Tag Archives: individual mandate

Republicans’ Responsibility for Socialism’s Comeback

FK – The republicrat party was the original party of big govt. Read ‘The Real Lincoln’ and ‘Lincoln’s Marxists.’

The modern version is highly infiltrated. See the recently dead RINO mccommie that should’ve been tried for treason and executed decades ago.

The liberty movement so-called will not win until it learns it must rule those who seek to enslave us all and those who prefer to be slaves. That’s just how it works.

But don’t worry, there are no men here to do a damn thing about it.

The republicrats aren’t going to save us and there are no men here to do what will be required.

Christian rebels and modern cowards

Destroying Christianity From Within

Fixing The Divide Pt. 1 … The Cease-Fire? Or, we must learn to RULE!

Sen. Rand Paul on CBS’ “Face the Nation” – March 12, 2017

FK – Bonehead was forced out. Can Ryan be forced out?

Let the republicrats destroy themselves and lose the house and senate in the next election cycle when fewer mush heads vote because there’s not a national savior running. Then we can prepare for the civil war that must result from all this.

But I guess I’m dreaming. This is no longer a nation of men. ‘Compromising’ with our native born domestic blood enemies, our greatest enemies, is what got us into this mess.

The killer bees of fake news

Trump as click bait, and other things…