Tag Archives: obama

GOA to Fight Obama’s Lawless Decrees

Today, the President picked up his “phone and his pen” and continued his assault on the Second Amendment.

On the presidential website, the President declared war on senior citizens, and on private individuals who, in some cases, sell as few as one firearm.

Those are just the highlights.  There is much more, and you can read additional analysis of the President’s imperial diktat here.

But bottom line:  Having failed to get gun control legislation passed in Congress, Obama is doing what he always does when he can’t get what he wants.

He’s circumventing Congress and enacting “legislation” by executive fiat.

You can be sure that Gun Owners of America will be doing everything in its power to fight these edicts tooth-n-nail.  More on this below.

Open Season on Seniors and Other Law-Abiding Gun Owners

Gun Owners of America alerted you back in July of last year that Obama wanted to ban Social Security beneficiaries from owning guns, if they are deemed as being unable to manage their financial affairs.

With this new executive action, that policy has now been officially announced:

The Social Security Administration (SSA) has indicated that it will begin the rulemaking process to ensure that appropriate information in its records is reported to NICS [and] will cover appropriate records of the approximately 75,000 people each year.

The President also wants to take America back 30 years — prior to the reforms in the Firearms Protection Act of 1986 — and unleash a horde of additional ATF agents to entrap law-abiding Americans who are supposedly “engaged in the business” of selling firearms.

What constitutes being “engaged in the business” — selling 50 guns … 25 guns … 15 guns … or 5 guns?  While the President’s lawless decree doesn’t say, it does suggest the number could be as low as “one or two transactions.”

FK – Are we ever surprised? This arrogance and hubris won’t end until we conduct an extensive and thorough “Liberal”(commie) trash season.

From the now red house website:

FACT SHEET: New Executive Actions to Reduce Gun Violence and Make Our Communities Safer

Obama Coming After Your Guns

Another longstanding group that is fighting this evil:


The govt. isn’t the only enemy:

FK – Time for a class action lawsuit against google. We need to bring these mega corps to heel. They do not need to have equal rights with humans and certainly not more rights than humans. They exist to serve us not the other way ’round. We are not their ‘human resources.’

Infowars and others advertise constantly???

GOA: Calls for National Gun Confiscation

The Anti-gun Left Declares War on Your Gun Rights

President Obama took to the airwaves on Sunday night and told the nation we need more gun control.

Hillary Clinton — the one who will most likely be the Democrat nominee for president in 2016 — recently called for an all-out war on guns, as well.

And then, for the first time since 1920, the New York Times published an editorial on the front page of their newspaper.

This is important because the editorial page of the Times reflects the thinking of the anti-gun Democrat Left.

And what is the theme of the Times‘ most important message in nearly a hundred years?

In two words:  Gun Confiscation.

FK – So what’re you gonna do when they come for yours? They’ll happily take it out of your cold dead hands. Are you going to sit home and wait your turn or meekly ‘turn them in’ and bequeath to your descendants a legacy of pathetic slovenly slavery?

Why aren’t you training with the militia now for the inevitable?

Pelosi: California Gun Laws Didn’t Stop Terrorists, So ‘That’s Why We Need a National Gun Law’

Jerry Brown calls other states’ gun laws ‘gigantic back door’ for terrorists

Democrats more motivated to go after NRA than ISIS

FK – Because they know who their real enemies are: those of us who will begin to kill them when enough finally realize the necessity of doing so.

Supreme Court denies assault weapons ban challenge

Why are gun rights activists planning a fake mass shooting?

Which States Allow Concealed Carry? This Map Shows Who Can Legally Carry a Gun and Where

FK – If the governments were ‘by the people’ they would need our permission to carry guns but this has become a nation of cowardly pacified whores. Simple sad fact.

This one is really important:

Why Congress stopped gun control activism at the CDC

Kurt Russell: ‘Absolutely Insane’ to Think Gun Control Will Change Terrorists

FK – Well a few of the Hollyweird types have a clue.

Another really important one:

The facts that neither side wants to admit about gun control

FK – Our domestic blood enemies have no problem with violence when it suits their purposes and many of them have no problem with blood on their own hands:


FK – Who or what is more powerful, a tiny handful that manages to kill a few mush heads now and again, often with government help, or those that can disarm and thus fully enslave hundreds of millions?

Gramsci’s Grand Plan

If we were to take the ideological pronouncements of Marx and Lenin at face value, we would believe — as have millions of their deluded disciples — that the uprising of the workers was inevitable, and that all that was to be done was to mobilize the underclass through propaganda, thereby sparking universal revolution. Of course, this premise is invalid, yet it remained inflexible doctrine among Communists — at least, for public consumption.

However, the hard core of the Communist movement consisted of ruthless criminals, clear-eyed in their understanding of the intellectual errors of Marxism, who were willing to employ any necessary means to obtain the power they sought. For such hardened, hate-intoxicated conspirators, ideology is a tactic, a means of mobilizing supporters and rationalizing criminal actions.

Those who accept uncritically the idea that “Communism is dead” fail to understand the true nature of the enemy. Communism is not an ideology in which one believes. Rather, it is a criminal conspiracy in which one enlists. Although Lenin professed to revere Marx’s scribblings as sacred writ, once his Bolsheviks had seized power in Russia, Lenin freely modified Marxism to suit his needs. The same was true of Stalin. The Bolsheviks did not come to power in Russia by any uprising of the workers and peasants, but by a coup d’etat, orchestrated by a tightly disciplined Marxist cadre and ultimately consolidated by civil war. They also received — lest it be forgotten — critical help from Western political and banking elites.

FK – Good history on communism but I can’t agree with blindly returning to the ancient tribal propaganda which was/is often forced on those who don’t wish to exist according to its edicts. If the human race is to survive we must stop choosing between the various forms of authoritarianism and strive for real human Liberty. This would not include following any religion that baptizes babies to save their souls from eternal hellfire or cajoles little kids into ‘gettin’ saved’ for the same reason. How sad that the human race for all its accomplishments is still a very primitive species and still exists in a very dark age.

Another one:

FK – What’s more evil, an ideology that can kill a few hundred or a few thousand or one that can enslave billions?

1 in 4 Americans Know Government is the Enemy – #NewWorldNextWeek


FK – It will take more than a couple of alt. YouTube journalists to make them ‘freak out and run away.’

The current occupants of the moon, possibly its creators, may not agree so heartily with the ‘right to mine.’ Why haven’t we gone back to the moon? Why did it ring like a bell when struck with one of our primitive tools?

We already know space is out there. We need a modern day Columbus to plant a flag and open it for business? Might not work out so well. Some of the natives might be better armed/advanced than us.

We don’t need to ‘reform’ a corrupt system. That’s the problem. All the ‘reform’ is what got us where we are. The commies/globalists are constantly ‘reforming.’ They’ve been reforming the schools all my life.

Didn’t vote for Dubya either time. Haven’t voted for a mainstream candidate in the prez race, the quest for the idiot vote, since 1992. By ‘mainstream’ I mean some piece of trash the mainstream newswhores tell the brain dead sheeple “can win” and is thus OK to vote for.

Report: More Than 1 In 4 Americans Believe Government Is The Enemy

FK – Maybe when enough finally realize the elites consider us to be livestock the farm animals will turn on the farmers. The pacification program has been very successful. We have a Second Amendment that millions take to the range and the deer woods but is kept hidden away while we protest with signs and internet comments and our real enemies just sit back and laugh.


FK – Since most ‘environmentalists’ are communists guess what? Communism mixed with capitalism = fascism. Not a new trick there. The environmental movement was probably founded originally as a tool, or at the least infiltrated soon after. Infiltrate, overtake and overcome is the standard.

As noted in the notes nothing was done about the ‘revelations.’ What does this tell us about our enemies, our greatest enemies, that have white skin, worship govt. as god and aren’t hiding in a cave on the other side of the world?: The only limit to their arrogant lies is the limit we will be forced to force upon it.

But sadly western civilization lacks real men and women to stand up to this evil. Even so-called ‘conservatives’ and ‘libertarians’ have been pacified with ice cream, soft couches and a false sense of ‘right and wrong.’ The real wrong is not fighting back when it is so obviously necessary.

I decided 20 years ago which side of history I want to be on. I’ve been waiting all this time for the rest of the dumb-asses to catch up.

Well, a few more of the sheeplets are catching on:


FK – Now the question is what other tools does she know how to use?

And let’s not forget the unmentionables:


FK – Hitlery will do the same thing the Marxist mutt has done: Wake more sheeple up, piss more people off, sell lots of guns and ammo, keep the ‘tea partiers’ and ‘conservatives’ off the golf course and the couch and if we’re lucky will put another commie on the SCOTUS and after a few commie rulings come forth the NRA and several other milquetoast ‘right wing’ groups will be forced to fish or cut bait, in other words, fight.

It will not be a war for expensive suited shysters.

My now standard response to the prez race and its quest for the idiot vote:

The most important ‘private property’ anyone owns is their own life, health, safety, and no one, anywhere, anytime has the ‘right’ to take that from them or deny them their most basic right, that of self defense.

We all get the elected public servants the brain dead sheeple deserve.

I’ll vote for the candidate that will bring the troops home, activate the militias, and re-invade and re-conquer commiefornia and the other commie enclaves on the left and East coasts.

They’re not ‘leftists,’ ‘liberal’ or ‘progressive.’ They’re communists/globalists. They want us disarmed so we can’t kill them when enough finally wake up to the necessity of doing so.

Our Liberty is dying because of our failure to hunt the “Liberal”(commie) and globalist trash to extinction.

What must be done – A manifesto of the ‘isms.’

Don’t understand my bad attitude? Start here.

Governments will always be able to get guns so we must always be better armed than them.

Act politically but prep for what history shows will have to be done. It’s way past time to prep for what will be required.

Politico Admits Fabricating A Hit Piece On Ben Carson

Politico‘s Kyle Cheney admitted that he fabricated a negative story about Ben Carson. At least, according to his own standards, he admitted the grievous journalistic sin.

In a story published early on Friday, Politico’s Kyle Cheney authored a piece headlined “Ben Carson admits fabricating West Point scholarship” with a subhed “Carson’s campaign on Friday conceded that a central point in his inspirational personal story did not occur as he previously described.”

FK – Are the commies getting desperate? Is Carson worth voting for regardless? See vid and response in an older post. Someone who has so recently woken up to what the Bill of Rights and Second Amendment really means is not high on my list. His version is anemic at best. The income tax needs to be ended not ‘reformed’ on all levels, federal, state and local. He’s sold out to the unmentionables and the ancient tribal propaganda. Does ‘standing with Israel’ mean putting our country and Liberty second? Unfortunately for many it does. How disgusting and pathetic. If he’s in favor of forced vaccinations that’s also a no go. We need candidates with backbone that will stand up against our domestic blood enemies and work to kick them out of this country at the very least. And if he really ‘believes’ the pyramids were built for ‘grain storage?’ That’s beyond the pale. Carson needs to spend a little more time “searching.” And politics isn’t a ‘forte’ it’s human nature and a necessity and without our Liberty we have nothing.

And this one really takes the cake:

Thomas Rustici advises Carson on economic policy. New to election politics, Rustici is a professor at George Mason University in Virginia and familiar to listeners of the “G. Gordon Liddy Show.” He has argued that minimum wage laws create unemployment and make low-wage workers poorer. His main task is helping Carson explain his 10 to 15% flat tax system, which is based on the Biblical idea of tithing.

FK – Tithing? This guy is a nutbar. Maybe it belongs in the other party where they openly admit the govt. is their god and religion.

Carson slams reporters over questions about his past


Hillary’s True Agenda: Confiscation of Guns from Law Abiding Americans

FK – Which is why we need a militia unit in every county in this country to deal with the evil ones who think this evil is a good idea.

If only we could get all those who are beginning to have a clue to finish waking up and growing up and taking real responsibility for the world they exist in:


Restaurant Offers Discount to Concealed Carry Patrons Following Robbery

Obama’s Amnesty Agenda Exposed By U.S. Customs Agent


FK – (The only other comment on this vid when I viewed it was to use the FEMA camps for the illegals. This is my response)Most of them are just pawns, like the ‘troops.’ Who are our real enemies? Who or what ideology wants the illegals here so they can get them to vote commie? Use the FEMA camps for our real enemies, our domestic blood enemies with white skin who were born here and who decades ago infiltrated every institution with the goal of subverting them. Throw the assholes who hire the illegals in there with them. Then we can hold the treason trials.

See what our domestic blood enemies’ ideological brethren are doing in Europe:


FK – Why does western civilization and those who claim to love human Liberty tolerate this garbage? Cowardice, plain and simple.


The End Of The U.S Empire Is Here

FK – Who can make war against the Beast? We’d better, or it will consume us.


FK – So who really runs Saudi? The empire could roll over them militarily in less than a week, probably much less. Why hasn’t it done this? Who or what is really in control of the oil?


Black Dude Denounces Obama for Ruining Race Relations in America


FK – Since when have any of the tools that are allowed to inhabit the now red house been put there to help the livestock?

Stupid comes in all colors:


FK – Commiefornia will have to be re-invaded and re-conquered. Can we ever have enough ammo for all the zombies?

And we let them vote. Why?

What must be done – A manifesto of the ‘isms.’

As I wrote:


FK – Lands are conquered and re-conquered through history. That’s what’s happening here.