Tag Archives: assembly line

How Big Oil Conquered the World


FK – Didn’t comment or take notes on these two. They pretty much speak for themselves anyway. They filled in some holes for me.

They should be required viewing in all high schools, colleges and churches.

But there are no men here to bring that about.


3 Reasons Why It’s Hard To Talk To Commies

FK – I generally don’t waste time arguing with them because their only goal is our submission. All that streams out of their vile evil mouths is but rhetoric, spin, propaganda to bring that about.

We should be hunting them, not arguing with them for there is no such thing as a right to work covertly or overtly to enslave those around you or in our case enslave us further.

Understanding their propaganda can be good for newbies, but newbies must also fully understand my first point:

The patriot newbie guidebook

The cancer on America’s face, or why I do what I do…

Sadly neither ‘capitalism’ whatever it really is nor the ‘free market’ will ‘save’ us. Goolag, fakebook, twatter, all prove this as they worked to elect hitlery and work now to end free speech on the net. Amazon founder Bezos bought the washington compost and it’s still a commie rag. Get a job in one of his facilities and he’ll scrape every penny off your ass he can until he wears you out then kick you out the door. There is no right to treat a human being like a jackass, whether it’s the govt. or the ‘free market’ doing it. The problem is so many ‘conservatives’ and ‘libertarians’ really do only care about ‘their’ money. In fact money is the real god of this country. Always has been.

A modern 10 commandments

The point is to look at their goals and compare them to our Bills of Rights which acknowledge our natural born right to hunt them to extinction when their goals are detrimental to human liberty.

What must be done – A manifesto of the ‘isms.’

There will always be hierarchy because most sheeple will always prefer ignorance to knowledge and there will always be Negans, those who think the end justifies the means. Those who claim to love liberty will not find the freedom they seek until they learn to RULE those other two classes.

Fixing The Divide Pt. 1 … The Cease-Fire? Or, we must learn to RULE!

The right to fight back is the right to private property. The most important ‘private property’ anyone owns is their own life, health, safety, and no one, anywhere, anytime has the ‘right’ to take that from them or deny them their most basic right, that of self defense.

Go ‘get a job’ as it’s so common to hear and you’ll quickly learn, if you have a brain, that your employer considers you to be his/her property to wear out and cast aside when necessary after demanding the majority of your time in the name of ‘making a living’ for decades.

What to teach your kids

Staying ‘principled’ all these years is exactly what’s kept me poor.

The Real Wealth Gap

FK – Maybe this is the real reason they shortened our lifespans.

You’re doing the same thing they are with your vid graphics. Have you checked them for subliminals or inserted your own?

I’d happily sign a paper that tells them to stick a needle in my arm when I can or will no longer wipe my own ass.

The average so-called ‘life,’ what I call an existence, isn’t worth bothering with anyway. They waste most of their waking hours in exchange for money while destroying their health and maintaining their natural born ignorance all in the name of making their employers richer or nowadays growing numbers are simply slaves on the govt. plantation consuming physical and mental Twinkies all while passing their slavery on to their children.

The submissive have been surviving to breed for a very long time. The whip is no longer PC and religion, thank the gods, is slowly dying, so those who consider us to be livestock have to find a way to keep the herd moving along. All seems pretty natural to me.

Don’t worry, there are no men left here to do a damn thing about any of it. Our domestic blood enemies, our greatest enemies, made damn sure of it.

Christian rebels and modern cowards

How Boomers Were Taught to Hate (Themselves)

FK – How could a ‘religious jew’ eat a hot dog that probably had pork in it? Answer: He’s not religious, maybe at best a ‘reform jew’ which basically means Marxist.

Most modern Jews are secular Marxists. And when you call them ‘leftist,’ a term they came up with to hide their evil from the ignorant, you’re helping them.

Let’s cut to the quick here. In the stix there is still this kind of thinking, and I hate to call it thinking. But that is not the problem. The problem is the so-called ‘conservatives’ and ‘libertarians’ who refuse to acknowledge how the working poor are often treated by their employers and not caring that most of the working class is too stupid and backward to stand up for themselves and demand better conditions and better pay.

Simple facts that I know to be real because I’ve wasted my time in exchange for money in enough blue-collar crapholes and delivered freight for the corporations that obviously care no more for their ‘human resources(screwdrivers) than they would for a screwdriver they picked up at the hardware store to use, abuse and kick out the door when it’s no longer useful to them.

This as always leaves an entry point for the communists to point out real or imagined issues and use them to gain political ground.

There should be unions, not ran by commies or the mafia or whatever. The purpose of NAFTA was to destroy the unions. As corrupt as they were at least they did help people to some degree. American corporations didn’t move their factories to craphole countries because they felt sorry for the peasants. They wanted ignorant desperate robots who would do or say anything to get a job, then show up on time, do what they’re told and never ask inappropriate questions.

Without ignorant white folk the commie trash couldn’t get elected. Do you know why most of the South was Democrat? It had nothing to do with socialism. But the poverty of southern whites which was largely a result of Northern conquest which was the reason so many of them kept voting for their enemies for so long. Read ‘The Real Lincoln’ and ‘Lincoln’s Marxists.’

Now they vote republicrat in the false hope they’ll be saved or have a ‘godly’ govt. so their master will be pleased with them when it’s time for the big beam up, which isn’t coming.

We still exist in a very dark and dangerous age and are still a very primitive species.

A modern 10 commandments

Do robotic biological tool-using monkeys have rights?

Democracy is evil, another form of manipulation, two wolves and a sheep voting on lunch. Liberty is a well-armed sheep contesting the vote and killing the wolves. We MUST DEMAND LIBERTY!

Why choose one version of authoritarianism over another?

No sacred cows, or a new global Bill of Rights

We can send the sacred, or scared, cows to Australia

The most important things to do

A conspiracy to indoctrinate, or “What is an education?”

What’s the ultimate question?

Maybe we’ll get lucky:

FK – Far more depressing than the notion of any of these disasters is the mindless ignorance exhibited in so many comments below. That’s really what’s killing us.

The crazies won’t be helped by the culture war or ‘Waking up is hard to do’

Let’s rearrange the deck chairs

Choosing sides

The purposes of gods and golden rules

Christian rebels and modern cowards



FK – But Mr. Prez, we’re still not free here. amerika cannot be great unless its people are free.

There are still places where we can be arrested and imprisoned for choosing to defend ourselves. This is evil beyond compare.

They still steal their money our of our paychecks before it even reaches our hands.

Our employers still require absurd amounts of overtime and still call us human resources, consumers and treat us as products on the internet which shows they do not respect us as human beings.

A modern 10 commandments

The drug war and the war on terror continue as excuses to destroy our liberty on a daily basis. Neither would exist if the right assholes on all sides weren’t profiting from them.

Our military still fights Israel’s proxy wars while it builds a middle eastern empire and commits slow genocide against the original inhabitants of that land.

Millions still waste their time here waiting for the world to end and looking forward to their own loved ones being burned alive in fire forever while singing praises to the sadistic bronze age god that was patterned after ancient tyrannical kings that looked down their noses at their subjects and their slaves and said “Obey me or I’ll torture and/or kill you.”

We still tolerate probably thousands of Marxist/globalist front groups, NGOs, foundations, et al whose only goal is the enslavement of humanity. They work incessantly either covertly or overtly to impose an ideology on us all that murdered 200 mil. in the 20th century alone.

Mr. President, bring the Marines home and activate the militias to deal with this evil. If our useless congress/legislatures disagree arrest most of them as well and try them for treason.

But at the end of the day you are no more of a man than the average amerikan neutered male who may be able to produce some income to graze and breed on but has no understanding of the importance of human liberty and thus helps enforce our slavery on us all.

Christian rebels and modern cowards

It’s July 4: What are we really celebrating?

A new birth of Liberty, or death

Is THIS Japan?!?


FK – Why is the sign in English? It reminds me of the crap on the wall in the Amazon break room. They’ll shave every penny off your ass they can.

As far as I’m concerned the Japs have done immense damage to the amerikan worker. Their factories here have 12 hour shifts up to 7 days a week I’m told. As a freight hauler I’ve noticed their ‘just in time’ delivery system making our roads that much more dangerous.

Someone told me the workers at a jap plant in a neighboring town have to log every time they go to the bathroom.

Why are we allowing these corporate workaholic assholes to treat us like jackasses? When the ignorant masses put up with that garbage we all have to, or starve.

Are they out to get back at us for WWII?

Here in amerika if I did a vid on my farm and showed my 4wd, my guns, or just being in a rural area to the average citiot, commie trash, I’m automatically a shoeless illiterate redneck who should be disarmed, lorded over and constantly told what to do for my own good.

And that’s done because it’s good propaganda and it re-enforces their limitless arrogance/hubris.

For most sheeple their reality is what they see every day. That’s why citiots are so easily convinced the Earth is dying because all they see is concrete, steel and asphalt and all they hear is human/traffic noise and all they smell is exhaust. Am I stereotyping enough yet?

When workers in Asian countries on 16 hour days see the suicide net outside their building what’s their view of the world?

They’ll do the same thing to all of us if we don’t stop them.

A modern 10 commandments

What’s the ultimate question?

A conspiracy to indoctrinate, or “What is an education?”

We can’t trust any of them:

FK – Google’s head honcho worked to elect hitlery which said it wanted ‘Australian style gun control’ which means they have no problem killing the American people.

goolag and fakebook are ran by amerikan commie globalists. The Russkies are probably helping them since Putin, a de facto dictator, is ‘former’ KGB.

Evil is an inadequate description for their ultimate/limitless arrogance/hubris. They should be required to respect the Bill of Rights, the document that makes us exceptional.

Doing what is required to fight tyranny is always ‘illegal.’ When the blood war starts whatever we can pick up and use or steal and use will be ‘legal.’

The question is not “What will you do when they come for your guns?” but “What will you do when they come for your neighbors’ guns?”

AR15’s are Weapons of War? (2nd Amendment Fact & Admitting the Truth)

Who’s Really Taking Our Jobs?!?

FK – They already treat workers like robots. Only the new robots won’t need breaks, sleep or food.

What does society already look like? The tool-using monkeys, probably someone’s biological robots, already mindlessly move from one task to another, wasting most of their time here in exchange for money, struggling desperately to NEVER think about anything that actually matters much less standing up for themselves against governments or employers that regularly treat them like jackasses.

A modern 10 commandments

Elite Will Pay Us Off, Then Overwrite Us: “Money Is Never Free”

FK – I don’t think it’s an ‘experiment.’ They knew exactly what the outcome of the welfare state would be. They wanted inter-generational morons that could be counted on as constituents and a failed culture they could constantly point to and offer ‘change’ and ‘help’ and ‘reform,’ kinda like the drug war or the war on terror. Oh yeah, they called it ‘the war on poverty.’

Now they can all go get free twinkies and enough money for shoes but their dignity, if they ever had any, has been sold to the state. If everyone’s waiting on a govt. check then they’ll know that stepping out of line might endanger their ‘basic income.’ But then considering how most corporations treat their workers(associates, not employees) millions will happily line up for a basic existence they no longer have to waste their time and health in exchange for.

Someone once was alleged to have said, “The poor you shall always have with you,” in a matter-of-fact enough way that it’s likely true.

From what I’ve read it’ll be decades before fully automated big trucks are a reality. It would take a complete re-do of the interstate system with special lanes for the truck trains or forcing everyone into fully automated cars so that the four-wheelers aren’t driving 10-20 mph faster than the robot trucks. Several states tried the split speed limit thing for a while and the smart ones ended it.

The future isn’t ‘terminator’ ran by man-made machines it’s man-controlled machines controlling lesser men. Or maybe we’re already there and just haven’t noticed yet.

We must ban this crap before it even gets off the ground. We can do it. Yes we can.

Just like they know what the result of un-controlled immigration will be:


FK – Europe, like America, needs a granite gallows in front of every govt. building to execute those responsible for the policies that makes this crap possible/happen.

They all seem to be dressed pretty well. Are they getting govt. checks or are they being paid to riot?

What will the robots think of that?:

Google’s AI chatbot ponders the meaning of life before giving THIS chilling response

FK – The meaning and purpose of life is to forward human liberty. But we are still a very primitive species and still exist in a very dark age.

The patriot newbie guidebook

No sacred cows, or a new global Bill of Rights

Or we can have a world of fences:


FK – ‘Extreme views’ usually means those who’re capable of thinking for themselves and therefore might question orders.

Looks to me like they’ve erected a new iron curtain, facing the other way.

What monsters do we create to save ourselves?