Tag Archives: gold

Cache Hunting Secrets_Where Did Grandpa Hide His Money?

FK – I’ve tried for years to find out what kind of photographs those are. I thought they looked like drawings but never thought of charcoal. What did that cost?

Most of my ‘grandpas’ didn’t have much money, as my grandmother told me about her experience in the ‘great depression,’: “Depression? What depression? We were already poor!”

Where are your hidey holes? Remember, your property and home is they first place ‘they’ will look.

First Day Of The Second American Civil War


FK – Will we really let it get that bad before we fight back? Pathetic.

Shemitah 2015 – Prophecy or Quackery?


FK – This date setting and fear mongering is all a distraction(and money making) sort of a thing to keep would be activists spending time and money on their hidey holes instead of standing up like real men and women and taking responsibility for the world they exist in.

That doesn’t mean we totally ignore all such warnings. Some day one of them might be right, and there might not be a damn thing we can do about it. Focus on what we can affect.

If there are some elitist crazies who believe in this stuff or simply use the sheeple’s(and people’s) belief in ancient tribal propaganda or whatever for their own purposes then some of it might be ‘viable’ in a pedantic sort of way. Religion, like democracy, is another form of manipulation.

If you had a program that would predict crashes and upswings why the hell would you tell anyone!? That’d be like telling the casinos in Vegas you know how to beat them.

The patriot movement has for years been quaking in its boots every time some idiot sees some tanks on a train. Back in the 90s it was ‘This October the tanks are gonna roll.” I remember hearing that for several years.

I’ve been missing out all these years by not selling gold and dried food all while constantly setting a new date. It’s amazing how quickly they forget the last one. But then it should be amazing how every prez election cycle the idiots vote for demagogues who are telling them the same lies they heard the last time.

The govt. as most of our other institutions has been infiltrated by our greatest enemies, our domestic blood enemies who have white skin and aren’t hiding in a cave on the other side of the world.

Quitting My YouTube Channel


FK – Read “The Art of War.” They’re defeating us without spilling a drop of blood. The religions are as much to blame as anything else.

I’m on the ‘side’ that says we should take our country back and conduct an extensive and thorough “Liberal”(commie) trash season to rid our country of our domestic blood enemies that are waging war on us and the Bill of Rights.

American Natives Ask UN to End U.S. “Occupation”

Elaine Willman, author of Going to Pieces: The Dismantling of the United States of America, has studied the complex issues surrounding tribal governance and independence, and she had a stark warning. “The radical Hawaiian human rights group concerns itself with the rights of only certain humans, so I find such organizations to be oxymorons,” Willman, who is of Cherokee Indian ancestry, told The New American. Beyond that, though, she said the broader agenda of the group “fits in with a perfect storm, totally consistent with Transforming America, by pitting cultures against each other.”

She also suggested that natives and federally funded tribal governments were being exploited for sinister purposes by the Obama administration and other forces. “The national multi-headed Hydra that I see assaulting America is being fomented by the present federal executive Branch,” she said, citing federal takeovers of key economic sectors, the exploitation of tribal governments to reduce state authority and jurisdiction, and the ongoing efforts to divide-and-conquer the American people along every conceivable fault line to advance a totalitarian agenda.

“Radical race-oriented voices in Hawaii, just like the ‘thugs’ in Missouri, Maryland and Florida, will find support as ‘victims’ when the mob violence begins, and Hawaiian law enforcement will find no respect or help at the federal level,” she added. “We are a deeply wounded country today, so it’s no wonder that ISIS, China, Russia and other potential adversaries are licking their chops to come in and capture the booty in our once great land of opportunity.” She also suggested pro-gambling forces hoping to cash in on tribal casinos may be at work in Hawaii, too.

FK – As if the Chinese and Russians wouldn’t take their resources. Russia once ‘owned’ Alaska.

BLM Now Attacking Oregon Gold Miner


FK – The problem is these old laws no longer benefit the rich, the oligarchs, and the citiot ‘environmentalists'(communists) who stupidly vote to keep them in power.

Gee, two govt. employees claim a sheeple threatened them. Which will the Federal Judge believe? They could have killed him and probably gotten away with it.

We need to be using the eco-commies to fertilize the trees so they can ‘get back to the Earth.’

Oh they consider us to be property alright, livestock. There’s nothing more important to understand than that.



And some good advice:


FK – As they say, don’t do stupid things.

Plus an interesting and relevant article:

Combat Mindset and Killer Instinct

Gold and Silver Legal Tender Bill Passes in Arizona, To the Governor’s Desk

A bill “legalizing the constitution” by authorizing the use of gold and silver as legal tender was given final approval by the state Senate in Arizona today. It now moves to the Governor’s desk for a signature

Introduced by Rep. Mark Finchem and six cosponsors, House Bill 2173 (HB2173) re-affirms gold and silver as legal tender in the state of Arizona on a voluntary basis. It reads, in part: “Legal tender is money and is not subject to taxation or regulation as property other than money.”

HB2173 previously passed the state House by an overwhelming 34-23 margin. Today, the Senate concurred with a 17-12 vote.

This bill would mark the first step toward currency competition. If sound money is given a foothold in the marketplace against Federal Reserve notes, the people would be able to choose the time-tested stability of gold and silver over the central bank’s rapidly-depreciating paper currency. The freedom of choice expanded by HB2173 can allow Arizona residents to secure the purchasing power of their money.

FK – This is the kind of stuff that starts wars. It’ll be interesting to see how it plays out. I’m betting the governor gets cold feed and vetoes it…

Lord Rothschild Warns ‘Geopolitical Situation Most Dangerous Since WWII’


FK – Many spend their entire time in this world ‘muddling along.’

Why, they just want to make us all equal muddlers:(from 2011)

FK – After all, we’re in the same boat:(from Dec. 2008)

FK – Why did his daddy name him ‘Evelyn?’ Was he trying to make sure he’d be tough?

How many will have to get tough or die?

Former US Budget Office president warns economy is nearing final stage of collapse