Tag Archives: underage prostitutes

WTF?!? What Jeff Epstein’s Lawyer Says on the View is MindBlowing!!


FK – The so-called legal system can’t work that way. Even the worst deserve ‘defense.’ The problem is not crooked shysters defending criminals the problem is crooked shysters holding public office and sitting on benches.

You can be accused of anything, evidence, DNA or otherwise dropped to ‘prove’ it and and then railroaded into prison or to the electric chair. Happens all the time.

The ignorant brain dead sheeple will go along with it because a bright shining newswhore with a smile on its face told them it was OK because the ‘authorities’ you harp on so much said so and so was an ‘extremist’ or a ‘pedophile’ or whatever the most hated of the time is. Simple minded morons made up the lynch mobs(true anarchy) and attended hangings of the not always guilty and we stupidly let their descendants vote.

Every election cycle proves there are millions of 40-year-olds in this country that can’t make a logical rational decision. When will we start prosecuting politicians for breaking campaign promises or men who lie to women just to get laid?

Who deserves to vote?

Questions for your candidate

What to teach your kids

When billions believe in a falsehood to the point they’re willing to kill you or watch you being burned alive in fire forever that makes it very real.

That’s how it works.

If those young women were forced into those situations then certainly all involved should get prison time. But we have far worse crimes by the klintons et al who regularly break the oath they took to uphold our Natural Rights, that have gone and will probably go unpunished because we have NO MEN to enforce the Bills of Rights on our governments and the shysters and commie globalist trash that run them.

A precursor to Hell on Earth

Some of the links he provided:


New Jeffrey Epstein accuser goes public; defamation lawsuit targets Dershowitz

Truth or “Winning?”

FK – Trump is likely a ‘right wing’ pressure valve.

There’s always been corruption at the top and likely always will be. The problem/issue is/are the ideals we force our ‘leaders’ to adhere to. Morality or what is usually false morality means nothing without a respect for our Natural Rights, the most basic right we possess, to show up at their doors with pitchforks and fire or whatever other weapons are necessary and escort them to the granite gallows in front of every govt. building because they infringed our Bills of Rights.

The elites who are always willing to use the force necessary to rule must be forced to treat us as human beings not the livestock they consider us to be. This will be hard since most of the tool using monkeys act like livestock, grazing and breeding and waiting on the next game or for the world to end or for some savior to come beam them up before things get too bad.

They don’t call us ‘human resources’ and ‘human capital’ and ‘consumers’ and treat us like products on the web because they respect us as human beings. They consider us to be livestock. See censorship of ‘conservatives’ and ‘libertarians’ by goolag, fakebook and twatter.

A modern 10 commandments

Nothing will improve until those who claim they want to live free learn to rule those who have no such compulsion.

A precursor to Hell on Earth