Tag Archives: commies

The Surreal EVIL Still Oozing from Hillary Supporters


FK – Are we ready? Of course not.

Who deserves to vote?

What if the elites do it instead?:


FK – What an opening statement for someone who worked tirelessly to put Trump in the now red house.

But you wouldn’t want the militia to provide security for Trump right? They’d be just as trustworthy as the Secret Service.

Have you been ‘forgotten?’:


FK – The forgotten man needs to wake up and grow up and figure out what will be required.

If enough of us can stop waiting to get beamed up:


FK – Maybe we should wait and see what Trump actually does while applying extreme political pressure to the republicrats in Congress and demand they repeal the gun laws, shut down the BATF Nazis; repeal the 16th Amendment and shut down the IRS and the Fed and pass an amendment banning all forms of socialism forever.

Wouldn’t that be better than whining about all our little butt hurts right now?

Meanwhile for the globalist commie trash it’s business as usual:

FK – So much for globalist commie trash respect for free speech and a free press huh?

When are enough gonna figure out what must be done?

At the least we must demand that the republicrats in the Congress and Trump shut down the U.N. and bulldoze their building and create a Liberty school so citiots can be taught what kind of country and govt. we’re supposed to have here.

Here’s some basic instruction for them:


FK – In general he’s correct, if we had a future prez that had a real record we could look at to judge his possible future actions instead of nothing but mouth and rhetoric not based in past actions. Maybe we should wait and see what Trump actually does or doesn’t do before we gloat too much…

Will we be saved by a miraculous troglodyte?

Though it’s hard not to pretend everything’s gonna be OK:

FK – Can anyone tell me who is telling the Saudis to fund ISIS and ‘attack’ us with fundie ragheadism? Maybe that’s the real question. The Saudis were a creation of the Brits, just like the modern state of Israel, that was founded by European socialists btw.

No sacred cows, or a new global Bill of Rights

Will we be saved by a miraculous troglodyte?

Will we be saved by a miraculous troglodyte?
Barry Bright
Nov. 9, 2016

Well for once I actually called one right, sort of. A few months back I told someone and have repeated myself on this site and other places that Trump would likely trounce Hitlery in the general election. But the caveat I kept to myself was it depended on how much vote fraud, stealing, buying, whatever went on. But we’re all sick of prognosticators.

Now we have to listen to the demonscat party whine about getting rid of the electoral college system.

And I’ll admit it, this morning I was just shy of elated because the CFR witch was deprived of its lifelong desire to play elected dictator over all our existences in this world and not because of who or what will be entering the now red house.

Even though hitlery would’ve caused gun and ammo sales to skyrocket and the militias to continue to grow I still would’ve been afraid. Yep, the coward in me wanted to vote for Trump instead of standing up on my own two feet and fighting a war that is coming no matter how much so many of us lie to ourselves about it.

That’s the problem. Too many of us are afraid. This is our country and we have a Bill of Rights, the document that makes us exceptional, and it’s way past damn time we acted like it.

Noting wrong with taking a little time to celebrate but we still have Yankees just over the hill:

FK – The Marxist mutt didn’t ‘start’ ISIS. It’s a tool doing what it’s told.

The only thing that really brought hitlery down was Trump’s mouth, his charisma and salesmanship. The mush heads simply chose another savior. If the demonscat party had cast aside its chief witch and brought another Marxist mutt out of some urban sewer with the same level of charisma and salesmanship and a cleaner record and better looks it would’ve been a much ‘closer’ race.

We are in a cave and have found a match that might or might not burn long enough to get us a few feet closer to the entrance.

When we’re hanging them as we should have been doing decades ago I’ll gloat and smile broadly, while I’m happily flipping that lever.

Now if we could only get all the Trumpsters to stay away from the golf course and the fishin’ hole or the bar or the couch or the church pew or the biker rally or whatever their thing is and force the republicrats to do their jobs and start the arrests and the treason/war crimes trials.

Regardless, if the amerikan communist insurgency feels itself greatly endangered we may be forced to bring the troops home, activate the National Guard and the militias and send the Marines to invade the Commiefornia coast.

Their leadership and that includes the rich elite globalists that fund them, will now slide off to some dark corner to sulk and redraw their plans and adjust their lies but they will not simply throw up their hands and say “Oh sorry we bothered you, we’re going home now to live in peace and Liberty with our neighbors.”

Won’t happen. Their arrogance and lust for power will never allow it. Eradication will be the only option.

Who deserves to vote?

As I noted above:


FK – As I’ve written many times before commiefornia will have to be re-invaded and re-conquered, along with the rest of the left coast and the eastern commie enclaves.

Now we have to keep all the trumpsters awake and off the couch and actually paying attention to what their savior does next and hope they don’t go along with too much of it because ultimately at best Trump is a Liberty neophyte if not an outright faker.

He still has to carry all the water his mouth spit into the political atmosphere.

Too bad we don’t have a real statesmen to do what needs to be done:


FK – As much as I respect Dr. Paul I have to ask: “Why hasn’t the CFR witch’s mind or the mind of its husband of convenience or millions of others been ‘changed?’

We’ve had the net for 20 years. What excuses do they have anymore? It’s too easy now to go online and with a few simple searches, despite google’s best efforts, to find out how evil socialism and its handmaiden gun control is.

Yet they persist.

Trump is a demagogue and may yet prove to be a faker. In some cases we’d better hope he is. We’d also better hope the tiny minority of the republicrats in the congress and our state legislatures can keep a tight grip on the authoritarians on the other side. But I wouldn’t count on it.

And Paul puts a little too much blind faith in the ‘free market.’ The free market allowed slavery for 85(really about 200) years in this country and the corporate workaholic assholes would have us all back on 16 hour days 7 days a week if they could get away with it. American corporations moved jobs overseas after NAFTA so they could find desperate workers that would put up with such and corrupt governments that would allow it.

If our governments don’t have the right to treat us like jackasses neither do our employers nor anyone or anything else.

And we still have this:

FK – Gee, I don’t see the little trash, some of whom are probably being paid, throwing up their hands and saying “We give. We’re gonna leave our neighbors alone to live in a free country now.”

“Liberal”(commie) trash season will still prove to be a necessity.

And we can keep our hopes up:


And this one’s even funnier:


This Is Why America Will Get the President it Deserves

FKWho deserves to vote?

Alaska River Monster Found? Green UFO Blasts Over Japan! 11/1/16

FK – That’s a Russian bigfoot treading water.

The UFO phenomena is ‘real’ as far as we understand what ‘real’ is. I don’t ‘believe’ in it or ‘them’ nor should anyone else.

Some of them may if we’re lucky be benevolent or at least not antagonistic or even have our best interests at heart, if they have hearts. Others probably not so much. Think ‘international relations’ on a grander scale.

If ‘disclosure’ or ‘contact’ ever comes, such that the average dumbass can’t deny it anymore, we shouldn’t blindly trust the first bunch that shows up or the second nor the 2002nd or any others. They will have ‘magic’ technology that will make them godlike to us in ways we probably can’t even understand. Many will seek to bow down to them as many amerikans now seek a new king every four years to magically wave away their problems or simply feed them bullshit to make them feel better.

As always we exist in interesting times while the masses vote for the lesser of two evils while those with intelligence wonder when we will again get more evil than we can handle.

But we have to be careful what we ascribe to ‘them,’ whatever they really are. From yesterday:

FK – “Did not this just blow your mind?”

Uh, no. If they have flown up in a saucer, stopped and waved and asked for a beer that would’ve blown my mind.

I’m not enough of a ‘scientist’ by whatever political persuasion or otherwise to say what the little balls of light are. Maybe they’re space sprites inviting the astronauts to come outside and play…

I’d want to know what kind of vents, jets or whatever might have been in operation.

Google is evil. I use it no more than I have to. And I have an android phone. As always the authoritarians among us, and google funds and assists them, will use the very real UFO phenomena as propaganda in the effort to enslave us further. Simple fact.

Leaving those dead astronauts floating around in space probably violates several galactic if not universal eco laws, statutes and regulations. We might not want to know what the penalties are for that, especially if our microbes resulted in the wiping out of some other planet’s ecosystem. You can’t even be buried in a lot of places in this country unless your body is in a box.


CETA Is Almost Dead – Here’s What You Need To Know


FK – The witch is probably upset that it won’t be getting its kickbacks.

They view us all as livestock. There’s nothing more important to understand than that.

‘Globalization’ with real human Liberty would be an agreeable thing.

It’s time for a global Bill of Rights

Zbigniew Brzeznski 2016: The New World Order Is Dead, Long Live The New World Order!


FK – Allowing the U.S. to split is unacceptable. That would mean allowing some states like commiefornia, new yawk, mass., Connecticut, and a few others to completely enslave their sheeple under communism, creating borders that can’t be crossed without passports, visas, vehicle inspections, loss of the most basic right of travelers. It would be like crossing a border into marxico or commieda. Crossing the border into Mexico with one bullet is a 5 year prison term. Going hunting or fishing or hiking or camping in Canada? Your handgun must stay at home and if a Grizzly eats you the “Liberal”(commie) trash and animal Nazis will be there to pass it the salt and pepper.

Those too stupid to be able to defend themselves deserve whatever happens to them but the trash has NO RIGHT AT ALL to force the rest of us into their pathetic mindless pacifism. We should be forcing such demonscat out of our country.

We need to be concentrating on hunting and eradicating our “Liberal”(commie) trash and preventing the demonscat from ever participating in our governments again.

They are already waging war on us and have been for a long time:


FK – The 9th Circuit Court is in Commiefornia. What a surprise. What other evil have we heard coming from that pile of demonscat?

Commiefornia must be re-invaded and re-conquered. It’s time to bring the troops home and activate the militias and carry out an extensive and thorough “Liberal”(commie) trash season.

Federal Court Rules Medical Cannabis Patients “Do Not Have the Right to Buy a Gun”

What else are the demoncsat up to?:

FK – The newswhore needs to learn that the words ‘illegal gun’ are nowhere to be found in the Second Amendment. As for Egor or whatever why hasn’t it been tried and executed for waging war on the Bill of Rights?

Because we no longer have a nation of men.

Europe’s Last Chance

FK – The communization of the west is what happened. That’s the war. The fundie ragheads are just another symptom. It’s time to dump ‘democracy’ and demand Liberty.

It’s time to start thinking Normandy. Peace won’t fix this.

And if you fear calling the trash what it is and openly publicly saying what needs to be done to it they’re wagging you.

So who are our real enemies?:

FK – There used to be a saying back in the day: “If five Klan members are having a meeting three of them are Feds.”

Garland Shooter Elton Simpson ‘Handled’ By Paid FBI Informant

FBI seeks ‘secret’ control of smartphones

Communist Party unites behind Hillary

FK – So we know what and where the real danger is. Why do we tolerate it?

And don’t miss this one:

Bill of Rights Socialism

FK – Of course my comment is ‘awaiting moderation.’


First Olympic Gold Goes To An American Girl With A Gun: Then The Liberal Hate Begins

The first Olympic gold medal of the 2016 games in Rio goes to a record-setting American girl with a gun – and the anti-gun crowd is already throwing a fit.

American shooter Ginny Thrasher won the first gold medal of the Rio Olympics, pulling off an upset in the women’s 10-meter air rifle event, considered by many to be one of the most mentally challenging sports in the games.

According to The Tribunist, Thrasher, 19, beat silver medalist Du Li of China in the final round with a total score of 208.0, setting an Olympic record in the finals. Du finished with 207.0. Yi Siling of China took bronze as the first medals in Rio were awarded. American Sarah Scherer was eighth.

FK – Can she hit running “Liberal”(commie) trash at 300 meters? That’s what’s gonna matter.


2016 GOP Convention Societal Collapse


FK – This has been coming for years. Eventually one side or the other will get pushed into the political corner and will have to choose between fighting or kissing, fondling and sucking whatever is stuck in their face. We know if we’re the ones on our knees there will be no limit to what that might be.

If those ‘on the right,’ who allegedly value human Liberty and the Bill of Rights would put on their big boy pants and at the least start demanding arrests and treason trials for the leaders of the commie/globalist front groups we could begin to see some moderately ‘peaceful’ progress. But no one has the balls to do this. It boils down to this simple concept: There’s no such thing as a ‘right’ to work openly or covertly to enslave those around you.

Our domestic blood enemies with white skin are our biggest enemies and have been all along but too many are in denial of this. If the commie front groups are paying their protestors why couldn’t some or many of the hard corps “build a wall” Trump morons be getting paid or at least trained to do what they’re doing as well? I put nothing past the elites. They’ve obviously infiltrated the Libertarian Party. The whole thing may be a setup.

There’ve been massive riots before. LA burned during the Rodney King riots which someone told me once were emulated around the country but the newswhores didn’t talk about the others so much. The authorities fear such only because it might interfere with their economies.

There will be two important questions: Who or what side controls the military during the next revolution/restoration and how much of the guns and ammo sold over the past few years has been bought by commies and fundie ragheads. The time is coming soon, and I thought this 15 years ago, when the average man, if there are any men left here, and many women and children, are going to be forced to learn the difference between cruelty and viciousness.

If millions would descend on the district of commie criminals and new yawk city and a few other “Liberal”(commie) trash enclaves what kind of world would we have when the dust finally settled? It wouldn’t be perfect by a long shot but at least we might finally end their constant lying and permanently remove the Marxists from our government schools and universities and newsrooms and publishing houses.

The sad fact is not long after that we’d be fighting to free ourselves from another inquisition of some kind or another while trying to get the young Earth creationists out of the schools. Sigh. Are we really condemned to constantly crawl from one ridiculous extreme to another?

Or will we fight?

FK – As I’ve been begging patriots for years: Stop calling the communists by the cute names they invented to hide their evil. They’re not ‘left’ or ‘liberal’ or ‘progressive.’ They’re communists, Marxists, socialists, evil. Democracy is the road to socialism is the road to communism… It’s time to demand Liberty.

Their kind killed 200 million in the 20th century alone so of course they’re capable of violence and they’re likely not finished.

Too bad so many who claim to love Liberty and the Bill of Rights are not so.

The churches have long been infiltrated if the christian religion wasn’t created from the beginning as another way to keep the slaves working. When I read the ancient tribal propaganda I usually come down on the latter side.

Your “Liberal”(commie) trash ‘friends’ voted to kill you. They vote to kill you every time they vote.

There’s no such thing as casual ‘friends’

Can you imagine the screaming commies if an openly civilian force started showing up at Trump rallies? This may be what the elites are hoping for. Not that they wouldn’t have a right to protect themselves but that could be the kickstart to a ‘civil war’ that will leave our real enemies unscathed.

Unless all this takes another turn:


FK – Stop it with this ignorance about the KKK and the democrat party. The parties were polar opposites back then. The Republican party was the original party of big government. Lincoln was elected largely by the socialists in the northern states.

“This used to be Mexico…” the moron says while wearing a U.S. Marine cover.

It would be sad if this turned into a ‘race war’ as our white skinned enemies desire but I fear that may be the case…

Jill Stein Perfectly Describes Everything Wrong With the Political Establishment

FK – The Libertarian candidate of the commie side. How funny.

The klintons didn’t create the system child, they are products of it, just like you.

White commies didn’t vote the Marxist mutt into office. That was done by your dupes, black and white, who were looking for a savior to wave its magic wand for them just like so many now hope Trump will wave his magic wand and ‘make amerika great again.’

But maybe you’re young and dumb enough to believe the scat that flows out of Bernie’s mouth. But then sometimes I think that old commie actually believes some of the crap it says.

The prezzes are tools that don’t answer to the voters. It’s time to grow up and put on the big boy pants.

What policies is your savior proposing? More communism no doubt? Ah yes, here’s her commie plan. – The ‘A’ list for political children.

Will it be voluntary? No. Will it ensure individual liberty? No. Does it mindlessly target ‘the rich’ without trying to understand the dynamics of how this world really works? Yes. Will your candidate of peace use drones against American patriots who will resist its tyranny? Yes. Will you commie trash that always falsely claims pacifism and civility use the armed police and military to kill those who refuse to participate in your evil commie system? Yes, of course, your kind killed 200 million in the 20th century alone. You have no compunction about killing those who refuse your evil and neither will you in the future.

And finally, shove your ‘democracy’ up your ass. We demand Liberty and we’re willing to kill you for it.

So what are our ‘choices?’


FK – As I’ve been writing for some time now:

I’ll vote for the candidate that will bring the troops home, activate the militias, and re-invade and re-conquer commiefornia and the other commie enclaves on the left and East coasts.

They’re not ‘leftists,’ ‘liberal’ or ‘progressive.’ They’re communists/globalists. They want us disarmed so we can’t kill them when enough finally wake up to the necessity of doing so.

Our Liberty is dying because of our failure to hunt the “Liberal”(commie) and globalist trash to extinction.

So much for the ‘middle ground:’


FK – Trump will likely trounce hitlery this fall. He’s a demagogue, a faker or ringer or some such. At best he’ll be a Dubya light, throw a few bones to the Tea Partiers to ‘prove’ himself and concentrate on the ‘deals’ that keep him and his ilk rich.

No, I’m not a commie. Trump has no record of supporting or donating to groups that are fighting for our Liberty. He’s only proven he can make money and run his mouth which apparently is enough for the average mush head in the middle.

There are 340 or so million ‘humans'(loosely defined) in this country and a small percentage take any real part in the political process so some kind of con game is not impossible. Sanders and Trump could both be players though I think Sanders actually believes some or most of the crap he spews while Hitlery long ago abandoned any genuine interest in reality outside of what it takes to gain the power she so craves.

If the ‘greens’ and libertarians actually stuck to their beliefs and values they’d be polar opposites and could never ‘work together.’ Simple fact. The Libertarian party seems to have been infiltrated. The ‘greens’ of course are simply commies by other names.

The republicrat leadership needed to be decapitated/dissolved but Trump is likely not the right one to do this. He may be doing it as a favor to the elites. He’s a billionaire who can maybe afford to say what he thinks, or maybe it’s all an act. Or maybe not. Maybe he’ll do what will be required. But I’m not counting on it.

We need to stop looking for saviors and stop choosing from among the various versions of authoritarianism.

Paul has the sense to not trust the recordless Trump. A better goal would be to force the congress to take its power to wage war back from the now red house and find ways to limit the presidency’s power. If Trump keeps his promise to rescind the Marxist mutt’s executive orders, which I doubt, he’ll begin to prove one way or another how deceived we have been.

Elections other than the four year cycle of the quest for the idiot vote can be useful and profitable to those who want to restore the Bill of Rights:

The patriot newbie guidebook

The Bill of Rights is what we’re fighting for.

What must be done – A manifesto of the ‘isms.’

As I wrote about the CFR witch:


FK – It will take much more than voting for the lessor of two evils to fix this mess if it can be fixed.

First look at explosive Hillary documentary, ‘Clinton Cash’

Or there are other options:


FK – How much if any ‘polling’ can be trusted?

The black-suited and otherwise Nazis exist to protect the money system. Their oaths mean nothing to them or they’d be arresting the klintons et al and providing them and their masters speedy treason trials and executions and working to expel their supporters from this country.

Putin in Russia. How funny. That could be exactly what we’re getting. Dangerous times indeed.

Reince Priebus: ‘People Involved’ with Bill Kristol’s Independent ‘Never Trump’ Candidate David French ‘Embarrassing Themselves’ on ‘Suicide Mission’