Tag Archives: factories

Who’s Really Taking Our Jobs?!?

FK – They already treat workers like robots. Only the new robots won’t need breaks, sleep or food.

What does society already look like? The tool-using monkeys, probably someone’s biological robots, already mindlessly move from one task to another, wasting most of their time here in exchange for money, struggling desperately to NEVER think about anything that actually matters much less standing up for themselves against governments or employers that regularly treat them like jackasses.

A modern 10 commandments

Snake Bezos Enters The White House


FK – I’ve wasted my time in exchange for money at Amazon several times. Bezos will always try to shave every penny off your ass he can, ‘human resource’ or ‘consumer.’

They don’t call us ‘human resources’ and ‘consumers’ because they respect us as human beings.

What does ‘We the People’ actually mean?

The only real reason for the militia

What is a man, really?

What to teach your kids

The Amazon-Walmart Showdown That Explains the Modern Economy

FK – A new yawk slimes newswhore can afford to pay 70 bucks for a shirt? That’s what’s wrong with this country…

Hey Donald: You Can Be a Citizen of America *and* a Citizen of the World!

FK – Well let’s see, a demonscat congress passed NAFTA and Bill Klinton signed it and bragged about it after declaring during its first campaign that it was against it.

The republicrats control the congress and ostensibly the now orange house and many state legislatures and are still balking at doing what will be required to fix this mess if it can be fixed. They don’t even have the courage to repeal commie care or the gun laws or shut down the IRS or the Fed.

Libertarians have a great ‘philosophy’ that human kind is clearly too backwards to understand much less accept at this point. Israel’s prime minister has just announced he wants to base their law in the Talmud while commie morons in this country say they’d have no problem with Sharia law and judging from many comments I see on fakebook and other social sites on a regular basis many ‘christians'(very loosely defined) would return to burning witches and other undesirables if the opportunity presented itself. And we’re supposed to think we’re ready for ‘open borders?’

Fences work both ways, search ‘iron curtain.’ American corporations didn’t move their factories after NAFTA was passed because they felt sorry for the peasants in Latin America and Asia. They wanted ‘compliant'(desperate) workers who would do or say anything to get a job, show up on time, do what they’re told and NEVER ask inappropriate questions, and oh yeah, put up with ridiculous work hours and ridiculous wages.

Don’t believe me? Go spend some time in an industrial setting or delivering freight.

They’ll do the same here if they are allowed to get away with it.

So human nature being what it is, supremely fucked up and slavish, I don’t expect to live to see the situation improve markedly. The blind faith so many put in Trump, and hitlery and the Marxist mutt and Bush the second and various versions, sub-versions and subversions of sadistic gods that were patterned after ancient tyrannical kings sadly proves this.

What must be done – A manifesto of the ‘isms.’

No sacred cows, or a new global Bill of Rights

And don’t miss this:

Is There Any Such Thing As A Principled Politician Anymore?


Elite Will Pay Us Off, Then Overwrite Us: “Money Is Never Free”

FK – I don’t think it’s an ‘experiment.’ They knew exactly what the outcome of the welfare state would be. They wanted inter-generational morons that could be counted on as constituents and a failed culture they could constantly point to and offer ‘change’ and ‘help’ and ‘reform,’ kinda like the drug war or the war on terror. Oh yeah, they called it ‘the war on poverty.’

Now they can all go get free twinkies and enough money for shoes but their dignity, if they ever had any, has been sold to the state. If everyone’s waiting on a govt. check then they’ll know that stepping out of line might endanger their ‘basic income.’ But then considering how most corporations treat their workers(associates, not employees) millions will happily line up for a basic existence they no longer have to waste their time and health in exchange for.

Someone once was alleged to have said, “The poor you shall always have with you,” in a matter-of-fact enough way that it’s likely true.

From what I’ve read it’ll be decades before fully automated big trucks are a reality. It would take a complete re-do of the interstate system with special lanes for the truck trains or forcing everyone into fully automated cars so that the four-wheelers aren’t driving 10-20 mph faster than the robot trucks. Several states tried the split speed limit thing for a while and the smart ones ended it.

The future isn’t ‘terminator’ ran by man-made machines it’s man-controlled machines controlling lesser men. Or maybe we’re already there and just haven’t noticed yet.

We must ban this crap before it even gets off the ground. We can do it. Yes we can.

Just like they know what the result of un-controlled immigration will be:


FK – Europe, like America, needs a granite gallows in front of every govt. building to execute those responsible for the policies that makes this crap possible/happen.

They all seem to be dressed pretty well. Are they getting govt. checks or are they being paid to riot?

What will the robots think of that?:

Google’s AI chatbot ponders the meaning of life before giving THIS chilling response

FK – The meaning and purpose of life is to forward human liberty. But we are still a very primitive species and still exist in a very dark age.

The patriot newbie guidebook

No sacred cows, or a new global Bill of Rights

Or we can have a world of fences:


FK – ‘Extreme views’ usually means those who’re capable of thinking for themselves and therefore might question orders.

Looks to me like they’ve erected a new iron curtain, facing the other way.

What monsters do we create to save ourselves?

CETA Is Almost Dead – Here’s What You Need To Know


FK – The witch is probably upset that it won’t be getting its kickbacks.

They view us all as livestock. There’s nothing more important to understand than that.

‘Globalization’ with real human Liberty would be an agreeable thing.

It’s time for a global Bill of Rights