Tag Archives: abductees

Phoenix Lights UFO Event – 20 Years Later

FK – “Don’t worry… We’re not here to hurt you…” They could be lying.

Kinda like when the doctor says “This won’t hurt a bit,” and soon after you wish they’d given you more drugs.

Whatever or whoever it was, we’re probably not ready for their reality. The outcome of the last quadrennial quest for the idiot vote proves this once again.

Who deserves to vote?

The killer bees of fake news

Trump as click bait, and other things…

NEW CLUES To Alien Coverup In President Bush Interview 3/5/17

FK – He should’ve asked him if he’d rather fight the bottle or the aliens. He also should’ve asked him about ‘skull and bones.’ But then he probably had to agree not to just to get dubya on the show.

“Are there things you can’t tell?” How absurd. Even without the high strangeness and treason in high places and the fact they allowed 9/11 to happen so they could increase the police state and make money there would be ‘state secrets.’

Kimmel is not a friend of human liberty.

And we have the tired old warnings:

FK – A ‘fake’ alien attack doesn’t mean there aren’t aliens. But then when Greer says the ‘aliens’ are here to help us and give us free energy and planetary peace I know he’s full of crap. They will likely do, some to most of them, what is in THEIR best interests.

If we’re lucky we’re under some form of protection. Maybe that’s why so many are not yet forced to accept the reality of ‘exopolitics.’

I have a real hard time with the idea that the modern empire of note has some of the tech exhibited by these other beings. I don’t think they can float their victims through walls or take them from suburban or urban settings without the neighbors noticing.

If they have such it was given to them. I think Greer is an ‘asset.’

On what level will this ‘hoax’ occur? Will it be like 9/11 where only 3000 sheeple out of a nation of 300 million died but the ignorant mush headed masses were slightly stirred from their lifetime mental slumber and out of fear and ignorance OK’d all the internal tyranny that followed and the millions of deaths in the Middle East in the name of fighting the ‘bad guys?’

…and the newbies:

FK – So are you familiar with what the former Canadian defense minister had to say about this topic?

Governments are HIDING aliens, claims former defence minister: Paul Hellyer urges world leaders to reveal ‘secret files’

FK – Hellyer is a Canadian commie so whatever it says has to be taken with a huge grain of salt. But as I’ve written before all sides will seek to profit from this issue, generating whatever propaganda they feel is appropriate. Of course with Hellyer it’s ‘the aliens want us to take better care of the planet and fix global warming.”

I can hear them snickering from here.

Military In “BATTLE” With UFO’s For Years 1/22/17

FK – I’m always very leery of ‘well respected writers.’

And something more recent?:

FK – That ‘agent’ is just fighting harder than ever in his life to hold in a fart.

Typical middle easterners, shooting rubber bands at grizzly bears and hoping their god steps in in time which doesn’t happen.

I’m not sure how effective flak is against modern jets.

Are they here to deliver us from ignorance?:


FK – So what were the foo fighters?

It’s not ‘either or,’ it’s both.

What would happen if you shoved an Apache helicopter through a time portal and landed in front of the king’s castle in 1000 CE? What use would it be to them? Could they learn a few things from it? Probably. Could they replicate or use it? No.

The watchers are much farther ahead of us than that and we see what happens when primitive societies are affected by more modern ones. Ask the Indians.

While I’d like to see a real alt. to fossil fuels, that would be truly affordable to all, I’m not sure the tool using monkeys are ready for ‘free’ energy. Many of them would simply breed to the point that there’d be no place to hide from humanity on the planet. The recent quadrennial quest for the idiot vote has convinced me once again that the average tool using monkey fully deserves to be digging rocks out of the dirt.

‘They’ probably don’t think we should be playing with nukes either. Look that up.

The real issue is how this very real phenomena will be used politically if real ‘disclosure’ ever comes. Some to many ‘sightings’ could very well be psyops of one kind or another.

If Trump tried to dig too deeply into this issue the military would probably kill him.

And I think that after all these years you’ll be way down the list of red flags….

The whole secret lies in confusing the enemy, so that he cannot fathom our real intent. – Sun Tzu

Mantell UFO incident

What to teach your kids

Secret Antarctica Coverup? Inner Earth, Alien Bases & More 11/11/16

FK – Disclosure wouldn’t put your channel out of business, especially if you switched to ‘exopolitics’ as it’s called. The various versions of authoritarianism will not fail to use it to whatever degree it exists as propaganda to further their agendas from claiming the aliens are here to help us and give us ‘free energy’ to telling the simple minded they’re just ‘angels and demons’ and the big beam up is coming soon.

Real disclosure, or acknowledgement, won’t come until it’s forced either by unforseen events or by a grassroots groundswell demanding it. First we need to take our country back from all the various forms of authoritarianism.

With the resources Trump has he probably knows a lot of things. My only question is will he quit using his bleach blonde dye over the next four years so his hair can turn gray as most prezzes’ do.

And I figured Trump would win, sans enough voter fraud to put the CFR witch in the now red house. Though klinton seems to be taking it well, maybe too well. I’m still not convinced Trump isn’t just another faker and hiterly was just another willing ride in the dog and pony show, her limitless hubris and pride notwithstanding.


FK – If they consider Earth to be their petri dish they’re not trespassing.

And landowners do ‘own’ mineral rights under their property, until someone bigger and stronger takes them away.

The Hidden Hand Alien Contact and the Government Cover Up 2013


FK – This comes off a little too ‘new agey’ for my taste but at least they explore the idea that ‘aliens’ are like humanity in that there are good and bad and probably many in between.