job it should be to arrest the commie mayors and other assorted authoritarian trash and try and execute them for treason?

The law the militia should be enforcing

To protect and to serve the state:

FK – Out of who’s control?

More of the same:


FK – The propaganda that made all this possible came from white hands and white minds. Our biggest enemies have white skin and we have no men of any color to do anything about it.

The Fight is Coming: Civil War, Corrupt Churches & Antipathy

When Armed Resistance to Tyranny is Appropriate

Berating the obvious once again:

FK – There are morons here and we let them vote.

Who deserves to vote?

Our failure to hunt our domestic blood enemies, our greatest enemies, to extinction, is what’s dooming us.

Sanctuaries are where cowards hide their buried guns

We can smell it from here:

FK – Gee what did Lincoln and the Yankee Army do during the New York City draft riots?

If the elites didn’t want this it wouldn’t be tolerated.

They want to burn the world down so it can be re-built in their image.
Nothing new about that.

And they won’t stop after the suburbs.

Active-duty military police ready to deploy to quell riots in Minneapolis: Report

FK – Something I read once, about ‘posse comitatus?’

But there’s also that ‘Crossing the Rubicon‘ thing…

All they need is an excuse.

Sic semper tyrannis


Will we be saved by a miraculous troglodyte?

Learn to RULE or BE RULED!

Variabilities in disease and tyranny

Variabilities in disease and tyranny

“Treason against the United States, shall consist only in levying War against them, or in adhering to their Enemies, giving them aid and comfort.” – U.S. Constitution Article 3 Section 3

“We’re not trying to overthrow the government. The government’s already been overthrown.” – Charlie Puckett, KSM Commander

There will be no winners in this war.

Whether the ‘invisible enemy’ goes away or is muted by whatever or returns in whatever mutated form and creates a second or multiple waves of death or whatever then the commie globalist trash will scream for decades about how wrong the ‘right wing conspiracy theorists’ were about trying to contain it along with human liberty and natural rights.

But that’s what they always do anyway, blatantly lie and claim to be the opposite of what they are.

In all my years of watching their crapflow I’ve never seen their lies be so blatant. If there’s really a hell they’ll all be there selling gasoline and matches.

There is already at least some slow boiling rebellion against the sometimes reasonable to absurdly strict controls applied to ‘controlling the spread.’

Social distancing is about keeping apart possible treats to the New World Order and it’s ideologues and whores, probably more than it could be about actually protecting anyone.

It’s also about controlling the gullible.

They will force vaccinations and tracking on us all through our employers and/or govt. benefits. They don’t need all the population to go along, just enough, the same way the IRS enforces an evil law that came from the banksters’ Communist Manifesto and was never ratified by enough states to become law.

If enough ADULTS with understanding get involved we can stop this evil in its tracks. But that would entail voting in only those candidates that value and protect human liberty and then shutting their phone lines down when the Congress and state legislatures are in session.

Too few here have any understanding at all of anything that matters.

As always, their SOP is CYA:

The Unspoken Reason For Lockdowns

And we have lots of morons and mentally ill tool-using monkeys that have no business voting:

Psychotherapist: Lockdown Zealots Are Behaving Like Cult Members

CC2 Covid, Brexit and Flying Saucers…

FK: This could easily be applied to a lot of mainstream cult members, aka mainstream religions, which of course are all successful cults. The more I witness of their collective insanity over the years the more convinced I am of this reality.

Waiting for saviors from any realm is of course a huge part of the problem, whether they are expected to show up in golden chariots, flying saucers or lab coats. Millions of morons through history have wasted their time on such and all they did was pass their slavery on to their children.

Here Is The Best Advance Indicator If A Second Wave Of Coronavirus Is Coming

And we’re still letting them vote:

FK – And all because millions of morons still stupidly believe the msnm and we still stupidly let them vote.

For the benefit of the simple minded, I’m not targeting all females. There are plenty of male ‘Karens.’ Western civilization’s domestic enemies, its greatest enemies, have made sure of it.

Who deserves to vote?

Questions for your candidate

What to teach your kids

When billions believe in a falsehood to the point they’re willing to kill you or watch you being burned alive in fire forever that makes it very real.

Proven right once again:


FKMy two words are: “Target acquisition.”

Authority exists at the point of a sword or gun and comes from the will to use those weapons and is based on the willingness of badged whores to enforce whatever evil law is passed.

The history of the tool-using monkeys has never been short of any of that.

Many judges are communist globalist trash. Simple fact. The SCOTUS is NOT the final arbiter of our rights. WE ARE!

Dershowitz is a bar shyster. They spend little time in shyster school on constitutional law or natural rights. They only learn how to research case law that’s written by their evil despicable kind.

Here’s the full interview. Haven’t watched it myself. I’ve seen enough to enjoy putting a rope around its neck..

When some piece of shit keeps calling our representative republic a ‘democracy’ you know it’s your enemy.

The U.S. Constitution doesn’t ‘give’ any rights. It delineates what the federal govt. and some argue what the state governments may or may not do. The Bill of Rights was basically forced on the Federalists by the Anti-Federalists, who history has proven right, in order to ACKNOWLEDGE not ‘grant’ any natural born rights we possess.

But our enemies have been successful and there are no men left here to enforce the Bill of Rights on our governments.

The law the militia should be enforcing

The flu jab DOESN’T work: Officials admit that a vaccine already dished out to thousands of patients may be targeting the wrong strain

FK – Gee, why didn’t they force vaccines on all of us for that one?

Here’s One Reason Flu Vaccines Are So Lousy: They’re Grown in Eggs

Shyster vs.shyster:


FKSince when the fuck has telling the evil creatures ‘the truth’ ever shut them up?

There is only one way to do that and there are no men here with the understanding of why it must be done.

Natural rights are only gained by those who are willing to kill for them. The ancient gods had no problem with chattel slavery. The system that created that created them.

“Any sufficiently advanced technology is indistinguishable from magic.” – Arthur C. Clarke

The purpose and meaning of tool-using monkey life is to expand human liberty and teach the concept of natural rights without which we will always be considered livestock by our would-be masters. But our schools and churches which were built for control consistently raise children to be children because they make better tools.

amerikan evangelicals are indoctrinated in the ignorance that tells them the world will end in their lifetimes and have no conception of passing a better(FREE) world on to their own children.

The problem is the nature of the tool-using monkeys, not what god they chose to bow down to. Rome didn’t lose its republic and later its empire because they prayed to the wrong gods. Their men lost the resolve to keep them.

Ignorance/simple answers to complex issues is/are always easier. That’s what’s kept the churches in business all these years. It eliminates the believers’ desire, if they had any at all, to take on personal responsibility for the world they exist in.

Religion like democracy is another control device. Be a good slave and you’ll have paradise in the next life. Millions of morons wasting their time here waiting for the world to end while believing ‘it’s all foretold and we can’t do anything about it’ is a major part of the problem and one of the elites’ best tools for control. It was probably designed that way.

Christian rebels and modern cowards

War is not always voluntary

A precursor to Hell on Earth

They’d be shooting by now:

FK – What was in the inoculation vs what’s in vaccines now? What will Gates put in his? How much money did the drug companies make off the smallpox vac?

When you join any military force you basically become its property. Were inoculations mandatory for the civilian pop.?

Disease is usually the biggest killer in war.

Did the Founders or the elites of the 18th century introduce smallpox as a means of control?

Wait, why did they give the Indians those blankets?

Had the banksters yet created the Federal Reserve system and the income tax with which they control the debt and thus the lives of all modern amerikans?

The Founders would be hunting our domestic blood enemies by now. But there are no men left here.

A new birth of Liberty, or death

All for a lack of men:


FK – Wait? What? A few actual MEN???

Gee, ever heard of the MICHIGAN MILITIA?

What will happen when the Nazis call for backup? Will there be enough to do what will be required for a restoration? I’m not holding my breath for the average amerikan male to prove me wrong when I claim there are no men here.

I haven’t been proven wrong yet, at least not on that point.

It’s all about creating division and tearing down what’s left of western civ. Who might this benefit?

Vice is commie trash and if we had enough MEN they’d be hanging from trees.

Hannity is a mainstream newswhore. What do you expect?

No. amerika is the modern empire of note. Our military dwarfs all others. China has made the mistake of challenging this, thus probably the real reason for the virus, besides enhancing the control grid.

The only real reason for the militia

Tools of a feather lie together:


FKA plumber’s only gotta know three things: water flows downhill, payday is Friday and the boss is an asshole.

A 16-year-old can legally drive a car down the road and make life endangering decisions. It’s not a child. The problem is all the human institutions that raise children to be children instead of adults who are indoctrinated in human liberty, natural rights and REALITY!

What is a man, really?

What to teach your kids

Still looking for saviors?:

FKIf some being tells you they’re ‘friendly’ does that mean they’re not lying? What have the commie trash globalists been doing for multiple decades?

The Brits surrendered their weapons without killing their commie trash. The trucks will show up and demand a ‘share’ of whatever these ‘coops’ grow. Watch some ‘Walking Dead.’

Then read/watch ‘The Road.’

What about that Guru who claims he’s breathed for years without eating anything?

No one has any crystal balls or any balls. Western civ. deserves to die. It has allowed its domestic enemies to run it into the ground.

We’re probably already existing in a ‘super computer.’ When the cosmic teenager tires of us or gets old enough to start chasing cosmic snatch he’ll flip the switch and we’ll never know the difference.

Disclosure, or exopolitics is now a thing…

Connecting Dots: UFOGate to the Missing Trillions

The propagandists she mentioned:

The Imperial College Study That’s Formed the Basis of So Much Panic Just Got Revised Down Significantly

Neil Ferguson, Doctor Behind Coronavirus Imperial College Study, Revises Predictions

Imperial College COVID-19 Response Team

Commie propagandists(that should be tried for treason and executed):

Here’s the Punch-in-the-Gut Version of the Imperial College Coronavirus Study

FK – I still think it’s probably a bio weapon, intentionally released by some group, govt. or NGO, with predetermined outcomes in mind. Monsters have a history of turning on their masters.

And of course I’m being too cruel when I write our failure to hunt these creatures to extinction is over the top:

Plague Comforts: “Nature Is Healing, We Are the Virus” Memes

FK – I have to agree with the globalists on one point: There are too many people, too many of the wrong kinds of commie trash, by whatever cute name.

But they have been successful and there are not enough men left in western civ. to save it.

Though I do like this one:

Why don’t the commie trash try to jump in and save it?

So now it’s allegedly in the water. Does the alligator know?:

De Blasio Warns Beachgoers Will ‘Be Taken Right Out Of The Water’ If They Try To Swim

For thee but not for me:

“Half Your Crew’s Not Wearing Masks!” MSNBC Suffers Shaming-Fail After Vacationer Mocks Reporter

Winding down or re-winding?:

FK – Maybe commieo is just doing his job since one of the goals of this was likely to reduce medicare costs.

In commie china they have ‘volunteers’ for hot lead injections and organ harvesting. Our commies here would do the same if they could get away with it.

The real plague has walked among us for many multiple generations.

So there are no men here now to do what must be done to destroy the visible enemy.

Will this wake you up”:


FK – There’s nothing new about newswhores reprinting or regurgitating news releases to save money on production.

What matters is who or what is generating the propaganda. And that we have no men to hunt them to extinction.

The elites have long known that their peasants basically act as livestock, grazing and breeding their way through their existences, stupidly passing their slavery on to their descendants.

It’s always been up to that tiny minority.

Welcome to a nation of morons

Welcome to a nation of pacified morons or WHAT MUST BE DONE NOW!

Or will this?


FK Where are the men to stop this evil? Our enemies emasculated them long ago.

Real or not, Corona is a setup

Who’s writing amerika’s obituary after the virus war?

Welcome to our new soft Hell

How sketchy are you?:


FK – This is a representative republic. We are ALL born responsible. Ignoring evil is helping it.

International Terrorist Response Team

Fuck them. I hope I’m on every fucking list they have. Any other way is cowardice.

The anti-patriot act wasn’t written to deal with fake terrorists hiding in caves on the other side of the world. IT WAS WRITTEN FOR US! IT’S TIME TO GROW THE FUCK UP!

The Fed Nazi agencies are full of commie globalist trash. One can discern this by watching the mainstream newswhores. No ‘conspiracy theories’ necessary.

The ‘good guys vs bad guys’ bullshit is for simpletons. The sheep dogs are hired to herd the sheeple, protect the state and the corporations, collect its taxes and enhance its revenue.

The SCOTUS has ruled multiple times they don’t exist to protect us.

And those they serve:

FK – All through history the strong take the weak and still we the morons act surprised.

They will NEVER just give any power back. It will have to be taken. Our domestic blood enemies, our biggest enemies will NEVER stop lying of their own accord. They will have to be FORCED to stop lying.

They want the illegals here so they can get them to vote commie. That’s the only reason. They are tools like all the other minorities, tools to gain power over us all.

Actually no, it’s our job to protect our natural born rights from any and all governments. This is a representative republic, we are all born responsible.

It’s not your body until you enforce your domain over it against those who would claim dominion over us all.

They will probably try to force vaccinations on us all via our employers and/or govt. payments. Don’t get a shot, don’t have a job, don’t get a check or food stamps. This could be stopped if millions kept the phone lines to their elected public SERVANTS burned down for weeks, to include the U.S. Congress and state legislatures and local governments.

They will call you every name in the book, as they’ve been doing for generations now.

Actually the republicrats are just as guilty in their own ways of burning the Bill of Rights. Think ‘anti-patriot’ act. It was written to be used on US not fake enemies hiding in caves on the other side of the world.

And they won’t even realize what they’re doing. just like they don’t now by enforcing the evil drug war, war on terror, gun laws, income taxes, and on and on.

The job of the ‘sheep dogs’ is to herd the sheep, protect the state, enforce its laws, collect and enhance its revenue. The SCOTUS has ruled multiple times they’re NOT HERE TO PROTECT US!

That’s the job of the peoples’ force, the unorganized militia that keeps its weapons in the homes of the people.

Trump is no more of a magical savior than any other tool that gets selected by the elites. Looking for saviors is a large part of the problem.

Exhibit A.

Learn to RULE or BE RULED!

Learn to RULE or BE RULED!

Yep. It’s as simple as that.

After 25 years or so of trying to get my fellow tool-using monkeys to disengage their heads from their asses I’ve finally come to accept that most of them will struggle to their dying breaths to not overcome thousands of generations of the submissive surviving to breed.

That’s basically what the elites who run the world already knew long ago.

Every day I experience morons who don’t have a clue and who’d rather die than get one. If one is handed to them on a silver platter they spit on it. If an authority figure doesn’t say it, it can’t be true.

So of course the idea that we will have to physically fight to restore real human liberty, based on the concept of natural rights, the ideals our representative republic was founded upon, causes them to think I’m being ‘defeatist’ or just plain nuts.

They have no concept of their right, duty and responsibility to raise each generation with the knowledge, skills, understanding it takes to kill those who would rule and further enslave them.

The various religions and political ideologies have made sure of it. They are all a defeated tribe.

The proof is when morons say they’ll simply ‘bury their guns‘ or tell those tasked with ’rounding them up’ that they ‘lost them in a boating accident’ or ‘sold them at a yard sale’ or some other cowardly spit.

See Canada.

Without the genuine people’s militia in place to overcome this current virus war that is being waged on humanity and was probably designed with the intention of creating the ultimate division, with the commie trash screaming for total control, so-called ‘conservatives’ and ‘libertarians’ et al cowering on their couches as usual, and the masses of the sheeple still stupidly trusting authority figures who tell them this virus that’s still killing fewer than the flu is more dangerous than the trash that probably created/adapted and released it we’re all fucked.

Books to read before you vote

Proven right once again:

FKSo how do you still have a fakebook page? How long will the source articles remain online not to mention this vid? This is the showdown. They’re desperate. The net they created for control is now eating them. Or is it?

The only thing I hadn’t thought of was the means. This virus is the ultimate takedown. No one can be sure about what it is, what it will do, or where we’ll end up, including those who created the monster.

And it’s about the power and the profit:


FK – Where are the men to stop this evil? There are none. They are a defeated species.

Hey, the republicrats voted through the anti-Patriot Act without reading it so what’s vaccinating a few billion sheeple with a bad drug as long as it makes the right assholes money and keeps them in power?

They claim to want to reduce global population yet they strive to vaccinate us all so we don’t die?

Who needs guns when you have 8 billion syringes?

Welcome to our new soft Hell

So now we’re all global guinea pigs:


FK – It’s called unimaginable arrogance/hubris. Nothing new about it. If it had lived a few thousand years ago it would’ve been a king threatening torture and death to those not willing to bow down to it.

There truly is nothing new under the sun. Another old saying is still true: Funding is control.

The masks are no better than the vaccines:


FK – I’m sure the corporate workaholic assholes will take note of this. Not. No more than the big govt. control freaks will. Too much money to be made and too much control to gain. The brain-dead sheeple will never know the difference.

We’re way past the testing of obedience phase.

Wearing masks may increase your risk of coronavirus infection, expert says

What is the evidence on wearing masks to stop COVID-19?

FK – One must take sources into account, as in ‘The authorities often lie.’

More stuff we shouldn’t be surprised about:

FK – The lockdowns are not about controlling the virus. They’re about controlling the herd.

The only fix for commiefornia will be boots on the ground.

How long until employers require this?:

FDA authorizes the first at-home Covid-19 saliva test

FK – …and a vaccine?

What if?:


FK – Not agreeing won’t be enough. It took sweat and blood to get our Bills of Rights. It will take such to keep them.

Again, follow the money:


FK – This country was founded and fought for on the concept of NATURAL RIGHTS, not ‘civil liberties.

They’re called shysters for a reason:

FK – After years of watching all this shit I’ve realized that the message of natural rights should be the core of the patriot movement. Keep the message simple and keep repeating it, just like the enemy.

Calling it a divorce is like calling an illegal pit bull fight a puppy parade. They killed each other. That’s what happened. The process will have to be repeated or all is lost.

But there are no men here or we’d already have the genuine peoples’ militias in place in every county and they’d be doing what must be done.

We have the natural right to kill the bastards when it’s necessary. It’s way past necessary. The ‘arms’ are only a means to an end. All the rest is rhetoric wasted on the terminally deaf.

As we’ve long said, only 3 – 7 percent actually fought in the revolution. In a modern restoration as we so desperately need most will cower in their homes with a mask on and stupidly hope the storm passes them by.

But we do know the playbook:

FK – Where are the men to stop this evil? There are none. They are a defeated species.

A letter opener can be a ‘weapon of war.’ It reads ‘arms.’

The ‘lawmakers’ and ‘law enforcers’ are supposed to be in constant fear for their lives. That’s called a ‘free country.’

If we had the genuine peoples’ militia we should have built in every county decades ago the moronic moms would be hanging from trees with the vids on the net for the world to see.

But we have no men here.

What is a man, really?

What to teach your kids

Once again, see Canada:

FK – Why sit home waiting for them to ‘come and take it’ which they will gladly do, murdering one family at a time?

There are no men left in western civ., that’s why.

Don’t worry, it’ll never happen:

FKYou’re as much a part of the problem as they are. They’re fucking waging war and you refuse to see it. And you promote telling them you ‘lost’ your weapons when you should be killing them. How pathetic.

But don’t dare actually stand up to them:


FK – What does one expect from any mainstream newswhore? While we don’t want idiots or ‘lone wolves’ doing stupid things we DO NEED properly trained, physically fit, battle ready genuine peoples’ militias in every county in this country, 20 years ago.

But our enemies have been successful and most panty waist ‘conservatives’ and ‘libertarians’ who claim they want to live in a free country are scared to death of the ‘m’ word in the Second Amendment they claim to cherish.

What a bunch of children.

A new birth of Liberty, or death

Oh but this can’t be serious:


FKThere are no men here to do what needs to be done.

H.R.6666 – COVID-19 Testing, Reaching, And Contacting Everyone (TRACE) Act

Cosponsors: H.R.6666 — 116th Congress (2019-2020)

And what they’re doing in not-so-merry ol’ England:

Coronavirus Act 2020

One can bet Marxist globalists all over the planet plan similar evil.

They already rule:

FK – “…under the framework of human rights…” as defined by Marxist globalists, which won’t include a recognition of natural rights, i.e. the right to kill the fuckers when it’s necessary.

It’s way past necessary.

But there are no men here. Our enemies have been successful.

The law the militia should be enforcing

Real or not, Corona is a setup

Who’s writing amerika’s obituary after the virus war?

Tomorrow, April 19, is our real birthday

And they will do anything to ensure they continue to rule:


FK – At least he didn’t use the word ‘pussy’ in front of her…

Tyranny on the local level:


FK – Where are the men to project this force? There are none left.

Very little surprises me anymore.

Then we have the endless distraction:

Arctic Oscillation: possible trigger of COVID-19 outbreak

FK – That one’s over my head so I’ll leave it up to Suspicious Observers.

A true ‘natural event’ that’s worth worrying about:

FK – And nobody’s gonna get beamed up.

Got the next one here.

Or this is your children’s’ future:

Buzzards of a feather:

Hitlery proved they’ll vote for anything:

Sometimes even the enemy gets it:

For the benefit of the simple minded, the Black Panthers were a Marxist organization. And infiltration goes both ways.

This won’t be over soon:

FKAnd there are no men to stop it.

Europe was lost decades ago:

We’re Living in 12 Monkeys

FK – That article in tech review or whatever is of course itself propaganda:

“The best we can hope for is that the depth of this crisis will finally force countries—the US, in particular—to fix the yawning social inequities that make large swaths of their populations so intensely vulnerable.”

Most of the brain dead sheeple yet have no understanding of why all this is wrong. Anyone who fights back will be seen as endangering the herd. This is beautiful stuff, world war by other means.

And when all the rapturites figure out there’s no big beam up coming they’ll bow down and lick or suck whatever is stuck in their faces because most of them have no conception of fighting back. We were defeated long ago.

Every time wages go up prices go up. The UBI will have the same effect. They don’t dare let the working class poor get ahead. A lifetime of debt gives the banksters a lifetime of control.

Or all this is really a test case and after it blows over they’ll say “Oh see, the ‘fake media'(alternative ‘right-wing’ or whatever) was wrong about what we’d do with the virus so they can’t be trusted at all.”

As if the average sheeple would know the difference anyway.

Have you watched ‘Colony?’

Maybe they’ve done this many times.

The most basic natural right is to kill the bastards who would enslave us further. But there are no men left here to do what must be done.

The doc mentioned above:


Who’s writing amerika’s obituary after the virus war?