Tag Archives: vault

10 Most Guarded Locations On Earth


FK – I’m so proud Kentucky made the list twice ;0

There are no guards circling Fort Knox. You can see it from the highway. After 9/11 I think they stationed some soldiers in a Hummer out in the field for a while. That was most likely for ‘public’ consumption, to make the mush heads feel safer. The Patton Museum is a couple hundred yards away in the same field but next to the road. There are big signs saying ‘no guns’ in the museum as if some moron is gonna try to steal one of their tanks or climb the fence and make off with a few bars of the maybe non-existent gold. That’s not why I ‘served.’

That’s always puzzled me. If there is gold there why don’t they give tours? It’s not like they couldn’t easily set up metal detectors. “That’s not a bar in my pocket. I’m just happy to be above ground again.”

Maybe that’s where the real alien base is located, or where they really keep the bodies.

Don’t the people who make the chicken spice packet or whatever have to know the recipe? Can’t they be captured, held for ransom or tortured? Oh I know, one guy brings one ingredient, that’s packaged by someone else, and on and on…