Tag Archives: jobs

Will we soon be obsolete?

FK – I think the human species has overcome much more difficult circumstances. The automation of reality I feel may be greatly over exaggerated, not that it won’t make a difference.

We could and must refuse to be forced into automated vehicles. Succumbing to such will rip away much of what little self determination we have left. Just as we must force our govt.s to force the corporations to stop tracking us and treating us as products, or ‘human resources.’

They don’t call us human resources because they respect us as human beings.

As the ancient tribal propaganda claims, “There is nothing new under the sun,” and someone may have been here before.

No sacred cows, or a new global Bill of Rights

FK – Are there others making plans for us or directing what the elites do?:


FK – Assuming they don’t just ‘destroy us’ and assuming they provide us some form of a ‘choice’ or ‘free will’ it would be a mistake to blindly trust them just as it’s a mistake to blindly trust any earthbound human or human institution or version, or sub-version or subversion of reality.

When someone tells you they ‘know’ you can usually know your dealing with a child.

“The whole secret lies in confusing the enemy, so that he cannot fathom our real intent.” – Sun Tzu

Disclosure, or exopolitics is now a thing…

Trump as click bait, and other things…

Aliens are REAL and will probably destroy us, says director Ridley Scott

EXCLUSIVE: World is ‘about to be told ALIENS EXIST and are HERE on EARTH’

The vid Jones mentioned earlier:


FK – As I’ve written before I think at worst we’re someone’s resource. Or maybe the world religions are real and we’ll all end up in each other’s hells.

Maybe the real problem is our lack of humility:


Brit says “Hello Angry Losers” to Brexit whiners

FK – Your ‘democracy’ is a lie and what got you in the mess you’re in. “Establishing democracy is the first step in the revolution.” – Karl Marx

Many, that you wouldn’t dare listen to, could have told you to stay out of the EU in first place. Like the UN it’s a Marxist globalist creation.

“It’s as if Europe is being run by our enemies…” Uh, no, it IS being ran by the enemies of human Liberty. And they will have to be hunted to extinction to rid us of them. Nothing you say to most of them will make any difference. They will still be lying when hell thaws out again.

No sacred cows, or a new global Bill of Rights

FK – From his list of links:

Is this the end of democracy?

“Members of parliament are much better informed than the public as a whole, and they recognise their decisions have real weight.”

FK – Apparently this cat has never sat in on a legislative committee hearing. But then it’s a Marxist lying for a Marxist rag and of course excluding a lot of information, like what a ‘liberal’ is(commie trash).

But I have to agree with the professor on who should vote, but for vastly different reasons. If they don’t understand human Liberty and limited govt. they don’t need to vote.

Who deserves to vote?

Does Capitalism Exploit Workers? – Learn Liberty

Yeah, this is an old vid but the topic is still very ‘fresh.’

FK – Marx’s solutions were evil but he was right about the problem. Most people/sheeple have jobs(just over broke) because they’re poor, not because they give a drowned rat’s ass about the corporate mission, which is to make the owners/stockholders richer.

Did American corporations move their factories after NAFTA was passed because they felt sorry for the peasants in Latin America and Asia? Only a moron or blatant liar would claim so.

They’d have us all on 16 hour days 6-7 days a week if they could get away with it, sleeping within walking distance of the plant/office and shopping at the company store with company script.

We do need basic laws to protect workers and the environment with real penalties for the corporate workaholic assholes, not just fines their companies can easily pay then return to ‘business as usual,’ while keeping the modern commies out of our governments.

And we should force the assholes to allow part time hours for those who actually want a life outside of their ‘job’ and penalize them for forcing their workers to commit slow or fast suicide, degrading their health, in the name of keeping a job. If I order something from any online retailer I have absolutely no right to expect anyone involved in that process to commit fast or slow suicide or degrade their health in the name of getting that product to me. Neither do the corporations that make, warehouse or sell those products.

Many workers have jobs just so they can have health insurance. Basic medical coverage needs to be affordable. The insurance companies are like the banksters, they wouldn’t be in business if they weren’t making money hand over fist. As the old saying goes look for the biggest nicest buildings in town.

Well now that would include the ‘just-us’ center. But that’s another vid.

As someone who’s delivered freight for corporations I know that if a driver feels required/forced to drive sleep deprived either because of a ‘just in time’ delivery system or in order to earn enough money to justify the ‘trucking lifestyle’ which is basically shit, then kills or seriously injures someone because they fell asleep at the wheel the insurance carried by the trucking company probably won’t cover all the ‘costs’ and the driver can lose everything as well as go to prison.

When companies damage their employees beyond repair they just kick them to the curb when they can because they know there’s another desperate worker waiting in line.

The key is not that the exchange is ‘voluntary’ the key is that so many are so stupid/desperate they put up with being treated like jackasses which means everyone else has to put up with the same shit treatment, if they want a ‘job.’

The commies in our govt. passed the ‘regulations,’ as in healthcare, in the name of tearing down the old system so they could install their more evil system. It wasn’t done to help anyone, but to gain power, sew discord and chaos and confusion and fear. Often they and their commie front groups are funded by the very rich men they claim to oppose.

Funny thing that.

The simple truth is that the elites know the ‘ordinary citizen’ is a herd animal that will graze and breed its way through it’s existence in this world while extolling some mindless ‘work ethic’ it was taught in school or at home or in church that was really designed to make sure it stays a good slave while working for some false ‘amerikan dream’ or ‘paradise in the next life’ with ‘pearly gates’ and golden arches, err, streets.

The income tax, brought about by the elites/banksters, was placed on every one during WWII which was also brought about by the elites/banksters, so when they steal their money out of our paychecks before they even reach our hands it proves we are still their slaves. The inter-generational parasites/constituents intentionally created by the welfare state are also slaves/tools designed to help keep the elites in power.

It’s really just one version of authoritarianism vs another because we’re still a very primitive species and we still exist in a very dark age.

What to teach your kids

Hey Donald: You Can Be a Citizen of America *and* a Citizen of the World!

FK – Well let’s see, a demonscat congress passed NAFTA and Bill Klinton signed it and bragged about it after declaring during its first campaign that it was against it.

The republicrats control the congress and ostensibly the now orange house and many state legislatures and are still balking at doing what will be required to fix this mess if it can be fixed. They don’t even have the courage to repeal commie care or the gun laws or shut down the IRS or the Fed.

Libertarians have a great ‘philosophy’ that human kind is clearly too backwards to understand much less accept at this point. Israel’s prime minister has just announced he wants to base their law in the Talmud while commie morons in this country say they’d have no problem with Sharia law and judging from many comments I see on fakebook and other social sites on a regular basis many ‘christians'(very loosely defined) would return to burning witches and other undesirables if the opportunity presented itself. And we’re supposed to think we’re ready for ‘open borders?’

Fences work both ways, search ‘iron curtain.’ American corporations didn’t move their factories after NAFTA was passed because they felt sorry for the peasants in Latin America and Asia. They wanted ‘compliant'(desperate) workers who would do or say anything to get a job, show up on time, do what they’re told and NEVER ask inappropriate questions, and oh yeah, put up with ridiculous work hours and ridiculous wages.

Don’t believe me? Go spend some time in an industrial setting or delivering freight.

They’ll do the same here if they are allowed to get away with it.

So human nature being what it is, supremely fucked up and slavish, I don’t expect to live to see the situation improve markedly. The blind faith so many put in Trump, and hitlery and the Marxist mutt and Bush the second and various versions, sub-versions and subversions of sadistic gods that were patterned after ancient tyrannical kings sadly proves this.

What must be done – A manifesto of the ‘isms.’

No sacred cows, or a new global Bill of Rights

And don’t miss this:

Is There Any Such Thing As A Principled Politician Anymore?


Trump Using Mein Kampf as Playbook – Claims “World Expert on Hitler”


FK – A Rothschild is probably current ‘leader of the Jews’ though not all ‘religious’ jews might agree.

Netanwhatever is a tool like all of them. For the ‘good’ things Trump has done and may do it’s still not proven yet that he’s not a tool. After all the bombs are still falling in the middle East when our real enemies are here. We still have the IRS and the fed and how likely is it that the cowardly infiltrated republicrats will repeal all the gun laws and arrest, try for treason and execute the members of the ‘progressive'(commie) caucus in Congress?

Trump as click bait, and other things…

How focused is Trump on making amerika free again?

FK – Was the ‘cold war’ not a low grade world war III?

How would our empire react if the Chinese demanded we surrender our military base in Okinawa or give up Hawaii?

We may not like what the Russians have done in Ukraine, all the way back to Stalin starving millions of them through enforced famine by stealing their crops but it’s on their doorstep. This is still a world of empires though we daily lie to ourselves about this fact.

The millions of ignorant 19-year-olds who will die over this or that piece of land or oil well will never understand what they really sacrificed for.

Another angle/version:

FK – If Trump is truly ‘amerika’ first he needs to bring the troops home and bomb the shit out of our commie enclaves and re-invade and re-conquer commiefornia. The war is here. Our failure to recognize this is what’s killing our Liberty.

This is the modern empire of note and like empires of the past has a life span. What will come after, here, on our ‘own soil?’ The Bill of Rights is what makes us exceptional. For our troops to go abroad and ‘fight for democracy’ when this is not a democracy makes us hypocrites at best. We need to re-establish Liberty here first. Our greatest enemies are here.

We must kick the highly infiltrated republicrat party in the ass and force them to do what will be required now for if the re-organizing amerikan communist insurgency lies its way back into power, and it will if the republicrats drop the ball, then they will not hold back next time. Our backs will be against the wall and all the cowardly ‘conservatives’ and ‘libertarians’ will have to suddenly choose between sucking a big fat govt. cock or killing those who present it to them. Simple sad fact. Time to grow up and put on the big boy pants.

Europe like us is falling from within as you run your mouth. If their commie/globalist created fundie raghead invasion isn’t stopped and reversed there won’t be a Europe in three or four generations, if not less.

Oh yeah, we need to go back to Bush the first’s ‘thousand points of light’ and his ‘new world order’ and then read his lips while he goes along with new taxes and really re-starts modern gun control by banning the importation of certain AK variants!

Who are you really? Here’s some reality: If the empire goes to war for ‘democracy’ or the petrodollar or whatever while we lose our Liberty here at home then it’s all a sham. The war is here.

Or maybe there are other elements most are too scared to speak of:


FK – Since we can’t know the genesis of this we have to judge it by what we know or think we know. The sad fact is that what so many think they know is utter bullshit.

Regardless of what real part ‘the Jews’ or the Zionists or modern secular Marxist Jews or bankster Jews play in world affairs we yet have a group who no one is allowed to publicly question. Their ancient tribal propaganda sets them above all of us. That is the problem:

Deuteronomy 7:6King James Version (KJV)

For thou art an holy people unto the Lord thy God: the Lord thy God hath chosen thee to be a special people unto himself, above all people that are upon the face of the earth.

And see how someone changed it for ‘New International Version:

Deuteronomy 7:6New International Version (NIV)

For you are a people holy to the Lord your God. The Lord your God has chosen you out of all the peoples on the face of the earth to be his people, his treasured possession.

One wonders which one ‘the Jews,’ most of whom are secular Marxists, follow.

 How close are they to Trump?:


FK – For better or worse we have this horse, now we need to ride it and force the republicrats to restore Liberty here. Trump is not a god, or a savior. He can only sign off on what Congress does or doesn’t do.

Two Reports Many Christians And Conservatives Won’t Want To Read

Is Netanyahu Finished?

FK – I call them the unmentionables.

In a free country there’s no such thing as a group whose motives cannot be questioned. When we have that we have a serious problem. We have a serious problem.

The Tea Party’s National Security Threat

Let’s rearrange the deck chairs

Choosing sides

What is an ‘anti-semite?’


Richard Spencer Vs. Libertarians

FK – So who or what created or is funding the ‘alt-right?’

And remember, the NAZIS won ‘in the marketplace of ideas’ as will the fundie ragheads in certain European Countries after they’ve had another generation or three to breed voters.

London mayor: Trump should be denied a state visit

Then they’ll vote out voting. Isn’t ‘democracy‘ sweet?

What were those young women’s names who were executed by the NAZIS for distributing anti-fascist pamphlets or some such?

What to teach your kids

CETA Is Almost Dead – Here’s What You Need To Know


FK – The witch is probably upset that it won’t be getting its kickbacks.

They view us all as livestock. There’s nothing more important to understand than that.

‘Globalization’ with real human Liberty would be an agreeable thing.

It’s time for a global Bill of Rights

BREAKING: Elite Admit Reality Is A Simulation


FK – No direct link to the article?

Another version, sub-version or subversion for millions or billions to waste their lifetimes trying to interpret?

Until we have some ‘proof’ that this is a game that really doesn’t matter, and too many already act as such now, we need to keep fighting to establish Liberty on this prison planet. Maybe that’s the real reason we’re here.

Here’s the vid:

FK – So when do I get my holodeck, on a starship, or a starship on my holodeck?

So maybe our ‘creators’ evolved into the ‘perfect’ species with the ‘perfect’ society/culture and then got bored with it and our bodies are their avatars? I want a re-boot.

I think this may be the real problem:

FK – The real problem is most cannot imagine living in a free society. It scares them shitless.

No sacred cows, or a new global Bill of Rights

The Next President Will Be Who Now??!… (Hint: Not Clinton or Trump!)


FK – What moron has trusted the klintons ever? I was a moron when I voted for klinton the first in ’92 when it said it was against NAFTA when I disagreed with all its other policies. But then I wasn’t about to vote for Bush the First even though I was still in my very early stage of ‘waking up.’

In my defense I didn’t fully understand how evil socialism and ‘gun control’ are. But we didn’t have the internet then. We’ve had it for 20 years and there really aren’t any excuses anymore, except good old fashioned willful ignorance.

If this were a nation of men the klintons wouldn’t have finished their first term. They would’ve been tried and executed for treason and for waging war on the Bill of Rights.

Hitlery could rip a suckling babe out of its mother’s arms, cut it’s throat and eat its liver on live weaponvision and still get millions of votes. Despite this Trump will likely trounce hitlery unless massive voter fraud ensues.

It’s a curiosity to me why the elites allowed hitlery to lead their charge. It must have lots of manila folders on bigwigs like Hoover did. They certainly could have found far more charismatic attractive younger tools to parade before the brain dead mush heads.

As I wrote:

FK – I’m no Trump supporter but it’s so clear how evil the Hitlery is only a modern moron could think it’d make a good prez. But then the definition of a good president is lost on the average voter. A good president would bring the troops home, activate the militias and shut down the commie/globalist front groups, foundations etc., get the commies out of the govt. schools and universities and news and entertainment media and clean out the commie enclaves on the left and east coasts.

Of course the bushes, first and second, don’t represent Liberty or the Bill of Rights. Bush the first instigated the first ‘assault weapons’ ban and was openly in favor of NAFTA while Bush the second oversaw the lie of 9/11, the Patriot Act which was written before 9/11 and not read by probably any of the congress critters that voted for it, and the war in Iraq(middle east) which is about empire building not protecting our Liberty or our country.

But the mush heads in the middle will have their say because we allow them to vote their ignorance and their desire for a magical savior to wave its wand and solve their problems for them so they don’t have to lift a finger much less take on personal responsibility for the world around them.

They fully deserve what’s coming.

But they’d rather be distracted by mindless arguments:


FK – “…in a severely dramatic and very uncomfortable way…”

Reminds me of what Southerners used to call their lost war for Independence after Lincoln killed 600,000 to maintain his power to tax and his generals pillaged their way across southern states: “The recent unpleasantness.”

An enormous understatement.

And they fully deserve what’s coming. Only their children and descendants will likely be the ones to pay the higher price because no one’s gonna get beamed up:


Hillary’s “Basket of Deplorables” Comment Proves She Thinks This Election Is Rigged for Her

FK – Voting on the prez level is a waste of time yes. Not so on the rest. They’re deplorable because they’re looking for another savior to wave its magic wand and solve their problems for them when nothing but blood, sweat and tears is gonna ultimately do that.

The younger set unfamiliar with the history of the klintons might want to peruse this:


More absurdity:


FK – Slavery is still worldwide and still exists here under a different name. The corporate workaholic psychotic assholes who run the corporations expect their wage slaves to commit slow or fast suicide through overwork, lack of exercise, poor diet, sleep deprivation and on and on and only want desperate workers who will do or say anything to get or keep a job and show up on time, do what they’re told and never ask inappropriate questions. They didn’t move their factories to other countries because they felt sorry for the peasants there. They knew they’d tolerate 16 hour days.

The communists under whatever current cute name want us all serving in their hive at the point of a govt. gun and call it freedom all while telling us what we can say, think and own and that we certainly don’t have a right to kill them for trying to enslave us completely.

So really the beat goes on, the human animal still has a lot of evolving to do and nobody’s gonna get beamed up. Even if they do it won’t likely be what they expect or want.

Have you paid your tribute?:


FK – The ‘elites’ you’re showing are the tools.

Democracy like religion is another tool for keeping the slaves working through false promises of pseudo freedom or ‘salvation’ or ‘paradise in the next life’ for good servants.

Oppressive regimes always produce black markets don’t they? Or do the elites help create the ‘black’ markets, such as the drug or arms trade, so they can profit from them as well? The criminals really are running the show.

Or are you on a quest for justice?:


FK – Bless his heart but this particular set of evidence isn’t that convincing, or at least with what’s discussed in this vid. And the beast system is not going to collapse just because the aware stop voting. They would laugh heartily over their caviar and steak at that one.