Tag Archives: big money

MAINSTREAM – How Hollywood Movies and the New York Media Are Promoting the Globalist Agenda

Been on hiatus the last few days, catching up on my doc watching. Here’s some homework for you:

FK – Remember, in a free country there’s no such thing as a special little group whose motives can’t be questioned.

Good grief. The ‘little hobo’ or whatever was a known communist. His movie ‘Modern Times’ was about the de-humanizing effect of corporate greed.

Now we have goolag, fakebook, twatter et al working to elect hitlery, a known globalist tool.

The problem is kids are taught not how to think but what to think. Can movies be propaganda? Sure. It’s all propaganda, including the ancient tribal propaganda attributed to ‘god’s chosen people,’ that also contains all kinds of sex and violence.

If the average movie/church goer understood how propaganda, literature, movie script writing actually works they’d know enough to take it all with a huge grain of salt and sit back and enjoy the story.

None of the authoritarians of the past or present want this. Political correctness has always existed by other names. For 1500 years plus questioning the ‘official’ version of creation could get you a date with a burning pyre.

Now they still use the threat of eternal torture to twist young minds. A lot of those who are ‘politically correct’ nowadays towards the ‘gender neutral’ or whatever lifestyle are probably that way because they see they don’t naturally fit into the ‘normal’ so-called gender roles.

All my life I’ve seen girly men and butch chicks. A percentage of them are born with screwed up genitalia. Why did the loving compassionate creator god see fit to allow that? Why do so many still stupidly pretend that such can be fixed via simple ‘repentance’ and a baptism?

All the sides from left to right have failed to teach true free thought and personal responsibility. If they had we’d have a militia force in every county and we’d be hunting the corporate commie globalists to extinction beginning with those who generate and fund their propaganda.

But as soon as we eradicated them we’d have to turn our attention to what would be left, those who would return us to the 1950s when a different kind of ignorance reigned alongside blind patriotism and blind faith which could more easily than most want to think about degenerate into a new inquisition.

I won’t stand for that either.

The problem with ‘conservatives’ and ‘libertarians’ is they often ignore real issues that face the real working class and thus leave a gap for the commie trash to step in and provide their false solutions.

Helps explain why hollyweird turns out so much crap, not because of the ‘violence’ or whatever so much but simply because so much of it is so poorly done or seems to be created for an 8th grade or less mentality.

But they taught us in journalism school in the 80s that newspapers of that time were written on an 8th grade level and most never get past the headlines or the first 2-3 paragraphs.

If someone tells me they blindly trust any source I know I’m dealing with a political child.

The killer bees of fake news

Who deserves to vote?

What is an ‘anti-semite?’:

I call them the unmentionables.

In a free country there’s no such thing as a group whose motives cannot be questioned. When we have that we have a serious problem. We have a serious problem.

The Zionist Plan for the Middle East

The Tea Party’s National Security Threat

Let’s rearrange the deck chairs

The purposes of gods and golden rules

What is ‘Reform Judaism?’

A little more on our special friends, the unmentionables:


FK – Most ‘secular’ Jews are Marxist/globalists and use ‘antisemitism’ as a control device.

The young should be taught real history warts and all including the gulags and the Bolshevik jews who created the Soviet Union and who were working to conquer Germany, Europe and the rest of the world. They’re ideological descendants, of all races and ethnicities, still are.

If a non-Jewish professor wrote a book casting a negative light on the holocaust industry he’d be out of a job. Oh sorry, they fired him anyway. So much for free speech for god’s chosen.

That fat guy in the black shirt better watch out for a Mossad bullet.

The world is indeed dangerous and made more so by groups that label anyone who doesn’t go along with their evil.

If we lose what’s left of our Bill of Rights because of an ignorant fear of hell fire then it’ll be proven once again that history always comes full circle.

It’s beyond absurd that people of the 21st Century can claim title to someone else’s land because of 3000 year old bronze age tribal propaganda.

As long as the sheeple look for heroes and saviors instead of the strength and power within themselves the human heritage will be hatred and slavery.

Who will be running the camps next time?

A little nuttier but still useful view on this subject:

FK – All the major religions have severe hangups about sex. It’s a great control device since the human sex drive is the strongest motivator after food and drink.

It’s all about controlling the message and the human mind. The question is who or what is it that’s really so concerned about controlling us and why?

Or were these ancient priests simply competing with one another over who could create the best and most absurd story?

We can bet they had no idea of some morons in the 21st century still taking it seriously. After all, they were as convinced as our modern morons that’s ‘it’s all gonna end soon and I don’t have to do anything.’

How pathetic they are, while they pass their slavery on to their children over hundreds of generations.

The ‘new testament’ of the ancient tribal propaganda is very clear in what it’s master said about ‘forsaking’ their supposed loved ones etc.

Is this chick gonna forsake her makeup and nice clothes? Is this preacher gonna happily sing praises to his sadistic bronze age god while it burns his hot wife alive in fire forever or vice versa?

It’s all clear as mud. That’s why there’s thousands of versions, sub-versions and subversions of this madness, from commies who claim it to those willing to blow up abortion clinics so those babies can keep being born into sin and damnation.

Maybe it’s all so disgusting because the tool-using monkeys came up with it.

No one with a brain now thinks ‘international terrorism’ is anything but a tool of the empire and its elite masters.

Millions have died fighting over what ‘authentic’ christianity is. But the modern morons who follow some version, sub-version or subversion of it have mostly forgotten about that.

He allegedly promised he’d be back during the lifetimes of his disciples(those who follow a discipline like an ascetic, as opposed to the common believer) but he didn’t make it did he? Or maybe he really did die and get buried in India.

How different is it to baptize a baby to save it from hellfire than to cajole or scare an 8-year-old into ‘gettin’ saved?’ I got dunked twice as a child. Then I grew up.

We’ve had a Bill of Rights, the most precious document penned by the hand of man, for the last 200 years that reads ‘no cruel and unusual punishment.’ Yet so many still cling to their ignorance and refuse to evolve with those who know better.

Or maybe they really are convinced they have to have a stick to hold over the heads of the tool-using monkeys in their charge.

Christian rebels and modern cowards

Destroying Christianity From Within

TheSwamp: Meet The Troublemakers (Documentary, Episode1)


FK – This pretty much speaks for itself. Though it could be shorter.

Watch the rest:




FK – All this is happening because the sheeple let it happen. We have what is supposed to be a representative republic, which means we all share an equal responsibility and moral duty to pay attention to what our governments are doing to us and to each other and to act to alter their course when necessary by whatever means necessary.  But there are no men here.

One day the bubble will burst and if I’m still breathing I will say “I told you so.”

Simple sad fact: Modern ‘christianity’ is a big part of the reason we’re not living in the free country we’re supposed to be living in. It was infiltrated long ago if not created for control.

Christian rebels and modern cowards

Why Most Men Are Scared Cowards

Connecting Dots: UFOGate to the Missing Trillions

A new birth of Liberty, or death

What You’re About to Hear Will Truly Anger You!


FK – What about the version that claims Eisenhower flew out there to meet one of the ‘aliens?’

What speech/vid is this taken from? This guy is a socialist if I’m not mistaken which means that as with all tool using monkeys what it says should be taken with a grain of salt. All the ‘isms’ will seek to use or propagandize this subject to their own purposes.

Whose version of a ‘better place’ will we adhere to? That is the question.

What generally happens to primitive indigenous populations when they confront superior cultures?

We are the primitives… And it’s my guess ‘they’ don’t consider us ready for their tech.

‘Disclosure’ would mean going to the smallest town and seeing an obvious alien walking down the street or shopping in the local redneck mecca without fear of Jimbob running to his truck for his shotgun or some concealed carrier drawing down on them.

We’re a long-long as in multi-generations away from that. If the govt. suddenly announced ‘disclosure’ internet comment sections would suddenly fill with crap about ‘angels and demons’ and ‘end times’ and ‘we’re gonna get beamed up soon.’ Kinda like now.

As always we’re still a very primitive species and still exist in a very dark age.

Simple minded sheeple have to ‘believe’ in something and have a concrete simple answer to complex questions. Nowadays many have a similar ‘belief’ in our contemporary version of ‘science’ which has clearly been and really always was politicized.

The big question is when will mainstream scientists(and preachers/priests/churches) stop lying and when will we stop lying to ourselves?

Disclosure, or exopolitics is now a thing…

The purposes of gods and golden rules

The most important things to do

A conspiracy to indoctrinate, or “What is an education?”

What’s the ultimate question?

A conspiracy to indoctrinate, or “What is an education?”

A conspiracy to indoctrinate, or “What is an education?”
Barry Bright January 6-7, 2018

This article(and the comments) kickstarted me to type in some ideas that have been swirling in my brain for a long time… As always, follow the links to understand.

“It’s good to be educated but it can be hard to learn anything after one has been educated.” – Joe Sobran

I’ve had ‘uneducated’ people look at me and ask/say in so many words why I’m not ‘working a good job,’ and/or ‘making good money.’

They usually to often ask this with no idea what so ever what an ‘education’ is or should be.

To the working poor and indeed to many to most ‘educated’ sheeple it is simply another way to ‘get ahead.’

Not that there’s anything wrong with ‘getting ahead,’ however one wishes to define it. Some internet writer or commenter or another once typed out something I’ve never forgotten(a paraphrase):

“In order to be successful you have to be willing to kick other people in the shins.”

I suppose that’s a nice way to put it. Whether he meant buying low from a desperate seller and selling high to a buyer with money or to treating your employees like jackasses on a daily basis he didn’t make clear.

Would an ‘educated’ person engage in such activity? Does an ‘educated’ person aspire to a higher level or all together different values than the herd? Sometimes yes and sometimes no, according to who we ask.

But then I suck at business and this isn’t being written to sell a book. If it was I’d be concerned about appealing to the willful ignorance of the ‘educated’ masses or that of some ism or another.

So we come to the split.

When I was in college one of my professors told us the purpose of a university education is to create the leaders for society. Another one told us to “not be afraid to read along the fringe.” Another one told us us about a ‘new paradigm’ that she never bothered to explain.

It was years before I found out what that really meant. Now I call it the ‘new world order’ or as is current the ‘deep state’ or ‘the swamp.’ The NWO is really just a way the elites describe who’s in charge, whose hegemony or empire calls the shots or which group of influential gentleman(women?) attempt to manipulate the world around them to their profit or their goal of a ‘peaceful world’ which usually means the bombs aren’t falling on them or their factories or their mansions or their skyscrapers.

Only a political child, even one that blindly trusts in ‘political science,’ or some other alleged authority would not recognize that most of us are pawns still, peasants to their feudal lords, even with our ‘democracies‘ and our ‘rights‘ that most ignorant sheeple view as something that can be taken at a whim by our betters.

An unbiased tool-using monkey has never been born. Our biases begin forming the moment our blank slates feel the chalk of experience, from sucking our mother’s teat to caressing our first breast in a back seat.

If someone tells me they blindly trust any source I know I’m dealing with a child. Yet what choice do we have but to ‘trust’ certain sources? It’s not possible to follow every thread of possibility in every issue. Our mortality forbids it.

If such a person as Methuselah ever lived for 1000 years it’s unlikely he ‘knew everything.’ His knowledge would depend on his time in history, his access to education or as I prefer indoctrination, his willingness to learn, which most tool-using monkeys develop very selectively, and the time he had to waste in the quest for survival or in our time for what we now call money.

Not that survival in itself can’t be an education. But it’s a different one than I’m really aiming to discuss here. I’ve met/heard of numerous ‘highly successful’ sheeple who have learned how to do whatever it is they do to make money very well. They’re not total incompetents. They are often still very ignorant of the reality of the world around them, beyond whatever compromises they have to indulge in on a daily basis to ‘get the job done’ or what ‘science’ or skills they have to learn/acquire to produce a profit.

Think about those amoebas we saw in those high school biology class films, swimming about in a petri dish, eating or being eaten. Lie about it all you want, we are them.

Life is survival, war. Politics is war by other means. Politics is human nature and vice versa thus all human activity is politicized. This will likely never change.

In a free country there is no such thing as a group whose motives cannot be questioned. If we have that we have a serious problem. We have several.What does that word mean anyway?

As an old saying goes “There’s no accounting for taste.” Why some prefer slavery to liberty is indeed a mystery to me even though I understand the average tool-using monkey is a herd animal that generally goes along to get along.

That tiny minority in every generation that genuinely asks inappropriate questions in the name of real human advancement is indeed rare. The minority that actually stands up for something at the risk of their own comfort, survival, very lives, is rarer still.

Without the liberty to choose what we decide to learn or indoctrinate the next generation in we have nothing. We are slaves to those who have gone before us.

If we surrender our liberty in the name of ‘saving the Earth’ or ‘helping the poor’ or creating false security in a dangerous world where none truly exists then we have and are nothing for we will have no say in any of the above. Or any ‘say’ we do have will be shoved into a box called ‘false consensus.’

Communists/globalists love the word ‘consensus’ if you haven’t noticed. They can shove almost anything down our throats with it if we lack the fortitude to get in their faces and tell them “No. HELL NO!” and use the force necessary to enforce our words.

They have proven often they have no problem forcing their will on us. They do it every time they engage in the most violent of acts: voting.

My own dabbling in the ‘environmental movement’ decades back quickly taught me that most of them are socialists, communists as I prefer because that is what it ultimately leads to, or worse. See Europe which was lost to the communists in the post World War II years that are now importing the immigrants whose descendants will likely choke the life from what’s left of western civilization over there.

There’s no lie they won’t tell, no truth they won’t twist, or use, in their efforts to arrogantly enslave us all.

Their propaganda has been and remains a mix of real and false issues targeting whatever minority they think they can herd to their side.

“The truth is the best propaganda.” – Adolf Hitler.

Hitler wrote in his ‘Mein Kampf’ that he learned his propaganda techniques from the communists, his fellow socialists.

Often ‘conspiracy’ is simply what the average tool-using monkey is ignorant of or what their masters don’t want them thinking about.

Any sufficiently advanced technology is indistinguishable from magic. – Arthur C. Clarke, “Profiles of The Future”, 1961 (Clarke’s third law)

A few years back I spent a couple evenings with a couple ‘mediums.’ They are twins and used to participate in tours of the Wickland Mansion in Bardstown, Kentucky.

During one of the sessions the medium said a woman(dead person) had come to her and asked “Are you a witch?” Think ‘Sixth Sense,’ the movie, in which not only do the dead often not understand they’re dead but apparently have ceased learning anything else of a worthwhile nature.

For years I sort of ran on the blind assumption that whatever awaits us in the next dimension if there is one we would at least finally have ‘the answers’ or at least the answer to the most asked question, “What is the meaning of life?” or “Why are we here?” or “Why did god make so many ugly people?”

Then I think of the preacher at a funeral who told us in so many words he didn’t care if his god essentially lobotomized him as long as he escaped the fires of hell.

And the medical school dean who told his students, “In four years all you learn here will be wrong.”

Then we consider that mainstream ‘scientists’ or physicists seriously entertain the idea/theory that this is all a hologram and we are merely players in some galactic/inter-dimensional teenager’s gameboy that is ultimately headed for a landfill.

Cosmic dust we are and to cosmic dust we shall return. Or maybe not.

I think we’re now scratching at the surface of what a proper ‘education’ or indoctrination should be. Maybe the ultimate conspiracy is pretending any of us have a real solid handle on it.

Not until we plug embryos into the galactic computer as they develop in the test tube will we get away from the need for the indoctrination(education) of youth. Our mortality and blank slate nature at birth demands it, unless we find a way to spend our existences here only sucking and fucking or waiting to get beamed up because it’s an easy escape from taking on personal responsibility for what happens in the world we perceive around us.

Sadly that would be fine by many.

Speaking of funny hats:


FK – Look at Mary’s hands in ‘The Annunciation.’ Is she a hybrid?

What does the peacock and various other elements in the painting symbolize?

It’s great to ‘not judge’ others but they’re still condoning billions including kids and babies being burned alive in fire forever. That’s what their ancient tribal propaganda says because that’s the mindset taken from the ancient tyrannical kings and priests their god was patterned after.

It’s highly unlikely we’ll ever ‘think’ exactly the same thing(s). ‘Disclosure’ if when it comes will only open up a universe(s) of mysteries. We’re silly if we think the watchers ‘know all’ or whatever.

It should be about learning how to think and not relying on blind faith, blind obedience, blind willful ignorance and apathy and blind patriotism, the cornerstones of tyranny.

Deep cynicism is a healthy thing.

Skepticism however can be abused:

FK – It’s a boomerang. ‘They’ were doing their calculations. Next time they won’t miss.

After the strike crushes us they’ll send the next ship for our late night so-called comedians. They’re considered a delicacy in some sectors.

Tyson is trying to sell books to a limited market of ‘educated’ morons who don’t want their paradigms disturbed by flaky tin-foil hatters. First, we kill all the astrophysicists…

What generally happens to primitive indigenous populations when they confront superior cultures?

Disclosure, or exopolitics is now a thing…

The killer bees of fake news

Forget Mars… Why NASA should 3D Print a Moon Colony!

FK – Maybe much of the moon ‘real estate’ is already claimed.

Send trump and congress and the demonscat party to Mars. Maybe they can tax the Martians enough to pay off the deficit and fund the military’s black-budget space program.

Disclosure, or exopolitics is now a thing…

Maybe the galactic real estate agents are already calling:

FK – What makes us think they want the tool using monkeys to be able to decrypt their business?

Though sometimes they stop to notice the creatures on foreign planets:

FK – Aliens be like: “Look at the cute little tool using monkey waving at us!”

“Do we want to eat this one?”

“Nah, the last one was kinda tough and tasted like beer and bad pizza.”

The YouTube Controversy: Who Benefits?


FK – Give me a break. This is about control. Google is evil. Alphabet CEO Schitt or whatever tried to put hitlery in the oval office.

The racism/hate crap is as always just an excuse. The corporates and workaholic assholes that fund the commie front groups don’t want their human resources to have inconvenient thought patterns.

Hint: They don’t call us ‘human resources’ because they value us as human beings. And yes, they should be required to value us as human beings. There is no ‘right’ to treat a human being like a jackass or a robot or a resource whether it’s a govt. or corporate or whatever entity doing so.

The income tax in amerika is illegal. The 16th Amendment wasn’t ratified by enough states to make it law but the sec of the treasury at that time lied. An income tax is the second plank of the Communist Manifesto, thus it’s evil. It wasn’t even forced on the common worker until WWII and they never took it off.

It was a matter of time until google et al tried to shove all dissenters into some dark corner of the net where the average sheeple dumbass will never go, usually out of fear. They know the average dumbass is a herd animal. That’s how and why they do the crap they do.

This has probably been planned for a while and Trump may be part of it. The bombs are still falling in the Middle East aren’t they?

Cable and satellite weaponvision was a ripoff from the beginning, regardless of the commie infiltration of the news media.

A corporate workaholic asshole that’s addicted to money and the power it brings having ‘genuine moral outrage?’ Oh that’s a hoot. I’ll think of that the next time one of them is trying to shave every penny off my ass that it can.

Capitalist Bezos of Amazon fame bought the Washington Compost as some call it and its editorial policy(communist) didn’t change.

When the net was new it was mostly patriots. We had no where else to go. It was a matter of time until the amerikan communist insurgency tried to dominate or destroy it through infiltration or actions like these. No surprises here.

Will Google re-mainstream the net?

It’s all because of our failure to hunt them to extinction. We should’ve kept the troops home from Korea and Vietnam and killed the commies here first. Trump needs to bring the troops home now and open “Liberal”(commie) trash season.

But it’s more profitable for all involved to keep bombing the Middle East.

Propaganda has always been a mix of truth and lies. And it’s ‘all’ propaganda. The ‘alt-right’ is just an excuse for controlling speech, just like ‘the war on terror’ or ‘the war on drugs.’

And stop calling them ‘progressive,’ and ‘liberal’ and ‘left wing.’ They’re statist authoritarian commie trash that took on those cute names to hide their evil from the stupid. When you use their labels you help them wage war on us all.

The killer bees of fake news

As I wrote about google et al:


FK – One hopes he realizes the ‘bloody fight’ will not be metaphorical.

Conservatives – Creating their Own Worst Enemy?

Sen. Rand Paul on CBS’ “Face the Nation” – March 12, 2017

FK – Bonehead was forced out. Can Ryan be forced out?

Let the republicrats destroy themselves and lose the house and senate in the next election cycle when fewer mush heads vote because there’s not a national savior running. Then we can prepare for the civil war that must result from all this.

But I guess I’m dreaming. This is no longer a nation of men. ‘Compromising’ with our native born domestic blood enemies, our greatest enemies, is what got us into this mess.

The killer bees of fake news

Trump as click bait, and other things…

Call to force Bevin to veto Real I.D.

I knew there was a reason I couldn’t vote for him.

Our dear Kentucky crapislators voted for Real I.D. We’ll have to deal with them later. Right now it’s time to call the guv and tell him not to sign it but to veto it!

You can choose to be ‘civil’ or ‘nice’ and request that he disengage his head from his rear end and try to understand something that others have already failed to or you can tell him with this record he’s already guaranteeing he won’t be staying in the guv’s mansion past four years or so.

However you choose to do it call him on Monday at 502.564.2611.

Or send him a nice message via this form.

Real I.D. is evil in so many ways a three-legged box turtle with its head up the rear of its shell could see it.

Welcome to the USSA!


TBK Response to Bevin on REAL ID

Even the Commie Journal reported on this:

Want to fly? You may need new driver’s license

Kentucky Gov. Bevin Just Another Federal Supremacist Lying About REAL ID

Kentucky Oath Breakers Approve REAL ID; Gov. Bevin Will Break Oath and Sign

The Latest: House OK s bill to comply with the Real ID Act

FK – We have a nation of cowardly whores thus we have a legislature and apparently a governor’s mansion full of them.

A politician:

FK – I knew there was a reason I couldn’t vote for him. Now we’re seeing it. ‘Conservatism’ is not just ‘fiscal’ or ‘christian.’

Passports involve traveling to other nations that don’t operate under the pretense of Liberty as we do.

Oh, I didn’t know he ran as a ‘progressive.’

Veto it or many of us will actively work to defeat you next time around.

For the record the fedgov is evil and this is cooperating in their evil. Nothing they do is to benefit us.

A statesman:

FK – Oh, chuckie schemer and graham are behind it. That tells me all I need to know.

We do have to have a socialist security number to get a job so they can steal their money out of our paychecks before it even reaches our hands. That needs to change as well. Where do most keep their number? In their hands on a card on in their foreheads, their minds. That’s closer to a ‘mark’ than we need to get.

Anyone with a brain knows the fedgov is out to get us, control us. They consider us to be livestock.

Does Bevin understand the company he’s keeping now?

The Trump Conspiracy: How Donald Trump Will Lose In 2016

FK – The only real problem I know of with Cruz is his wife’s Wall Street connections. He has a good voting record on guns and was endorsed by GOA.

Trump could be a 3 way straw man. He has no record of supporting or working for Liberty or the Bill of Rights and as far as I could find no record of even donating to ‘conservative’ or ‘libertarian’ organizations. He does have a record of playing games with demoncrats or republicrats in order to make money. He did succeed in getting rid of Rand Paul by distracting the morons with his rhetoric that appeals to the simple minded or politically inexperienced.

If Trump truly had a change of heart he should have at least attempted to prove it in other ways before running for Prez. All he’s doing is running his mouth and telling desperate people what they want to hear. They’re desperate because they’re such cowards they’d rather elect a possible demagogue than stand up and organize to do what will be required.

The amerikan sheeple are stupid and there are no men left here.

Trump erupts as Cruz sweeps Colorado without votes

FK – This cycle of the quest for the idiot vote may be the end of the republicrat party regardless of which of the NWO tools lies its way into the now red house.

Trump beats Cruz by 30% in VA district — but Cruz gets the delegates…

FK – Could this become a popular activity?:


FK – Here’s why:



FK – So does he ever come out and say why he wants Trump or thinks Trump can be trusted?

Only a child thinks anything a prez candidate says during the quest for the idiot vote means anything. What they say during a campaign means nothing. Their records and affiliations, past and present, are all that matter.

Questions for your candidate

How Trump Could Be Blocked at a Contested Republican Convention

2016 Delegate Tracker

Do we have an alternative in Cruz?:

FK – So what does this leave, hitlery or civil war or both?

Trump if cheated of the nomination will likely run as an independent, if he was supposed to be serious as a ‘conservative’ to begin with. If not then he’s done his job well as a lot of ‘republicans’ may sit this one out next fall and let the CFR witch into the now red house. If Ventura runs as an independent he’ll likely take votes from both parties. The ‘libertarians’ as usual will barely register as a raindrop in the ocean.

All because this is no longer a nation of men but of pathetic cowardly whores.

Phyllis Schlafly: My board plotting to fire me over Trump

FK – There are so many flavors of ‘conservative’ nowadays. It’s all starting to remind me of what happened with the Whig Party.

Adolf Hitler’s Warning


FK – Is there an online text translation of this speech? It should be included for verification if it exists because most of us don’t speak German.

Hitler, like most ‘humans’ was ‘right’ about a few things and wrong about many others. One cannot cure heart disease with cancer and vice versa.

The point to it all is we need to stop choosing from among the various forms of authoritarianism.

Regardless of the real source:


FK – But what is ‘Reform Judaism‘ and why are most ‘Jews’ secular Marxists?