Tag Archives: iraq

If hitlery Wins Expect Total ARMAGEDDON


FK – It’s more like ‘dark vs dark’ since Trump has no record whatsoever that proves he means anything he says since he’s never been involved with or donated to any Liberty groups that I’ve been able to learn about.

Only a child thinks anything a prez candidate says during the quest for the idiot vote means anything. What they say during a campaign means nothing. Their records and affiliations, past and present, are all that matter.

Questions for your candidate

Gee, the majority of those who claim to want to live in a free country are in denial of the war being waged here. We should’ve kept our troops home from Korea and Vietnam and hunted the commies here first. We must conduct an extensive and thorough “Liberal”(commie) trash season or this country and what’s left of our Liberty will not survive.

The commies want the illegals here so they can get them to vote commie. Most govt.s south of the border are some form of commie. We must change who votes and how we vote in this country. That’s far more important than a few brown skinned peasants coming here to try to find a better existence.

More evil the masses will ignore to get a check or a job:


FK – On the fact alone that the CFR witch openly advocated ‘Australian style gun control’ it should’ve been dragged by its heels to the granite gallows in front of any govt. building, given a speedy treason trial(Here’s the Bill of Rights you swore to uphold and here’s where you advocated infringing on our most basic right, that of self defense, the the Bill of Rights is based upon) and speedily executed.

Know thine enemies.

Why are most modern ‘jews’ secular Marxists? What is Reform Judaism? Why are so many afraid to ask these questions?

This tells us what it is:

FK – This tells us exactly what ‘Reform Judaism’ is: totalitarianism.

I call them the unmentionables. In a free country there’s no such thing as a group whose motives cannot be questioned. When we have that we have a serious problem. We have a serious problem.

The Tea Party’s National Security Threat

As I asked:


FK – The amerikan military hasn’t fought a war over Liberty since 1865 and the bad guys won that won. Read ‘The Real Lincoln.’

I’m a vet, do ya want to thank me?

Will any of this even matter?:


FK – Both parties have been rigging elections for decades. But the biggest issue is we let ignorant sheeple who only want a check or a benefit or a job vote. Without that neither Trump nor hitlery would have enough support to make them hall monitor at the local high school.

Otherwise hitlery could grab a suckling child out of it’s mother’s arms, bash it’s brains out and eat it’s liver on live weaponvision and still get votes. Trump? Well we see what Trump is capable of, but we won’t know the whole story until 4 years in… if we survive that long.

Now for some entertainment:


FK – I tend to think Trump will win but my record of predicting the outcomes of prez.(quest for the idiot vote) election cycles isn’t great. I thought Dubya would lose both times and didn’t vote for it or its mainstream opponents.

If the CFR witch dropped dead the demonscat party could run Bernie and stand a real chance of beating the donald but likely they’d do something stupid like run sliden biden.

An older friend of mine beat you to the ‘retroactive abortions for liberals’ idea.

More clues of just how fucked we are:


FK – The fact that we  have a ‘dept. of motherland security’ shows we are no longer a nation of men.

Homeland eyes special declaration to take charge of elections

Regardless of which tool lies its way into the now red house we the sheeple had better get ready for what will be required.

Which side will you take?

FK – By ‘gas’ did they mean tear gas or whatever they use to control riots?

They don’t hire prison guards because of their superior intellect but because of their ability to obey orders. A lot of the younger ones probably have little to no cultural reference to the ‘gas chambers,’ real or not, of WWII. Which makes this all that much more horrifying.

Too many ‘adults'(very loosely defined) already prefer to believe ‘it can’t happen to me,’ so they deserve whatever is done to them.

If this were a nation of men every govt. building would have a granite gallows in front of it with this inscription:

These gallows are to be used only for elected, hired or appointed public servants who have broken their oaths to uphold the Bill of Rights. Any who use them for any other purpose will be shot down in the streets by anyone who sees fit with the shooter receiving our nation’s highest honor: ‘The Armed Citizen’s crosshairs.’


Politics is Fake and Staged


FK – But the morons will vote for them anyway.

The Elephant in the Room at the Last GOP Debate


FK – Oh but we can’t question the chosen ones… We might have to surrender our slave mentality.

I call them the unmentionables.

In a free country there’s no such thing as a group whose motives cannot be questioned. When we have that we have a serious problem. We have a serious problem.

The Tea Party’s National Security Threat

Let’s rearrange the deck chairs

Obama’s Amnesty Agenda Exposed By U.S. Customs Agent


FK – (The only other comment on this vid when I viewed it was to use the FEMA camps for the illegals. This is my response)Most of them are just pawns, like the ‘troops.’ Who are our real enemies? Who or what ideology wants the illegals here so they can get them to vote commie? Use the FEMA camps for our real enemies, our domestic blood enemies with white skin who were born here and who decades ago infiltrated every institution with the goal of subverting them. Throw the assholes who hire the illegals in there with them. Then we can hold the treason trials.

See what our domestic blood enemies’ ideological brethren are doing in Europe:


FK – Why does western civilization and those who claim to love human Liberty tolerate this garbage? Cowardice, plain and simple.


Memorial Day Is A Hoax — Paul Craig Roberts

Memorial Day commemorates soldiers killed in war. We are told that the war dead died for us and our freedom. US Marine General Smedley Butler challenged this view. He said that our soldiers died for the profits of the bankers, Wall Street, Standard Oil, and the United Fruit Company. Here is an excerpt from a speech that he gave in 1933:

War is just a racket. A racket is best described, I believe, as something that is not what it seems to the majority of people. Only a small inside group knows what it is about. It is conducted for the benefit of the very few at the expense of the masses.

I believe in adequate defense at the coastline and nothing else. If a nation comes over here to fight, then we’ll fight. The trouble with America is that when the dollar only earns 6 percent over here, then it gets restless and goes overseas to get 100 percent. Then the flag follows the dollar and the soldiers follow the flag.

I wouldn’t go to war again as I have done to protect some lousy investment of the bankers. There are only two things we should fight for. One is the defense of our homes and the other is the Bill of Rights. War for any other reason is simply a racket.

FK – The Bill of Rights is what makes us exceptional. If it’s not OK for the government to treat us like jackasses then it’s not OK for the corporations to treat us like jackasses. Memorial day was created for Yankee soldiers who died while participating in the plunder and rape of the southern states.

Neoliberal Globalization: Is There an Alternative to Plundering the Earth?

I’m a vet, do ya’ want to thank me?

US Iran Tense at Hormuz Strait, Fed Not Raising Rates, TPP Bad Deal, Jade Helm Laughs


FK – The entire situation over there is bizarre. When will the empire overthrow the Saudis? Why haven’t they already? What’s the real reason the unmentionables were allowed, encouraged, to take back their ‘promised land’ based on 3000-year-old tribal propaganda when most of the settlers in the early days were European socialists?

They’re all pretending to be against the TPP. Remember what side of the deception controlled the congress and now red house when NAFTA was shoved down our throats? Yep, that’s right, ‘the party of the little man.’ What did klinton claim in it’s first campaign? “I’m agains NAFTA,”  then shoved it through congress and bragged about signing it.

The red house press whores are there at their masters’ approval. They don’t ask inappropriate questions.

If we’re lucky commiefornia will slide into the ocean, at least the far western urban parts. If not it will have to be re-invaded and re-conquered. Simple fact.

OKC – A Conspiracy Theory


FK – And the patriot and militia movements almost deflated overnight. Almost as flat as after 9/11. Hmmmmm……

Read “The Third Terrorist.”


FK – With things like this they keep 300 million on their knees.

FK – The ‘smallest event’ may be the trigger they were looking for, but the trigger isn’t the whole gun…

The ISIS 9/11 Psyop What Started It All

FK – Killing millions over profit, the petrol dollar and 3000-year-old tribal propaganda. What a special time we exist in.


FK – Don’t know the details yet as to why the second vid was removed from youtube. Some piece of trash probably complained about it. I don’t remember seeing anything that ‘obscene’ but then I’m quite jaded.

The Next American War in the Middle East—Let’s Win This Time!

With that Clausewitzian point in mind, we can add a codicil: In addition to making the enemy want to stop fighting, the victor must be able to hold his own political support together. And here, the recent history of the US in the Middle East is not very encouraging. Operation Iraqi Freedom, launched in 2003, was popular enough—even though the mission wasn’t quite accomplished—and in 2004, George W. Bush was re-elected, albeit narrowly. Yet by 2006, support for the war had dropped precipitously, and the voters vented their frustrations on Republicans in Congress; the GOP lost control of both the House and the Senate in those midterms. And even though Bush’s 2007 “Surge” was a military success in Iraq, it didn’t change the domestic politics back home. In 2008, Republican John McCain lost the White House in a landslide, and Republicans in Congress took another drubbing.

So then we saw what happens when political support for a war evaporates. As we know, the new president, Barack Obama, couldn’t wait to get the last US ground forces out of to Iraq. He completed the US withdrawal in 2010, as he had promised to do. In fact, his “success” in withdrawing from Iraq was one of his key campaign planks; the 2012 Democratic platform included a headline praising the 44th president for “Responsibly Ending The War in Iraq.” And with that platform, Obama went on to win a second landslide.


Not surprisingly, hawkishness was on display at CPAC: The February 26 headline in Politico read, “Hawks Fly High at CPAC.” One of those war-birds at the Gaylord hotel, of course, was Marco Rubio. As Breitbart News’s Charlie Spiering noted, “As expected, he featured a robust foreign policy in his speech which is enjoying a bit of a comeback in the era of ISIS.” Yet in terms of upping the ante, Rick Perry flew even higher: ISIS, he declared, is “the worst threat to freedom since communism.”

FK – The worst threat ‘since’ communism? Really? Who are our real enemies? What does Perry think(I’m being gracious toward a NWO hack) is in the now red house?

If the ragheads get a foothold over here it’ll be because of laws passed or not enforced by our domestic blood enemies. Keep the troops home, bring the troops home, and open “Liberal”(commie) trash and Zionist bankster season. Let’s fix our problems here for once.
