Tag Archives: ragheads

NATO Now In Declared War With Russia!


FK – Maybe the alien time traveler was right: We destroy ourselves over dogma, i.e. over whose sadistic god gets to burn billions alive in fire forever. Crazy is a gross understatement.

Whose orders is Erdogan acting under?

Think about your future propagandists dressing like this:


FK – So are millions or billions about to die over religious insanity? Or is that just the excuse as always?

No sacred cows, or a new global Bill of Rights

Or we can have this:


FK – Assuming it’s not fake of course. I know I have to include that disclaimer for the simple minded among us…

Compassion and evidence without Liberty is slavery.

A Word To The Criminal Migrant

FK – The roots of your problems go back to WWII when with our empire’s help you defeated the lessor of two evils and allowed the greater evil, watered-down communism, by many cute names, to rule you.

When they demanded your guns you surrendered them without a fight. That was your ‘democracy’ speaking. Now you are full-blown slaves and it was done by white-skinned Europeans, not brown skinned fundie ragheads. Now your domestic blood enemies are driving their western culture destroying bayonet into your hearts and you fully deserve it.

But then we do to, just not as much. Because we should’ve opened “Liberal”(commie) trash season a long time ago.

Meanwhile on the continent:


FK – It’s not ‘feminism.’ It’s communism by another name. Your ‘democracy’ brought this on you. It’s time to throw ‘democracy’ on the trash heap of history and demand Liberty.

No sacred cows, or a new global Bill of Rights

To our next door neighbor:


FK – What is ‘royal assent?’

The problem is giving any authoritarians ‘political capital’ in the first place.

Our tolerance of them will be our destruction.

Will we be saved?:

FK – As I’ve written before Trump was probably programmed to throw a few bones to the ‘conservatives’ because the elites see the sun setting on their hegemony, at least in this country and they needed someone to keep his finger in the dike until they had time to re-group and slither out from their dark corner with a new plan and slightly altered lies.

One of the bones:

The “Trump-Effect” Ends Gun Free Zones Before He Even Takes Office

FK – That’s a good bone but we still have a long way to go.

And the more I think about it the arrogant officer class in the military is probably hoping Trump and the rest of the milquetoast ‘gun rights’ activists will accept this and move on instead of demanding that everyone has their right to carry(their most basic right, that of self defense) on any federal property acknowledged and not ‘granted.’

And which direction will Trump truly take?:

FK – Keeping the commies out of power would be a good thing but the outcomes show that wasn’t the real goal huh? They won in all but Korea and even there kept half the country.

We need to bring our troops home, activate the militias and ‘national guard’ and hunt them here.

And what ‘free speech’ do we truly have?:

Imam charged for preaching Jews ‘offspring of apes and pigs’

FK – So which political correctness is worse? The Euro commies protecting the fundie ragheads in the name of ‘human rights’ or the Euro commies and ‘christians’ and others having a ‘special group’ that no one can criticize?

I call them the unmentionables.

In a free country there’s no such thing as a group whose motives cannot be questioned. When we have that we have a serious problem. We have a serious problem.

The Tea Party’s National Security Threat

Let’s rearrange the deck chairs

It’s already here:

Former Sanders Spokeswoman: “We Don’t Need White People Leading The Democratic Party”


FK – So the white-skinned commies who are our real enemies will be kicked out of their own party? This commie cow is in for a rude awakening.

Are you beginning to see the connections yet?

The patriot newbie guidebook

Something Unbelievable is Happening in the UK | November 2016 (EP68)


FK – 500 years or so back Europeans were killing each over over whose version, sub-version or subversion was true. What was that called? Millions died in that little tussle. Are we going to repeat it over whose sadistic god will get to burn the vast majority of humans that ever lived alive in fire forever? Are we still that insane?

Nothing will get better until humans stop choosing from among the various versions of authoritarianism.

Religious ‘freedom’ is a a greater oxymoron than ‘military intelligence.’ Why would we choose to be ruled by any version of ancient tribal propaganda that was created to help keep the slaves working?

You’re not gonna get beamed up. It’s time to wake up and grow up and take responsibility for the world you exist in.

And you Brits surrendered your guns to the communists in your govt. without opening “Liberal”(commie) trash season so you deserve whatever is done to you.

Why worry about what’s going on if all you’re going to do is hide in your closets and pray until they come and get you?

Meanwhile another insanity is rearing it’s ugly head here because we have failed to hunt our domestic blood enemies to extinction:


FK – From what I’ve read many ‘millennials’ or whatever we’re supposed to call them don’t even know who the Nazis were.

And I do seriously worry about the ‘younger generation’:


FK – Things are worse than even I imagined.

Who deserves to vote?

What You REALLY Need to Know About Hillary’s Earpiece


FK – Bundy Ranch was open rebellion. The Fed Nazis just didn’t shoot back. Now they’re railroading people into prison, business as usual, and this nation of non-men is doing nothing about it.

Here’s the only thing the ‘vets’ needed to say to the witch: “If you succeed in passing ‘Australian style gun control’ we will come to the District of Commie criminals and build the granite gallows that should already be there and hang you from it. Then we will execute an extensive and thorough “Liberal”(commie) trash season whereby we cleanse our land of the plague that is destroying it from within.’

But then most of our ‘vets’ aren’t men either, but cowards and prostitutes. Simple fact.

I’m a vet, do ya’ want to thank me?

Anything else the CFR witch says means nothing, anymore than anything Trump says means anything. We know the witch’s record for which it should’ve been tried and executed long ago along with its husband of convenience and Trump has no record of supporting Human Liberty. So this is all a charade, a play put on for fools and children.

Anyone who’s watched this crap, the 4 year quest for the idiot vote, for a couple decades and hasn’t caught on to the sham is in reality lying to themselves, even if only on a subconscious level, because the last thing the average dumbass wants is personal responsibility for the world around it. That’s why they look for a prez or a savior to wave a magic wand and solve their problems for them.

It’s all about fear, and greed:

FK – Because the moronic voters(tea partiers, conservatives, ‘moderate’ commiecrats, etc.) still think our greatest enemies have brown skin and are hiding in a cave on the other side of the world.


Clinton Versus Trump And The Co-Option Of The Liberty Movement

FK – I thank you for writing what I have wanted to for months but my level of disgust with the human animal has been too high for too many years now.

If only we could ensure all ‘liberty’ activists would at least read it. I fear it’s over the head of the average dumbass.

Now back to business as usual:


FK – As the old saying goes if you want to know if you can trust the govt. just ask the Indians.

I’m in favor of affordable gas as much as anyone but what price do we make others pay to get it? Do we always just ‘take it’ as Trump wants to do? Is that the ‘christian’ thing to do?

As a commenter wrote in the YouTube comments, the Bundy’s are in prison for allegedly ‘destroying’ native artifacts.

I won’t get into the issue of how absurd it is to pretend that our own cemeteries will still be cared for 100 years from now when most people don’t even know where their own great-great-grandparents are buried. Or how absurd it is when the Indians(native Americans) demand control of all human remains past a certain age because it’s ‘their’ ancestors when their ancestors were just as nomadic as ours. See Kennewick Man.

The sad truth is that for most it’s only about this:


FK – I’ve seen versions of this for years. The question that’s long been in my mind is: Is there enough gold and silver to go around? What would a ‘dollar’ really be worth if we went back to a gold or metal based system? As the old folks around here used to say about the not-so-good-old days – “No one had any money.” Would we be like them? Lots of us have no money now whether we don’t earn it or whether our incomes can’t keep up with our incessant craving for the newest thing.

And there were cycles of depression, boom and bust, before the Fed was created. There probably always will be no matter what economic system we pretend to adopt.

When international exchanges of currency take place it’s usually by electronic means so it’s all ones and zeroes with a label anyway, except for the un-laundered drug money headed to the big banks. I read an article years ago that claimed most U.S. currency is over seas and most of that is counterfeit.

The elites get away with this garbage because they know the sheeple will always just graze and breed and only notice the wolf when it actually looks or acts like a wolf. And not always then…

Who can make war against the Beast? We could if only we would learn that we outnumber them.

Without our Liberty, our supposed riches mean nothing because they can be taken from us on a whim.

Europe’s Last Chance

FK – The communization of the west is what happened. That’s the war. The fundie ragheads are just another symptom. It’s time to dump ‘democracy’ and demand Liberty.

It’s time to start thinking Normandy. Peace won’t fix this.

And if you fear calling the trash what it is and openly publicly saying what needs to be done to it they’re wagging you.

So who are our real enemies?:

FK – There used to be a saying back in the day: “If five Klan members are having a meeting three of them are Feds.”

Garland Shooter Elton Simpson ‘Handled’ By Paid FBI Informant

FBI seeks ‘secret’ control of smartphones

Communist Party unites behind Hillary

FK – So we know what and where the real danger is. Why do we tolerate it?

And don’t miss this one:

Bill of Rights Socialism

FK – Of course my comment is ‘awaiting moderation.’


BREAKING: Terrorist Cell Exposed As Canadian Government Operation


FK – Of course the amerikan empire’s fed Nazis would never do such…

They probably taught the Canadians how and secretly funded it.

EPIC RANT: The Government Will Not Protect You From Tractor Trailers


FK – As a friend of mine used to say, it will be a target rich environment.

Muslims Need a Civil War! | Louder With Crowder


FK – Oh good grief. Such ignorance. If you think that as ‘racist’ as ‘Americans’ were in the mid 19th century that they killed 600,000 white men and tens of thousands of civilians to ‘free the slaves’ you’re a child.

Read “The Real Lincoln‘ and ‘The Life of Billy Yank‘ and ‘The Life of Johnny Reb.’

Kentucky officers almost mutinied when the emancipation proclamation was released as propaganda to appease the Europeans and keep them out of the war.

What were the soldiers that were conscripted on both sides fighting for? What were the Irish immigrants Lincoln was taking off the boats fighting for?

Has ‘christianity’ matured? We don’t burn heretics at the stake any more though I’m sure some would if they could. The catholic church sprinkles water on babies to ‘save’ them from their sadistic god’s eternal hell. It’s not a symbolic act. Protestants cajole 8-year-olds into ‘gettin’ saved’ for the same reason.

It would be a dark day if most modern ‘christians’ actually began to read and understand their ancient tribal propaganda and began to do what it demands of them. Their savior was quoted as saying he came to ‘fulfill’ the law of the Torah not change it. But then only a child takes any of it literally. It’s called ‘literature‘ for a reason.

King James Bible – Think not that I am come to send peace on earth: I came not to send peace, but a sword.

‘Moderate’ muslims are like ‘moderate’ christians who are simply hedging their bets but at the end of day care more about personal profit/success than pleasing their chosen god. Only by indoctrinating each generation away from this ancient madness can we hope to see a real future for humankind.

We’re still a very primitive species and still exist in a very dark age.

We’ve evolved away from earlier versions of our own insanity:

Red Alert: World Leaders Meet With Tech Giants To Launch Planetary Censorship


FK – I’m no Beck fan but what if he’s proven right on this? Or what if it’s the lessor of many evils?

Tech Giants Vow to Tackle Online Hate Speech Within 24 Hours

For England, Europe and the world: The Moment of Truth

FK – This is why they wanted your weapons. And you surrendered them without a fight.

When will you realize that ‘democracy’ is what got you in the mess you’re in? Democracy is always ‘all front and no substance.’ Allowing ignorant people who only want a check or benefit to vote is what’s killing western civilization. That’s how we got ‘the worst prez in U.S. history.’

The EU sounds like a trial run for the global govt. the elites want so badly.

When the income tax was passed here it was promised as only a one percent tax on the super rich. During WWII it was put on everyone and never removed even though the 16th Amendment was never ratified by enough states to become law.

“Not paying attention.” Now you’re beginning to catch on. And we let them vote.

Politics is human nature and vice versa. But the audience you’re addressing is too childish to understand that.

And peace is an illusion for children. Peace and love without Liberty is slavery. Democracy is two wolves and a lamb voting on lunch. Liberty is a well-armed lamb contesting the vote.

What must be done – A manifesto of the ‘isms.’

It’s time for a global Bill of Rights