Tag Archives: modern robber barons

The Spider’s Web: Britain’s Second Empire (Documentary)

FK – If all they were doing was avoiding paying into the black holes that are our modern empires I’d say more power to them.

What it does show is that the world financial system might very well collapse if not for the ‘drug war’ and other black markets. Probably always been this way. Probably always will be.

What sucks is the banksters and super rich get away with it while the ‘little man’ has to look over his shoulder for the ‘tax man.’

The income tax is the 2nd plank of the Communist Manifesto. Why did Marx write his manifesto anyway? Did he really believe that shit or was he doing the bidding of his masters?

The most important thing to understand is that they consider us to be livestock. All they do must be judged by that fact.

And the ‘what to do’ at the end makes me think they’re behind this as well. More control rarely translates into anything but more control of the common tool-using monkeys. The purpose of the sheepdog is to herd the sheep.

Until we are prepared for the worst case scenario we are still losing.

My answer to ‘Molon Labe’

Feel free to share, if you have the courage.

Maybe this helps explain it:

The Real Wealth Gap

FK – Maybe this is the real reason they shortened our lifespans.

You’re doing the same thing they are with your vid graphics. Have you checked them for subliminals or inserted your own?

I’d happily sign a paper that tells them to stick a needle in my arm when I can or will no longer wipe my own ass.

The average so-called ‘life,’ what I call an existence, isn’t worth bothering with anyway. They waste most of their waking hours in exchange for money while destroying their health and maintaining their natural born ignorance all in the name of making their employers richer or nowadays growing numbers are simply slaves on the govt. plantation consuming physical and mental Twinkies all while passing their slavery on to their children.

The submissive have been surviving to breed for a very long time. The whip is no longer PC and religion, thank the gods, is slowly dying, so those who consider us to be livestock have to find a way to keep the herd moving along. All seems pretty natural to me.

Don’t worry, there are no men left here to do a damn thing about any of it. Our domestic blood enemies, our greatest enemies, made damn sure of it.

Christian rebels and modern cowards