Tag Archives: prepping

Earth Catastrophe Cycle | System Schoch

FK – Most sheeple go through their time here as functional cripples, beyond grazing, breeding and dying.

I suggest visualizing hitting running commies at 300 meters. That’s what’s gonna matter.

I’m not really interested in returning to cave man or horse and buggy days. I grew up hearing plenty about the not-so-good ol’ days and did enough gardening as a kid to have no romantic illusions about it.

As my momma used to say “I’ve been drinking crawdad water all my life.” She was literally born in a log cabin. Her mother almost died in the process I think as there was plenty of blood on the floor.

When the bubble bursts billions will die and maybe that will be a good thing. Within days they will be eating each other cause the country boys will soon work through the local wildlife.

Our only real hope is the citiots are so stupid they’ll die in place and not try to migrate to the rural areas..

And NO ONE is gonna get beamed up.

A precursor to Hell on Earth

Will illegals cross the border into a crashed frozen economy full of disarmed starving morons?

FK – So will Trump attempt to trade our most basic right for the wall, that again, is clamored for by idiots? Fences work both ways. It WILL be used to keep us in.

And NO ONE is gonna get beamed up.

The elites of Rome started feeding their mob to appease them and thus began their downfall. There’s nothing new about this.

They began breeding the welfare rats, paying the stupid and the lazy to breed, to have voters. We can only hope the rats will eat their progenitors.

Will anyone have the will to resist surrendering the pitiful fraction of our liberty that survives for survival? Not likely. There are no men here and most of their women do mental dances in lala land where they chase after ‘safe spaces’ that have never and will never exist except between their ears.

Welcome to a nation of pacified morons or WHAT MUST BE DONE NOW!

Will she?:


FK – Will Trump trade our most basic right for the wall?

Fences work both ways. It WILL be used to keep us in.

Most ‘conservatives’ have a very limited understanding of what the Founders intended. If they did value our Bill of Rights, the document that makes us exceptional, they’d never have passed the anti-Patriot Act w/o even reading it and they’d have repealed the evil gun laws and shut down the BATF Nazis and tried them for treason and repealed the 16th Amendment and ended all forms of the income tax which is a plank of the Communist Manifesto.

Is anyone holding their breath? Are there any men here to do what will be required to fix this mess if it can be fixed? No.

More insanity:

FK – Wow. These ‘wall’ vids comment sections are full of mindless cheerleading for building the new iron curtain that WILL be used to keep us in.

Why don’t we simply enforce election laws and imprison those who encourage illegals to vote commie, which is THE ISSUE.

The republicrats aren’t going to save us and there are no men here to do what will be required.

Christian rebels and modern cowards

Destroying Christianity From Within

As I’ve been writing, the wall WILL be used to keep us in after we become poorer than mehico:


FK – If India ever gets their act together they may give us and China a REAL run for OUR money.

The banksters profit from the debt right? Controlling the debt is what gives them power right?

Most sheeple are controlled by their ‘work’ schedules, where they go to waste most of their time in exchange for ones and zeroes floating in cyberspace that quickly slip through their e-fingers.

As always it’s all about keeping the slaves working.

I suggest you watch ‘Altered Carbon’ on Netflux for an idea of what’s coming.

“Society is, always has been and always will be a structure for the exploitation and oppression of the majority through systems of political force dictated by an élite, enforced by thugs, uniformed or not, and upheld by a wilful ignorance and stupidity on the part of the majority whom the system oppresses.” – Ricard K. Morgan, author of ‘Altered Carbon’

They don’t call us ‘human resources’ and ‘human capital’ and ‘consumers’ and treat us like products on the web because they respect us as human beings. They consider us to be livestock. See censorship of ‘conservatives’ and ‘libertarians’ by goolag, fakebook and twatter.

A modern 10 commandments

A new birth of Liberty, or death

There’s nothing wrong with gardening or raising chickens or buying gold but none of those things will win this war.

We need to be prepping for what will be required.

Prepping for slavery

Where are the genuine peoples’ militias we need in every county to deal with this evil?

All gun control is an act of war.

Until we are prepared for the worst case scenario we are still losing.

Don’t be found in a pile of brass. Be found with your brass strung out behind you along an avenue of approach. That’s how wars are won.

My answer to ‘Molon Labe’

The TRUTH About The Deep State – It’s NOT What You Thought! (with Dan Dicks)


FK – The sheeple love Trump because in reality the sheeple only love money. How’s that saying go, about that being the root of something?

Let’s just cut to the quick here. If you want to live in a free world you’ll have to learn how to herd the sheeple, just like the elites do. Most of them only do what they must to exist from day to day, grazing and breeding. They’re not going to put forth the mental/physical energy to ‘unplug from the system.’

And any patriot thinking they can do that is a moron, unless you really can go out in the woods and live like a caveman and avoid the park rangers. Otherwise ‘they’ will eventually come for you.

I live on a farm I grew up on and spent many hot hours hoeing weeds as a child. I have no romantic illusions about it. I’ll return to gardening when the stores close or when there’s no longer any ‘money’ by whatever definition and not likely before.

I didn’t get into this war for anyone’s god or to return to the horse and buggy days or to pretend this existence is something it’s not. If we achieved pure ‘anarchy’ or whatever and I’ve yet to hear a real explanation of what it would entail, there would be assholes we would immediately have to go kill. Kinda like now.

Only there are no men left in western civ to do what must be done if western civ is to survive.

We fight for liberty for that tiny minority in each generation who will actually use it to advance civilization and human liberty. The rest be damned. They fully deserve it.

True Liberty will not exist until all tool-using monkeys are respected as human beings not jackasses. The sad fact is most of them are too stupid/ignorant to stand up for themselves. I’ve seen it many times. So we all get treated like shit by our governments and employers alike.

Do robotic biological tool-using monkeys have rights?

“Establishing democracy is the first step in the revolution.” – Karl Marx

Democracy is evil, another form of manipulation, two wolves and a sheep voting on lunch. Liberty is a well-armed sheep contesting the vote and killing the wolves. We MUST DEMAND LIBERTY!

Why choose one version of authoritarianism over another?

It’s time for a global Bill of Rights

No sacred cows, or a new global Bill of Rights

We can send the sacred, or scared, cows to Australia

A modern 10 commandments

The most important things to do

A conspiracy to indoctrinate, or “What is an education?”

What’s the ultimate question?

Would I Accept A Muslim Into My Survival Group?

FK – Gee, would we allow a ‘christian’ of whatever version, sub-version or subversion who values their ancient tribal propaganda over our Bills of Rights into our ‘group?’

Trust in this society is a dead letter. The churches are full of apathetic pathetic pacified cowards that will bow down to whatever authority figure shows up. When the bubble bursts the morons will be surprised they didn’t get beamed up and die by the millions.

Christian rebels and modern cowards

The Beginning of Open War: Trump’s Tweet and CNN Townhall


FK – None of this will be better until those who claim they want to be free stand up and step up to their responsibilities.

The Bill of Rights, the document that makes us exceptional, ACKNOWLEDGES our natural born rights. It doesn’t defend them or enforce them. That’s up to us.

Couldn’t vote for Trump.

Trump as click bait, and other things…

The ‘No Rights that aren’t Allowed’ group has long been part of the problem. It was founded by Yankee generals who wanted more accurate conscripts. They had to be dragged kicking and screaming into this war.

It’s the apathy and lack of courage among those who claim they want to be free that will really kill us. Our failure to hunt our domestic blood enemies, our greatest enemies, to extinction will doom us.

I must disagree on one thing: They cannot be traitors to something they hate.

Remember that prepper who had a channel who you used to hang with for a while? Tall blonde guy I think, former military. He blocked me a few years ago for posting basically what you’re saying now:

Millions will dig the ditch they are told to dig then wet their pants when the machine gun bolts slam home and die stupidly wondering “How did this happen to me?” The tiny minority will have to do what will be required.

It’s time to stop arguing over the culture war. It’s time to stop hunkering down for the apocalypse. It’s time to stop waiting to get beamed up. It’s time to start thinking Normandy.
If you sit home waiting your turn you deserve to have your gun taken from your cold dead hands.

The Founders didn’t wait for the Brits to knock down their doors. They gathered at the green and stood up like men and they killed government employees all the way back to Boston.

What will you do when it’s time to hunt NWO hacks, republicrats and commies(‘Liberals’ and ‘progressives’)?

The patriot newbie guidebook

This has been coming for a long time. I likely will not breathe long enough to see the end of it.

One of the young indoctrinated children said they would outlive the NRA. This is likely a sad truth, or maybe a good one. If enough young people who want to live free quit the NRA and join Gun Owners of America and other groups that truly stand for liberty while preparing to do what will be required then many there’s some hope for future generations to cease the amerikan way of passing our slavery on to our children.

Tell the Senate to Resist All Calls for Gun Control

BAD NEWS: Some “Pro Gun” Congressmen are now Supporting Gun Control

IMPORTANT: Call Trump to Oppose Bump Stock Ban, Other Gun Controls

That path will not be easy or end around the next handy bend. It will be the same maze it has been and will be slick with the blood of patriots and tyrants.

I must add to her list:

How far can you hump your gear? Can you work with a team? Do you have basic infantry skills? Do you know who your neighborhood commies are?

And most importantly:

The question is not “What will you do when they come for your guns?” but “What will you do when they come for your neighbors’ guns?”

What is a man, really?

The words ‘illegal gun’ aren’t in the Second Amendment.

The only real reason for the militia

The most important things to do

It’s time to put guns back in the schools and educate children in reality not communist fantasy land.

What to teach your kids

Why the commie globalists want us disarmed

The cancer on America’s face, or why I do what I do…

A new birth of Liberty, or death

As always this is a multi-front war:


FK – Unfortunately our weapons are not being used to hunt what we so desperately need to be hunting.

Still only a few actually participate in such behavior. The real problem is we have become a nation of false pacifists who have lost touch with our most basic right.

A few things that might matter, or ‘The Basics’ part two

Again, our biggest problem is ourselves:


FK – With your opening line you reveal the real problem we face by saying the Bill of Rights, the document that makes us exceptional, ‘allows’ us to bear arms. BZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZ! WRONG ANSWER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

The Bill of Rights ACKNOWLEDGES natural born rights, in particular the natural born right to kill the commie trash that’s working covertly and overtly to enslave us all. Our forfeiture of those rights is the problem, not their limitless arrogant tendencies to lie and work to enslave all around them.


Our failure to hunt these evil creatures to extinction will doom us. Instead of doing what will be required we still stupidly seek their permission.

Enforcing fairy tales via government force

Let’s thank our enemies for proving us right again:


FK – They killed 200 million in the last century for their global communism. Why would we think they’ve changed?

Facebook Prez Revealed Something About Zuck’s Dark Intentions You Should Know!


FK – I despise that beeping shit. I despise all computer sounds. I’m only on fakebook and other ‘social’ sites to disseminate ze propaganda.

I always post it in the comments under the ads.

We ABSOLUTELY MUST get away from the ‘individual prepper’ mentality and ORGANIZE, ARM AND TRAIN for what will be required.

Sitting at home waiting your turn is a recipe for defeat.

The only real reason for the militia

If any significant portion of the population starts ‘hunting and fishing’ for sustenance they will soon be hunting each other. Time to grow up and deal in reality.

There are fresh sheeple on these sites and others who are still waking. The key is to get congress to force the commies out of the control of these outlets.

Are we even close to ready? No:


FK – We were told in Feb. or March of 01 that there would be a major event in Aug. or Sept. of that year with a major change in law to follow.

So at the least the federal bureau of instigators or other ‘agencies’ knew 9/11 was coming and allowed it to happen.

The most important things to do

The Sun and Storms: May 2, 2016

FK – I wasn’t aware all these records had been broken.

Of course it’s all being caused by our SUVs…

FK – No, wait, it’s the ‘end times’ and we should all sit around with our thumbs up our asses waiting to get beamed up.

Would there be any way to ‘prep’ for 7 billion who are fed mostly by modern agriculture going back to the horse and buggy days, or farther? Get ready to eat Possum, or worse.

FK – So at what point if any will our electronics cease to work?

And the deities so far remain silent while billions waste their time in this world waiting for it to end.

The KILLER In a Grid Down Situation!

FK – We went through this back in the 90s. We were told to use collodial silver and go to the farm store and buy the antibiotics for animals as they worked as well on us. All fine and dandy. But here we are 20 years later and the world didn’t end. Here we are in a post Y2K, 9/11, planet x(sorry, that one’s still out there, somewhere, maybe) Mayan calendar, earth changes, and on and on world.

There are probably dozens of ways we could be sent back to the horse and buggy days. If it’s a ‘stone age’ scenario, guess what, no prepper can prep for that, except maybe by being young, healthy, in fighting form, willing to kill anything and anyone in any way and learning to flint knap and make moccasins from possum hide. If any significant portion of the population is forced to survive like a country boy for any significant amount of time they’ll soon be eating each other, simple fact.

So in reality we need to focus on the things we can change that might be ‘human caused’ uh, ‘grid down’ situations. Is the black hole(s) that is/are our government(s) prepped to re-establish the grid and the interstates, which are this country’s lifelines, and whatever else and doing it in a manner that wouldn’t involve martial law? Would ‘we the people’ be served properly in such a situation or ‘they the commie/globalist elites?’

These are the questions that matter.

The most important thing to store is a copy of the Bill of Rights, the document that makes us exceptional. Without that no human has a future worth considering. Currently a re-established Bill of Rights is what it will take to ‘make America great again.’ And for the record, if it’s not OK for our governments to treat us like jackasses then it’s not OK for our employers to treat us so. But too many are too stupid to see this.

Prepping for slavery

CBS show HUNTED (Must watch for preppers and patriots)

FK – ‘Normal’ is brain dead herd animals grazing and breeding until death. Most of the primates I know are that way.

When the underground railroad was operating it was much easier to change identity.

Sounds like this show’s purpose might be to scare the sheeple into not fighting back for fear of the efficiency of the system. The most important message to get out is this: We outnumber them. Never forget that.

WARNING: Get Ready and Get Prepared


FK – As many others have said the Founders would’ve been shooting by now. They went to war over much less.

The modern preachers and church have been prostituted by the state. But then maybe it was meant to be that way from the beginning: Obey the magistrates appointed over you; pay your taxes to Caesar(though we have no Caesar here); sit on your ass and do nothing because it’s all been written down and there ain’t nothin’ you can do about it(I’ve heard that one many times, though not in those exact words); cause we’re all gonna get beamed up soon but send your children to the govt. schools so they can get good jobs and have good incomes until Jesus comes; be a good slave and you’ll have paradise in the next life.

We need to stop waiting for the world to end and start thinking about what ‘civilization’ will transition to next, because that’s what history is, transition. It’s the book of ‘Revelation’ not the book of “OMG the world’s gonna end so we need to stock up on beans and raise a garden.”

The Founders stood up like men and women and killed their enemies. They conquered this continent and we draw our food and water from its blood-stained ground. Too many have forgotten or never knew that or are too squeamish and/or pathetic to want to think about it.

Every time another moron says “There ain’t nothin’ you can do about it,” for whatever excuse then another nail is driven in Liberty’s coffin. Those who do so are really the ones who are killing our country, not those who won’t follow whatever version, sub-version or subversion of the ancient tribal propaganda they interpreted to suit their own desires.

Try 160 years. And for the benefit of the simple-minded I’m not advocating a return to chattel slavery or taking the vote from women and on and on. Read “The Real Lincoln” and learn what that war was really about then read “The Life of Johnny Reb” and “The Life of Billy Yank” and see in their own words what they fought for. Lots of ignorant 19-year-olds die on battlefields.

The Romans lost their republic about 80 years after its founding as we did, and their empire survived for hundreds of years afterward and only completely collapsed after monotheism was introduced into their society.

I’ve been hearing about ‘the end’ for over 50 years. I’ll never forget the preacher who stood before me in a revival in the late 70s and said “I think it’ll all be over by 1985.”

How disgusting.

The Founders didn’t go dig a hidey hole and they already new how to subsist. They organized and trained and did what was required by going forth to meet their enemies where they were.

We have a Bill of Rights that makes us ‘exceptional’ among all other nations, a document that recognizes rights found in no other and even a ban on ‘cruel and unusual punishment,’ something primitive religions and those who follow them don’t have.

The sad fact is the next war will also likely be fought over which form of authoritarianism will dominate and as usual millions will die over causes they barely understand. That is the human condition until we learn a better way.