Tag Archives: fence

Elite Will Pay Us Off, Then Overwrite Us: “Money Is Never Free”

FK – I don’t think it’s an ‘experiment.’ They knew exactly what the outcome of the welfare state would be. They wanted inter-generational morons that could be counted on as constituents and a failed culture they could constantly point to and offer ‘change’ and ‘help’ and ‘reform,’ kinda like the drug war or the war on terror. Oh yeah, they called it ‘the war on poverty.’

Now they can all go get free twinkies and enough money for shoes but their dignity, if they ever had any, has been sold to the state. If everyone’s waiting on a govt. check then they’ll know that stepping out of line might endanger their ‘basic income.’ But then considering how most corporations treat their workers(associates, not employees) millions will happily line up for a basic existence they no longer have to waste their time and health in exchange for.

Someone once was alleged to have said, “The poor you shall always have with you,” in a matter-of-fact enough way that it’s likely true.

From what I’ve read it’ll be decades before fully automated big trucks are a reality. It would take a complete re-do of the interstate system with special lanes for the truck trains or forcing everyone into fully automated cars so that the four-wheelers aren’t driving 10-20 mph faster than the robot trucks. Several states tried the split speed limit thing for a while and the smart ones ended it.

The future isn’t ‘terminator’ ran by man-made machines it’s man-controlled machines controlling lesser men. Or maybe we’re already there and just haven’t noticed yet.

We must ban this crap before it even gets off the ground. We can do it. Yes we can.

Just like they know what the result of un-controlled immigration will be:


FK – Europe, like America, needs a granite gallows in front of every govt. building to execute those responsible for the policies that makes this crap possible/happen.

They all seem to be dressed pretty well. Are they getting govt. checks or are they being paid to riot?

What will the robots think of that?:

Google’s AI chatbot ponders the meaning of life before giving THIS chilling response

FK – The meaning and purpose of life is to forward human liberty. But we are still a very primitive species and still exist in a very dark age.

The patriot newbie guidebook

No sacred cows, or a new global Bill of Rights

Or we can have a world of fences:


FK – ‘Extreme views’ usually means those who’re capable of thinking for themselves and therefore might question orders.

Looks to me like they’ve erected a new iron curtain, facing the other way.

What monsters do we create to save ourselves?

If You’re a LIBERAL, THIS Should Embarrass the HELL Out of You!


FK – Their ‘ideas’ go back to Paine’s time and beyond. They just didn’t call it ‘socialism’ or ‘communism’ back then.

The opening scene reminds me of the mini series ‘Rome’ when the elites were handing out free grain to the plebes or whatever so they wouldn’t overthrow them.

Lincoln worked for years on a plan to send freed slaves back to Africa or some other place they could call their own. I’m beginning to think he really had a good idea except we need to send the white-skinned “Liberal”(commie) trash, our greatest enemies, along with them.

There are good people of color, and plenty of white trash. The time is coming soon when we will have to separate the sheep from the goats.

Marx was supported by Engels. Look it up. The elites created a system in which they create parasites which will behave in predictable ways so they can be easily manipulated. The welfare state had exactly the outcome they were looking for.

But as always they have to keep the lid on a boiling kettle. The question is it about to boil over or is this just another show for the simple minded?

“Democracy is the first step in the Revolution.” – Karl Marx

Their insanity comes from the top down. Who’s telling them what to say and think and funding their marches? Most sheeple are too busy trying to survive to march.

What I’ve been sayin’ all along:


FK – I was trying to tell people, patriots way last year(2015) that no matter which tool lied its way into the now red house the result would be civil war.

The ‘manginas’ may be pathetic but many of them are highly intelligent and perfectly capable of killing their perceived enemies by the millions just like Stalin did. Many are just as sociopathic and amoral as he was. They can buy weapons and ammo just like anyone and their false pacifism and false civility is just that, false.

Can the deer hunters organize and act as a unit? How many of them are physically fit enough to do what will be required?

How far gone are we?:

FK – The tool using monkeys, or self-replicating robots, take your pick, are born as blank slates and are only acting as programmed.

It’d be easy to say it must be that Fukishima radiation but in reality it’s the commie indoctrination, or lack of indoctrination in our history, Bill of Rights and human Liberty.

If we had that maybe we wouldn’t feel a need to go to the govt. to get ‘permission’ to get married or to do a lot of things and the police would know to immediately arrest the law creators instead of the ‘law breakers.’

But I fear a lot of blood, sweat and tears will have to be shed to get us to that point.

Trump as click bait, and other things…

2016 GOP Convention Societal Collapse


FK – This has been coming for years. Eventually one side or the other will get pushed into the political corner and will have to choose between fighting or kissing, fondling and sucking whatever is stuck in their face. We know if we’re the ones on our knees there will be no limit to what that might be.

If those ‘on the right,’ who allegedly value human Liberty and the Bill of Rights would put on their big boy pants and at the least start demanding arrests and treason trials for the leaders of the commie/globalist front groups we could begin to see some moderately ‘peaceful’ progress. But no one has the balls to do this. It boils down to this simple concept: There’s no such thing as a ‘right’ to work openly or covertly to enslave those around you.

Our domestic blood enemies with white skin are our biggest enemies and have been all along but too many are in denial of this. If the commie front groups are paying their protestors why couldn’t some or many of the hard corps “build a wall” Trump morons be getting paid or at least trained to do what they’re doing as well? I put nothing past the elites. They’ve obviously infiltrated the Libertarian Party. The whole thing may be a setup.

There’ve been massive riots before. LA burned during the Rodney King riots which someone told me once were emulated around the country but the newswhores didn’t talk about the others so much. The authorities fear such only because it might interfere with their economies.

There will be two important questions: Who or what side controls the military during the next revolution/restoration and how much of the guns and ammo sold over the past few years has been bought by commies and fundie ragheads. The time is coming soon, and I thought this 15 years ago, when the average man, if there are any men left here, and many women and children, are going to be forced to learn the difference between cruelty and viciousness.

If millions would descend on the district of commie criminals and new yawk city and a few other “Liberal”(commie) trash enclaves what kind of world would we have when the dust finally settled? It wouldn’t be perfect by a long shot but at least we might finally end their constant lying and permanently remove the Marxists from our government schools and universities and newsrooms and publishing houses.

The sad fact is not long after that we’d be fighting to free ourselves from another inquisition of some kind or another while trying to get the young Earth creationists out of the schools. Sigh. Are we really condemned to constantly crawl from one ridiculous extreme to another?

Or will we fight?

FK – As I’ve been begging patriots for years: Stop calling the communists by the cute names they invented to hide their evil. They’re not ‘left’ or ‘liberal’ or ‘progressive.’ They’re communists, Marxists, socialists, evil. Democracy is the road to socialism is the road to communism… It’s time to demand Liberty.

Their kind killed 200 million in the 20th century alone so of course they’re capable of violence and they’re likely not finished.

Too bad so many who claim to love Liberty and the Bill of Rights are not so.

The churches have long been infiltrated if the christian religion wasn’t created from the beginning as another way to keep the slaves working. When I read the ancient tribal propaganda I usually come down on the latter side.

Your “Liberal”(commie) trash ‘friends’ voted to kill you. They vote to kill you every time they vote.

There’s no such thing as casual ‘friends’

Can you imagine the screaming commies if an openly civilian force started showing up at Trump rallies? This may be what the elites are hoping for. Not that they wouldn’t have a right to protect themselves but that could be the kickstart to a ‘civil war’ that will leave our real enemies unscathed.

Unless all this takes another turn:


FK – Stop it with this ignorance about the KKK and the democrat party. The parties were polar opposites back then. The Republican party was the original party of big government. Lincoln was elected largely by the socialists in the northern states.

“This used to be Mexico…” the moron says while wearing a U.S. Marine cover.

It would be sad if this turned into a ‘race war’ as our white skinned enemies desire but I fear that may be the case…