Tag Archives: investments

College is waste of Time and Money

FK – Some of these tech ‘entrepreneurs’ are greedy globalist assholes with less than a shadow of a conscience.

They don’t call us ‘human resources’ and ‘human capital’ and ‘consumers’ and treat us like products on the web because they respect us as human beings. They consider us to be livestock.

A modern 10 commandments

The universities are full of Marxists and have been for generations. The ancient idea of a true ‘liberal arts‘ education is long dead.

I’ve been around/known of many so-called successful tool-using monkeys who may know all they need to make money at whatever they do but otherwise they’re morons. Simple fact.

We’re losing everything that matters here, what’s left of our Bills of Rights, partly because of these people who put money and career first.

I listened to a newly elected state Representative a week or so back, brag about her success in the corporate world and at winning elections but then stupidly say we’d had an income tax since the beginning of the republic.

We exist on a mountain of lies and one has to cater to the deceived to be successful. Simple fact. I guess that’s part of the reason I’m usually broke.

There’s more to this existence than worshiping money and the power it brings. If not there’s no reason to be here at all. Good luck getting the average tool-using monkey to see that.

I went to a state school in the 80s. just the first year when I majored in party changed my life. Coming from a rural background and getting away from home, though not that far, and being exposed to people with ideas and lives I hadn’t imagined.

At the time I didn’t realize many of my professors probably put their ideology or their own careers above my ‘education,’ but at least I got some semblance of one. Really it’s supposed to be a foundation that teaches students how to learn and how to think, not what.

A conspiracy to indoctrinate, or “What is an education?”

We allow people to vote in this country who haven’t cracked a book that matters since high school. They voted for hitlery because they wanted a check and an easy way out and for Trump because they dream of being like him. Simple truths.

Who deserves to vote?

But then amerika’s always been about making a buck right? Well money won’t get anyone out of what’s coming because of our native greed, apathy and cowardice.

Until we are prepared for the worst case scenario we are still losing.

My answer to ‘Molon Labe’

How to Get the World to Accept Cryptocurrency as our Global Economy Collapses

FK – What if bitcoin or something like it is really where the NWO wants us to end up? It’s still cashless right? Do you think the banksters won’t find a way to control it via our ‘lawmakers?’

Oh, the ‘big players’ are buying into it, or creating it? That tells me all I need to know. It’s not being done in the interest of the common person who struggles to pay their bills every month and has to go be treated like a jackass to do so, unless they get on the govt. dole.

Pardon my cynicism it grew over the years while watching all this shit flow downstream while the braindead simple-minded sheeple graze on and pass their slavery down to their kids while wasting their time here waiting for the world to end. Then I notice some of the comments below make mine look cheery.

Send me a big fat check and I’ll invest it in my name per your directions…

We need to concentrate on taking our country back and holding the war crimes trials. That’ll do us more good than prepping.

The patriot newbie guidebook


FK – What is the commie/globalist trash doing to YouTube/the internet now? As was easy to predict they’re trying to sweep all the troublemakers off into some dark corner where the average brain dead sheeple will be too fearful to graze.

They know their victims/herd well.

All they have to do is have their elected lackies ban it. Then all those with ‘money’ in it will be shit out of luck. If the govt. can demand a surrender of all personally held gold they can sure as hell ban ‘alt currencies.’

A recession or depression will make them more likely to clamp down.

Those who don’t think so are ignoring all those who’ve been railroaded into prison by our beast system.

Welcome to a nation of morons

What does ‘We the People’ actually mean?

It means we are responsible…

We have a representative republic, guaranteed to every state, not a democracy.

We have a Bill of Rights that acknowledges rights we are born with, not granted or created by any government.

We vote with the knowledge that voting is the most violent act anyone can participate in because voting is electing someone to hire someone to stick a government gun in our neighbors’ faces and force our version of reality on them at the threat of their very lives.

We stand ready to protect our Liberty and the Liberty of our neighbors, not destroy it, via any version of authoritarianism, of any age or place.

We are prepared with knowledge and force of arms to make war against and kill if necessary those who would destroy our Bill of Rights whether they represent domestic or foreign enemies.

We do not lie to ourselves, our families, our friends, our business associates, our descendants, our enemies, about these things and do not EVER tolerate those who would have us do so.

If the troops were fighting for our freedom they’d all be here.

A new birth of Liberty, or death


Why Low Oil Prices are Economic Warfare


FK – I remember when gas went up to 75 cents a gallon during the ‘oil crisis’ in the 70s and the adults were all complaining about it. I hope it goes back down to 50 cents a gallon and stays there.

The question is why aren’t food and other commodity prices going back down with oil?

Saudi Arabia in CRISIS: Kingdom reveals £66billion deficit amid falling oil prices

It’s another dimension to me:


FK – The most important commodities for the future are lead, steel, brass, smokeless powder, good shoes, cold weather gear and a resolve to do what will be required.

Despite various promises:


FK – Modern mainstream ‘christianity’ is part of the problem. Millions are wasting their time in this world waiting for the world to end. How pathetic and horrifying at the same time.

Are we really about to kill millions or more over ancient tribal propaganda? The human race is still a very primitive species and we still exist in a very dark age.

I call them the unmentionables.

In a free country there’s no such thing as a group whose motives cannot be questioned. When we have that we have a serious problem. We have a serious problem.

The Tea Party’s National Security Threat

Let’s rearrange the deck chairs

All in the name of this?:


FK – I don’t think they ‘control’ everything but they certainly seek to manipulate.


FK – N. Korea nuking major cities on the commie coast? No personal offense but I don’t think we could get that lucky.

Why bad start to the year for markets could get worse: Fears investors, households and businesses face 12 months of turmoil

The Global Economic Reset Has Begun

The schematic for the new world order, according to the admissions of the internationalists, cannot possibly include the continued existence of U.S. geopolitical and economic dominance. The plan, in fact, requires the destabilization and reformation of America into a shell of its former glory. The most important element of this plan demands the removal of the U.S. dollar as the de facto world reserve currency, a change that would devastate our current financial structure.

I outlined with undeniable evidence the reality that major governments, including the BRICS governments of the East, are fully on board with the globalist agenda. There is no way around it; the BRICS, including Russia and China, have openly called for a global monetary system centralized and dictated by the IMF using the SDR basket. This same plan was outlined decades ago in the Rothschild-owned magazine The Economist. We are witnessing that plan being implemented in front of our very eyes today.

For the past couple of years, the current head of the IMF, Christine Lagarde, has used the phrase “global economic reset” often in her speeches and interviews. There is some (deliberate) ambiguity to this notion, but after sitting through hours upon hours of her most boring and repetitive discussions in globalist think tanks such as the Council On Foreign Relations, the consistent message is pretty straightforward. If anyone can stand to listen to this woman’s carefully crafted prattle and well-vetted half-truths for more than five minutes, I suggest they watch this particular speech given in January at the CFR:

FK – If they mean to rule us by fear we must respond by making them afraid. We outnumber them. When enough understand this the giant will move. It must move swiftly with solid purpose, the restoration of the Bill of Rights and the expansion of human Liberty, here and on a worldwide scale or we will be led astray into fields of confusion and destruction. Deal with infiltrators quickly.

US Lobbying Fails as Allies Flock to China-Led Bank

Ever since its initial proposal by China as an alternative to the IMF and the World Bank, both of which are dominated by the United States, the proposed Asian Infrastructure Investment Bank (AIIB) has been a target of heavy lobbying by the US, which has been warning allies and client states it would be strongly in their best interests not to join.

The US effort is also becoming a colossal failure, as nations across the region, as well as European powers, are flocking to the China-led bank, and seemingly everyone of note on board at this point.

FK – Is that a yearn for the yen? As always, all my stock is on four legs.

Stock market rigging is no longer a ‘conspiracy theory’

Another Oligarch Preaches to the Peasants – Charlie Munger Says “Prepare for Harder World”

FK – An earlier vid:

Lord Rothschild Warns ‘Geopolitical Situation Most Dangerous Since WWII’


FK – Many spend their entire time in this world ‘muddling along.’

Why, they just want to make us all equal muddlers:(from 2011)

FK – After all, we’re in the same boat:(from Dec. 2008)

FK – Why did his daddy name him ‘Evelyn?’ Was he trying to make sure he’d be tough?

How many will have to get tough or die?

Former US Budget Office president warns economy is nearing final stage of collapse

Going To The Roots Of The Problem

Well, now, just who was this “John Brown” of Providence, Rhode Island, who ignited the Gaspee affair, and with its flames set afire one of the brightest torches lighting the way towards America’s War of Independence? After John Hancock of Boston, Massachusetts, Brown was probably the wealthiest man in New England, whose family fortune later endowed Brown University, in Providence. For his part in burning the Gaspee, though, Brown could have been convicted of treason and piracy—the punishments for which, if his ignominious death on the scaffold had not been enough, would have included the forfeiture of all his worldly goods to the Crown. (Hancock, too, would have stood in the shadow of the public executioner to pay the supreme penalty for his own acts of treason against Great Britain, had Major John Pitcairn and his Redcoats apprehended him in Lexington on the 19th of April in 1775.)

Although a shrewd merchant, John Brown did not organize the attack on the Gaspee because it was a good profit-making venture, a sound economic investment, or a clever hedge against inflation or depression. Neither did he mount the attack to curry favor from the political Establishment. To the contrary: From the moment he gathered his fellow patriots at Sabin’s Tavern, he stood to lose everything, including his life. His participation in the Gaspee affair was the riskiest speculation he had ever made or would ever make—under the circumstances, at least supremely reckless, in the view of the world perhaps insane. He was, after all, spitting in the eye of the entire British Empire, the supremely puissant “New World Order” of his day. Yet he—along with John Hancock, George Washington, and many other rich and influential Americans who wagered their all in the forefront of the fight for liberty—was eventually victorious!

So it is not impossible for the well-to-do to be clear-sighted, courageous, patriotic, and even self-sacrificing. Or at least it was not impossible then, although apparently it is very difficult these days. It should not, however, be too difficult, even today. For unlike John Brown, who in the comfort of his rich surroundings had nothing material to lose if he and his fellow Americans had simply sat down quietly under British rule, the wealthy among the middle class today have everything to lose if patriotic Americans—especially including themselves—do not stand up, muster their financial and other resources, and bring an end to the Federal Reserve System and the emerging national para-military police state. Because the Federal Reserve System will destroy the economy; and the para-military police state will clamp down on society in the aftermath of financial collapse; and then those who have wealth that can be stolen by political looters will have it stolen. Perhaps not as soon as tomorrow. But too soon for comfort.

FK – As I’ve said for a while, it won’t happen until the hogs figure out there’s no more corn in the trough.