Tag Archives: food

Congressman Ed Whitfield announces he will not run for re-election in 2016

Republican Congressman Ed Whitfield, subject of a House ethics probe, announced on Tuesday that he will not run for a 12th term next year.

Whitfield told Pure Politics in August that he planned to seek re-election, but in a statement released through his office, he offered no reason for his decision.

“Representing the people of the 1st District for 21 years has been an honor,” he said in a statement. “I will cherish forever the countless opportunities to work with them to nurture and strengthen the 35 counties comprising Kentucky’s First District.”

The Hopkinsville Republican also included a list of his top achievements, such as helping establish the Federal Health Benefit Program for employees of the Paducah Gaseous Diffusion Plant, securing funding for troops at Fort Campbell, promoting the use of fossil fuels and ensuring animals are treated humanely.

That last point references a central focus of the House Ethics Committee investigation launched in March, which is looking into whether Whitfield improperly aided his wife Connie Harriman-Whitfield, a lobbyist for the Humane Society Legislative Fund, in her work.

FK – Good, one less useless RINO NWO hack in the Congress. To my knowledge he never sponsored any legislation to restore the Second Amendment. And his wife? Talk about sleeping with the enemy.

And some more possible good news:

Under pressure: McConnell pushed to resign as Senate Majority Leader

FK – Now we need to make sure their replacements, as Bonehead’s, aren’t just more of the same ol’ useless eaters.

Preserving Fruit: How Does It Work?

FK – That guessing thing is called the ‘grandma’ method.

Have you discussed wild strawberries? My grandmother would make a wild strawberry cobbler most every year. Far surpasses the domesticated in taste. I mean every year to try to find enough to do something with but never find my rountuit on that. Unless you find a really concentrated patch as we used to have in our hayfield/garden patch in central Kentucky picking enough can be time consuming as they’re quite small.

There’s also a another plant that produces a similar tiny red berry, don’t know what it’s called. They’re not as common as far as I’ve seen, and don’t have the same type leaves as strawberries and haven’t chanced eating one. Wild strawberries are just diminutive versions of what we see in gardens.

Something else that’s killing us:

FK – So is it ‘hydrogenated’ vegetable oil? Does that make a difference?

If you drink orange Fanta with your salmon does that help?

America’s Time Is Running Out!


FK – Gee, some of us have been trying to say similar things for years, uh decades now?

We should already have a militia force in place to deal with our domestic blood enemies, our greatest enemies, who have white skin, were probably born here and aren’t hiding in a cave on the other side of the world.

Free Kentucky Column: What must be done – A manifesto of the ‘isms.’

Waking up is hard to do

Rules for the militia

Act politically but prep for what history shows will have to be done. It’s way past time to prep for what will be required.

Stewart Rhodes calls for emergency summits by state, in preparation for economic collapse


FK – Those who are looking for a ‘perfect’ force or for ‘god’s army’ to save them will die of old age in slavery. Do what you can, with what you have, where you are, and prepare for what will be required.

This is also posted on their site:


How Much Of America Is In A Drought?

FK – Wow, 4 minutes eleven seconds without mentioning ‘global warming(man caused).’ I’m impressed.

Climate change is UN-led hoax to create ‘new world order’ – Australian PM’s adviser

FK – Of course there’s been ‘climate change’ as long as there’s been a climate, which the evidence shows is billions of years. The evidence also shows the “Liberal”(commie) trash will use any excuse, real or imagined, to control every aspect of every existence on this planet. It’s in their nature. They won’t stop until we force them to stop.