The Truth About #AbolishICE and the Occupy ICE Movement

FK –  Under communism by whatever cute name there are no ‘rights,’ only the privileges the commie globalist trash decide we should be ‘allowed’ to have.

But what does it matter? There are no men here to do anything about removing this cancer from our society.

Actually stop the vid at 4:52 and read what that Marxist witch wrote.

Replacing communism or whatever this is with some form of theocracy won’t help us much. It’s really about two opposing authoritarian forces fighting over the control of the human mind/heart/soul whatever.

The purposes of gods and golden rules

We’ve never been truly free here, except maybe in the first few decades. Even then some factions tried to force their version of reality on others. A portion of the Founders insisted on a Bill of Rights to go along with our Constitution, which they recognized as a flawed document because they knew the humans who wrote it were flawed.

Read the Federalist Papers and find yourself uttering ‘bullshit, bullshit’ every time Hamilton claims the fedgov will never do such and such when history shows it’s done far worse.

Read ‘Lincoln’s Marxists.’ This goes much farther back than most realize.

Amerika was always mostly about making a buck. The longhunters we admire were mostly market hunters, killing their game and skinning them, leaving their bodies to rot in the sun. No wonder the natives hated them so much. They’d party like hell on Saturday night and go to church on Sunday morning mostly because it was the only entertainment they had.

We all need to grow up and accept that we’re not perfect, never have been, and concentrate on restoring our Bills of Rights on the state and federal level, the documents that make us exceptional.

I’ll thank you for saying what must be done. So few have the courage to do so.

This is just how fucked we are:

The Pentagon’s New Mission Statement: Neo-Colonialism & Hegemony Unmasked

FK – The purpose of military and police should be to protect and expand human liberty. But most of them don’t even know what that is or should be.

The mission of the Department of Defense is to provide a lethal Joint Force to defend the security of our country and sustain American influence abroad.

And morons joke about our situation:

‘Second Civil War Letters’ take over Twitter

And as I’ve warned multiple times not all vets will fight on the side of human liberty:

Task & Purpose

Click on the banner above and read how the commie globalist trash have created a website to deceive and distract vets, and to provide more ignorance for those who favor communism.

The Russians may eventually be more ‘free’ or less enslaved than us:

Kalashnikov lawyers propose 20-gun per citizen limit in new Russian bill