Tag Archives: alex jones infowars

Alex Jones; You, Your Employees and Followers MUST VIEW THIS Video!


FK – The ‘general public’ is the result of millennia of generations of the submissive surviving to breed. There’s a reason so many of them get shot into ditches and burned in ovens, it’s because their apathy and cowardice deserves it.

Jones may be a faker. He’s long been against the militias, which I’ve long felt we must have.

Until we are prepared for the worst case scenario we are still losing.

My answer to ‘Molon Labe’

But he’s far more effective than many of us. The fact he was kicked off the major social sites tells me he’s probably not the NWO’s friend.

I figure he was afraid they would arrest him if he brought his bullhorn into the empire’s building.

If the republicrats had any intention of fixing the social site mess he would’ve been their first speaker. But instead they’ll bring in a lot of milquetoast ‘conservatives’ and ‘libertarians’ who when we’re told to surrender our weapons will meekly, or as planned from the start, tell their audiences to comply and “Maybe we’ll get our rights back under another administration.”


Jones may do the same thing. It’s certainly what I expect the ‘No Rights that aren’t Allowed’ group to do. They haven’t lifted a finger to do what must done in order to do what will be required.

Some sheeple prefer preachers who shout and dance around hellfire and brimstone or pass out snakes or as I heard one hypnotic mountain style preacher do once, issue a large “HUH,” every few words.

Different strokes for different folks. A decade or so back a straight talkin’ Trump with a second former nude model wife would’ve been unthinkable.

The goolag exec wouldn’t answer her questions if she threw him to floor and one of those congress cops filled his face with pepper spray. I don’t really understand what your beef is. Are you part of the problem?

The limitless arrogance/hubris of the elites won’t be broken by nicely asking them to change.

Welcome to a nation of morons

Some sheeple’s idea of ‘maturity’ is really just an enfeebled learned/inherited submissiveness. Anti-gunners used to tell us that owning, carrying and using weapons in self defense was barbaric. I was even chastised for calling a weapon designed to kill our enemies a weapon because it might scare the sheeple.

Most of the sheeple will bury their heads up the darkness between their butt cheeks and keep them there through the entire coming war or whatever accompanies the downfall of the empire. They deserve no respect. Until those who wish to be free learn they must rule those who have no such desire we shall remain their slaves.

As some have long said only about 3-7 percent of the population fought in the American revolution. Many were Tories, so it was a true civil war. The Founders knew their declaration, which followed violence, would have to be followed up with violence. Try getting the average ‘conservative,’ or ‘libertarian’ or ‘anarchist’ or patriot or whatever to even have a public discussion of such now.

Our enemies control our speech and thus our minds and our actions.

The Founders would spit on us as a nation and a culture of cowards.

A new birth of Liberty, or death