Tag Archives: citizen action

GOA to Fight Obama’s Lawless Decrees

Today, the President picked up his “phone and his pen” and continued his assault on the Second Amendment.

On the presidential website, the President declared war on senior citizens, and on private individuals who, in some cases, sell as few as one firearm.

Those are just the highlights.  There is much more, and you can read additional analysis of the President’s imperial diktat here.

But bottom line:  Having failed to get gun control legislation passed in Congress, Obama is doing what he always does when he can’t get what he wants.

He’s circumventing Congress and enacting “legislation” by executive fiat.

You can be sure that Gun Owners of America will be doing everything in its power to fight these edicts tooth-n-nail.  More on this below.

Open Season on Seniors and Other Law-Abiding Gun Owners

Gun Owners of America alerted you back in July of last year that Obama wanted to ban Social Security beneficiaries from owning guns, if they are deemed as being unable to manage their financial affairs.

With this new executive action, that policy has now been officially announced:

The Social Security Administration (SSA) has indicated that it will begin the rulemaking process to ensure that appropriate information in its records is reported to NICS [and] will cover appropriate records of the approximately 75,000 people each year.

The President also wants to take America back 30 years — prior to the reforms in the Firearms Protection Act of 1986 — and unleash a horde of additional ATF agents to entrap law-abiding Americans who are supposedly “engaged in the business” of selling firearms.

What constitutes being “engaged in the business” — selling 50 guns … 25 guns … 15 guns … or 5 guns?  While the President’s lawless decree doesn’t say, it does suggest the number could be as low as “one or two transactions.”

FK – Are we ever surprised? This arrogance and hubris won’t end until we conduct an extensive and thorough “Liberal”(commie) trash season.

From the now red house website:

FACT SHEET: New Executive Actions to Reduce Gun Violence and Make Our Communities Safer

Obama Coming After Your Guns

Another longstanding group that is fighting this evil:


The govt. isn’t the only enemy:

FK – Time for a class action lawsuit against google. We need to bring these mega corps to heel. They do not need to have equal rights with humans and certainly not more rights than humans. They exist to serve us not the other way ’round. We are not their ‘human resources.’

Infowars and others advertise constantly???