The pointy end of the sword

We are cosmic dust caught in the solar/galactic wind.

And this is the most important question we face:

What’s the ultimate question?

“Those who pursue the higher life of wisdom, who seek to live by spiritual principles, must be prepared to be laughed at and condemned.

“Many people who have progressively lowered their personal standards in an attempt to win social acceptance and life’s comforts bitterly resent those of philosophical bent who refuse to compromise their spiritual ideals and who seek to better themselves. Never live your life in reaction to these diminished souls. Be compassionate toward them, and at the same time hold to what you know is good.

“When you begin your program of spiritual progress, chances are the people closest to you will deride you or accuse you of arrogance.

“It is your job to comport yourself humbly and to consistently hew to your moral ideals. Cling to what you know in your heart is best. Then, if you are steadfast, the very people who ridiculed you will come to admire you.

If you allow the mean-spirited opinions of others to make you waver in your purpose, you incur a double shame.”- ‘The Art of Living Epictetus A New Interpretation by Sharon Lebell

“A man of understanding has lost nothing, if he has himself.” – Michel de Montaigne

I wouldn’t count on the sheeple admiring anyone. Long ago I learned that acting as if one knows anything at all will get one branded a ‘know it all’ and the sheeple will simply laugh at what they will never understand and go right back to their beer, religious book, football, yard mowing, grazing and breeding.

And I have a real hard time with with compassion for creatures that will readily allow real patriots to be shot into ditches as long as they get to keep their big screens and recliners and their cars and homes at the banksters’ discretion. 

As I’ve written before money is the real god of this world, ignorance and fear are its top generals. Together they crowned willful ignorance its king and cowardice its queen, or consort.

But these are things we have some minor control over.

There are some things we have no control over:

You’ll have to forgive my hill dialect. When things like this happen so close to home, to landmarks one has seen all their lives, it has an effect. 

The rural fatalism I’ve seen and heard all my life makes those who are affected by such pick up and go, somehow. 

A couple weeks ago I was up at 3 am like many wondering if an act of nature would destroy or damage my home. The storm didn’t sound that bad except for a few minutes all was deathly quiet, which I’ve heard for years is not a good sign.

Two miles down the road it marched up a valley I’ve traveled across all my life and left a wake like WWI. Even the storms of April 3, 1974 didn’t hit quite so close as far as I remember though Mannsville, a spot on the road in Taylor County, was blown away.

In the natural world we are in a constant struggle for survival, though most do their best to deny that reality, in this modern bubble, that will eventually burst.

With the concept of natural rights our country was founded upon, those who know better can have some effect, though most are too stupid to know this and think it’s a ‘democracy,’ where they have a right to vote for the demagogue of their choice and hope he or she swings their magic wand in time to save them so they don’t have to bother with taking on personal responsibility for the world they exist in.

Many are so stupid they still blindly trust authority and allow  their enemies to inject poison into their bodies and even into the bodies of their children. What can one say about this other than they deserve it. We’ve had the internet for 25  years. There really are no excuses anymore.

Many still stupidly think their bronze age god is gonna swoop in on a white horse, in a golden chariot or in a flying saucer and save them from some tribulation, when their ancestors have endured many, all while praying and dying and sometimes actually fighting back like real men and women.

The purposes of gods and golden rules

But again:

“The decadence of a civilization by loss of faith and vigour can be observed more than once in history. What is extraordinary about the American situation is the stupidity. The Romans, such is my impression, did not become stupid and incompetent with their decadence. Americans have not lost faith in their cultural inheritance—they have been entirely separated from it. How this happened is one of the few topics still worth exploring in this Twilight.” – Clyde Wilson

We’ve  heard all our lives about that double edged sword, something that slices both ways, is both dangerous and useful, but little is heard of the pointy end, the part the Romans used to good effect for centuries as their soldiers were taught to fight in tight formations, thrusting their short swords into the bellies of their enemies, those whom they would conquer and tax.

The time of conquering is likely over for the amerikan empire, unless this is all some extravagant ruse as some still claim. I don’t buy it. I’ve seen too much, not the least the mindless willful ignorance that voters take to the polls and use in their everyday existences to refuse to think about anything that matters as long as they have corn in the trough.

But like the castrated killing hogs of old whom the farmers cared for until it was time for the butchering and sausage making the day of reckoning is here.

The plandemic biowar was NEVER done for our benefit in any way shape or form:

Most propaganda is a mix of truth and lies apportioned according to the audience. 

Indiana life insurance CEO says deaths are up 40% among people ages 18-64

Pentagon says active-duty military personnel are “extremists” if they LIKE funny memes mocking wokeism

FK – ‘We’ haven’t won a war since the early 19th century. The military hasn’t fought a war for liberty since 1865 and the bad guys won that one.

Marines Claim Patriot Purge: All Religious Vax Exemptions Denied, Military Purge has Started

I’m a vet, do ya’ want to thank me?

Generals: We will murder real Americans

And the enlisted will as well:


Michael Heath: America is now an evil communist empire

FK – Gee, I remember when I realized that, a couple decades back.

The Founders gave us a secular govt. for a reason. They knew about the dangers of religious governments and religious wars. See the 30 years war.



Farmers, Truckers STOPPED as Food Supply Collapses

FK – The storm isn’t coming. We’re in the eye.

I wouldn’t go into commieda anyway. They’ll arrest and imprison you if they find your self defense tool.

When we are told we can’t buy food or have an income, that’s when we go to blood war. It must be that way.

Any piece of cowardly shit that would enforce such evil deserves to be shot down. We’ve had the net for 25 years now. It’s been OBVIOUS to all but the braindead, the majority of the tool-using monkey population, that this biowar has been a setup from the beginning.

The ‘divide and conquer’ plan is working well. Millions of morons that voted for Trump took the vax and will keep up the bioweapon boosters until they die, in one way or another.

That’s how stupid they are. They have no conception that war is being waged on them.

Most of the tool-using monkeys could use fewer fries.

When they realize there are no more fries, or chips or beer a percentage of them will become the zombie horde and when that process starts you won’t be able to simply snap your fingers and say “This is a bad idea guys, you’re just over reacting.”

Some rural areas may escape what’s coming, for a while, but whether it’s the zombie hordes or the new KGB they will get around to you. There will be no where to hide.

For those who tell us we can own nothing will own us.


2022 Global Grain Supplies & Fertilizer Shortage Forecast

FK – And the brain dead sheeple are still all pretending none of this is happening much less that they possess any responsibility to do anything about it or the power…

May they suffer horribly in this world for their apathy and cowardice.

Let’s beat what should be a dead horse but for a lack of men:


FK – It’s our duty to serve in the genuine peoples’ militia in every county but so-called men who claim to value the ‘right to bear arms’ are scared to death of the ‘m’ word in the Second Amendment.

The Bill of Rights is not enforced on our governments because we have no men and for no other reason.

We’ve already been conquered from within. Most are too stupid, maleducated, to grasp that.

War is not always voluntary

The patriot newbie guidebook

The only real reason for the militia

Back to the biowar:

The latest VAERS data has been published. Dr. Peter McCullough

VAERS COVID Vaccine Adverse Event Reports

And they’re still lying:


Covid vaccines “most dangerous biological medicinal product rollout in human history,” says Dr. Peter McCullough

NY Democrats Attempt to Bring Australia’s Covid Concentration Camps to NY State

Leftists on Twitter now calling for mass genocide of the unvaccinated

FK – Calling COMMUNISTS ‘leftists’ only helps them hide their relentless evil from the ignorant and the desperate.


New Zealand Allows Euthanasia for Coronavirus Patients ‘in Some Circumstances’

The pandemic will end when the digital monetary system is in place

FK – They’ve had us marked since the 1930s. What can the avg. dumbass do without a socialist security no.? All since then has been refinement. 

IT NEVER ENDS: U.K. says citizens will need “booster” shots every three months FOREVER in order to manage covid

Immunization expert warns that covid VACCINATED people are the real threat to public health

Study: Most of Vaccinated Die Because of Vax-induced Autoimmune Attacks on Their Own Organs

SHOCKING: Compilation of Nurse Whistleblowers from Around the World Warning About COVID Vaccines

As I’ve been writing for almost two years now it will never end:


FKAll because we have no men to hold the war crimes trials.


INSANE: You Simply CANNOT Make This Stuff Up!!

FK – Brainwashing intones something was removed and replaced. The average braindead sheeple has nothing to lose to begin with…




How It All Started – And Where It’s Going

FK – McCarthy was right. But there were no men here then either.

What all this really ultimately means is that Trump voters really only voted for a demagogue ‘savior’ in the name of hoping he’d magically solve their problems for them. Same with every prez election cycle.


Tucker: This is not a good sign

FK – Does he really not know this is all intentional or is he part of the plan?

Oh I know. NONE of the mainstream newswhores are worth spit.

They all know there are things they can’t discuss.

As I wrote:

The Globalists Endgame Revealed

FK – You mean you actually pay into the system? 


Is this the real reason why?(I’ll be adding these two to my ‘must read/watch page):

Even Santa outsources:

Santa’s Makeover

FK – How do so-called adults cling to the idea of a earthly savior(Trump) or the Marxist mutt, or an ethereal one such as Yeshua or Allah or Buddha, who never claimed any aspiration to godhood at all?

They, like children, because they were raised to be children, seek as always an easy simple answer to complex questions yet we still allow them to vote in a representative republic for liars and demagogues.

Knowing all you do is the same as ‘god’ or whatever. It’s priming for the control grid.

Johnson was a white man. He created the welfare state to give poor folk of all colors ‘free stuff’ so their ignorant fatherless criminal children would vote demonscat for generations.

But then what’s left of the white working class is largely so stupid they have no conception of what’s being done to them, what was done to them and what will be done to their descendants. Because they don’t want to have to deal with it.

That’s far more stupid than believing in Santa Clause.

It’s works just as well for white sheeple:

As does this:


FK – Useless braindead sheeple think it’s OK as long as they’re ‘not doing anything wrong.’

What useless pathetic creatures.

What is a man, really?

What to teach your kids

So close yet so far:

Were Humans Genetically Modified to Follow Orders From Government Thousands of Years Ago? Mark Gober

FK –  The golden rule fails miserably in a representative republic. We have millions of morons that don’t mind existing under one form of slavery or another so they will readily vote to force everyone else into that evil.

The Bill of Rights is what makes us exceptional. The Constitution has many problems, the chief of which is the definition of treason. Treason should be when the govt. wages war on human liberty and the concept of natural rights, not when we wage war on an evil government that has lost all legitimacy. 

Situation Update: Dead pilots, vaccine tyranny, and the exopolitical Artificial Intelligence origins behind the plot to depopulate planet Earth

FK – Are they telling you to organize and fight back or to sit home and wait your turn?

Are >100 dead US airline pilots trying to send us a message about vaccine safety?

NOW THIS Is Terrifying… Plus Unseen UFO Footage Revealed!

FK – All tools are double edged swords. I have no problem with the robots as long as the rules are established beforehand as in WE ALL HAVE THE SHUT OFF SWITCH whether it’s a govt., military, police, whatever bot.

And they are made easy to kill and are programmed to serve human liberty and the concept of natural rights. Otherwise those building them should be hunted and exterminated.

And remember, the Romans used the pointy end of the sword to great effect for centuries.

Romanian Navy Firing at UFO over the Black sea Could this be related to the USS Nimitz TicTac UFO

FKThey know the tool-using monkeys present no real danger to them.

FOIA Appeal Win May Help UFO Transparency – Here’s the story…

C(ommiefornia)alifornia Has Fallen

FK – All because we didn’t hang our Marxists.

What is there left to do but laugh?

Add this to your versions, sub-versions and subversions:

Christian Ufology: An Interview with Timothy Alberino | The Richard Dolan Show

FK – It would be interesting to hear/see his evidence for the greys only arriving about a century ago.

The only thing I would claim to ‘know’ is that the phenomena is very real. What it means after that, in toto, I don’t think any tool-using monkey can claim to know.

I do get the feeling after reading a few books, watching many docs and interviews that basically we’re their lab rats.

Any smart farmer will treat his livestock well right up until butchering day. Some even name them and make pets out of them.

What’s the real purpose of the sheepdog?

Or will we be here long enough for it to matter?:

THE Earth Disaster Documentary


Cosmic Patterns And Cycles Of Catastrophe- The Cosmic Clock Cycle – The Yuga – Precession – Rocks

FK – They claim now that our ancestors were screwing everything but the stray dog and that we’re mutts of our own sort.

Personally I think the aliens did it. They needed lab rats of a special sort.


More history not taught in school or Sunday school:

Occult Revelations – ROBERT SEPEHR

FK – Water and fire in appropriate amounts can extinguish each other.

That’s where we are. Most of the tool-using monkeys fully deserve it.

Art imitating life.

Know Your History: The German Nazi Templers Of Palestine

The Templers: German settlers who left their mark on Palestine

My Irish blood demands I share this:

Exploring Ireland | Celtic Fairy Tales | The Whitethorn Tree (Christmas Special)

FK – While I’m in sympathy with the trees and maybe the fairies there is such a thing as property rights without which we have no liberty.

For those who tell us we can own nothing will own us.



All my columns since right before the plandemic:

Sanctuaries are where cowards hide their buried guns

The law the militia should be enforcing

Real or not, Corona is a setup

Who’s writing amerika’s obituary after the virus war?

Tomorrow, April 19, is our real birthday

Welcome to our new soft Hell

Learn to RULE or BE RULED!

Variabilities in disease and tyranny

Cities are burning and the denial rages on

A tale of non heroes and a dying empire

The livestock are turning into ants at the picnic

Yes we’re AT WAR!

Herding the great amerikan beefalo to the butcher shop

One witch down, millions to go

How nations fall and empires rise

Bargaining with devils and aliens for Agenda 21

Never (blindly) trust the white rabbit

Voting by or for genocide

The absurdity of blind belief, blind faith, blind voters

Welcome to the rat turd that is amerika(and the world)

Galactic war by other means, and cat ladies

The biggest lie of all

Generals: We will murder real Americans

The fed gov has lost all legitimacy

The earth turns over and an empire falls

The lies of legislation and history and the cowardly morons that make it possible

A tale of face diapers and poison needles

Yes, LIBERTY is ‘anti-government’ and anti-empire and and anti-NWO

The gates of hell are closer than most think

An ongoing act of biowar

Who gets to indoctrinate the sheeplets?

1 thought on “The pointy end of the sword

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