Tag Archives: heart attack

Does Capitalism Exploit Workers? – Learn Liberty

Yeah, this is an old vid but the topic is still very ‘fresh.’

FK – Marx’s solutions were evil but he was right about the problem. Most people/sheeple have jobs(just over broke) because they’re poor, not because they give a drowned rat’s ass about the corporate mission, which is to make the owners/stockholders richer.

Did American corporations move their factories after NAFTA was passed because they felt sorry for the peasants in Latin America and Asia? Only a moron or blatant liar would claim so.

They’d have us all on 16 hour days 6-7 days a week if they could get away with it, sleeping within walking distance of the plant/office and shopping at the company store with company script.

We do need basic laws to protect workers and the environment with real penalties for the corporate workaholic assholes, not just fines their companies can easily pay then return to ‘business as usual,’ while keeping the modern commies out of our governments.

And we should force the assholes to allow part time hours for those who actually want a life outside of their ‘job’ and penalize them for forcing their workers to commit slow or fast suicide, degrading their health, in the name of keeping a job. If I order something from any online retailer I have absolutely no right to expect anyone involved in that process to commit fast or slow suicide or degrade their health in the name of getting that product to me. Neither do the corporations that make, warehouse or sell those products.

Many workers have jobs just so they can have health insurance. Basic medical coverage needs to be affordable. The insurance companies are like the banksters, they wouldn’t be in business if they weren’t making money hand over fist. As the old saying goes look for the biggest nicest buildings in town.

Well now that would include the ‘just-us’ center. But that’s another vid.

As someone who’s delivered freight for corporations I know that if a driver feels required/forced to drive sleep deprived either because of a ‘just in time’ delivery system or in order to earn enough money to justify the ‘trucking lifestyle’ which is basically shit, then kills or seriously injures someone because they fell asleep at the wheel the insurance carried by the trucking company probably won’t cover all the ‘costs’ and the driver can lose everything as well as go to prison.

When companies damage their employees beyond repair they just kick them to the curb when they can because they know there’s another desperate worker waiting in line.

The key is not that the exchange is ‘voluntary’ the key is that so many are so stupid/desperate they put up with being treated like jackasses which means everyone else has to put up with the same shit treatment, if they want a ‘job.’

The commies in our govt. passed the ‘regulations,’ as in healthcare, in the name of tearing down the old system so they could install their more evil system. It wasn’t done to help anyone, but to gain power, sew discord and chaos and confusion and fear. Often they and their commie front groups are funded by the very rich men they claim to oppose.

Funny thing that.

The simple truth is that the elites know the ‘ordinary citizen’ is a herd animal that will graze and breed its way through it’s existence in this world while extolling some mindless ‘work ethic’ it was taught in school or at home or in church that was really designed to make sure it stays a good slave while working for some false ‘amerikan dream’ or ‘paradise in the next life’ with ‘pearly gates’ and golden arches, err, streets.

The income tax, brought about by the elites/banksters, was placed on every one during WWII which was also brought about by the elites/banksters, so when they steal their money out of our paychecks before they even reach our hands it proves we are still their slaves. The inter-generational parasites/constituents intentionally created by the welfare state are also slaves/tools designed to help keep the elites in power.

It’s really just one version of authoritarianism vs another because we’re still a very primitive species and we still exist in a very dark age.

What to teach your kids

Sen. Rand Paul on CBS’ “Face the Nation” – March 12, 2017

FK – Bonehead was forced out. Can Ryan be forced out?

Let the republicrats destroy themselves and lose the house and senate in the next election cycle when fewer mush heads vote because there’s not a national savior running. Then we can prepare for the civil war that must result from all this.

But I guess I’m dreaming. This is no longer a nation of men. ‘Compromising’ with our native born domestic blood enemies, our greatest enemies, is what got us into this mess.

The killer bees of fake news

Trump as click bait, and other things…

Sen. Rand Paul Turned Away from ‘Secret Office for the Secret Bill’ Holding Text of Speaker Ryan’s Obamacare Rescue Bill

Kentucky Republican Sen. Rand Paul was turned away Thursday as he attempted to enter Room H157 in the Capitol to read Speaker Paul Ryan’s (R-Wis.) so-called Obamacare secret draft.

At the door of the Capitol room, the conservative senator, who has developed his own bill, along with members of the House Freedom Caucus, which is the House’s conservative bloc, said, “In my state of Kentucky, it is illegal to do this.” He added, “You can’t do this. You can’t have legislation locked behind closed doors in my state.”

Paul said the text of the speaker’s bill was being treated as if it were a national secret, such as a plot to invade another country. “It’s wrong.”

The senator, who is an eye surgeon, said the bill needs to be developed in public.

“Conservatives, who have objections, who don’t want Obamacare-lite should be able to see the bill,” he said.

FK – Once again the republicrats are hanging themselves. Only the next time the commies lie their way back in to power they won’t hold back. The result will be civil war. If it doesn’t kick off before then.


The killer bees of fake news

The patriot newbie guidebook

Is Aspirin Really That Good For You?

FK – As my VA doc said “It’s all chemistry.” So don’t eat too much tree bark.

Aspirin 101

Limit Use of Aspirin to Prevent Heart Attack, FDA Says

FK – The ‘medical establishment’ often has it’s head as far up it’s rear as any other entity:

FK – I’ve watched about 2/3 of this on Netflix. Money over medicine, every time.

From what I’ve read and seen inflammation in the arteries, caused by the plaque, is the problem. But the inflammation is allegedly the cause of a lot of issues which is usually caused by a bad diet.

Is any of it safe?:

FK – Morning sun makes it harder to see my computer screen and my smart phone…

I usually stick to snake oil:


Dietary recommendations to avoid fat were wrong, based on zero evidence

So there you have it, folks — neither cholesterol nor saturated fat are the health-destroying poisons that the government has long claimed they are. The real killers, as we’ve pointed out, are simple carbohydrates and refined sugar, which create an inflammatory response in the body that leads to cholesterol buildup in the arteries.

At the same time, the DGAC did not withdraw its warnings against so-called “bad” cholesterol, even though there’s no science to back the theory that LDL cholesterol is in any way harmful. Doing so would kill the multi-billion-dollar statin drug scam, and eliminate a major Big Pharma cash cow.

FK – Now if they’ll re-evaluate their findings on beer, ice cream and fudge brownies…