Washington Murders Countries, the US Constitution, and the Presstitute Media Makes Americans Complicit — Paul Craig Roberts

Having Murdered Iraq, Afghanistan, Libya, Syria, and the US Constitution, Washington is now Murdering Ukraine.

Thanks to Op-Ed News contributor Eric Zuesse, I can bring to your attention these photographs (URL below) of what the Nazi Government in Washington is doing to Ukrainians who protest the Washington Nazis’ theft of their country. On this Fourth of July Americans need to ask themselves just how much horror, how much evil, and how many lies they can accept from a government in Washington that has established itself independently of any input from citizens to which government in the US is allegedly accountable. Before you wrap yourself in the flag this July 4th, realize that “your” government under Clinton, Bush, and Obama has destroyed in your name, in whole or part, eight countries, murdering, maiming, and displacing millions of civilians, and now is at work on Ukraine. These massive crimes against humanity rival Hitler’s and have been completely covered up by the presstitute American media, a collection of whores who lie for money. How can you be a human when you sit in front of CNN, Fox News or read the New York Times and submit to the brainwashing? Think about how you are propagandized, lied to, disinformed, and led into accepting “your” government’s murder of millions of peoples. Consider, isn’t it treason for Washington to so dishonor the flag that we love? Why do we tolerate it? What is wrong with us? Our duty is to the Constitution, not to the criminals in Washington. A patriot is a person who defends the Constitution against enemies “foreign and domestic.” While we sat sucking our thumbs, shaking in our boots in fear of nonexistent “terrorists,” our Constitution was murdered by Washington.

Story link: The U.S. Elite Run a Ukrainian Genocide While American Public Are Ignorant of It

The author of the article also has an interesting book. Haven’t read it but I’ve thought for a while that Paul was probably a plant whose job was to help keep the slaves working.

The ‘amerikan’ public is willfully ignorant of a lot of things.
