Tag Archives: war by other means

The gates of hell are closer than most think

In fact they’re right behind us:

FK – Wait until she sees what’s happening a couple years or less down the road. 

AMA teaching doctors how to LIE to the public about covid, instructing them to claim all hospitalizations are “deaths” from covid

“I guess we’re all, or most of us, the wards of that nineteenth-century science which denied existence to anything it could not measure or explain. The things we couldn’t explain went right on but surely not with our blessing. We did not see what we couldn’t explain, and meanwhile a great part of the world was abandoned to children, insane people, fools, and mystics, who were more interested in what is than in why it is. So many old and lovely things are stored in the world’s attic, because we don’t want them around us and we don’t dare throw them out.” – John Steinbeck, ‘The Winter of Our Discontent’

Science like religion has always been politicized because politics is human nature and it touches all. Science was possibly from the beginning a weapon, from the atlatl to the bow to the trebuchet to gun powder to the rocket to the bioweapons.

When I joined the empire’s military back in the 80s I accepted the reality that I might be killed, physically or mentally maimed, at that time hated, because Vietnam was still in the minds of many.

I thought at least in part that it was the right thing to do because I thought that everyone should have the basic skills necessary to fight for freedom when necessary.

When I got involved in the patriot movement and later trained with the militia I knew we didn’t have the largest air force, navy, tax base, whatever on the planet to back us up and might well have all that against us. I simply knew it was the right thing to do.

That turned me into an ‘extremist‘ in the eyes of the empire’s military.

Many of the soldiers and marines are proving what they are by taking the vax to keep their paychecks and retirement plans. They will murder who they are told to murder to defend the evil empire and the Marxist globalists who hold the other end of their leash.

Their ultimate master, money, the real god of this world regardless of pretense, will soon arrive and demand its due, a blood sacrifice possibly far greater than any that has come before. it’s generals, or wives, depending on the situation, fear and willful ignorance, have long worked their magic.

At least half the population has to be lied to, to exist only with the mythologies they are accustomed to: that their governments care about them and work for them; that there’s a a sadistic bronze age god that will save them from its wrath, in reality from themselves; that the corporations that hire them really care about them, sell them the best products and provide them the best job and life available; that the establishment mainstream newswhores, from the local rags to the radio stations to the big city papers to the national broadcasting corporations are presenting them anything close to reality. How pathetic.

So many are too blindly stupid to grasp that the importance of being aware not only of what’s going on in the county govt. but what our evil empire has been doing to other countries and peoples for generations.

All the ‘woke’ morons, the blacks, minorities, white hipsters, gays, trannies, and on and on will like the poor working class whites be cast aside when no longer useful to their users. They will all be shot into the same ditch as the reactionaries.

Those who have been fighting this domestic war for decades, generations, are always surrounded by morons who allow a tiny minority of elite evil to rule them, grossly ignorant of the fact they outnubmer them and grossly apathetic of their right, duty and responsibility to do anything about it.

The ignorant and the desperate are always the best tools for the control grid and those who seek to rule.

The willfully ignorant sheeple fully deserve what’s happening here and what’s coming. 

In Feb. or March of 01 I sat in a meeting of Kentucky State Militia leadership. We were told via ‘govt. contacts’ that in August or Sept. of that year there would be a major event with a major change in law to follow.

The anti-patriot act was written before the alleged ‘terrorist attack’ and none of the republicrats that voted for it read it. It’s thousands of pages long and has targeted real Americans as much as so-called ‘terrorists.’

The federal bureau of instigators have been directly involved in most ‘terrorist’ incidents in the country. They provided the truck and material for the first World Trade center bombing.

If the military were fighting for our liberty they’d all be here, hanging their superior officers and those creatures that fund the Marxist globalist front groups, foundations, mainstream propaganda outlets such as national propaganda radio, the commie news network, faux news and on and on.

Why was building 7 of the World Trade group intentionally demolished? When were the explosives planted there?

The world is not what they teach you in school, Sunday school, or boot camp.

I cannot accept your canon that we are to judge Pope and King unlike other men, with a favourable presumption that they did no wrong. If there is any presumption it is the other way against holders of power, increasing as the power increases. Historic responsibility has to make up for the want of legal responsibility. Power tends to corrupt and absolute power corrupts absolutely. Great men are almost always bad men, even when they exercise influence and not authority: still more when you superadd the tendency or the certainty of corruption by authority. There is no worse heresy than that the office sanctifies the holder of it. That is the point at which the negation of Catholicism and the negation of Liberalism meet and keep high festival, and the end learns to justify the means. You would hang a man of no position, like Ravaillac; but if what one hears is true, then Elizabeth asked the gaoler to murder Mary, and William III ordered his Scots minister to extirpate a clan. Here are the greater names coupled with the greater crimes. You would spare these criminals, for some mysterious reason. I would hang them, higher than Haman, for reasons of quite obvious justice; still more, still higher, for the sake of historical science. – Lord Acton

Few understand how deep our state is:

Deep State, Deep Trouble

FK – While I agree with this in spirit I must point out that we have 400 mil. guns and no men to use them.

Jan. 6 came and went as did Jan. 20 and no one lifted a finger to stop an obvious blatant steal.

I saw a young tall slender man of military age wearing a t-shirt yesterday that read “I identify as vaccinated.”

It’s apparently supposed to be satirical but I don’t see it as funny. Most are too stupid to understand it.

If it’s not satire what kind of creature would wear it? One that would happily stand guard at the camps for the un-vaxxed?

We are just inside hell’s front gate and most, especially those who claim to love freedom of some sort or other, are too delusional to see it much less to understand what should have already been done about it.

How we got here:

Cloward-Piven Strategy

FK – When they gain full control they’ll shoot the minorities, the trannies, the gays, the poor white working class, and on and on into the same ditch with the reactionaries because they are no longer useful.

Any future UBI will be tied to some sort of ‘social credit score’ and those who think outside the system will find themselves without a check.

When the social safety net is created it is by necessity tied to political power. Only those with a criminal mindset pursue such because all they want is to RULE.

The Tyranny Is Just Beginning

Generals: We will murder real Americans

Who and What Is Tearing the US Apart?

FK – We’ve already reached ‘dis-union’ but there are no men left here to do anything about it.

The Covid Empire Strikes Back; Rebel Patriots Dig In

It is so much darker than I thought…After talking to active duty military guys.

FK – The vax is a bioweapon and the key to all this evil.  ‘Brainwash’ intones there was something there to remove and replace.

There’s nothing new about the indoctrination, all education is indoctrination by default. Back in the 80s when I was in there were plenty of Marines who would kill whomever they were ordered to kill.

Militaries are usually mostly made up of the less educated less intelligent lower castes who are more likely to do what they’re told because they’re stupid and desperate.

The problem is the morons of this country allowed the Marxist globalists to build and run the schools and infiltrate the universities. It’s not what they teach but all they intentionally don’t teach that does the damage.

You can’t tell a pig in the hoglot to care about the mountain spring it’s never seen and never will.

I’ve always tried to deal in reality, which always makes me unpopular, especially among ‘conservatives’ and ‘libertarians’ who are basically cowards. If they weren’t they wouldn’t run like scared cats at the sound of the ‘m’ word.

I used to sell t-shirts from my website years ago with pictures and quotes from the Founders. When I made one with a Jefferson quote about the militia almost no one would buy it.

Cowardly whores are what we have here and they all fully deserve what’s coming.

We have more guns and gung ho ‘patriots’ than 20 years ago but still no men/adults with any real conception of what will be required.

Got DARKER…HR 4350 passed house…Section529A final nail in the coffin for our military.

FKSo what is the ‘definition’ of ‘extremism?’ We know they’d hang Paul Revere.

How Americans can resist coronavirus shot mandates – a comprehensive guide

Black Lives Matter NYC Leader Promises “Uprising” Against City’s “Racist” Vaccine Passports

Why is the FDA funded in part by the companies it regulates?

Stop Both H.R. 3684 and S.Con.Res. 14 so-called “Infrastructure” Bills

“Red Flag” Gun Confiscation Orders in  House Bill

DECERTIFY: Arizona Audit Finds Trump Won State By Large Margin

FK – Vote fraud is as old as the republic but never has it been so blatant and obvious. But still we lack the men to do what must be done.

Most would rather die than understand much less do anything about it:

FK – We’ve been played for many multiple generations.



Listen Up! A Respiratory Therapist who Got Both Shots Gives Alarming Advice!

FK – I just can’t feel sorry for any of them anymore. We’ve had the net for 25 years. There’s absolutely no excuse for blindly trusting any authority or mainstream source. 

Approximately 70 people die from COVID vaccines every day in America – VAERS data

Large Israeli study: Natural immunity provides 13 times more protection against Delta than Pfizer’s vaccine does

(STUDY) Why so many vaccinated people are getting sick: Antibody Dependent Enhancement (ADE)

List of deaths and injuries following COVID-19 vaccination

VACCINE REBELLION: Growing number of US states are refusing to go along with Biden’s covid vaccine fascism

There is no “Delta variant” – no clinical test can diagnose you with “Delta” and the entire narrative is a media-fabricated scam

FEAR-BASED pandemic goal: Create “novel” viruses, then reduce world’s population by several billion by scaring everyone into taking deadly vaccines

COVID HOAX: Study reveals 40-45% of coronavirus hospitalizations are actually due to other causes

After throwing them in covid quarantine camps, German government also STRIPS prisoners of compensation payments to bankrupt them

NZ Government Murders a 13 Year Old With the Jab and Tries To Cover It Up, Plus 37 Other Deaths, in NZ, With Mainstream Media Help

Vaccination could jeopardise our natural immunity to COVID-19, virologist cautions

Stronger, More Robust Natural Immunity Thwarts Any Case for “Vaccine Passports”

Italian Student Tattooed Covid Vaccine Certificate QR Code on Arm

Harvard Professor Says Coronavirus is Enough Reason to Destroy the Constitution

Surgeon General Murthy on Biden’s Vaccine Mandate: ‘A Lot of Businesses Are Actually Relieved’


FK – No one with a brain can be ‘at peace’ in these times. 

The Covid-19 Vaccine: Is The goal Immunity or Depopulation?

Former Pfizer VP: ‘No need for vaccines,’ ‘the pandemic is effectively over’

FK – The less intelligent will take the vax and not breed. Maybe that’s a win-win.


FK – The federal bureau of instigators serves the evil ones. 

PART 1: Federal Govt HHS Whistleblower Goes Public With Secret Recordings “Vaccine is Full of Sh*t”

FK – Now ask what all this is really about and who or what released the bioweapon…

PART 2: FDA Official ‘Blow Dart African Americans’ & Wants ‘Nazi Germany Registry’ for Unvaccinated

FK – Be brave. Form or join your local genuine peoples’ militia and train to do what must be done. 

Some countries are deeper into hell than us:

Australian police have started arresting journalists

FKIf you have ‘free speech’ and a ‘free press’ why do you need a ‘media card?’

Being in a western ‘democracy’ is part of your problem. Democracy is only a semblance of liberty, another form of manipulation. 

“It’s scary”: Police swarm shopping centre with helicopters, drones, and horses

Because the other day they admitted this:


FK – The aussies surrendered their guns without hunting their domestic enemies. They fully deserve what is being done to them. 

The same will happen here for there are no men to stop it:

SHOCKING! Australia Brazenly Announces New W0rld 0rder!

FK – One wonders if the NWO sent that witch to the farm for spilling the beans. 

ALERT: They Just Announced It Will NEVER BE OVER!

FK – I knew that over a year ago. 

Not medical advice. But remember, they call it ‘practicing medicine’ for a reason:


The details:



And here at home in our republicrat legislature:

Kentucky is Screaming

FK – They don’t call us consumers and human resources because they value us as human beings. 

Amid surging COVID-19 cases, five Kentucky school districts make masks optional

Exposing Propaganda For What It Is

FK – “The truth is the best propaganda.” – attributed to Adolf Hitler

What’s the real purpose of the bioweapons?


Former FBI Chief ADMITS Government is Involved in Most ‘Terrorist’ Attacks!

How the FBI Created Domestic Terrorism: 80 Years of Psychological Warfare Revealed


Hurricane Larry Thinks It’s a Blizzard – Hottest Summer On Record Once Again! – Askja Volcano Update

FK – In journalism school the editing professor told us the average reader only sees the headlines and a graph or two of most stories. The propaganda doesn’t have to be complicated.

And that’s among the ‘educated’ classes that actually read newspapers.

I grew up with a daily propaganda rag coming into the home only because they had threatened to shut the rural route down unless we got more mail.

The rest of the great unwashed or mob heard what the evening newswhores told them as fact if they bothered to watch or what they heard on mainstream radio. In the 90s the big city rag actually published a letter from a woman telling people to buy a shortwave radio, the patriot’s version of the internet at that time.

Now they watch pewdiepie or whatever on goolagtube I suppose. A guy in his 20s told me the other day he didn’t know what a gulag was. He went to college.

They all fully deserve what’s coming.

The puppet was selected, as they all are, in the greatest most blatant vote fraud the nation has ever experienced, and those date back to the beginning of the now dead republic.

What Schools Don’t Teach About Climate Change

FK – It’s always about controlling/indoctrinating young minds. The ancients knew it, the catholic church knew it, the communists knew it and the fascists copied them.

The greater evil won WWII and still rules us.

As the church once said ‘Get them before the age of 7’:



FK – ‘I’ is for indoctrination. It’s as old as the control grid. 

What to teach your kids

Liars lie:

The UNBELIEVABLE Mentality of the MASSES


FK –  This was all carefully planned. I admit I never thought of them using a virus, a bioweapon, to defeat us, a vax, the key to all this…

Not defending the commie rags but anyone could switch a word when writing a headline in a hurry. I’m sure I’ve done it.

Why expect them to do anything but lie? It’s their nature. Why do anything but hang them?

There are no men here.

The real crime:

What Jacobson v Massachusetts Actually Says Will BLOW YOUR MIND!


FK – It’s a bioweapon on a bioweapon that was intentionally released. On that alone no patriot with a brain should take it.

Plus there are no men here to stop this in the way it should be stopped. The self-proclaimed ‘good people’ massively outnumber the minuscule no. of trash behind all this.

The blood is on their hands for not hanging the Marxist globalist elite garbage from trees and light poles coast to coast and border to border.

Have you read ‘Hamilton’s Curse?’

The problem with this country goes back to the beginning. The anti-federalists rightly insisted on a Bill of Rights to protect us from a poorly written constitution that some intended to use as a springboard to tyranny.


A little history:

CIA’s “Operation Cyclone” in Afghanstan in 1980’s

FK – And they just helped arm them again. 

Operation Cyclone

All for a few dollars more:

UNRAVELLING the American Drug CARTEL in Afghanistan | REAL MATTERS

FK – I heard a few years back that the laundering of drug money was all that kept the banksters afloat in 2008.

What’s the real origin of all this?:


FKThey know this empire is the walking dead and most of the sheeple here are oblivious.

Connecting Dots: UFOGate to the Missing Trillions

The fate of all empires:

The Roman Speech That Redefined Liberty – Cicero | REAL MATTERS

FKAnd here we are…

A little black mask humor:

‘I’ll write a cheque’ to anyone who can decipher what Biden’s trying to convey: Panahi

FKWhat free world?

What if this history is true?:

How Britain Turned America into a Passive Tax Farm

And some more:

Donald Trump – World Class Con

The same ones that control him likely:

GOP Senator DEMANDS to Know Who’s Controlling Puppet Biden


FK – The amerikan sheeple are responsible because they have not been hanging their communists especially the evil scat that funds them and their front groups, NGOs, and foundations and propaganda arms.

It was time to ban communism 90 years ago:

The AZ Audit Arrives


FK – Don’t worry, we have no men here to do anything about this. Let them prove me wrong by forming or joining their local genuine peoples’ militias. 

Arizona Senate Report on the Maricopa County Election Audit Highlights 49,000 Questionable Votes, Asks AG to Investigate

What do we think of ourselves?:

Russians about Americans, LGBT and family values

FK – America was destroyed from within. amerika the empire will soon follow. We don’t have the ‘liberty’ we’re supposed to have and most are grossly ignorant of this fact or simply are too cowardly to think about it or act on it.

We’re supposed to have a representative republic where all are born responsible but most flee from this responsibility like rats from a fire.

Most amerikans like most humans are sheeple as we call them. They graze and breed and die for the most part and put little thought into why.

The biowar which probably originated here is being used to destroy human civilization as we know it.

Most amerikans can’t afford to travel the world or even if they can don’t bother unless they’re from the educated classes.

Many amerikans stay in or near the place they are born, whether in large cities or rural areas. Many young people do leave their home towns in rural areas for better jobs or to get an education and seek a ‘career.’

Some amerikans I’m sure travel to other places with good intentions to ‘help others’ in various ways or to spread their religion. But by and large they are ignorant of how much damage our corporations/govt. have/has done around the world.

That old guy is right for the most part. Democracy is another form of manipulation. We are supposed to have a country/governments based on the concept of natural rights, not ‘democracy,’ which is mob rule, the tyranny of the majority.

The presidential election was blatantly stolen and the only ones here that deny this are morons and Marxist globalist trash that as always blatantly lie about everything.

The chick in the black shirt needs to stay off mainstream news sites. All she’s doing is regurgitating.

Many here but not enough take our ‘right to bear arms’ very seriously, enough to go to war over it, as we should and as we have every natural right to to.

We have a Bill of Rights and many states have similar documents that are based on the concept of natural rights and were written to ACKNOWLEDGE rights we are BORN WITH and not granted by any Earthly entity.

You will NEVER see a thorough, proper or truthful discussion of this by any mainstream news source. They are all liars.

ALL HUMAN BEINGS have a natural right to fight back. In fact it’s a duty and a responsibility as well.

Our Second Amendment is a MILITARY document. It reads MILITIA and ARMS which means the common people have a NATURAL BORN RIGHT to be as well armed or better armed than the police or the military so they can meet them in battle and destroy them when necessary.

That’s the BASIS of liberty, freedom, and nothing else. Our free speech is not for reciting poetry on the sidewalk. It’s for telling those who would rule us that we can and will DESTROY them when they overstep their bounds from being SERVANTS and seek to become rulers or masters.

Our country is so far gone that goolagtube(youtube) may delete this comment, because they are evil and serve the globalists garbage that works relentlessly to enslave humanity.

Our evil communists started calling themselves ‘liberal’ and ‘progressive’ to hide their relentless evil from the ignorant and the desperate they depend on for votes.

Again, you CANNOT depend on ANY mainstream interpretation of what American or amerikan ‘values’ or whatever are or are supposed to be, if for no other reason that so many amerikans are grossly ignorant of their own history or the form of government we are supposed to have here.

The only ideology that matters is freedom. The Founding Fathers as we call them were radicals who overthrew the millenniums old notion of the right of divine rule or ‘god appointed kings’ who used religion along with the church to rule and decide what ideology the sheeple followed.

Those who didn’t go along with the program paid the price.

Our ancestors used their guns to kill British soldiers who had been sent over to keep them in line. That’s why we must stay armed now. But sadly our enemies have been successful and we have 400 mil. guns and no men to use them or we already would be.

The more I listen the more I hear that your young people are being indoctrinated in the same evil that ours has. But then education is always indoctrination by default. It’s content is usually decided at least by some degree by those who rule or seek to rule.

Tolerance is just another word the evil ones use to control the minds of those they would make into subjects. What they really mean is tolerance for whatever agenda they are pushing at the time.

When they gain total control they will shoot the minorities, gays, trannies, poor white working class and on and on into the same ditch as the reactionaries. Power is their only real goal.

Washington is a state and like all states was once considered a ‘nation state’ unto itself or should have been. The 13 colonies certainly viewed themselves as such in the beginning.

The Washington District of Commie criminals is one of the great centers of evil in the world.

There were presidents before Washington, of the Continental Congress, before our current constitution was created by some nefarious Founders who didn’t value liberty as much as the Anti-Federalists who rightly insisted on a Bill of Rights to force the federal government to ACKNOWLEDGE our natural born right to hang them high when necessary.

It’s way past necessary.

Lennon was shot in amerika. He was from England along with the rest of the British invasion.

Again, unless they ACKNOWLEDGE your natural right to kill them when necessary you are NOT FREE!

In reality republic is just a word as is ‘republican’ or ‘democrat’ or any other political term that can have connotations according to who is using it when and where and before what audience.

Real freedom requires real men and adult women to enforce it. Western civilization has ran out of both as far as I can tell thus it is dying. This is intentional and also follows the course of history where empires rise and fall and soon become the dust that swirls around the feet of future generations.

The chick in the black shirt wants to go to the worst parts of amerika because that’s what the mainstream newswhores have told her about.

Propaganda is usually a mix of truth and lies apportioned according to the audience. It’s an ancient game.

During the cold war when I was growing up there would have been great dislike, because of the propaganda, some justified, some not. The average amerikan now probably never gives Russians a thought. They’re too concerned about what kind of ice cream, steak, couch or big screen they’re gonna buy or when they’ll get the evil vax or whether or not to wear a mask even though we know they don’t work.

In the end we are all responsible for what our rulers do. If enough ever learn we outnumber them maybe then things will change for the better and we will exist in a freer world.


We need more congress critters like this:

Win Marjorie Taylor Greene’s 50 Cal Rifle!

FK – Our real enemies are here, not hiding in a cave on the other side of the world.

Now if we could only find enough men to use our 400 mil. guns.


400 mil guns, no men to use them:

All my columns since right before the plandemic:

Sanctuaries are where cowards hide their buried guns

The law the militia should be enforcing

Real or not, Corona is a setup

Who’s writing amerika’s obituary after the virus war?

Tomorrow, April 19, is our real birthday

Welcome to our new soft Hell

Learn to RULE or BE RULED!

Variabilities in disease and tyranny

Cities are burning and the denial rages on

A tale of non heroes and a dying empire

The livestock are turning into ants at the picnic

Yes we’re AT WAR!

Herding the great amerikan beefalo to the butcher shop

One witch down, millions to go

How nations fall and empires rise

Bargaining with devils and aliens for Agenda 21

Never (blindly) trust the white rabbit

Voting by or for genocide

The absurdity of blind belief, blind faith, blind voters

Welcome to the rat turd that is amerika(and the world)

Galactic war by other means, and cat ladies

The biggest lie of all

Generals: We will murder real Americans

The fed gov has lost all legitimacy

The earth turns over and an empire falls

The lies of legislation and history and the cowardly morons that make it possible

A tale of face diapers and poison needles

Yes, LIBERTY is ‘anti-government’ and anti-empire and and anti-NWO

What can you do?:

The road to Hell is paved in compliance


Celebrities, Billionaires, Prepping, Non-Compliance

FK – Politics is human nature and vice versa. I know we’re screwed unless we find enough men to do what must be done. 

Simple answer, ‘No’:

Can You Rely on Your Neighbor? – Small Community Living

FK – Those are nice romantic ideas. Globalism has in reality existed since the camel and boat.

The purpose of NAFTA besides providing cheap desperate labor to amerikan corporations was to bind the nations of the world together so that none of them could stand alone but be dependent on the coming system, the NWO, the great reset, the deep state, whatever name one wants to apply to it.

If the NWO comes to full fruition there will be no little outside groups allowed. They will send their soldiers to round them all up over time.

And since the push has been to ‘prep’ instead of on building the force we so desperately need, a genuine peoples’ militia that could easily outnumber and out maneuver the standing army the Founders so feared, the NWO’s soldiers will find their work fairly easy, from groups of simple-minded pacifists existing in their fantasy land to those waiting to be found in a pile of brass to a few pockets of real resistance that will not last indefinitely because they lack the support system that should have been built decades ago.

But this is a nation of cowardly whores who think more about that expensive pair of basketball shoes, diamond rings, foreign cars, big screen weaponvisions, raw steak, and on and on. Like the Romans what makes them what they are is what will kill them.

Yes, LIBERTY is ‘anti-government’ and anti-empire and and anti-NWO

Still looking for someone to prove me wrong….

Our situation is well beyond ludicrous.

San Francisco Paying People Not to Shoot Each Other

Gee, I wish I had a grand for every Marxist globalist I haven’t shot.

The other day someone said to me “We’ll make it through this.” At the time I was sort of non-plussed. What I should have asked them is this “What about all those who already haven’t made it?”

Who or whatever intentionally released the virus and is now pushing the second bioweapon(s) on the human population is guilty of murder and various other crimes.

As I asked someone the other day “Do you want to exist in a world where anyone can get away with murder?”

Those who murdered the Branch Davidians and the Weaver family members have never been brought to trial.

All because there are no men left here. Our domestic enemies  have seen to this. And the cycle of empires shows time and again that the descendants of those who found them become soft and greedy and blind and thus bring about their own destruction.

The biggest problem the sheeple have with all this is grasping they’ve been lied to all their lives by the authority figures in their existences. They know ‘politicians lie’ and preachers and teachers don’t ‘know everything’ but they lack the fortitude to put those realizations into practice so remain double-minded such that Trump supporters with a shallow understanding of what the ‘deep state’ really is will go ahead and stupidly believe the msnm newswhores about the bioweapons and take the evil vax, the key to all this.

At this point in the bio war we have to live and let die. Morons who took the shot may drop dead in months to years as some claim but what I think is more likely is that the evil vax, beyond its profit potential, is designed to affect the evolution of the tool-using monkeys in the long term.

This would have a two-pronged effect: Whatever its real goal is, maybe as I’ve written before as a way to further pacify the mob by producing a more docile and dumbed down species; and to be able to say in the near future: “See the ‘conspiracy theorists’ were wrong about certain claims, and it’s always only a small percentage because the average sheeple mind can’t keep track of that much at a time, so of course the ‘conspiracy theorists’ are wrong now and you need to keep believing and obeying the authorities as you’ve always done.

How much longer until enough stupid sheeple are convinced that amerika is evil due to the Marxist globalist propaganda of wokeism that they would stupidly allow or even welcome chicom or UN troops on amerikan soil to save us from ourselves?

Yes this is an old fear in a way but certainly not impossible.

I even told someone recently as I have long thought that the best thing our enemies could do would be to bring in UN troops to police the Jim Bobs and Mary Janes. Some of them wouldn’t like that to the point they might actually kill some of them.

This on-going war will never end until some future generation decides it’s had enough, if they aren’t too dumbed-down, too weakened, like us. On national propaganda radio the other day I heard some whore for Biden say the end of the ground war in Afghanistan would be the ‘end of the war.’ How absurd.

The only solution if there’s one left is to aim for the restoration of the Bills of Rights of the nation and the several states via the construction of the genuine peoples’ militia that we should have never allowed to be destroyed post the not-so-civil war. But then that war wasn’t about anyone’s liberty but rather about the power to tax.

Blindly trust no one or anything. We must not be guided into anything but the free republic based on natural rights the Founders and anti-Federalists intended.

Yet so many are still so stupid. Prove me wrong. Meanwhile the bioweapon war continues…

Let’s get one thing out of the way up front:

The TRUTH about the withdrawal from Afghanistan…

FK – Merika. Nuff said.

If the empire were doing all this to spread the concepts of Natural Rights and human liberty around the planet it might be kinda sorta on a good day bearable.

It’s all orchestrated. America fell long ago. amerika will be replaced with the NWO. There will be nowhere to hide because there are no men left here. Let them prove me wrong.

War is not always voluntary

The patriot newbie guidebook

War, what is it good for? Profit:

The Biggest Secret Behind Most Wars

FK – I was just ‘restricted’ on linkedin for ‘misinformation.’ Big surprise. Corporate whores.

In Feb. or March of 01 I sat in a militia meeting during which we were told in Aug. or Sept. of that year there would be a major event with a major change in law to follow.

The anti-patriot act was written before 9/11 and none of the scat that voted for it read it.

At the very least they knew 9/11 was coming and let it happen.

Didn’t vote for dubya either time. I was surprised when he won both times because I thought after klinton the first they’d just keep installing communists. Then I figured out it doesn’t really matter.

The rich republicrats would like to see us all disarmed as well because who wants paid labor that can fight back. But they know that doesn’t matter that much either because the sheeple and ‘conservatives’ are all too pacified now to fight back.

We have 400 mil. guns and no men to use them.

It’s all orchestrated. America fell long ago. amerika will be replaced with the NWO. There will be nowhere to hide because there are no men left here. Let them prove me wrong.



FK – And it was all done with ones and zeroes floating in cyberspace created out of nothing by nothing and maybe for nothing except the blind faith that holds up most empires for only so long.

I saw Scheller’s vid. He didn’t really say much, just questioned authority. All it takes nowadays is asking whether the emperor(s) is/are naked.

Didn’t see anyone asking what his real goals are. That’s what matters.

If the military were fighting for our liberty they’d all be here not chasing CIA created boogeymen in caves on the other side of the world. But the military leadership has not served real Americans since the early 19th century.

Generals: We will murder real Americans

SCOOP: Chairmain of Joint Chiefs Gen. Mark Milley Responds to Calls for Him to Resign or Be Fired

Most amerikan men are without brains, backbones or balls. Most amerikan females are too concerned with crap that doesn’t matter with no understanding of what does.

Now let’s hear from an alleged female:

Full video of “Woke” army staff sergeant Cindy Bronson

Woke Army Sergeant Has No Qualms About Shooting Her Fellow Americans UPDATED

FK – The full version is just as evil as the edited one. Why are so many ‘conservatives,’ libertarians, patriots, whatever still so delusional about the military? There are communists in the ‘service’ and there are commie vets who will murder real Americans for their evil ideology.

The military leadership has been globalist/empirical for 160 years. Ever read ‘The Real Lincon‘ or ‘War is a Racket?’

The current joint chiefs clearly said they’d murder any real Americans who went to the district of commie criminals to challenge the blatantly stolen election.

The is a nation of cowardly whores whose real god is money. We have 300 mil. guns and no men to use them.

Another kind of female, that we need more of:

FK – So what will we do when politics no longer works? If indeed it can be argued it still does. Would she understand why her and her husband should be training with their local genuine peoples’ militia? 

Or this:


FK – The state has long considered ‘children,’ grown or otherwise, to be their livestock.

A failure to understand this is one of the major reasons for our problems.

A Liberty ending disease:



FK – Crisis is what they’re after. So they can provide their evil solution. Maybe the final one.

The cure is the poison(It’s in English):

FK – There are no men here to provide the cure we need.

The future of humanity:


Interview 1619 – Whitney Webb on the Oxford-AstraZeneca Eugenics Links


FK – goolagtube kicked him completely off their platform. They are evil and the scat that runs it should be hanging from trees and lightpoles to set an example. But there are no men here.

Developers of Oxford-AstraZeneca Vaccine Tied to UK Eugenics Movement


FK –  It’s about the right to travel and eventually one will have to prove being vaxxed or not have access to the net or ‘real life’ or what most sheeple perceive as such. Give them time. 


Never trust an actor

Has Trump Been Set Up To Take The Fall For A COVID-19 Vaccine Catastrophe?

Liberals Freak Out After Covid-Positive Joe Rogan Announced He Treated Himself With Ivermectin & Regeneron

‘Cheers’ Star Kirstie Alley, 70, Says She Used Ivermectin, Joe Rogan Protocol To Treat COVID And Recovered In 12 Days

Montana Only State To Ban Vaccine Requirements For Employees

States Are Banning COVID-19 Vaccine Requirements

Federal law prohibits employers and others from requiring vaccination with a Covid-19 vaccine distributed under an EUA

New ‘CITIZEN REPORTER’ Pamphlet for Activists Stresses Media Coverup of Covid “Vax” Dangers

2019 CDC Memo on Ivermectin Blows a Hole in Media’s Narrative It’s Just a ‘Horse Treatment’

BREAKING: Fully Approved! Is It TOO Late Now?

FK – Because there are no men here we will soon be at each other’s throats while the real criminals sit in their offices and on their couches and watch. 

From this thread:

Amon Leto
4 hours ago
ME: CDC, should I get poke if I already had Covid?

CDC: “Yes, you should be poked regardless of whether you already had COVID-19. That’s because experts do not yet know how long you are protected from getting sick again after recovering from COVID-19.”

ME: Oh, okay, we don’t know how long natural immunity lasts. Got it. So, how long does poke-induced immunity last?

CDC: “There is still a lot we are learning about COVID-19 pokes and CDC is constantly reviewing evidence and updating guidance. We don’t know how long protection lasts for those who are poked.”

ME: Okay … but wait a second. I thought you said the reason I need the poke was because we don’t know how long my natural immunity lasts, but it seems like you’re saying we ALSO don’t know how long poke immunity lasts either. So, how exactly is the poke immunity better than my natural immunity?

CDC: …

ME: Uh … alright. But, haven’t there been a bunch of studies suggesting that natural immunity could last for years or decades?

CDC: Yes.

NEWYORKTIMES: “Years, maybe even decades, according to a new study.”

ME: Ah. So natural immunity might last longer than poke immunity?

CDC: Possibly. You never know.

ME: Okay. If I get the poke, does that mean I won’t get sick?

BRITAIN: Nope. We are just now entering a seasonal spike and about half of our infections and hospital admissions are poked people.

ME: CDC, is this true? Are there a lot of people in the U.S. catching Covid after getting the poke?

CDC: We stopped tracking breakthrough cases. We accept voluntary reports of breakthroughs but aren’t out there looking for them.

ME: Does that mean that if someone comes in the hospital with Covid, you don’t track them because they’ve been poked? You only track the UN-poked Covid cases?

CDC: That’s right.

ME: Oh, okay. Hmm. Well, if I can still get sick after I get the poke, how is it helping me?

CDC: We never said you wouldn’t get sick. We said it would reduce your chances of serious illness or death.

ME: Oh, sorry. Alright, exactly how much does it reduce my chance of serious illness or death.

CDC: We don’t know “exactly.”

ME: Oh. Then what’s your best estimate for how much risk reduction there is?

CDC: We don’t know, okay? Next question.

ME: Um, if I’m healthy and don’t want the poke, is there any reason I should get it?

CDC: Yes, for the collective.

ME: How does the collective benefit from me getting poked?

CDC: Because you could spread the virus to someone else who might get sick and die.

ME: Can a poked person spread the virus to someone else?

CDC: Yes.

ME: So if I get poked, I could still spread the virus to someone else?

CDC: Yes.

ME: But I thought you just said, the REASON I should get poked was to prevent me spreading the virus? How does that make sense if I can still catch Covid and spread it after getting the poke?

CDC: Never mind that. The other thing is, if you stay unpoked, there’s a chance the virus could possibly mutate into a strain that escapes the pokes protection, putting all poked people at risk.

ME: So the poke stops the virus from mutating?

CDC: No.

ME: So it can still mutate in poked people?

CDC: Yes.

ME: This seems confusing. If the poke doesn’t stop mutations, and it doesn’t stop infections, then how does me getting poked help prevent a more deadly strain from evolving to escape the poke?

CDC: You aren’t listening, okay? The bottom line is: as long as you are unpoked, you pose a threat to poked people.

ME: But what KIND of threat??

CDC: The threat that they could get a serious case of Covid and possibly die.

ME: My brain hurts. Didn’t you JUST say that the poke doesn’t keep people from catching Covid, but prevents a serious case or dying? Now it seems like you’re saying poked people can still easily die from Covid even after they got the poke just by running into an unpoked person! Which is it??

CDC: That’s it, we’re hanging up now.

ME: Wait! I just want to make sure I understand all this. So, even if I ALREADY had Covid, I should STILL get poked, because we don’t know how long natural immunity lasts, and we also don’t know how long poke immunity lasts. And I should get the poke to keep a poked person from catching Covid from me, but even if I get the poke, I can give it to the poked person anyways. And, the other poked person can still easily catch a serious case of Covid from me and die. Do I have all that right?

ME: Um, hello? Is anyone there?

Goolagtube doesn’t like it so it must be good:

WHOA! Their Narrative Just Took A DEVASTATING Blow!

FK – It was almost certainly intentionally released. Why aren’t we asking who, when, why and the real how at the point of millions of guns?

Because there are no men here.

Berating the obvious:

Is This Their Secret Plan To Disarm Americans?!

FK – You’re missing the point. Of course they’d throw this in to the milieu. The issue is lots of moron conservatives and gun owners have already taken the bioweapon and will be stupid enough to support the oppression of those smart enough to refuse it.

Divide and conquer is the point. Fear is a tool that like an AK variant can be used to shoot either commie trash or patriots into ditches.

If you don’t know by now the bioweapon war is another false flag op, yes even with real casualties, as in ‘the truth is the best propaganda,’ then you’re part of the problem.

They’ve long proven they don’t care how many of their livestock they kill.

There’s never been anything secret about it, or about the real problem:

Biden’s Appointed CDC Director To Spend Millions Declaring Gun Violence A Public Health Crisis

FK – The true health crisis is the lack of brains, spines and gonads among amerikan men.

We have 400 mil. guns and no men to use them.

We know this shit exists. Why are we listening to it? Why isn’t it hanging from trees? See the first two sentences.

What is a man, really?

What to teach your kids

The only real reason for the militia

A new birth of Liberty, or death

Top 5 WARNINGS for running COMMs in SHTF ~ Rex Reviews

FK – If they’re so efficient why did the globalists pull out of the unwinnable war? Did the taliban make a deal with the banksters?

In the militia we knew this basic stuff years ago. But self-proclaimed patriots are too cowardly to join their local genuine peoples’ militia. They’re too scared of what their communist neighbors that should be hanging from trees might think.

There are no men left in this dying empire.

I like what Patton said about fortifications. Look it up.

The only idea that makes sense in a truly unpredictable situation is like that movie ‘The Postman’ which was hollyweird propaganda but Kostner’s character found an older Vietnam vet with a ham system of some sort who was monitoring the airwaves.

The old vet taught the mailman a few basic things about war I suppose, which led ultimately to some kind of cavalry charge if memory serves and victory over the evil fascist impotent bad guy and his army which of course probably led to the people’s newest socialist utopia.

The point being that many like me who are now too old and decrepit to do any real time in the bush or any urban war may be able to pass on what we think we know, basic infantry skills, to a younger generation that wasn’t required to do time in the military and whose parents were too stupid/cowardly to train in the genuine peoples’ public militia as they should have been.

The big cities are collapsing anyway. The communists lost the info war that’s why all this crap is happening, they’re desperate. But one cannot tell this to the average ‘conservative’ or whatever because they still think we can nice/debate our enemies to death or they’re gonna get beamed up.

The elites still control the money and the military. If they decide to let the chicoms or whoever invade then it’s game over for a while at least though I don’t think they could hold it long term if we actually found some men in a later generation.

The vaccines or something have been making us more docile and lazy and stupid. Not too stupid to run the machines necessarily but too stupid to understand Machiavelli or Sun Tzu or even know they exist in most cases.

That’s what they wanted all along, to kill the idea that one should fight back unless one is fighting for communism.

What have they done with the bioweapons? Millions of ‘conservative,’ loosely defined, morons have taken the vax. They didn’t trust the msnm until they thought they were gonna die then they fell back into the arms of their enemies.

Who knows what else they really have up their sleeves. They’ve proven they don’t care who they kill.

There’s still the couch and the big screen and the pizza delivery guy and the liquor stores. The ‘greatest generation’ so-called came from small farms, towns and tenements and ghettos.

The country kids learned to split wood and carry water from the spring if they had one. The city kids did who knows what kinds of nasty things to survive. So the hardships of war weren’t such a surprise to them.

Go through any drive-thru now and look at the youth working there. Most of them wouldn’t survive the 6 week boot camp on Parris Island of WWII much less a war.

Their parents aren’t much better. They allow their employers to require them to waste most of their time in exchange for money and thus spend their adulthood committing slow suicide when they should be getting proper exercise, proper diet and proper rest with the time left over to continue their adult educations so they learn how to destroy any evil system that may be erected over them.

But one cannot tell them this. And we allow them to vote based on whatever spin they pick up off a stray airwave or the rantings of some demagogue that’s telling them what they think they want to hear about issues that aren’t nearly as important as they think they are.

NY Times ripped for equating ‘freedom’ as ‘anti-government slogan’

Ultimate Proof: Covid-19 Was Planned To Usher In The New World Order

Two-thirds of Southern Republicans want to secede

‘They’re not going to f**king succeed’: Top generals feared Trump would attempt a coup after election, according to new book

FK – Resign? That would have been a good thing. Then real men could’ve taken their posts then arrested and tried and executed them for treason. Wait, there are no real men left here.

Based Kid Defends Home w/ WHAT? No 24/7 Coverage for THIS EVER!


FK – Three or so basic points:

18 has long been the age of majority and the age to be eligible for conscription. Once upon a time young teenagers were sent out into the world as apprentices or simply to fend for themselves. Sexual maturity certainly comes too early for modern sensibilities.

Tool-using monkeys mature at different rates and millions of 40 year olds show in every election cycle they’re incapable of making a logical rational decision.

The kid who shot the burglar did a good job over all but after the guy left his house and was running away most states rightly or not would say he should’ve held fire. (Well if he was a good shot the guy might not have made it out of the house.) He may yet face some ‘legal’ issue or another. Criminals or their families suing their victims is not an unheard of thing.

The primary problem is we’re raising children to be children and have been for multiple generations.

The kid’s step dad did his job by exposing him to reality and not neglecting to show him how to defend himself. Over-protecting and spoiling kids is a form of child abuse/negligence.

The sheeple and so-called conservatives and libertarians are such cowards that they have failed to build the genuine peoples’ militia we so desperately need to do what we so desperately need to do: Hang our Marxist globalists from trees and lightpoles coast to coast and border to border

Another commenter on this vid:

CNN Finally Tells The Truth


Old rehashed ‘truths’ and blatant willful ignorance or a fake patriot?:

Joe Biden Says He Wants to Push to Ban 9mm Pistols

FK – It was a plandemic moron. What we had was a Marxist globalist revolution funded by rich elites that as always plan to control the opposition.

You are as much a part of the problem as the scat that writes the demented robot’s speech notes.

Who’s paying you?

The Marxist trash said 40 years ago their goal was to ban handguns. Nothing new about any of this.

They continue because there are no men to hang them.

The ‘terrorists’ are funded by the global empire. The federal bureau of instigators are directly involved in most ‘terrorist’ incidents. They provided the truck and material for the first bombing of the World Trader Center in the early 90s.

While I agree in spirit I must ask: If you’re in a hotel with a group of armed terrorists who have probably full-auto weapons and who knows what else and you have two handguns with maybe 100 rounds what exactly would your tactics be? Did you watch that Bruce Willis flick from the 80s?

There are 400 million guns in this country with untold amounts of ammo yet we have no men to use them. THAT’S THE PROBLEM.

You need to watch ‘Black Mirror’ to see what 2050 will be like. Thankfully I won’t be around then.

You’re not the militia all by your lonesome. All you’re gonna do with your current mindset is sit home and wait your turn.

On a ‘lighter’ note:

The Final Frontier In “Diversity” 🤡

FK – You should have told him to paint all the white faces in black face.

Liberty should be for all. But unfortunately we have millions of white-skinned morons who have no conception of it and don’t want one. They will shoot the minorities, gays, white working class etc. into ditches with all the reactionaries when they are no longer useful.


More stuff the sheeple don’t want to know:

SPACE.com ASKS the Right Questions in UAP (UFO) INTERVIEW with Leslie Kean

FKWhenever they start talking about ‘new paradigms’ you better keep one hand on your weapon.

If we had no ‘free will’ would we be able to recognize that we have no free will?

If we are nothing more than toy soldiers in some cosmic teenager’s video game or some thought in the mind of a bronze age ‘god’ or future bots in some evil socialist globalist paradigm then there’s really no point to anything is there?

The whole question is not of disclosure but readiness of the tool-using monkey mind to attempt to think about things it doesn’t want to. The crash of that fighter jet in Kentucky after the sighting of a huge craft over an airport in the early 60s when no human govt. had such a craft should have closed the question of ‘Is the phenomena real or not?’ at that time.

The ongoing plandemic shows it seems easier to the average dumbass to blindly believe the newswhores and mainstream authorities and preachers and professors and whatever else that alleviates them of personal responsibility for the world they exist in.

The effect is the same when a patriot is trying to tell some high school indoctrinated dumbass of whatever age why they should give a damn about their own freedom and country and gets that same schoolboy grin the creature provided to its 8th grade history teacher when it didn’t know the answer to the question and will always be too stupid to know why it should care.

But then I don’t think they really teach history at all anymore do they? When I was in high school the only history class I had was mostly dates and names. The teacher, an older man whose jaded attitude showed on his face daily did have a quote from some ancient philosopher whose name I can’t remember pasted in cutout letters over the blackboard:

“Thinking is the hardest work there is which is why so few engage in it.(paraphrase)”

Sheeple would rather put in 60 hours a week in the name of their enslavement to the banksters than pick up a book that matters.

When the govt. or the mainstream newswhores are releasing/covering something it’s about manipulating the message. The ‘new world’ they’re building is NOT FOR OUR BENEFIT.

Did you note the next paragraph at 18:22? It’s a blatant lie and sounds just like the plandemic propaganda.

Nothing transcends politics. Politics is human nature and vice versa. Like art it both reflects and affects our existences. If the ‘authorities’ came out tomorrow and claimed they had ‘contact’ and the ‘aliens’ or ‘gods’ or whatever had commanded us to do or not do such and such with or without any show of force billions would blindly follow even to the point of worshiping them as gods.

The new yawk slimes is an evil mainstream source as are the other ‘sources’ mentioned in this propaganda.

Science has long been weaponized.

The new reality of UFOs: An interview with journalist Leslie Kean

FK – Again: Nothing transcends politics. Politics is human nature and vice versa. Like art it both reflects and affects our existences. If the ‘authorities’ came out tomorrow and claimed they had ‘contact’ and the ‘aliens’ or ‘gods’ or whatever had commanded us to do or not do such and such with or without any show of force billions would blindly follow even to the point of worshiping them as gods.

Connecting Dots: UFOGate to the Missing Trillions

More berating of the obvious:

It’s ‘hard to exaggerate’ how ‘dangerously bad’ US President Joe Biden is

FK – It’s a tool. It’s not in charge of anything.

It’s all orchestrated. America fell long ago. amerika will be replaced with the NWO. There will be nowhere to hide because there are no men left here. Let them prove me wrong.

And drawing obvious conclusions:

The United States ‘has gone mad’

FK – The banksters probably struck a deal with the fundies, or it’s the same continuing deal they’ve always had.

Don’t worry, it’s all ones and zeroes floating in cyberspace like most of the ‘currency’ in the world economic system and will one day evaporate like the mist on an Indian summer morning.

Sometimes even the perceived evil are right:

All my columns since right before the plandemic:

Sanctuaries are where cowards hide their buried guns

The law the militia should be enforcing

Real or not, Corona is a setup

Who’s writing amerika’s obituary after the virus war?

Tomorrow, April 19, is our real birthday

Welcome to our new soft Hell

Learn to RULE or BE RULED!

Variabilities in disease and tyranny

Cities are burning and the denial rages on

A tale of non heroes and a dying empire

The livestock are turning into ants at the picnic

Yes we’re AT WAR!

Herding the great amerikan beefalo to the butcher shop

One witch down, millions to go

How nations fall and empires rise

Bargaining with devils and aliens for Agenda 21

Never (blindly) trust the white rabbit

Voting by or for genocide

The absurdity of blind belief, blind faith, blind voters

Welcome to the rat turd that is amerika(and the world)

Galactic war by other means, and cat ladies

The biggest lie of all

Generals: We will murder real Americans

The fed gov has lost all legitimacy

The earth turns over and an empire falls

The lies of legislation and history and the cowardly morons that make it possible

A tale of face diapers and poison needles

A tale of face diapers and poison needles

Let those who can, prove me wrong…

This post has been months in the making, and it’s vastly incomplete, while the sheeple are still vastly oblivious.

At this point it’s about recording the fall. The gods of wokeism now rule the world, or pretend they do. Really money is the god of this world regardless of pretense and those we should be hanging go on funding the Marxist globalist propaganda while ‘conservatives’ and ‘libertarians’ sit around and wring their hands and look for a savior that isn’t coming.

The Marxist globalists lost the infowar, as some call it, on the net, in the comment sections, then when billions began getting smart phones and seeing and hearing things the govt. schools, churches, universities, msnm, had kept from them, it began to be uncontrollable.

Still, sadly, they’re not awakened enough. The bioweapon has done its job.

This isn’t a prison planet as some claim. It’s an asylum and the inmates think they run it. As I’ve noted several times neither side in the ‘culture war’ is interested in true freedom. One of the reasons this war continues is that those who vote Marxist fear something resembling a theocracy coming back into power. Historically this is a valid fear. Religion has been used as a control device through all of history.

As I’ve also noted several times the sheeple possess a poor understanding of the world they are in because their indoctrinations regardless of source usually tend to teach a pathetic pacifist mindset conducive to creating good slaves, be they chattel, wage slaves, tax slaves, consumers or human resources. 

If one doesn’t respond to the peer pressure of the sheeple around them they don’t know how to deal with you. If you’re not part of the mindless tribe they want to reject you. I’ve seen this again and again, among the rich and the poor and the working class. 

Those same herd animals will cry out for protection from what they perceive as the wolf so they can remain in the fold and be easier for the shepherds to shear and butcher.

It was obvious early on in the plandemic that it was a scam, a setup for another war, like the war on drugs or the war on terror that would drag on indefinitely and that our real enemies would use the bioweapon that was likely intentionally released as a weapon of war and now the vaccine is being used in the same way.

It’s all about controlling the tool-using monkey population. Most people are sheeple, herd animals. Trump voters, gun owners and many others have taken the vax or plan to. This is all about creating further division among the elites’ enemies: us.   

The  sheeple care more about form than function, more about what they want to be than what is, more about mythology than reality. Many ‘conservatives’ of various types are still and will likely remain in a partially awakened state.

As I’ve seen many times they face information they don’t want to deal with/accept and they hit a mental wall and revert to sitting on their asses and waiting to get beamed up or saved by some temporal demagogue.

They are welcome to prove me wrong by forming their genuine peoples’ militias in every county and hunting and hanging our real enemies, starting at the top. I won’t be holding my breath.

All government is force and fear is a form of force. The religionists have long known this. They don’t call us human resources and consumers because they respect us as human beings.

Let’s put/keep things in perspective:

The Marxist globalists or whatever they really are blatantly stole the highest elected office on the planet, the greatest seat of alleged power or empire in known human history and NO ONE lifted a finger to stop it.

The sheeple of this dead republic fully deserve what’s coming. Those who claim to love freedom or whatever deserve it even more.

When all this finally breaks in its weak pathetic way there will be witchhunts carried out by both, or all, the sides.

Are there any lifeboats left? No. There will be nowhere to hide.

I got involved in the patriot movement to win the war, not earn an eternal check like an NRA or republicrat or ‘conservative’ apparatchik by spending years regurgitating our enemies’ lies and offering up a weak often absurd debate.

I did hope for a while to earn a ‘living’ as some call it but I find over the years that I’m increasingly unable to lie for either side, neither of which is interested in real freedom, much less the personal responsibility that must accompany it.

“A man’s natural rights are his own, against the whole world; and any infringement of them is equally a crime, whether committed by one man, or by millions; whether committed by one man, calling himself a robber, (or by any other name indicating his true character,) or by millions, calling themselves a government.” ~ Lysander Spooner (1867). “No Treason: No. 1-”, p.7

As always newbies to politics run after the first savior they see coming down the street. With me it was Perot. He might have done a few good things if selected by the elites to be allowed to run, if he wasn’t working for them.

But we got klinton the first that said during it’s first campaign for the now red house it was against NAFTA, then pushed it through a demonscat party(party of the little man) congress, signed it and bragged about it so its masters could send millions of amerikan jobs to countries with more ignorant and desperate workers that would do or say anything to get or keep a job.

The sheepdogs work for the shepherds so they can shear and eat the sheep. Their job is to protect the states, enhance their revenue and enforce their laws. The wolf is a disinterested survivalist.

Treason should be defined as waging war on human liberty and the concept of natural rights. The communists will claim, already have, that anyone fighting for liberty is treasonous since ‘they’ represent the state(s).

Soon the ones and zeroes floating in cyberspace the sheeple worship will evaporate like the mist on an Indian summer morning and the bones of the ignorant will litter the fields of history once more then the battle will go to the swift, the strong and the most determined.

“We’re not trying to overthrow the government. The government’s already been overthrown.” – Charlie Puckett, KSM Commander

Breaking News…No jab means no travel, no job ,no food, no entertainment or no medical care

FKHow many employees will be willing to die to enforce this?

Report: Los Angeles to require vaccinations to buy groceries

FK – As used to be said, “As commiefornia goes soon goes the rest of the country.” But wait, we have 30 + republicrat state legislatures. Will they stand up to this blatant evil?

Pompeo Says ‘Collapse From Within Is Possible’ In Dark Vision Of Nation’s Potential Future

FK – It’s already happened. What a bunch of dumbasses.

We lost the republic in 1865 when a portion of the states told another portion “You cannot un-volunteer from something you volunteered for.”

Reagan was part of the problem, as are all mainstream republicrats, including Trump. Why did he promote the vax? Is he still promoting it? Why do the elites want that crap injected into most of humanity? It’s not for our benefit.

Praising the false god of democracy, the tyranny of the majority, no matter which majority wins. Now I know it works for the enemy.

The word democracy is not in the Constitution for a reason. Our Bill of Rights is based on the concept of natural rights not some assumed ‘right to vote.’

Secession and breakup will mean chicom troops on the commie coast.

There is such a thing as controlled opposition folks. The elites fund both sides in the effort to CONTROL them.

The first thing Trump should have done in his first week in office was to remove the Marxist globalist officers that infest the military. They blatantly said they would murder any real Americans who went to the district of commie criminals to rectify the blatantly stolen election.

But he didn’t did he? He won’t save us next time either, if there’s a next time.

But there are no men left here with any real understanding of what must be done if it can be done at this late date.

The last 180 days prove that it doesn’t matter what tool is selected by the elites to occupy the now red house. They all do the bidding of their masters who aren’t us.

The dominant social media platforms grew under both demonscat and republicrat administrations and congresses. They were funded by the security agencies for a reason, to herd the sheeple, not to benefit them.

Changing the present course won’t work if we’re still tacking toward global slavery.

To restore the Bill of Rights, an ACKNOWLEDGEMENT of our natural rights, the most basic of which is self defense, the right to fight back against and kill when necessary those who would enslave us further or at all, we MUST ban the twin evils of socialism and gun control and hang the banksters and the Marxist globalists from trees and lightpoles coast to coast and border to border.

But again our enemies have been successful and there are no or not enough men here to bring this about.

Proof positive:

They Want to Arrest and Jail All Unvaccinated Adults!

FK – The ignorant we will always have with us. Why do we allow them to vote?

This is all about divide and conquer. Many otherwise ‘patriotic’ people/sheeple are still stupid enough to blindly believe the authorities and not politically astute enough to recognize the ongoing propaganda campaign/psyop for what it is.

I know I don’t fully understand it. The likelihood is the vax is designed to affect human evolution in some way to at the least create a more pacified, docile population than we have now.

It’s Coming!


FK – The loving embrace of a communist, what a warm sickening thought.

If there were men here our real enemies would be hanging from trees and light poles coast to coast and border to border.

There’s a reason they want the vax in most to all tool using monkeys. It’s not for our benefit.

What’s that old saying about doing the same thing over and over with the same non-results being insanity? Why do those who claim to want to be free keep pointing out to the Marxist globalists what they’re doing is evil? They already know that.

Ultimate Proof: Covid-19 Was Planned To Usher In The New World Order

CDC Continues To Pad Covid Statistics To Promote The Covid State

Will RNA-Vaccines Gain FDA Approval or Turn Out To Be a Catastrophe?

BOMBSHELL: Pfizer Whistleblower Confirms Covid Injections are Poisonous Bioweapons

Researcher: ‘We Made a Big Mistake’ on COVID-19 Vaccine

Vaccine researcher admits ‘big mistake,’ says spike protein is dangerous ‘toxin’

Dr. Simone Gold – The Truth about the CV19 Vaccine

Share Your Vaccination Status By Wearing An ImmunaBand Around Your Wrist

FK – Billions of morons would think that’s a good idea and happily kill you for not going along with it.

Ex-Pfizer VP Yeadon Warns: Children 50 Times More Likely to Die From Vaccine Than Virus

A Promising New COVID-19 Drug Isn’t New to Mountaineers

Smoking Gun! One Month Before COVID Outbreak, Fauci & Moderna Sent “mRNA Coronavirus Vaccine Candidates” to Wuhan Lab-Linked Doctor

What if Covid-19 came out of a US military lab?

The GMI Is A Bioweapon

The “Vaccine” Is a Bioweapon – 5 Doctors Testify

URGENT! 5 Doctors Agree that COVID-19 Injections are Bioweapons and Discuss What to do About It

Study Finds Face Masks Didn’t Slow Spread Of Covid-19

‘I haven’t taken the vaccine yet, stay away from me’: Indian police stick skull banners on unvaccinated people

Disturbing New Info Emerges On Apparent “Magnetic” Side Effects Happening to Some COVID Vaccinated People

Censored in the Corporate Media Hundreds of Medical Professionals Speak Out on Medscape Forum Warning about Dangers of COVID Injections

DR PETER Mccullough – Urgent Warning About Poisonous Jabs

CDC confesses: Vaccines are failing, the vaxxed can be super-spreaders, demands return to mask mandates for everyone, including the vaxxed

RED ALERT: Covid internment camps announced in America; Tennessee governor signs EO authorizing National Guard to carry out covid medical kidnappings

Shock executive order greenlights quarantines, involuntary commitment amid COVID fears

Some 160 San Fran sheriff’s deputies threaten to resign over mandatory COVID vaccine mandate

CNN Medical Analyst Wen: Life ‘Needs to Be Hard’ for Unvaccinated Americans

Why Are Not Some People Quaking in Their Boots?

FK – Easy answer: There are no men here to hang them. A better question is “Who or what intentionally released the bioweapon and planned the plandemic?

7.9 Billion Lives In The Balance

We Live In A Fraud of Unprecedented Dimensions

‘This Week’ with Mary + Polly: ‘Every solution except the vaccine has been suppressed’

Proof of Vaccination Getting Pushback From Assoc. for Los Angeles Deputy Sheriffs

Citizen Journalist Documents Empty Hospitals, Disproving Overrun Hospital Myth


Or watch it here:


It’s already here:

MASS PSYCHOSIS – How an Entire Population Becomes MENTALLY ILL

FK – So close yet so far.

I’m no Jung but after 40 + years of trying to pay attention I can tell you the tool-using monkeys are collectively insane, always have been and probably will be for many generations to come.

Maybe the art of ruling the tums has evolved into the management of panic. Panic like depression is really only heightened fear, taken to an unhealthy or dangerous level. Fear like paranoia can be useful in survival or in ruling the mob.

Marxist globalists talk about ‘human rights,’ which means whatever ‘rights’ are allowed by our masters. Our Bills of Rights were established upon the foundation of the concept of natural rights, that none other than ourselves can decide upon.

If they don’t acknowledge, not grant, your right to hunt and hang them when necessary they still view themselves as rulers and you as their livestock.

In a society where any moron can go vote the ‘golden rule‘ doesn’t cut it anymore as many prefer existing under one form or authoritarianism or another and will happily vote to force their favorite tyranny on others.

Who deserves to vote?

Questions for your candidate

What to teach your kids

When billions believe in a falsehood to the point they’re willing to kill you or watch you being burned alive in fire forever that makes it very real.

After 25 years or so of being politically awake, and waking up is an on-going process that most would rather die than attempt, I can tell you that those who really wish for true freedom, liberty, are such a small minority that they had better learn to rule those who prefer to rule and those who prefer to be slaves if humanity is to have any future at all.

If they survive, not live.

Please prove me wrong. I’m waiting on the men/adults to do this. But as far as I can tell western civ. is bereft of them.

Why did western civilization’s preeminent religion promote the idea of its believers being childlike? Because such creatures are easier to rule.

The submissive have been surviving to breed for a very long time.

Again, after 25 or so years of hoping the masses would disengage their heads from their asses, a very slow and painful process, I can fully understand why the rulers/elites have long viewed us as livestock. That’s exactly how most of them act.

This is the problem.

We exist in what’s supposed to be a representative republic, in which all are born responsible. But culture and education(indoctrination) and religion all tell the sheeplets the opposite of this.

Even when the young tums are taught to fight for freedom only a tiny minority ever respond to this plea. They will readily blindly go to war for profit or power with a military that has air superiority but mention the ‘m’ word in the Second Amendment to them and they stare at you like you’re a ghost then tuck their tails and at least mentally run away yelping.

Such is the depth of the mindless pacifism that has been applied to them for generations.

As someone once said: “5% of the people think. 10% of the people think they think. The rest would rather die than think.” – Anon

If anything the success we have seen has been first an internet then a smartphone revolution(restoration). Most sheeple due to wasting most of their time in exchange for money didn’t go home at night and spend their precious personal time fighting for freedom. But their smartphones which are now carried everywhere exposed them to a world of ideas many of them had never considered.

An AK variant can be used to shoot either patriots or communists into ditches.

In most social situations in this modern empire, or in modern western civ., peer pressure in ‘social situations’ bends toward blind obedience of the authorities. For if one doesn’t stupidly obey and dares to think or question one may find oneself isolated due to unemployment.

Rational thought must be taught, like how to wipe ones’ butt. We are all born blank slates, as ignorant of the cosmic wind as a fish is of a mountain breeze.

The sheeple blindly believe the authorities because A: They’ve been conditioned to all their existences, B: It seems safer and easier; C: They rightfully fear the outcomes of not doing so, because they know that like the Sheriff in the movie ‘High Noon’ they’ll likely end up facing the enemy alone and dying alone because even patriots have been conditioned to sit home and wait their turn at the butchers’ hands.

For millennia the sheeple have been conditioned to look for a savior. Wa la Trump, the latest in demagogues and pied pipers. Why did he promote the vax? Was it ignorance or programming or puppeteering?

In America, not the amerika it has become, the group psyche should be one of a culture of liberty bolstered by men with weapons and rope in hand ready to deal out justice to any creature that would upset the delicate balance.

The ‘peace’ sign is another communist symbol. A lie. I remember well when the communists pushed such, in an effort to pacify the population so it could be easily defeated. They succeeded.

We have 400 mil. guns and no men to use them. Their barrels should’ve felt the heat of righteous combat long ago. The Founders would spit on us for what we have allowed to happen here.

Peace and love without liberty is slavery. Without our liberty we have nothing.

I think it was the Cathars and others that tried to exist in their own ‘parallel structure’ outside the religious state. If memory serves the official church simply rounded them up and burned them at the stake, probably to the cheers of the indoctrinated.

Our modern enemies have already proven their ruthlessness by killing the old and weak. The next wave will do what?

The globalists have satellites, air superiority, enforcers in groups like the federal bureau of infiltrators and maybe half the population that’s already taken the evil vax and will happily be convinced to kill those who refuse it, especially when a deadlier strain is introduced.

No, for the benefit of the simple minded, I’m not claiming our enemies cannot be defeated, only that we are not ready. They have already defeated us in the way Sun Tzu proclaimed, without firing a shot.

The Soviet Union was supported from its inception by the western money powers.

Thomas Paine’s writings, as great as they were, helped produce both the American and French Revolutions.

We don’t want a repeat of the second one but rather a restoration of the first.

“…as men we have a right to Life, Liberty, and Property; and as Christians we in this Land (Blessed be God for it) have a right to worship God according to the Dictates of or own Consciences . . . (Papists Excepted) . . . and as Subjects we have a Right to Personal Security, Personal Liberty, and Private Property, these Principal Rights we have as Subjects of Great Briton, and have a right to enjoy them and No Power on Earth can agreeable to our Constitution take them from us or any of them without our Consent.” – The People of Concord, Mass. In their declaration of “the Rights of the Colonists and of this Province in Perticular, as Men, as Christians and as Subjects” as quoted in Robert A. Gross’s ‘The Minutemen and Their World

Two-thirds of Southern Republicans want to secede

FK – Secession and breakup will mean chicom troops on the commie coast.


Michael Flynn Issues Dire Warning to Americans

FK – “Democracy is the road to socialism.” – Karl Marx

“Establishing Democracy is the first step in the revolution.” – Karl Marx.

What form of govt. does the constitution guarantee to the states? Do you know? Who insisted on a Bill of Rights, the document that makes us exceptional in all the world? Do you know?

Whenever some moron calls our republic a democracy I know to doubt what else it says.

The Anti-Federalist Papers

A final warning?:

FKIs it still married to the kardass? More sheeple can probably answer that question than what’s in the now red house.

Hell why doesn’t it just go on and run for prez? At this point what diff. would it make?

That’d be the perfect symbol of a nation of emasculated non men pussies who can’t even understand why they should be joining or founding their local genuine peoples’ militia much less what would be required to fix this mess.

If I were a ‘believer’ I’d be expecting the fire and brimstone to rain down any moment.

Ever watched “Jericho?’ We can keep our hopes up.

It’s a matter of time until the Marxist smoothie that is commiefornia invites the chicom troops over to protect them from the armed rednecks in flyover country.

The only fix for it will be boots on the ground. But we have no men left here to provide that.

We passed the bondage part in the 1930s and 40s when they marked all the sheeple with a socialist security no. and put the income tax on all the ‘citizens.’

And that’s why this isn’t supposed to be a democracy.

“Establishing democracy is the first step in the revolution.” – Karl Marx

OJ is back out of jail? It’s hard to keep up. It could be the V.P. 2024!

Another kind of chaos:

FK – The end of the world comes, again. Is waiting for it ingrained in our genes because it’s happened so many times before? Is that why so many waste their time here waiting for it while those who keep us enslaved remain free to conduct their evil?

If I were wealthy I’d pay for stone monuments around the world engraved with the Bill of Rights and an explanation of natural rights so that the survivors don’t fall prey to future kings, priests, popes, Lords, blue bloods, ignorant preachers, communist politicians, republicrats, and other assorted garbage but instead hang them high whenever they start spewing their lies.

But sigh, there are no men here to do that now.


Clinton-Obama Official: Biden Could Get Gun Control Through Congress by ‘Reframing the Issue as a National Security Imperative’

FK – Gee, that’s exactly the purpose of the Second Amendment. But we have no men to enforce it.

Oh really?:

The Reasons Why Leftists Will Never Successfully Disarm Americans

FK – We have 300 mil. weapons now and no men/adults to use them.

Manchin will Ultimately Decide Whether Gun Control Passes

JBS: Stop Extreme Gun Control Bills

See Which Members of Congress Betrayed Gun Owners

FK – The fedgov is totally illegitimate anyway.

The fed gov has lost all legitimacy

NSSF: ‘Charleston Loophole’ Gun Control Could Come Next Week

FK – All gun control is ‘unamerican.’ It is rather amerikan.

The problem is not the Roofs of the world but the mindless brain dead pacified morons that populate this country that aren’t ready to deal with them when they appear.

But then the globalists built the schools and infiltrated the universities and churches for their own purposes: the creation of a slave class that has no conception of its right, duty and responsibility to hunt them when necessary. It’s way past necessary.

NRA Warns Members Joe Biden ‘Extreme Gun Control’ Measures Coming

FK – And what pray tell will the ‘No Rights that aren’t Allowed’ group really do about it?

What will they do when we’re told to ‘turn them in’ and the SCOTUS rules it’s A-OK?

What men or genuine peoples’ militias are ready to deal with this eventuality in the way it must be dealt with?

Missouri County Authorizes Arrest Of Any Federal Agent Who Tries To Infringe On Second Amendment Rights

FK – Without a genuine peoples’ militia to enforce it what good is it? 

The sheeple fully deserve what’s coming:

The Laboratory For All Things Tyrannical

Since Israel morphed into a nation of Guinea pigs, a virus that used to prey on the elderly and those with severe health issues has now changed its nature completely.  After just 2 months of a ‘successful’ mass vaccination campaign, 76% of new Covid-19 cases are under 39. Only 5.5% are over 60. 40% of critical patients are under 60. The country has also detected a sharp rise in Covid-19 cases amongst pregnant women, with more than a few in critical condition. In the last few weeks, new-born Covid-19 cases saw a large 1300% spike (from 400 cases in under two-year-olds on November 20 to 5,800 in February 2021).

So close yet so far:

FK – All education is indoctrination, always has been.

“The fall of the Roman Empire was caused by what will eventually cause the fall of the United States of America – ‘Fractional Reserve Banking’.” ― James Thomas Kesterson Jr(Does anyone know who this man is? Can’t find any info on him other than a handful of quotes. He doesn’t seem to be the musician that comes up in a search.)

Look back over the past, with its changing empires that rose and fell, and you can foresee the future, too. – Marcus Aurelius

Most empires last about 250 years. We’re bearing down on that. This is all natural. The question is: What will follow?

The Bills of Rights of the U.S. constitution and of several states, the documents that make us exceptional in all the world, ACKNOWLEDGE our natural rights. They ‘grant’ nothing.

The problem is we have no men/adults left here to force our governments and corporations to ACKNOWLEDGE our natural rights at the point of a gun or at the end of a rope, which history shows is ALWAYS periodically necessary.

Look at the numbers who are taking or will take the vax. That is the percentage that is still indoctrinated in blind trust of authority, looking for saviors, on the left or the right, so-called.

Religion is another control device. History shows this.

The purposes of gods and golden rules

It didn’t begin with Rome. There were many empires before that one and many will rise and fall after this one…

Antisemitic is another word used to control the human mind. In a free country with free speech there are no special groups whose motives cannot be questioned.

And now the required explanation for the simple minded: Blindly hating someone for how they are born is mindlessness as is blindly defending them for the same reason.

The Soviet Union was created by forces within this country and maintained by them until it no longer proved useful.


Where is the word ‘democracy’ in the constitution? What word is used and guaranteed to all states?

“Establishing democracy is the first step in the revolution.” – Karl Marx

The Ten Commandments was produced by fallible mortals as well. The reason the Founders made a secular govt. was they understood one cannot gather three religionists around a campfire and have them agree for more that 10 words or less what ‘god’ is or should be.

The bones of millions attest to this.

The anti-Federalists understood how fallible the Founders were and insisted on a Bill of Rights to ACKNOWLEDGE our natural rights that stand apart from ANYONE’S definition of ‘god.’

Modern Israel, founded by European Socialists, wouldn’t exist without the British Empire or the amerikan empire and its evangelicals/zionists et al.

So why are they working to destroy us?

In the end this empire is dying because its sheeple still seek saviors instead of the personal responsibility required to stand up for themselves, their liberty and the natural rights of future generations. The ‘religious leaders’ are as complicit in this as the Marxist globalist propagandists and those who fund them.

Just found this site. Don’t know anything about them except the history I wanted to illustrate.

The original copy of the ‘constitution’ is ink and parchment, animal skin, born of blood, like this country. There are no men left to shed the blood necessary, long necessary, to restore it or millions of them would’ve made the ‘attack’ on the capital on Jan. 6 look like the kindergarten event it was.

Shapiro is a shill. Can’t you tell?

At the very least they knew 9/11 was coming and they let it happen.

Are you a shill too?

Why is Trump still pushing the vax, the key to all this. Why do they want that crap injected into most of humanity? It’s not for our benefit. 

They’ve been paying the parents of those lawless hoodlums, the stupid and the lazy, to breed for over 50 years, and encouraging their offspring to vote. None of this is accidental.  

Right, the republicrats have had ‘control’ several times and done nothing of consequence. The republicrat party was the original party of big govt. The demonscat party of today is nothing like that of the mid-19th or even early 20th centuries.

Try getting the average dumbass ‘conservative’ Trump voter to grasp that.

Prager is another shill. If you haven’t noticed amerikan ‘conservatism’ is infested with them. That’s war.

Secession and breakup as some are now championing will lead to chicom troops on the commie coast, brought there to defend the Marxist shit from the armed, pacified and truly useless rednecks in flyover country.

And I’d never heard of this document before:

The Declaration of the Establishment of the State of Israel

This part is especially interesting:

The State of Israel will be open for Jewish immigration and for the Ingathering of the Exiles; it will foster the development of the country for the benefit of all its inhabitants; it will be based on freedom, justice and peace as envisaged by the prophets of Israel; it will ensure complete equality of social and political rights to all its inhabitants irrespective of religion, race or sex; it will guarantee freedom of religion, conscience, language, education and culture; it will safeguard the Holy Places of all religions; and it will be faithful to the principles of the Charter of the United Nations.

The UN was founded as a Marxist organization for the purpose of the global enslavement of humanity.

It replaces another:

What Kinds of Things Happen If Equality Act Passes? The Word ‘Horrific’ Comes to Mind

FK – In reality it’s one insanity replacing another. That’s what the tool-using monkeys do.

The crazies won’t be helped by the culture war or ‘Waking up is hard to do’

Christian rebels and modern cowards

Speaking of laboratories:

FK – It’s usually more a variation on a theme than a repeat.

Death Rates Skyrocket in Israel Following Pfizer Experimental COVID “Vaccines”

Why I Will NOT Take The Covid Vaccine

Researchers: The real Covid-19 “superspreaders” are the obese

More than 80% of children who received Pfizer’s covid injection suffered side effects

FK – Don’t miss the vid with that article.

Rand Paul urges vaccinated people to ignore ‘government scolds’ and ‘live free’

FK – Why is he encouraging the taking of the vax? It’s dangerous and the key to all this. Why do they want most of the world’s pop. to take it?

Flashback: One year ago Fauci said ‘people should not be walking around with masks’

Nphet to examine potential of additional freedoms for people vaccinated

COVID: the virus was never proven to exist; a statement from Dr. Andrew Kaufman, Dr. Tom Cowan, and Sally Fallon Morell

31 Reasons Why I Won’t Take the Vaccine

Another reason:

Young Woman is Paralized on Left Side and Gets 8 seizures after Johnson & Johnson Vaccine


And more:

Goochland County man suffers ‘rare’ severe reaction to COVID-19 vaccine

Only those Vaccinated against Covid are being Rescued after Volcanic Eruption in St. Vincent

Every amerikan might, not real Americans:



ALERT! Self-Spreading Vaccines are REAL! The Vaccinated Pose a Threat to the UNvaccinated!


Link to the full vid here.

Update On The Escalating Harm Caused By Covid Vaccines


What’s the real reason why?:


Trump email announcement says refusing Covid-19 vaccination is “deranged pseudoscience”

Don’t miss this one and listen carefully:


An example of a brain dead moron:


Apparently this has been done before:


No one is gonna save us unless we stand up for ourselves first:


FK – What about the rainbow on the girl’s shirt? Tells ya what ya need to know.

Why aren’t we hanging the shit that’s doing this? Because there are no men here.

A comment I can’t pass up:

Gregory May
14 hours ago
If I get vaccinated:
1.- Can I stop wearing the mask?
Government Response – No
2.- Can they reopen restaurants, bars etc and everyone work normally?
Government Response – No
3.- Will I be resistant to covid?
Government Response – Maybe, but we don’t know exactly, it probably won’t stop you getting it
4.- At least I won’t be contagious to others anymore?
Government Response – No you can still pass it on, possibly, nobody knows.
5.- If we vaccinate all children, will school resume normally?
Government Response – No
6.- If I am vaccinated, can I stop social distancing?
Government Response – No
7.- If I am vaccinated, can I stop disinfecting my hands?
Government Response – No
8.- If I vaccinate myself and my grandfather, can we hug each other?
Government Response – No
9.- Will cinemas, theatres and stadiums be reopened thanks to vaccines?
Government Response – No
10.- Will the vaccinated be able to gather?
Government Response – No
11.- What is the real benefit of vaccination?
Government Response – The virus won’t kill you.
12.- Are you sure it won’t kill me?
Government Response – No
13.- If statistically the virus won’t kill me anyway … Why would I get vaccinated?”
Government Response – To protect others.
14.- So if I get vaccinated, the others are 100% sure I’m not infecting them?
Government Response – No
So to summarize, the Covid19 vaccine…according to govt:
* Does not give immunity.
* Does not eliminate the virus.
* Does not prevent death.
* Does not guarantee you won’t get it.
* Does not prevent you from getting it.
* Does not stop you passing it on
* Does not eliminate the need for travel bans.
* Does not eliminate the need for business closures.
* Does not eliminate the need for lockdowns.
* Does not eliminate the need for masking.
So…what the heck is it actually doing?

The real reason why Bill Gates is now the US’ biggest farmland owner

Because they say so:

FK – What will the vax do to the morons that take it or to their descendants?

What they want us to fear instead of our real enemies:

FK – The australian govt. disarmed its sheeple thus it’s no better than china and fully deserves to be invaded and replaced. It’s sheeple failed to kill their commie trash when told to surrender their weapons and thus fully deserve to be subjugated.

But then they already have been.

amerika has generals that have openly said they would murder real Americans.

More of what they want us to think and more proof our protectors are our enemies:

FK –  I don’t buy it was accidental nor that the Chinese are behind it. They may be involved, but not ultimately responsible. Our enemies are here. 

Killing off individualism:

FK – They always overreach. They always take three steps forward and two steps back.

Where was western civ. 50 years ago?

Funding is control(This goolagtube account was terminated after I included this vid in this posting. I’ll leave it here to show the braindead, what few of them come here, how evil our domestic blood enemies are.):


Here’s the vid on Bitchute:

FK – It’s very simple: The average dumbass wastes most of its time in exchange for money. So its exposure to ‘news'(propaganda) is limited to headlines, spin on the radio they might catch on the commute, mainstream useless ‘conservative’ commentators, and now what some ‘conspiracy theorist’ friend or relative might squeeze into a fakebook post without getting banned.

In short if they don’t hear it from an ‘official’ or ‘authoritative’ source then it can’t be true but otherwise they’d be required to actually think and even far worse, act.

i went to a gun show Saturday. 99 percent of the 2nd Amendment lovers there were wearing masks. Toward the end of my 3 hour or so tour the guy who runs the show began making announcements for the few of us with brains to don our masks or ‘they’ would shut the show down.

If most amerikan sheeple, conservative, libertarian, and others, weren’t such pathetic cowardly creatures and didn’t rely on intellectual laziness and cowardice to make their decisions for them there would have been a Kentucky state militia unit there to immediately arrest any statist shit that attempted to close the show.

But as I keep repeating, there are no men here.

Speaking of conspiracies:

FK – Didn’t a mafia guy confess to it on his deathbed? I’ve been there and stood behind the wall and looked at the building and the angles and seen the film of Kennedy’s skull flying out BEHIND him and Jackie crawling back there to retrieve it and try to put it back.

I’ve hunted most of my life and can tell you that exit wounds are generally larger than entrance. He was most likely shot from the front. Oswald would’ve had to have been a great trick shot to pull it off, not impossible, but not likely.

Too many wanted JFK dead for too many reasons.

If you ever sit in a hearing/courtroom and hear several people give vastly different accounts of the same event you’ll know there’s nothing that is absolutely known.

‘History’ so-called does show that pissing off the elites will get one killed much faster than stealing an election from the sheeple.

Cuba is an island on amerka’s doorstep. Little way for outside powers to supply or protect them. So it’s always been a puzzle to me why the empire allowed it to continue, outside of the propaganda/fear factor.

They spent a decade and 50,000 pawns in Vietnam. I guess oil is more important than freedom.

The CIA was originally allegedly formed to fight communism. A curious thing since all their efforts were allegedly focused outward when our greatest enemies have always been here.

It’s all about manipulating the message.

Whose system?:

FK – When we allow morons to vote can any election/selection be legitimate?

Who deserves to vote?

The pot calls the kettle black:

FK – What will they call what the Chicom military does to amerikan and Canuck women and children?

The ancient tribal propaganda has been re-written numerous times.

That was the old control grid. They’re creating a newer more effecient one.

Isn’t ‘Health Canada’ just another form of communism?

We will have neither peace nor liberty until we learn that when the camel sticks its nose in the tent it’s chopped off and fed to the dogs.

It’s all intentional:

FK – Is that thing on its head glowing? Is it alien?

It’s not thinking. It’s orchestration. They’re waging war.

New boss same as the old boss.

The cancer on America’s face, or why I do what I do…

Because we have failed to move communists out of this country:


FK –  If you’d had enough you’d be training with your local militia.

Secession and breakup will mean chicom troops on the commie coast.

More things we’ve failed to move:


FK – mcturtle has probably always been a secret globalist. The republicrat party, the original party of big govt., has always been heavily infiltrated. It was obvious some time back he probably wouldn’t finish this term.

The Kentucky legislature, ran by republicrat apparatchiks, will appoint his successor if I’m not mistaken.

There are no men here to correct this. amerika is and will be the laughing stock of history.

I wasn’t going to include this one:

FK – There’d be nothing that wrong with fakebook if it wasn’t ran by a CIA tool or Marxist globalist trash, take your pick, or maybe theocrats, if its purpose was the fostering of the concept of natural rights and human liberty.

Yes I’m excluding the tracking. It was a good way to expose dumbass sheeple to reality.

But that’s not what the elites want is it?

There are many forms of addictions, from sex to drugs to religion to politics to making money and gaining the power money brings and on and on.

Hitlery has yet to see a prison cell. suckerberg, the twatter guy, the shit that runs goolag, all will likely die of old age on their islands because there are no men here.

You should actually read Dune. The first movie really sucked.

If there were any men left in western civ. we’d hold the war crimes trials and figure out what we really need to hang.

If he bases his ideology in ancient tribal propaganda I know he’s not credible.

Looking at this guy’s site. Seems to be a new agey ‘christian’ huckster.

The thing beneath heyzeus in the pic looks like an old tv set with a cable box on top and antenna from the 70s or 60s.

Maybe it is prophetic.

So he’s telling us the aliens are religious nuts? Not surprising really. Again, read Dune.

“Any sufficiently advanced technology is indistinguishable from magic.” – Arthur C. Clarke

If sufficiently advanced aliens showed up billions would worship them as gods. Their tech would be ‘magic’ to us tool-using monkeys, who are still a very primitive species still existing in a very dark and dangerous age.

Blindly trust none of them.

The ‘ark’ whatever it really is was ever in Ethiopia it was probably taken from those people long ago. 

Understanding ancient symbolism would require having the key(s) to the esoterica. Who really has that now?

They clearly borrowed their symbols, legends, gods, whatever from earlier traditions and made up a few of their own. That’s how that works. Look at any book of mythology or watch enough vids like this on the net and one learns there are many different meanings for all of it.

Do you know about the galactic wave that’s due pretty soon? I don’t think anyone’s gonna get beamed up and even if they do it won’t be what they expect or want.

The ancients based a lot of their mythology, some claim all, on ancient cataclysm.

This is all very interesting from an anthropological point of view but it highlights a major problem we have now: Billions sitting on their asses waiting for the world to end while stupidly dying one generation after another and passing their slavery on to their children. It was probably designed that way.

The tool-using monkeys are still voting for demagogues and allowing their elections to be blatantly stolen and their children to be sold into eternal slavery. They’re not ready to ascend into any damn thing.

Just over 200 years ago our ancestors fought a bloody 8-year war to free us of the concept of god-appointed kings and this kind of ignorance and establish a government based on the concept of natural rights, based in the right to fight back against and kill those who would enslave us or in our case enslave us further. If we lose that we lose all.

Maybe this is why:


FK – So-called ‘science’ has always been just as politicized as religion. Politics is human nature. 

Disclosure, or exopolitics is now a thing…

Connecting Dots: UFOGate to the Missing Trillions

As above so below:

FKThey walk among us and always have.

Or float and fly:

FK – The ancient tribal propaganda does claim the veil will be lifted.

Managing the tool-using monkeys:

FKEver seen the doc about the experiments with the Russian Silver Fox?

Are we being tamed? What’s really in the vax?

There have been many extinction events before this one. The volcanoes put out far more pollution than we do and there’s lots of ‘green space’ left out there.. The citiots can’t grasp this because they see concrete and asphalt all the time and smell the smog of their own propaganda.

If the aliens announce themselves and sound like ‘environmentalists'(communists) then we’ll know they’re the enemy.

Look into the wildlife around Chernobyl and the tool-using monkeys that exist in Hiroshima and Nagasaki.

The elites are begging for escalation. All of 2020 to now has been an orchestration for who knows what purpose, besides control.

The bioweapon is the ultimate divide and conquer. Many otherwise logical morons will take the vax.

Socialism is a form of monopoly.

Have you watched ‘Colony?’ It’s the elites that have proven time and again they can’t be trusted.

I wouldn’t trust commie reid to tour a bicycle shop. It’s another piece of shit that should be hanging from a tree. But there are no men here.

Some just don’t know which way to go:

FK – These guys aren’t smoking enough waky baccy.

And a little extra insanity:


FK – Both sides in this so-called argument are equally insane. But then it’s all Marxist propaganda anyway. They care no more for the gays or whatever than they do for the white working class they once claimed to protect by calling themselves ‘the party of the little man.’

They’ll shoot them all including the minorities into the same ditch once they assume total control.

As for the rest of them it’s only a matter of time until they’re sticking their peckers into drains. They probably already have.

It’s a birth defect or some form of mental illness. The culture war will never provide them the help they need. Instead they will die in their denial.

The crazies won’t be helped by the culture war or ‘Waking up is hard to do’

Future Warfare [Circa 2025]

The cost?:


Where are these people? Why haven’t they formed up?:

FK – The govt. was overthrown long ago.

Something else not new:

How Civilizations Will Function After ‘The Great Culling’ Being Called For On The Georgia Guidestones: With The Human Population Reduced To 500 Million, ‘Useless Eaters’ Will Not Be Tolerated

FK – What about the micronova? Or various other natural disasters that could put most of the survivors back in the horse and buggy days or stone age?

Some claim the global human pop. or at least in the western countries and even China will soon crash due to low birth rates. What does this really mean, that all tool-using monkeys will stop breeding?

Are there too many sheeple? Or are we supposed to expand into space now and someone or thing or group doesn’t like that idea? Or maybe that’s why they’ve been shielding us from natural disasters that should’ve already put us back in our place as the willfully ignorant species most of us are?

Honestly the vid at the bottom is disgusting. No one with a brain takes the ancient tribal propaganda literally. It’s more proof we’re still a very primitive species and still exist in a very dark and dangerous age. Blind faith in anyone or thing is dangerous stupid behavior and always will be. For most believers their version, sub-version or subversion is another excuse to sit on their asses and do nothing about the kind of world their own descendants will inherit.

Sin can lead to torture. Funny that since most christians have no problem with their sadistic bronze age god burning the vast majority of humans that ever existed alive in fire forever. What we have here really as always is one insanity vs. another.

In a free country the law would be basic: Only those who have truly harmed another or their property would be investigated/prosecuted. All systems have a basic morality so-called, even the communists.

Free will is not being forced to choose between eternal torture or eternal slavery.

Environmentalism so-called is a euphemism for communism. That doesn’t mean there aren’t legitimate environmental concerns.

Both Kennedys were likely not shot by those claimed. What morons.

I’ve long had doubts that the elites want to crap in their own beds. Their lifestyles need the shipping and the interstates and affordable gas and sheeple indoctrinated just well enough to follow orders as Carlin said.

All coming soon to a theater of operations near you:

This Single Photo PERFECTLY Sums up Crime-Infested California


FK – Commiefornia is infested by communists that should be hanging from trees and lightpoles. But there are no men left here.

It’s an AK variant pistol isn’t it? Maybe she was doing what should be done and was looking for communist politicians and more importantly the rich trash that funds the Marxist globalist propaganda stream.

She probably has bigger balls than the average amerikan so-called male.

Maybe they were filming one of those peace loving movies hollyweird is so famous for.

Where’s the link to a story about this? On what grounds was the vehicle seized? How do they know it’s the right one?

Let’s see what a simple search turns up.

Duck Duck go contributes to national propaganda radio. So let’s see what another search engine finds.

How can a dying empire with far too many laws be lawless? What was it Tacitus said about that?

This seems much more lawless to me. (And don’t miss the comments on that one, about the cartels vs. the Chicago gangs.)

But then what good are civilian(or cartel) weapons against the authorities?

In the coming war no one will know who is good or bad. Kinda like now.



The proper word is ‘restoration’:

Pathetic amerikan cowardice:

Vs. dead American courage:

The only real solution:

Abolish the White Race

What insanity will they inherit?:

This is:

And this is still your flag because there are no men here:

Or maybe none of this will matter:

Safe Zones, Animal Anomalies, Primary Risks | Advanced Catastrophism

FK – So will they hit the reset button again?

You forgot to mention that no one is gonna get beamed up and no one is flying in on a white horse or a golden chariot or in a flying saucer to save anyone.

Well maybe not. But billions waste their time here counting on such.

We have little to no control over what the sun does but if we don’t pass liberty and the concept of natural rights onto future generations this won’t be a planet worth existing on anyway.

And there’ll still be morons, on their knees before their masters, like now, waiting for a savior that ain’t coming as thousands of generations have done before.

All my columns since right before the plandemic:

Sanctuaries are where cowards hide their buried guns

The law the militia should be enforcing

Real or not, Corona is a setup

Who’s writing amerika’s obituary after the virus war?

Tomorrow, April 19, is our real birthday

Welcome to our new soft Hell

Learn to RULE or BE RULED!

Variabilities in disease and tyranny

Cities are burning and the denial rages on

A tale of non heroes and a dying empire

The livestock are turning into ants at the picnic

Yes we’re AT WAR!

Herding the great amerikan beefalo to the butcher shop

One witch down, millions to go

How nations fall and empires rise

Bargaining with devils and aliens for Agenda 21

Never (blindly) trust the white rabbit

Voting by or for genocide

The absurdity of blind belief, blind faith, blind voters

Welcome to the rat turd that is amerika(and the world)

Galactic war by other means, and cat ladies

The biggest lie of all

Generals: We will murder real Americans

The fed gov has lost all legitimacy

The earth turns over and an empire falls

The lies of legislation and history and the cowardly morons that make it possible


The lies of legislation and history and the cowardly morons that make it possible

There are morons on all sides. We’re surrounded by them and some celebrate every scrap or crumb that is thrown to us by our masters instead of hanging them as should have been done long ago.

A year or so ago I listened to a maybe awakening sheeple whine about the on-going Marxist defund the police propaganda and he said he’d recently bought a gun to defend himself/family/whatever.

I pointed out to him that the SCOTUS ruled more than once that the police don’t exist to protect anyone because the governments can’t be financially responsible when someone is robbed, raped, murdered…

“So we’re on our own then,” he blurted. I let it go at that. I didn’t think he could handle the reality that we’ve always been on our own. For the benefit of the simple minded – yes the sheep dogs do sometimes manage to ‘save’ someone. But they’re still sheep dogs.

The sheepdogs work for the shepherds so they can shear and eat the sheep. Their job is to protect the state, enhance their revenue and enforce their laws. The wolf is a disinterested survivalist. 

Treason should be defined as waging war on human liberty and the concept of natural rights. The communists will claim, already have, that anyone fighting for liberty is treasonous since ‘they’ represent the state(s).

Much of what passes for controversy is really distraction. The average conservative is caught up in valid arguments about real evils while ignoring real and greater evil that funds the propaganda we are all drowning in.

Welcome to a nation of pacified morons or WHAT MUST BE DONE NOW!

FBI Tells Americans to Report ‘Family Members and Peers’ for ‘Suspicious Behaviors’

FK – Well, here we are, and there’s only one direction left. 

CNN Medical Analyst Wen: Life ‘Needs to Be Hard’ for Unvaccinated Americans

FK – We should be making existence hard for communists. But since they have been successful and there are no men here…

Exclusive: Inside the Military’s Secret Undercover Army

FK – This propaganda piece has been out a while and since it’s from a mainstream source can’t be trusted. It may be what the ‘deep state’ or NWO hopes we think. Then again the best propaganda is a mix of truth and lies apportioned according to the audience.

But then when someone tells me they blindly trust any source I know I’m dealing with a political child.

What if Covid-19 came out of a US military lab?

Nation’s Largest Teachers Union Approves Plan to Promote Hate-Based Critical Race Theory in All 50 States and 14,000 School Districts

FK – The NEA was probably formed as a Marxist globalist front group. The Marxist globalists built the schools for their own purposes. So why is any of this surprising?

Iowa Teacher Goes On Wild Rant About Not Being Able To Teach CRT

FK – If they don’t value human liberty and the concept of natural rights this country was founded upon they don’t belong in the classroom or around children. This creature is working to destroy those things so it should be tried and executed for treason.

VIDEO: Charlottesville Takes Down Lewis, Clark, and Sacagawea Statue

FK“Take away the heritage of a people and they are easily persuaded.” – Karl Marx

All according to plan because they were successful and there are no men left here to stop them.

The American Revolution: Visiting Lexington and Concord

FK – What are the school children in Mass. taught about this? The evil white supremacist colonists took up illegal guns(some stolen from the brits) against their benevolent king?

How was Concord pronounced then?

Do you know James Perloff’s version of events that day?

What would the penalty be for a genuine peoples’ militiaman or woman carrying a modern militia weapon onto that ground?


It’ll not be surprising when this park is bulldozed and turned into a Marxist globalist monument to natives and slaves or the vax makers.

How ironic that the Yankee general that killed enough Americans to ensure the continued taxation of the Southern States by the Union Govt. participated in the erection of this monument.

The Democrat party of that time was the party of small govt. and the republicrats as I call them were the party of big govt..

Lincoln didn’t free the slaves. The 13th amendment did. Look it up. His proclamation was war propaganda like the modern notion the Union invaded the south to free the black slaves. They invaded to maintain the power to tax them.

How far we have fallen.

In reality the day the common people shot back should be our greatest holiday:

Tomorrow, April 19, is our real birthday

Eric Adams: Democrats’ Priorities ‘Were Misplaced’– We Need to Focus on Handguns

FK – It’s time to repeal all gun laws and treat the scat that passes and enforces them as the criminals they are.

Still we live the lie:

Six Fake 2nd Amendment “Sanctuary States”

FKThe 2nd Amend without the MILITIA is a wingless bird.

Sanctuaries are where cowards hide their buried guns

A precursor to Hell on Earth

The only real reason for the militia

Not enough, not soon enough:

Supreme Court SLAMS Left’s Election Lies

FK – So what will this do to prevent election fraud in the next cycle?

I’m not holding my breath for the legislatures to save us. Trump certainly didn’t.

Another elected useless eater:

People will ‘revolt’ if vaccines are mandated: Gov. Kemp

FK –  You have to be a moron to take it. This is a society/culture of morons.

Any employer that mandates the evil vax should be gut shot and drug down the road behind a truck.

The vax is the key to all this. There’s some reason, beside the evil profit motive, they want that crap in most of humanity. It’s not for our benefit.

There are no men here or the trash that blatantly stole the prez election would be hanging from trees.

Only docile obedient morons are allowed to travel:

Safe Travels in Japan|JNTO


FK – And of course, no comments allowed.

Heads in the sand:

Are All People In California Complete Morons?

FK – They can have all of new yawk slimy as far as I’m concerned as long as THEY TAKE IT WITH THEM!

In the 80s and early 90s the big fear was the Japanese taking over the country. What happened with that?

Honestly amerika is so far gone it wouldn’t be that surprising. The libertarians have wanted to put the highways in ‘private'(corporate) hands for a long time. Who owns most of these corps(corpses) now? Does anyone really know?

Secession and breakup that many ‘conservatives’ were discussing after the election was blatantly stolen would mean chicom troops on the commie coast.

What is also coming here:

FK – The mental midgets are running what’s left of amerika because they were successful and there are no men left here who even understand what must be done.

The elites love it when the sheeple protest as they watch from the comfort of their offices and couches with the knowledge that no sign ever knocked down a wall.

What must be done – A manifesto of the ‘isms.’

The most important things to do

A new birth of Liberty, or death

The law the militia should be enforcing

Don’t they know amerika has fallen?:


FK – You’re reading the release from that globalist tool as if it means anything at all…

Why the commie globalists want us disarmed

A precursor to Hell on Earth

Different prez, same agenda:

BIDEN IS ARMING ALQAEDA AGAIN (I’ve got the Receipts!)

FK – Different tool in the now red house, same agenda.

Do we know the real reason’s why?

Don’t worry, no one without the vax is gonna be flying.

More of the same:

CIA Stories: Death Squads in Afghanistan

FK – At least they used to kill communists. Now the communists or whatever passes for them run the CIA and the FBI and the military.

It was all probably planned long before, like 9/11, like the OK City bombing, like Waco, like JFK, like WWII, like a lot of stuff. Oh, now we have aliens.

Who’s really wearing the masks and which ones if any are real?



Exclusive: Inside the Military’s Secret Undercover Army

Another big reason there are no men here:

The SportsBall Social Containment Mechanism Explained


FK – Allegedly here in amerika the love of pro sports is waning due to the PC kowtowing by those who run it. Not so sure about the college level. I do think it’s funny when I wear a shirt from some team other than ‘the Cats’ here in KY and some morons look at me like I just stomped their puppy.

There’s nothing new about simple-mindedness. These ‘men’ have always been the pawns in the wars fought for the ancient regimes.

Athletics should be useful for young people to build them up to serve in their local genuine peoples’ militia. But that’s beyond the understanding of the average fan.

This is still your flag. Have you pledged to it yet?:

All my columns since right before the plandemic:

Sanctuaries are where cowards hide their buried guns

The law the militia should be enforcing

Real or not, Corona is a setup

Who’s writing amerika’s obituary after the virus war?

Tomorrow, April 19, is our real birthday

Welcome to our new soft Hell

Learn to RULE or BE RULED!

Variabilities in disease and tyranny

Cities are burning and the denial rages on

A tale of non heroes and a dying empire

The livestock are turning into ants at the picnic

Yes we’re AT WAR!

Herding the great amerikan beefalo to the butcher shop

One witch down, millions to go

How nations fall and empires rise

Bargaining with devils and aliens for Agenda 21

Never (blindly) trust the white rabbit

Voting by or for genocide

The absurdity of blind belief, blind faith, blind voters

Welcome to the rat turd that is amerika(and the world)

Galactic war by other means, and cat ladies

The biggest lie of all

Generals: We will murder real Americans

The fed gov has lost all legitimacy

The earth turns over and an empire falls

It’s much worse than the newswhores will admit

The more things stay the same….

Tom Homan on border ‘chaos’: This is much worse than people realize

FK – I drive through a lot of cities and small towns. Seeing kids playing outside anywhere is a rare thing.

What to teach your kids

Who actually filmed this? Why are those two old women crossing over? To get a check and medical care? Don’t they have cheaper or free commie care in ol mehico?

Immigration is an issue because the commie trash want the illegals to go to the big cities and vote commie. The corporations that ‘conservatives’ claim to love want them for cheap desperate labor.

But it’s far from our biggest issue.

I’ve watched all this crap go back and forth for multiple decades now. We still have the Fed, the income tax, the banksters, the evil gun laws, the social/commie programs that draw the illegals here, national propaganda radio, the globalist foundations, front groups and NGOs that are funded by rich elitist trash that still aren’t hanging from trees.

How can an illegal with a business get a tax number?

The republicrats have held the reigns of power multiple times and nothing has really changed. We still don’t have the genuine peoples’ militia in every county with a granite gallows in front of every govt. building with a groove in it to show it gets regular use.

We have communists running the west coast states and many eastern ones. One can still be arrested and imprisoned for deciding to carry a self defense tool in too many places. One would be too many.

Who owns faux snooz? Is he a globalist? These talking heads never solve anything. When will they tell their fat viewers to get off their lazyboys and over-priced lawn mowers and form their local militias to do what should have been done generations ago????

I’m not holding my breath just like I’m not holding my breath for a final end to vote fraud that has existed from the beginning of the republic and that the republicrat party, the original party of big govt. has also benefited from.

Yeah ya’ll just keep yapping.

Here’s another yapper:

Donald Trump questions if Joe Biden is running the US

FK – He’s still pushing the Lincoln myth is he still pushing the vax?

Nobody served as a right-wing pressure valve like he did.

Did he or the republicrats save us last time? Will they next time?

Are we ‘allowed?’

The Right To BEAR Arms

FK – Asking the question proves there are no men here.

The SCOTUS has ruled the cops don’t exist to protect anyone. The SCOTUS is NOT the final arbiter of our rights! WE ARE!

The sheepdogs work for the shepherds so they can shear and eat the sheep. Their job is to protect the state, enhance their revenue and enforce their laws.

Case law can be repealed, overturned, lied about and on and on. Constitutional carry laws can be repealed by demonscat and republicrats.

We MUST HAVE MEN/ADULTS in the local genuine peoples’ militia to hold a gun to the heads of all elected, hired and appointed PUBLIC SERVANTS so they don’t do such things and when necessary use the granite gallows that should be in front of every govt. building.

It’s the un-prosecuted felons who run this world that are the real problem. We need to start at the top.

And with the basics:

Reminder: The colonies seceded from Great Britain as 13 independent, sovereign nations

FKBut but but the Declaration is not LAW.

We need men to enforce the Bills of Rights or they are not law.

When the govt. or the mainstream newswhores are releasing/covering something it’s about manipulating the message.

We are livestock to them.

Let’s put things in perspective:

The Marxist globalists or whatever they really are blatantly stole the highest elected office on the planet, the greatest seat of alleged power or empire in known human history and NO ONE lifted a finger to stop it.

The sheeple of this dead republic fully deserve what’s coming. Those who claim to love freedom or whatever deserve it even more.

The 2nd Amendment without the militia is a wingless bird.

The only question that matters now is “Why aren’t we hunting them?”

I’ll never forget the preacher who told us “I think it’ll all be over by 1985.”

Time to vote from the rooftops.

Generals: We will murder real Americans

The fed gov has lost all legitimacy

The earth turns over and an empire falls


A lost cause?: Making MEN into WARRIORS – by being better WOMEN

As usual, this got me started:

FK – The current prez proves once and for all it doesn’t matter what creature is selected. The elites still run things from behind the curtain.

Most of the issues are propaganda, rhetoric, divide and conquer techniques. The republicrat bush the first was for NAFTA. Klinton the first said it was against it during its first campaign for the now red house. Then it pushed it through congress and signed it and bragged about it.

So much for the ‘party of the little man.’

The same party that seeks to disarm the little man.

But now we’re all little men. There are no men left here anyway. They’re all too tied to their mothers’/wives apron strings and more concerned about their absurd mortgage payments or their absurdly overpriced riding lawnmowers that they waste huge amounts of time on so the neighbors won’t complain about their non-golf course looking yards.

I attended a supposed ‘militia’ meeting a while back with a friend. He brought along a book of basic infantry tactics to show them. The ‘leader’ of the group made some comment to the effect of “Well, if we have to resort to that….”

Again, there are no men here. How many in your prayer group would take your hymnals out the door and stuff them into a cannon or their muskets or steal military goods and arms and smuggle them into friendly territory as our ancestors did?

The concept is beyond 99 percent of them. I see it all the time. Most of the ‘men’ I’m around on a regular basis are oblivious to the situation we are in and the fact that it’s astounding that we aren’t hanging our white-skinned domestic enemies.

In my 25 years plus in the patriot/militia movement I’ve seen so-called 2nd Amendment supporters get that scared rabbit look in their eyes and tuck their tales and run at the mention of the ‘m’ word. Molon Labe didn’t mean they sat home and waited their turn but millions of ‘patriots’ plan on doing just that.

But then this is a dying empire and all that is to be expected.

And nobody’s gonna get beamed up.

Mainstream religion has long been part of the problem if it wasn’t designed as a form of control. Actually it was but getting the average believer to grasp this is nigh impossible, all while they seek to control those around them with their notion of god’s morality and the threat of eternal punishment that has been swung like a barbed wire wrapped baseball bat at the human mind for millennia now.

The average evangelical is indoctrinated in the notion the world’s gonna end soon and they bear no responsibility whatsoever for the world their descendants will exist in. The Catholics are basically told to obey until the return.

Paul I think it was told his followers to obey the magistrates appointed over you after his alleged master said to ‘render unto Caesar.’ Killing is OK if you’re ordered to do it by a ‘godly’ government’ which in reality we’ve never had but the average moron is too politically obtuse to grasp that as well.

The ancient Israelites went over the hill to the village god told them to attack and killed everything except maybe for the young virgins. But that varied from time to time. Oh, and they had to bring back those foreskins.

We’re not supposed to have Caesars anymore. Our ancestors fought a bloody 8-year war to free us of the insane notion of ‘god appointed kings.‘ Sadly over 200 years later most amerikans have a pathetic conception of this. If they know anything at all.(Such creatures are easily ruled. If only those who claim to value Liberty would learn this. The vid is posted below.)

This is all intentional. This is all about one order replacing another as has happened all through tool-using monkey history.

The ancient tribal propaganda is compiled in such a way, from various writings from various times along a general theme that it can be used to justify nearly anything if its words are ‘interpreted’ in just the right way. The mental mind games involved in that could be examined in many books and still not thoroughly explained.

Both sides in the war for southern independence or the war to keep taxing the southern states used it to justify their evils. Both sides of the slavery issue had used it as well. Some slave masters feared the liberating influence of the bronze/iron age propaganda and others liked its pacifying influence.

Despite all this I’m glad when religious people get politically involved in restoring our Bills of Rights, which were based on the concept of natural rights. The national Bill of Rights was insisted upon by the anti-Federalists who wholly mistrusted the big govt. men of their day.

Read the Federalist Papers and see how Hamilton repeatedly denies the dangers of his proposals then compare them to what’s actually happened over time.

All because money has always been the real god of this country. Most of the immigrants were seeking some form of financial freedom.

As a child I saw males who would fight at the drop of a hat over nothing. Now I see emasculated creatures who think their tattoos and video game scores or regular payments are all they need.

They are slaves and don’t know and don’t care.

Does your husband make enough money to let you stay home and make these videos? How much time does he have to devote to furthering his adult education, not about his career or hobbies but about what matters: securing liberty for future generations?

In the 60s the welfare state was introduced to ‘help the poor’ or kids or single moms or whatever. Those who engendered that evil knew full well the effect it would have just like ancient tribes came up with basic morals because they knew how dangerous/useless fatherless children could be.

I never got married for various reasons. But I was raised in the ignorance of a rural culture and was taken to a rural Southern Baptist church where I was basically told all that mattered was avoiding eternal hell. The rapture was a big thing even at that time.

I was also partly raised by Kaptain Kangaroo as I tell people, or mainstream weaponvision entertainment. I miss the sexual revolution because it would be a mistake to go back to the 50s or whatever idealized period, which never really existed. The real difference is back then polite society just didn’t talk about all the evil crap that went on. Ever read ‘Gone With The Wind?”

The older people would’ve found our modern culture more than strange. Anyone carrying a gun was looked upon as an outlaw as they remembered the bad ol’ post war days of the 19th century and early 20th when shootings weren’t that uncommon even in rural areas.

So instead of becoming stronger and learning how to defend themselves they fell backwards into the everlasting arms of mindless pacifism. Now the Marxists push it because they as all rulers want a pacified mindless population that as Carlin said is just smart enough to run the machines but not smart enough to talk back.

Our real troubles started even at the beginning of the republic, which died in 1865 when a portion of the states told another portion at the point of a gun “You may not un-volunteer from something you volunteered for(the taxing system).”

Sometimes I save money by doing it myself and sometimes I learn something I didn’t know and sometimes I regret not calling the guy with the right tools and experience. But that’s just life, so-called. Sometimes the cheap crap does well enough and sometimes you’re better off spending the money.

Ever heard of this woman?

From her book:

“What we shall have in the next cultural revolution is the reintegration of the Male(Technological Mode) with the Female(Aesthetic Mode), to create an androgynous culture surpassing the highs of either cultural stream, or even of the sum of their integrations, More than a marriage, rather an abolition of the cultural categories themselves, a mutual cancellation—a matter-antimatter explosion, ending with a poof! culture itself.”

Who was funding her and those like her and why? One must destroy in order to build.

A man or an adult of whatever sex must first have understanding. Neither the religions of old nor the current paradigms of dying western civilization want us to get anywhere near that.

What is a man, really?

The only real reason for the militia

What to teach your kids

War is not always voluntary

Why choose one version of authoritarianism over another?

No sacred cows, or a new global Bill of Rights

The vid linked above:

FKSuch creatures are easily ruled. If only those who claim to value Liberty would learn this.

Sometimes I wish I didn’t have a CDL and could smoke a joint and ponder just how frakked we are.

It’s July 4: What are we really celebrating?

A new birth of Liberty, or death

Typical amerikan male:

That have tolerated such evil for so long:

A simple truth of  human nature:

The purposes of gods and golden rules

Some have been trying to warn the brain dead for a very long time:

Here’s an oldie but a goodie:

The perfect wives?:

The real felons seek to rule all:

Would any modern woman(or man) understand this?:

All my columns since right before the plandemic:

Sanctuaries are where cowards hide their buried guns

The law the militia should be enforcing

Real or not, Corona is a setup

Who’s writing amerika’s obituary after the virus war?

Tomorrow, April 19, is our real birthday

Welcome to our new soft Hell

Learn to RULE or BE RULED!

Variabilities in disease and tyranny

Cities are burning and the denial rages on

A tale of non heroes and a dying empire

The livestock are turning into ants at the picnic

Yes we’re AT WAR!

Herding the great amerikan beefalo to the butcher shop

One witch down, millions to go

How nations fall and empires rise

Bargaining with devils and aliens for Agenda 21

Never (blindly) trust the white rabbit

Voting by or for genocide

The absurdity of blind belief, blind faith, blind voters

Welcome to the rat turd that is amerika(and the world)

Galactic war by other means, and cat ladies

The biggest lie of all

Generals: We will murder real Americans

The fed gov has lost all legitimacy

The earth turns over and an empire falls

Disclosure or revelation?

Can’t resist posting this. Actually watch all of it then read my comments:

Anzar, The Progenitor, True Story of Contact with an Ancient Alien Mystic, Prof. Bruce Solheim PhD

FK – Cover of that book looks like a Sith. Maybe should tell us something. Is it a voice in his head?

And he knows nothing about politics, unless he’s acting.

Most of my ‘coworkers’ where I waste my time in exchange for money are oblivious and like it that way. There’s no responsibility in that. Seems safer to them.

The internet is the first place humanity has had any real free speech. It doesn’t exist elsewhere in our existences. This is because most sheeple are scared to death of reality or of questioning what is presented to them as reality by the authorities.

The submissive have been surviving to breed for a very long time.

This frustration is felt by all who attempt to truly examine the world around them.

The rudeness is a release.

In the middle of the road one finds roadkill. Both ‘sides’ in the culture war are really only interested in forcing their version, sub-version or subversion of reality on all at the point of a gun. They all deny it while pointing the gun at you.

Is he armed on campus? Does he know how to stop a shooter or even have any conception that it’s his right, duty and responsibility to do so????

Assuming they want the same things is stupidity, well, they do want CONTROL.

Decades ago ‘the left'(the amerikan communist insurgency) claimed to value ‘free speech’ because it was still useful to them as the underdogs. Now that their infiltration is complete they have become the powers that always want to be and thus want to CONTROL the speech of the reactionaries.

It’s actually far more complicated than that surface explanation, as in ‘Who or what is funding the Marxist globalist front groups and NGOs and why?’ As in ‘Who funded the Bolshevik revolution?’

It’s all a construct but a very real one that millions to billions are willing to die/kill for.

Yeah this guy is really clueless. Jan. 6 was another false flag.

Three morons around a campfire can’t agree on what reality is. This won’t change for a very long time if ever.

Reminds me of a psych professor who taught us ‘Sales Psychology,’ maybe the best class I took. He related how amazed he was when he was lecturing some military officers about ‘sales’ and one of them asked him “What happens if we decide we’re just gonna take what you have?”

There be monsters in this world who will drink a beer with you and eat you for breakfast. Klinton the first would probably be a fun guy to sit around a campfire and tell stories with. It should’ve been hung for treason decades ago but there are no men here.

They shall cry peace and there shall be no peace. Those crying peace usually just want submission.

The sheepdogs work for the shepherds so they can shear and eat the sheep. The wolf is a disinterested survivalist.

Most of those flicks glorifying the military that doesn’t fight for us are designed to pump up the ‘war on terror’ which is really a war on us.

Let’s say the gov comes out and publicly shows us the real “Men in Black” underground base with all the alien species churning around. That will only massively complicate what we already consider to be ‘politics’ or war by other means.

Revelation won’t be what most expect or want. If we think we can trust the monkeys that run the govts. to not be deceived by their new adversaries we are ourselves deceived.

Some of our ancestors may have come out of Africa. I don’t think all of them did.

Why would they want to talk to us?

How many hydrogen bombs would it take to destroy the planet? Look at Nagasaki and Hiroshima and Chernobyl.

Columbus was brutal to the natives from the outset. After all god told him to be. Another voice in the head.

Most came here for economic freedom. A thing we no longer have.

Belief is a very dangerous thing.

What was it someone once said/wrote? “Most men lead lives of quiet desperation.”

I don’t buy the bioweapon release was accidental. If nothing else too much money has been made and will be made.

He’s still allowing the mainstream newswhores to define his language.

I sat in a militia meeting months before 9/11 during which we were told via ‘govt. contacts’ that in August or September of that year there would be a major event with a major change in law to follow.

Maybe this guy has contacts in the ‘deep state’ that tell him what he wants to hear.

In early July of every year millions of sheeple pretend to celebrate independence and liberty we’ve never really had. That’s about all the disruption I can stand.

Prepping for slavery

What must be done – A manifesto of the ‘isms.’

The crazies won’t be helped by the culture war or ‘Waking up is hard to do’

The patriot newbie guidebook

Disclosure, or exopolitics is now a thing…

The purposes of gods and golden rules

It’s July 4: What are we really celebrating?

A conspiracy to indoctrinate, or “What is an education?”

Connecting Dots: UFOGate to the Missing Trillions

What’s the ultimate question?

The earth turns over and an empire falls

Gee, what’s left, blaming the intentional release of the bioweapon on ‘the right?’

Until the shit that is sent forward to enforce the police state is afraid to get out of bed or to go to bed this country will not be healed.

But as always ‘conservatives’ and ‘libertarians’ are delusional about what will be required. They are like those rich men standing around in the ballroom on the Titanic while the icy north Atlantic swirls around their balls and they’re still planning what they will wear for dinner.


They’re communists, not ‘leftists’ or ‘liberals’ or ‘progressives.’ Calling the shit by the cute names it took on to hide its evil from the ignorant and the desperate only helps it conquer and enslave humanity.

The line must be etched in stone, not sand, deeply enough to carry the blood away.

Our domestic blood enemies, our greatest enemies, give us false choices of nationalism vs. global socialism or ‘democracy vs. racism.’ or trannies vs pacified emasculated modern so-called men and other assorted bravo sierra.

The fraudulently selected prez is right when it says amerika has fallen short, if for all the wrong reasons. No amerikan alive today has known liberty, indeed it never really got off the ground. Chattel slavery was replaced by a system that enslaves us all.

The so-called ‘greatest generation’ fought the lessor of the evils and the greater evil still rules us. It’s another mythology created to control the simple minded, like the one about Washington and the cherry tree or the absurdity that Lincoln killed 600,000 white men to free southern blacks. It’s all a lie.

Most of our wars have been a lie, fought for the national ‘interests’ of corporations and simple greed and lust for empire. Dubya told us our ‘heroes’ were fighting for democracy, a concept the Founders would’ve found abhorrent.

Veterans who depend on the VA for healthcare should have their bills paid by the corporations that have made trillions from foreign wars. We should have kept our young men and women home from Vietnam and Korea and had them kill the communists here first.

Now the globalist generals run the military and have blatantly said they will murder real Americans who stand for the concept of natural rights this country was founded upon.

I’m a vet, do ya’ want to thank me?

Democracy like religion is another mythology, a control device, so the simple minded can think they have a voice or some false hope.

Now we have a demagogue, probably a deep fake for the deep state, that so many in their ‘hopium’ so-called still believe will ride back in on a white horse and save them when they have no conception of the personal responsibility, sense of duty, real bravery, personal sacrifice, our situation requires.

The greatest generation if there was one were the anti-federalists who insisted on a Bill of Rights to ACKNOWLEDGE our most basic right, the right to fight back against and kill if necessary those who would rule us forever, all based on the concept of natural rights.

But that requires a force of men/adults to enforce it on our masters, by always holding guns to their heads and keeping the necessary rope and gallows handy for what history shows has to be done again and again.

The only real reason for the militia

The most important thing I learned on Parris Island in 1984 is that bluff is half of every fight. If you can convince someone they are beaten they probably are. The ‘conservative’ and ‘libertarian’ movements are convinced they are beaten.

They did nothing on Jan. 7 or 20 which shows they falsely believe they would stand no chance at doing what should and must be done. So instead of hanging Marxist globalist shit from trees and lightpoles coast to coast and border to border they genuflected and once again began begging their domestic blood enemies for forgiveness.

We vastly outnumber our domestic blood enemies, the ones at the top, who have orchestrated the past year’s events. That’s where we need to start, at the top. They fund and generate the propaganda that infests the minds of morons young and old, that we stupidly allow to vote.

Who deserves to vote?

Most of the Marxist propaganda would simply die off without the globalist elites to further it. Then we can build a real education system to indoctrinate the young in the concept of natural rights and require them to undergo compulsory militia training starting with appropriate skills at appropriate ages so all are exposed to reality not authoritarian propaganda from whatever source.

Planet wide we are a minority. No other nation has a document like our Bills of Rights of the national and several state constitutions that ACKNOWLEDGES our natural rights, the most basic of which is the right to kill those who would enslave us or in our case enslave us further.

No sacred cows, or a new global Bill of Rights

Like all empires this one’s people, now sheeple, have become shallow and weak willed, weak minded, weak in the body and spirit. So they are now simply awaiting what comes to all such creatures, a superior force that will put them in the chains they so richly deserve.

“First, we should remember that the decade-long Persian Wars … offered the East the last real chance to check Western culture in its embryonic state, before the Greeks’ radically dynamic menu of constitutional government, private property, broad-based militias, civilian control of military forces, free scientific inquiry, rationalism, and separation between political and religious authority would spread to Italy, and thus via the Roman Empire to most of northern Europe and the western Mediterranean. Indeed, the words freedom and citizen did not exist in the vocabulary of any other Mediterranean culture, which were either tribal monarchies, or theocracies.” – Historian Victor Davis Hanson as quoted in ‘7 Tipping Points that Saved the World.’

There is no doubt the tool-using monkeys of the modern amerikan empire will determine the fate of humanity for generations to come. That’s a truly horrifying fact. 

The patriot newbie guidebook

Sanctuaries are where cowards hide their buried guns

The law the militia should be enforcing

2020: The Year the Tree of Liberty Was Torched

Welcome to a nation of pacified morons or WHAT MUST BE DONE NOW!

Living contradictions:

Wal Thornhill: Understanding Human Nature | Thunderbolts

FK – The plandemic was brought about by a bioweapon that was most likely intentionally released.

After 40 plus years of trying to pay attention I can give you tool-using monkey nature in a sentence: Most of them are herd animals, sheeple, easily indoctrinated, often easily deprogrammed, yet prone to slow societal and cultural change due to the fact that the vast majority of them would rather die than think, must less act, to ensure their children exist in a free world.

Is that contradictory enough?

Maybe the question to ask is “Why is whatever really put us here so interested in our procreation?”

Is there really a great harvest coming? They shortened our lifespans less the ones who do try to think begin to really figure things out, or maybe to keep us from passing too much ‘wisdom’ on to the next generation of fools who wouldn’t know how to wipe their asses if someone hadn’t taught them.

Here’s some dogma: Unless we do what will be required to stop the global Marxist shit from enslaving humanity then that tiny minority in every generation will likely never again be able to look at ‘the big picture.’

What’s happening here happens to all empires, which on average last about 250 years or so. We’re at 245 or so. It’s a natural progression, like the weeds in the field that sprout, grow, breed, age and die.

What will come after the coming winter is the concern. What will we have passed on to future humans? The lie of ‘democracy’ or the personal responsibility required for the enforcement of natural rights on those who would rule us all?

Knowing the past is a curious thing when one considers we can’t trust what the evening newswhores tell us about what happened this morning.

And unlike the historians of the past ours allegedly have a thing called ‘free speech’ or freedom of the press.

Sheeple looking for paradise/saviors on Earth or anywhere else is one of the biggest problems we have.


The shit admits its evil and we still aren’t hunting them:

The Secret History of the Shadow Campaign That Saved the 2020 Election

Our modern Nero?:

FAIL – Joe Biden can’t figure out how to put pen in pocket.

FK – Proving once again they’re all tools.

When Armed Resistance to Tyranny is Appropriate

Only delusional fools think they are immune:

News Anchor Suggests Using Drone Strikes on Trump Supporters


FK – What do you think the anti-Patriot Act is really about? It’s not about killing false ‘terrorists’ in caves on the other side of the world.

What’s it’s actually about is killing those who refuse to submit to their evil.

Leftist arrested for riot at Capitol paid $70,000 by CNN and NBC

The Nature of Power

The King’s Prophets Have No Clothes

Here Are 18 Ways Trump Supported The Swamp During His Presidency

Here’s one for fun:

The Anglo-Saxon Mission : the Third World War and the Inheritance of the New World

And this one’s even more fun:

Peruvian court accuses Bill Gates, Soros and Rockefeller of creating the coronavirus

FK – I’ve thought since the beginning of this scam that it was probably an intentional release on the part of some amerikan globalist NGO or another.

And yet more fun:

Democrats Introduce Bill to Build PERMANENT FENCE Around the Capitol

FK – What’s that old Chinese saying: “He who puts up a gate invites the world to come knock it down?”

Would YOU Be Considered a Domestic Terrorist Under This New Bill?

FK – Yes, and proudly so.

READ: Former President Donald Trump’s Full Statement on Mitch McConnell

‘New language’: School asks parents to rate their ‘whiteness’ & become ‘white traitors’ or ‘abolitionists’

It’s all distraction:

Time Games Conspiracy Theorists With Cave Wall Distractions(Corbett report was terminated on goolagtube)

FK – I don’t need slime mag to tell me the election was stolen. At this point only screaming morons or Marxist shit claims it wasn’t. slime doesn’t allow comments on its propaganda. Tells me all I need to know.

So is the purpose of the vax to make us all more docile? It appears that’s what all the vaxxes have been doing for generations. The sheeple certainly bleat more readily than previous morons.

COVID-19 mRNA Shots Are Legally Not Vaccines

Israel’s ‘green badge’ plan to open services to vaccinated stirs concern

FK – I have a badge for them. It moves at 2000 fps.

They did IT again…

FK – And they’ll keep doing it because there are no men here to stop them. 

What is a man, really?

What to teach your kids

Of course they are:

WTF! They’re FLAUNTING What They’re Going to Do to Us in Their New Video!


FK – The vax probably is the bailout. Why do they want most of the sheeple to take it?

Where are the men to put a bounty on their heads?

The proof is in the pudding:

What is the Great Reset? | Davos Agenda 2021

FK – Limitless arrogance, limitless hubris. Why aren’t we hunting them to extinction?

The cancer on America’s face, or why I do what I do…

Worthless newswhores:

Are We Watching the DEATH OF FREE SPEECH?


FK – It is right in part. There’s no right to work covertly or overtly to enslave humanity. But there are no men left in western civ. to enforce this.

Who remembers when the commie trash hid behind the constitution and Bill of Rights in order to destroy it, because it yet offered them refuge?

How much longer? 

Created for what real purpose?:

U.S. State Department Admits Signs Point To C0VlD Created in Wuhan Lab


FK – The past year has been an orchestration. The bioweapon was almost certainly intentionally released. 

NYC Waitress Fired For Waiting To Take COVID Vax Over Pregnancy Concerns

Next will be food and fuel:

Is the Ammo Shortage Done Intentionally by the Government to Restrict our Second Amendment Rights?

FK – Is there a paper trail for what’s leaving the factories/warehouses?

Remember all the billions of rounds bought during the Marxist mutt years?

I’ve always figured I didn’t need a lot more than I could hump. If you survive the first firefight there’ll be a lot of crap laying around.

So when will it be used???? Does anyone know beyond some mythological ‘line in the sand,’ that can be washed away by cowardice and greed?

The line must be etched in stone, deeply enough to carry the blood away. For that we need men that western civ seems to no longer possess.

The patriot newbie guidebook

After Unprecedented Year of Violence and Lawlessness, Democrats Say Gun Control Is “A Top Priority”

FK – When communists are called ‘progressives’ and other cute names they took on to hide their immense relentless evil from the ignorant and the desperate it only helps them.

Joe Biden Is Coming For Your Guns

As I wrote:

Gun Confiscation Can and Has Happened in America – Katrina 2005

FK – What an absurd question.


How much of that trash has paid any real price for participating in such enforcement?



What is a man, really?

What to teach your kids

Any time any elected, hired or appointed piece of SHIT that’s taken an OATH TO UPHOLD THE BILL OF RIGHTS says or writes SUCH EVIL SHIT it should be dragged by its heels out the door and strung up on whatever is handy.

But again, there are no men here.

The only question that matters now is “Why aren’t we hunting them?”

I’ll never forget the preacher who told us “I think it’ll all be over by 1985.”

Time to vote from the rooftops.

The only real reason for the militia

My answer to ‘Molon Labe’

Major Civil Rights Attorney Warns: Police Are Carrying Out Warrantless Home Invasions in Order To Seize Guns as Part of ‘Community Caretaking’ Duties

No Libs Allowed: Patriotic Ammo Company Will NOT Sell to Biden Voters

The Flawed Thinking Behind Biden’s Gun Control Bill

FK – They want us disarmed so we can’t kill them. That’s all it’s about and nothing else.

Canadian Gun owners facing legal complaints can have firearms seized without warrant under new Liberal law

No, it’s not unbelievable:

This is UN-Freakin’-Believable


FK – Please stop pretending the shit cares about the Bill of Rights or the concept of natural rights at all.

If you don’t kill them when they come to disarm you you’re a coward. But then sitting home waiting your turn is a very stupid thing.

Buried guns are artifacts.

Why the commie globalists want us disarmed

The origin of the right to keep and bear arms

Absolute absurdity:

Who Does ATF Go AFter? Follow Up with Former Agent Vince Cefalu

FK – WHY THE FUCK don’t they just STAND DOWN, and RESIGN and refuse to enforce any EVIL GUN LAW, AND ALL GUN LAW IS EVIL, and then join or help form their local genuine peoples’ militias in every county so we can TAKE OUR COUNTRY BACK?????!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!



This is all absurdity.



The Second Amendment reads ARMS! THAT’S A MILITARY TERM!!!!

It was written to ACKNOWLEDGE our RIGHT, DUTY and RESPONSIBILITY to go kill the black suited nazis and those who command and hire them, when necessary.

IT’S WAY BEYOND NECESSARY! But again, there are no men left here.

Time to vote from the rooftops.

What I told my elected public servants about ‘gun control’

Don’t hide in the shadows, unless you’re trying to get a good sight picture:

Why I Wear My Mask | Welcome to the Masquerade

FK – Obeying evil is the ultimate immorality.

Only morons and cowards will consent:

Exclusive: Medical Board Attempts To Strip Doctor Of License Over Informed Vaccine Consent


FK – The covid vax is the key to all this orchestration. Why do they want most to all of humanity to be forced to take it?

War by other means:

FK – How long until most or all are disappeared?

Most do deserve what’s coming:

If THIS Doesn’t Wake Us Up…We’ll Deserve What’s Coming!


FK – It means they’ll happily send their badged Nazis to stick a gun in your face and murder you for the NWO. 

What’s the ultimate question?

Wear it and take the shot or:

Solutions: Survival Currency

FK – When there are no men left in western civ to stop them the oligarchs can do as they please. They will make up their rules as they go along. There will be no where to hide. Informants in every county, small town, down every street, will report those who try to exist ‘outside the system.’

Because there are no men to hunt our real enemies to extinction.

I’ve heard so much of this kind of thing over the past 25 years. In reality all money, currency, is a form of barter. A dollar bill or a bitcoin is a storage unit of value, labor or debt, often all three at the same time.

The Europeans made cheap glass beads to pay the Indians for real furs because the Indians held ‘wampum’ to be a medium for storage of value.

But again, FDR demanded all gold be surrendered. Gold is for the rich. Steel, lead, copper, brass and propellant will have far more value.

During the war for Southern Independence, which the south, like us, was grossly unprepared for, had their citizens turn in their urine for the production of powder. They did have plenty of that during the war.

Most modern currency is ones and zeroes floating in cyberspace regardless of what cute name is put to it. When the net goes down it will be as worthless as an empty tin can. Well one can carry water or cook in an old can.

If it’s true the NSA’s supercomputers record all interactions on the net then they will know who has what and how to evaporate it.

I read back in the 90s that most U.S. currency in existence is overseas and most of that is counterfeit.

If they truly want us to have ‘no property’ by 2030 then millions will die. Many will finally see that the ‘conspiracy theorists’ have been right and maybe finally fight back or simply sit home and starve out.

Remember the Holdomor?

Millions in this country are delusional about what’s coming and what should be done about it while it still can be done. Maybe by the end of this year it will be too late.

After the March date being pushed by the Trump saviourites there will be another, and another.

Too many yet think the SCOTUS is the final arbiter of our rights.

Antony C. Sutton

Your Guide to the Great Monetary Reset

FK – Anyone watched ‘Colony?’ The last scene in the series when the alien humanoid went to the global governance or whatever center? This is the kind of shit she was killing.

As we should be.

Morons leading morons:

Mainstream Media Smears John Birch Society with False ‘QAnon’ Comparisons


FK – I’ve learned a lot from the Birchers but the reality is they’ve been around since the 50s and are still seen as a ‘fringe’ group by many to most ‘conservatives.’

This is because most conservatives are like those men on the Titanic standing around in the ballroom with the icy north Atlantic water swirling around their balls and still planning what they’re gonna wear for dinner.

I was banned from commenting on the New American website years ago for simply telling the truth: This won’t be fixed by a ballot box. It will require the bullet box.

But there are no men here and you keep proving it.

Speaking of morons:

FK – He’s blatantly lying, like all of them.

The upper echelon ranks no longer serve the people, if they ever have. They ignore their oath to uphold the Bill of Rights. Bring the troops home and let them hunt our real enemies, those that created the orchestration of the past year, the key to which is the covid vax. Why do they want so many to take it? What’s really in it?

The FDA is owned by the drug companies, as are most medical doctors.

The reason for the distraction?:

FK – What did Velikovsky say at the end? Besides “We’re fucked.”

His wikipedia page is interesting. It’s exactly what’s happening now.

Since there are no men here to do what must be done it’s just as well.

Or this version:

FK – Things ‘have run the way they have’ because of the actions of a tiny minority of our population, for better or for worse.

Regardless of what a natural reset may bring, the political reset promises total eternal slavery for humankind.

Not that the majority would know nor care. Their focus as always is grazing and breeding. It’s that tiny minority in each generation that actually fights for and uses human liberty, natural rights, to advance humanity and yes evolve civilization.

They are the ones we must fight for.

I wouldn’t count on any kind of modern transportation for the long term. How many airlines already refuse flights without a vax, the key to all this, or how long until all borders are closed?

As always the elites know we outnumber them but also know the average dumbass has no conception of what that should mean.

Yet they keep lying:

The Arctic Is In A Death Spiral? =NOT! The Arctic & Antarctic Ice Is Growing Based on Current Data

FK – Don’t worry, they’ll soon be serving man in the big cities.

There’s no such thing as casual ‘friends’

Or someone may be:

Here Is Why David Hoffman Believes UFOs Are Real

FKWhen someone uses the phrase ‘conspiracy theory’ I know I’m dealing with an intellectually lazy coward.

I don’t ‘believe’ UFOs are real I simply acknowledge there is sufficient ‘evidence’ for the phenomenon. What it means beyond that is another question entirely.

There are many seemingly peaceful ways of waging war. Just listen to national propaganda radio.

When the govt. is talking about something you know it’s about controlling the message.

I’m still waiting on one of those jetpacks or George Jetson cars.

The slightly benevolent ones know that if they announced themselves billions would worship them as gods. The slightly less benevolent may not care, or use it to their advantage.

Their are hucksters and liars in everything, not just the govt.

Why do they want us all to take the vax? What’s really in it?

Disclosure, or exopolitics is now a thing…

Still fighting the wrong enemies:

Invading Antarctica: Secret South Pole Colony – ROBERT SEPEHR

FK – It seems to me the only way this could work is if the empire later made an agreement with the aliens or whatever for the ‘peaceful’ exploration and scientific investigation of Antarctica.

Vallee says a lot about the UFOs besides them being ‘man made.’

Connecting Dots: UFOGate to the Missing Trillions

My answer to ‘Molon Labe’

A new birth of Liberty, or death

Berating the obvious and the mythology:

Generals Turn On American People

FK – The concept of natural rights is what we’re losing, or really have already lost.

Every time the commie trash get power they start talking about WS and
extremists in the military, militias, etc.

We vastly outnumber them. When will the dumbasses/cowards learn this?

The ancient tribal propaganda and blind faith in it and all the versions, sub-versions and subversions is part of the problem. It was obviously created for control.

The culture war is part of the problem. Neither side wants real freedom, much less understands it.

Billions still think it’s perfectly OK that their sadistic bronze age god will burn the vast majority of humans that ever existed alive in fire forever. This shows we are still a very primitive species and still exist in a very dark age.

The purposes of gods and golden rules

FK –  For tools it doesn’t matter.


This is still your flag because there are no men left here to take it down and burn it:

All my columns since right before the plandemic:

Sanctuaries are where cowards hide their buried guns

The law the militia should be enforcing

Real or not, Corona is a setup

Who’s writing amerika’s obituary after the virus war?

Tomorrow, April 19, is our real birthday

Welcome to our new soft Hell

Learn to RULE or BE RULED!

Variabilities in disease and tyranny

Cities are burning and the denial rages on

A tale of non heroes and a dying empire

The livestock are turning into ants at the picnic

Yes we’re AT WAR!

Herding the great amerikan beefalo to the butcher shop

One witch down, millions to go

How nations fall and empires rise

Bargaining with devils and aliens for Agenda 21

Never (blindly) trust the white rabbit

Voting by or for genocide

The absurdity of blind belief, blind faith, blind voters

Welcome to the rat turd that is amerika(and the world)

Galactic war by other means, and cat ladies

The biggest lie of all

Generals: We will murder real Americans

The fed gov has lost all legitimacy

The fed gov has lost all legitimacy

So has Elvis left the building?

 “A government that no longer fears its people Is a government that has out-lived its purpose.” – attributed to President Thomas Jefferson, 1809

The recent display in the district of commie criminals shows they certainly fear us. The military leadership knows what most sheeple and conservatives are afraid to even think about, that we vastly out number them.

What happened on Jan. 6 -7 was only ‘disastrous’ as some have called it, among other things, because so many on ‘the right’ genuflected and began groveling to the commie trash for forgiveness for what was basically a non event, compared to what should have happened.

But then morons on the ‘right’ have been begging our blood domestic enemies for forgiveness for standing up for human Liberty and natural rights for multiple generations, instead of killing them.

That’s why this empire is doomed.

Welcome to a nation of morons

Welcome to a nation of pacified morons or WHAT MUST BE DONE NOW!

A few years back I finally got around to reading Atlas Shrugged. I had read Another of Rand’s books years before, similar theme, but it was much better.

Shrugged is well written but desperately needed an editor, even for the 1950s when ‘literate’ folk who actually read real books still had long attention spans. She could’ve gotten the same basic points across, her ideology, in 300 pages or so but instead I mentally dragged myself through page after page of detailed descriptions of conversations, how they dressed, how they sat in chairs, their looks and hand motions and on and on. I thought it would never end.

So much for literary criticism. My major problem with AS is what the ‘heroes’ or protagonists of the novel did, ran off to their hidey hole and let the country collapse. These men and women of great wealth, intelligence and renown abdicated their responsibility to hold society together in the face of what was really a predictable storm.

Their antagonists, not unlike the Marxist globalists of today, were blinded by their own ideology and their need to be accepted by their tribe. But wait, don’t think I’m picking only on libertarians. I was registered to vote in that party a few years back but decided it was better to vote in a primary for the rare republicrat that was worth supporting than for candidates that would be lucky to become dog catchers.

But that’s because we let morons on ‘the left’ and the ‘the right’ vote in this dying empire and most of them will never crack a book that matters after high school, if indeed they do that in high school anymore. Which I doubt.

Who deserves to vote?

But then we now require morons to stay in high school until they’re 18 then hand them a diploma that will get them a job(just over broke) in corporate amerika where all they have to do is show up on time, do what they’re told and never ask inappropriate questions.

That’s their aim for all of us, even the ‘educated.’ My mother graduated high school in the 1950s with about 50 other young adults. Back then it was a rare thing. Now it’s more important for our multi-million dollar Marxist indoctrination centers to be built by our overpaid superintendents than for young adults to be actually required to learn how to think critically.

In reality that’s been the goal of all forms of governments throughout human history.

For a little while we had somewhat of a recognition of the concept of natural rights. If we lose that we lose all. Without the resolve to hunt our real enemies, our white-skinned blood domestic enemies, to extinction, it will be lost.

After the USSR, the USA collapses

This Ain’t Your Grandfather’s Conservative Military Anymore

FK – We haven’t had ‘military support’ in decades if ever. Gaining rank into the upper echelons requires the trash to be a ‘team player.’ Guess what, it’s not our team.

So many refuse to grow up. That’s why we’re not killing our real enemies.

News: Biden Vows War on “White Supremacists.” Bad News: That Could Be YOU

Truly sickening:

FK – Unity means the same thing as ‘compromise’ and ‘reconciliation’ does to the commie trash – Our total and complete submission to them while they RULE!

Learn to RULE or BE RULED!

When to shoot the colonels?:

FK – They still have some privileges but basically they become the property of the guv.

Are they even allowed to carry their phones while on duty?

As I’ve told others the military upper ranks have to be ‘team players’ to get that high. It’s not our team they’re fighting for.

The question is ‘When to shoot the colonels?

Praying won’t fix this. You’re incredibly naive. 

I’m a vet, do ya’ want to thank me?

I never got that monkey on my back:

FK – The newswhores will do what they’ve said they’ll do: focus on patriots.

It’s time to grow up.

Trump was the closet thing to a political religion I’ve seen in 40+ years of trying to pay attention.

The only thing that will satisfy them is our complete and total submission. Then it’s on to learning to give the perfect blowjob.

Only total morons will be bored. The rest will be seeking a clear sight picture.

The biggest psyop in known history?:

FK – The enemy has all the time and all the money to fund as many disinfo agents as they think they need. A good dose of confusion is often enough when most sheeple don’t even understand war is being waged against them and has been for multiple generations.

But then neither do most ‘conservatives’ or trumpers.

Hope can be great when they’ve ordered you to dig your own grave and you’re looking for a diamond.

The cancer on America’s face, or why I do what I do…

A frail lie:


FK – The vaccine is the key to the orchestration. What’s really in it?

How many in western civ. will take it vs the rest of the world? What are the true goals of its creators/pushers?

Barrage Of New Countries And Airlines To Adopt Vaccine Passports

FK – The only question that matters now is “Why aren’t we killing them?”

CBS Medical Editor Says Americans Should Wear TWO Face Masks

FK – So why is it still breathing our oxygen????

A reason to believe:

This is Joe Biden’s first 2 days as President

FK – Many billions of tool-using monkeys believe in falsehoods to the point they’re willing to see others killed or burned alive in fire forever.

It’s all about the control grid.

biden and its pet monkey are tools, nothing more.

That this is all a scam, an orchestration, has been obvious to those who pay attention since the beginning. 100 years from now many will still believe it was all legit because that’s easier and requires no personal responsibility.

I have news for you, they’ve always been despicable liars. So-called science is just as politicized as religion and all the rest.

We need a church of personal responsibility.

The purposes of gods and golden rules

How much longer?

FK – The plandemic has been orchestrated from years back. The vaccine is the key. Why do they want most of the sheeple to take it?

The banksters control us through debt. But what I don’t get is how can we be so controlled by ones and zeroes floating in cyberspace? How can it grow so large with no price paid yet?

It’s congress that does the spending. The prez usually just signs off on it. What about the trillions that have disappeared into military black budgets?

Money has become the god of this country and this world. That’s a large part of what’s wrong. Too many waste too much of their time in exchange for the filthy lucre while ignoring what’s happening in the world around them. I see it every day.

Gold may be good for the rich as long as there’s something to buy. But for the poor it’s inedible and can’t be fired through the kinetic energy weapons we will soon need to use.

Velocity of money

The real currency of the 21st century:

Where is All The Ammo?

FK – I know where it should be: flying through the air toward our enemies. But there are no men here.

It’s way past time to learn how to make our own or to smuggle it in or steal it from the communist military.

Who or what is enforcing all this tyranny?:

FK – It’s all about destroying the bourgeoisie, the middle and upper middle class, those who may be reactionaries against the new communist govt.

Stalin starved millions of Ukrainians who were just trying to survive. It’s called the Holdomor, and was far worse than the Holocaust.

The continuous asking of absurd questions

Where we really are:

Huge Leak: Chinese Communists in Key Western Institutions


FK – White skinned amerikan communists infiltrated the now demonscat party in the 1920s.

They were probably funded by the one percent, so-called.

Why the commie globalists want us disarmed

ChiComs Buying Up U.S. Political System


FK – It’s impossible to be a traitor to something one hates.

For there to be treason there have to be men to enforce it and convict and execute the traitors. The Klintons among many others are still breathing.

So the Trojan horse wasn’t dragged through the gates, it was built here.

What I told my elected public servants about ‘gun control’

The wrong answer:

FK – Secession and breakup will mean chicom troops on the commie coast.

Destroying Christianity From Within

Or maybe the Trojan Horse was designed into the program:

Nick Pope, RH Negative Blood, ET Abduction & UFO’s, Next Level Disclosure

FK – For most of human history ‘society’ has been a cadre of elites coming together to manage the ignorant masses, the herd, the mob, with the constant fear that the mob would turn on them and stone them.

It’s still that way and it’s way past time to turn on them and stone them.

Just because any significant amount of the tool-using monkeys acknowledge ‘their’ presence doesn’t mean ‘they’ whom or how ever many there are will announce themselves.

They either don’t care what we think of them, they know we’re not ready, or they’re getting ready to hit the reset button anyway or a natural reset button is about to put us back in the horse and buggy days or worse for a long time.

Or the vax is the next shot they’re about to put into the rats.

Recent events have proven to me once again that we are still a very ignorant backward species and still exist in a very dark age that will likely get much darker.

If it’s like that movie ‘The Day the Earth Stood Still,’ which was UN propaganda, we’ll know they’re the enemy.

But billions, upon seeing the ‘miracles’ they can perform, will worship them as gods.

Unless we find a way to remove the saviour seeking and willing slave genes from our DNA I don’t see much hope for so-called humanity.

What if we’re too stupid to recognize ‘alien hostility?’ What or who is really behind the covid vax? Why do they want most to all of humanity to take it? What’s really in it and what is its real long term purpose?

Something has been waging war on western civ. and the European race for a long time now.

If most ‘abduction’ accounts are close to real they’re not being taken up and asked “What kind of pie do you like and how do you dance and why do you prefer slavery under communism vs. human liberty under the concept of natural rights?”

Are they?

There’s nothing special about most of those in power. They simply possess enough resources to force their arrogance, hubris, narcissism, will upon the rest of a humanity that for the most part is a bunch of cowardly whores.

Ultimately the ‘aliens’ may be just as clueless as we are about the real reason this is all here.

A simple answer for why we don’t see more of ‘them’ may be that our ‘physics’ so-described is still so primitive that our scientists can’t even yet understand or conceive of the real tech that will be needed to take us to the stars.

Look at what we just allowed to be sworn in as the so-called ‘leader of the un-free world.’

Maybe the reason we don’t see them is they know better than to be seen.

Does keeping up with the Kardashians equal ‘self-awareness?’

As easy as it to program or de-program most morons I have no problem thinking we’ve always been someone’s self-replicating bio-robotic tool-using monkey slaves. 

The purpose and meaning of tool-using monkey life is to expand human liberty and teach the concept of natural rights without which we will always be considered livestock by our would-be masters. But our schools and churches which were built for control consistently raise children to be children because they make better tools.

What’s the ultimate question?

A conspiracy to indoctrinate, or “What is an education?”

A precursor to Hell on Earth

A modern 10 commandments



Disclosure, or exopolitics is now a thing…

Connecting Dots: UFOGate to the Missing Trillions

Global Strategic Trends

Where we’ll all soon be seeking shelter:

FK – One can imagine how filthy those dog houses would very quickly become.

What they’ll soon have the sheeple driving, if they let them drive:

FK – Well yah can’t hit the driver but you could still spit on him or poke him with a stick.

The Anti-American Dream

In case you want something else to worry about:

FK – That sounds like ‘the end,’ to me.

A precursor to Hell on Earth

Shades of future past:

FK – Once more the question of who or what will reign supreme on this water planet is at hand.

Or maybe they just want us to think the inmates are running the asylum.

Shades of the Past & Future

FK – Well he missed a few things, but also wrote this:

History is not a clean yarn spun by its victors. It is a long tale of things that went FUBAR—debacles, disasters, and catastrophes. That each disaster carries with it a warning is what makes it useful to study. For instance, if the architect of a great ship tells you that ‘not even God himself could sink this ship,’ you should take the next boat. If the stock market is selling at 20 times earnings and all the expert analysts urge you to ‘get in’ because you ‘can’t lose’—it’s time to get out!

The brain dead sheeple and ‘conservatives’ and ‘libertarians’ who refuse to deal in reality are about to find out what ‘fubar’ really means.

amerika’s new flag:

Will you pledge to it?

All my columns since right before the plandemic:

Sanctuaries are where cowards hide their buried guns

The law the militia should be enforcing

Real or not, Corona is a setup

Who’s writing amerika’s obituary after the virus war?

Tomorrow, April 19, is our real birthday

Welcome to our new soft Hell

Learn to RULE or BE RULED!

Variabilities in disease and tyranny

Cities are burning and the denial rages on

A tale of non heroes and a dying empire

The livestock are turning into ants at the picnic

Yes we’re AT WAR!

Herding the great amerikan beefalo to the butcher shop

One witch down, millions to go

How nations fall and empires rise

Bargaining with devils and aliens for Agenda 21

Never (blindly) trust the white rabbit

Voting by or for genocide

The absurdity of blind belief, blind faith, blind voters

Welcome to the rat turd that is amerika(and the world)

Galactic war by other means, and cat ladies

The biggest lie of all

Generals: We will murder real Americans

The same old script:

FK – What can a clearly illegitimate body do? 

Generals: We will murder real Americans

But who are they murdering for?

“If this was a case of political expediency or the death of an “innocent man” is of little consequence to history, as we can testify today, terrorists are defined by the state, the press, public opinion and pressure on the system and people that rule. The rights and wrongs are defined by the “winners” of the age you live in, not by any truths recorded or spoken.”
Gavin, London – commenter on a news story about Britain’s‘Gunpowder Plot”

When some piece of shit tells us we can’t kill it that means we probably already should have.

If the globalists or whatever they really are would separate themselves from the effort to disarm the common people and focus on helping those who truly need help and separate that process from political power they might begin to be tolerable. But the fact they never will shows all they’re about is THE POWER.

How the demonscat party can save itself

What is likely really planned for the long term is the elites will eliminate the ‘extremists’ on both ‘sides,’ establish the parameters of discussion and action, then they will RULE.

Learn to RULE or BE RULED!

If Trump really is about to pull a magic wand out of his ass or he’s fake deep state. If the generals even vaguely understand what they’re really participating in or who or what is really behind it, it will still be civil war, a war that’s been going on really since the beginning of the republic.

As I told some a few years back,when things get bad we won’t know who our real friends or enemies are. 

Regardless of all this we have started down a dark tunnel, that really we’ve been in for generations but most have tunnel vision and can’t see what’s happening around them or would rather die than do so.

We vastly outnumber the military, the fed nazis, the elites/oligarchs who run them. If enough would ever learn this we could fix this mess in months at most or at least start the war crimes trials by then.

If we had the genuine peoples’ militia that should’ve been built 30 years ago most of this evil would be featured in online vids hanging from trees and light poles.

All the past year has been orchestration, a loose script. The vaccine is the key to it all. Why are they, including Trump, so determined to get it into most of the population?

The only real reason for the militia

Joint Chiefs of Staff Issue Military-Wide Memo Declaring Biden Will Become 46th President

FK – Or is this the deep fake?

FBI vetting 25,000 National Guard troops to prevent insider attack


Situation Update, Jan. 18, 2021 – Game-changing intel grants Trump new pathways to VICTORY

Morons on top of Morons:

How we take America back

FK – The French resistance was mostly communists and they killed people and blew things up. That’s what happens in war.

Forgive me, in my efforts to skip over the stupidity I missed the suggestion for a con con. Will there be a militia encampment outside the front door to keep commie trash and republicrats from attending????

Welcome to a nation of morons

New Jersey gym says state ’emptied out every single dollar that we have’ from bank account

FK – If they think this war will be won in the courts they’re delusional.

How nations fall and empires rise

Enough said:

FK – But who did they really elect?


Will they prove me wrong?:


FK – The generals said they’d murder real Americans.

Today the Founders who killed Brit soldiers would be branded ‘lunatic fringe.’

This country is lost. 

My answer to ‘Molon Labe

There’s nothing civil about it:

Triggering a Second Civil War?


FK – They started it generations ago. The fact you’re even discussing this instead of acting proves I’m right when I say there are no men here.

A breakup will mean chicom troops on the commie coast.

You are all delusional.

The Romans lost their republic after 80 years, like us, because their men lost the resolve to keep it.

The Yankees overpowered the Southern independence movement by numbers and logistics, more bodies, beans and bullets. It wasn’t a civil war, a battle over a single government

Now there are no men left here with the brains to understand what must be done nor the balls to carry it out.

The Romans, like us, became soft, and lost the conception of a citizen militia that could stand against Caesar.

The Founders created a government without a king, but millions here still look for one to magically wave its wand and solve their problems for them or to ride in on a white horse or in a golden chariot or flying saucer and sweep them away to some imagined paradise.

How pathetic and horrifying.

Let me correct you: “With communists about to seize total power and murder whomever gets in their way we have no organization, no men, no logistics to stand against them, only 70-80 million ‘trump supporters’ standing around ringing their hands like the cowardly creatures they are.”

On Jan. 7 the national congress completely de-legitemized itself. You are part of the problem.

Atomic warfare makes conventional warfare obsolete???? Huh??? WTF planet are you are on????

Oh I see, if 10 % of Trumps supporters showed up armed with enough rope to do what should be done on Jan. 20 then the Joint Chiefs, who said they’d murder real Americans to make sure the commie trash is inaugurated, would simply nuke them all, right?

Well to be honest, I wouldn’t put it past them. They or someone has been waging biowarfare for nearly a year now.

Our real enemies have been here since the beginning.

Sanctuaries are where cowards hide their buried guns

We passed the brink on Jan. 7, 2021.

I’ll certainly say “I told you so,”:


FK – Will the aussie govt. redistribute the weapons it took from its slaves 20 years ago?

Why the commie globalists want us disarmed

The key to all this:


FKNo. That’s a permission slip to kill some fuckers. Won’t be tolerated.

We are livestock to them. Nothing else. Unless we are prepared to kill them they will continue to rule us.

Microsoft, Oracle, Salesforce join effort to develop COVID-19 vaccination digital passport

Salesforce executive vice president and general manager Bill Patterson said in a statement that the cloud-based software firm looks forward to helping organizations “easily and safely customize all aspects of the vaccination management lifecycle and integrate closely with other coalition members’ offerings, which will help us all get back to public life.”

If we don’t kill them we deserve what they plan for us.

Dr. David Martin on Experimental mRNA COVID Vaccines: This is NOT a Vaccine! It is a Medical Device

Blindly trust no source

FK –  Oh honey, that’s the short list.

Only a moron would take the vax. It’s the key to all this. What’s REALLY in it and what or who is REALLY behind it?

Thailand PM: No shots until proven safe

Another moron, well-meaning or not:

FK – Oh good fucking grief. The National German Socialist Workers party was the lessor of the evils, like every prez candidate the sheeple vote for. The greater evil won that war and now rules here. Their propagandists still tell you what to think.

Hitler rightly viewed the Bolsheviks as evil. He claimed it was based in or created by jewry. Read some real history not crap.

If some group is claiming you can’t question them you’d damn well better be ready to kill them.

if they’re saying you have no right to kill them you probably already should have.

Welcome to the delusion. You really have no fucking idea what you’re talking about.

What they want is your submission or your head in a noose. WILL YOU FUCKING HAND IT TO THEM ON A SILVER PLATTER???? OR WILL YOU AT LEAST DIE FIGHTING BACK????

Business as usual:

FK – So the federal bureau of instigators is working for or against us????

I know what the past tells me…

Letting obvious shit hold the highest office in the land(on the planet?) is ‘part of the plan?’

What shit comes up with this shit?

Who does this guy work for?

Can he doc./cite all this? Did he record any of these conversations?

Anything on mainstream anything is questionable. This guy could be as spooky as any.

A precursor to Hell on Earth

‘Influenced’ is probably a vast understatement:

FK – It’s not so strange. It’s impossible to be a traitor to something one hates.

It’s all about controlling the message, the parameters of discussion and the parameters of accepted behavior. This is why the co-opted ‘conservatives’ and libertarians et al in the mainstream are crying out for non-violence and peace when the opposite is what we must ultimately resort to. 

China ‘Sought to Influence’ 2020 US Election, Director of National Intelligence Assesses

The killer bees of fake news

Oh don’t fear, Trump may yet whip that magic rabbit, unicorn or wand out of his back pocket(This is a vid, not a meme. Click on it. I don’t know why Bitchute embeds show up smaller than those from goolagtube. Can’t find a way to make them bigger.):

FK – Posted this on Bitchute because the goolagtube channel I found it on was terminated by the commie corporates.

Don’t know the date of this speech. It’s Jerome Corsi, author and long time writer at World Net Daily.

I do lend him some credence because he’s always been reasonable but as always I’ll believe it when I see it.

If not, how much longer will this be true?:

Biden’s Gun-Registration Scheme Would Cost Firearm Owners Billions — If It Passed Congress and Americans Complied

FK – That’s a big ‘IF.’ Here’s one definite “NO HELL NO!” Communists of one sort or another will die. Count on it. What happened in Canada? What did Trudeau unilaterally do? Whose orders was he following?


More evidence of a crumbling empire:

FK – At least he calls them evil. So many are in such deep denial of that.

The patriot newbie guidebook

Ten percent of 70 million would outnumber the military, the fed nazis, the newswhores and certainly the elite shit that’s really behind/funding this.

So when are they going to land the chicom troops?

Christian rebels and modern cowards

Or maybe not:

FK – So soon we forget. The text the narrators is reading appears to be this. It seems very similar to The Protocals of the Learned Elders of Zion.

Or maybe again:


FK – None may know where the real precipice is. 

Disclosure, or exopolitics is now a thing…

Protecting the real criminals:


FKCongress de-legitamized themselves on Jan. 6.

The law the militia should be enforcing

When Armed Resistance to Tyranny is Appropriate

At least someone gets it:

FK – Sadly most are still too deluded to understand your words nor what will be required…

A new birth of Liberty, or death

The enemy says violence can be good(goolagtube removed this for violating their communist standards before I could post this edition):


FK  – You Brits lost your country when you surrendered your guns without killing your commie trash.

We have guns but no men to use them. This is proven by the fact that our domestic enemies have gotten this far without being hunted.

What is a man, really?

Nationalism vs globalist/communism is a globalist construct, like ‘right vs. left.’

Though millions believe in both, the real outside choice is the concept of natural rights, the basis of which is the right to fight back and kill those who would enslave us further or completely and totally.

Unfortunately neither ‘side’ is interested in true human liberty.

When I was young the communists depended on ignorant, desperate poor whites for votes. Now they target them.

When the minorities are no longer of use they will be abandoned as well.

Learn to RULE or BE RULED!

More of the same:


FK – Sadly many morons and non-men will sign up for it…

‘Reconciliation’ is code for submission, their only goal.

Chasing the racist alt-right boogeyman

Berating the obvious:


FK –  Democracy is their tool.

Where does she plan to get the votes for this? Off the vote tree?

Where’s there smoke there’s fire:

FK – ‘Election denialism.’ Well that’s a new one. Their ability to come up with euphemisms for evil is as limitless as their arrogance/hubris.

The word ‘demagogue’ however is applicable, even if Trump finally does prove to really be on ‘our side.’

The sheeple voters have a short memory. So do ‘conservatives’ who always go back to the couch whenever a republicrat is selected for the now red house.

Election fraud has been endemic since the founding of the republic. This was simply the most massive example that became publicly known.

The Marxist globalists want Trump deleted(if that’s not an act as well) because they know if enough sheeple ever wake up and magically turn into men and adults they will be deleted.

That should have happened generations ago.

The fight will be in the streets where our boots will track the blood and in the hills where it will mix with the streams and flow down to the oceans and into eternity.

Children are still amazed by reality:


FK – Only a moron would ‘believe in’ aliens. When they finally announce themselves billions will worship them as gods. The same billions who will stupidly take the vax.

Read Major Keyhoe. But he may have been a disinfo agent too…

What will the commie trash do with the space force?

Most belief is really about an alleviation of responsibility.

I’ll never forget the preacher who told us “I think it’ll all be over by 1985.”

Time to vote from the rooftops.

Connecting Dots: UFOGate to the Missing Trillions

Another reason for all the distraction?:

FK – Well, I always wanted to try cross country skiing.

This one’s just for fun, or what’s left of it:

FK – As in how long will it take this country to totally collapse after Jan. 20.

They don’t want us to have much time here so we don’t figure out how fucked we are.

The older one gets the more time flies whether one is having fun or not.

If you want time to slow down go to boot camp, or to war.

Buddhist monks spend days, weeks, months and even years in silent meditation. You’re a lightweight.

Saw a couple mediums a few years back, twins. Claimed they could communicate with the dead. One of the questions a spirit asked her when I was there was “Are you a witch?”

Which made me wonder, ‘Do dead people spend eternity in the ignorance they died in?’

When I was a kid we rode velociraptors to school. Breaking them to ride was easy, It’s that constant nipping that can get annoying. We were smaller back then too.

The stories of Frank and King are mostly mythologies. Look it up, not in mainstream history.

Tubbman I think it was said “I free a thousand slaves. I could’ve free thousands more if I could’ve convinced them they were slaves.”

Having been basically raised by my grandparents I was maybe more than most aware of the overlapping of generations. My grandmother didn’t like the long hair and beards worn by the hippies and she also hadn’t liked the same worn by old men of her childhood who were born in the early to mid 19th century.

Walters lied through all of her history. As some claim most empires last around 250 years. We’re around 245 I think.

This country is dying/dead because we allow too many concrete thinkers to vote, and their dead relatives, and their dogs.

My great aunt told me a few years back “I can’t believe I’m eighty(whatever) years old.”

I just shrugged and looked at her and said “I’ve been around old people all my life.”

I remember walter concreatehead telling us about the moon landing and watching the feed on a black and white tv. The year 2000 was an unimaginable thing then. We were supposed to have habitable space stations and colonies on Mars and flying cars instead we have a civilization in collapse because we failed to kill our domestic enemies, our greatest enemies.

Age is no guarantor of wisdom. Every election cycle proves this. Billions die after having wasted their time here looking for a saviour of one variety or another.

My grandfather used to go visit someone to tell or ask them something, rather than call them on the phone. Then hem haw around for 30 minutes before he’d get around to the reason we went there. Used to drive me nuts.

Having grown up in the horse and buggy days with dirt roads those old people had a very different conception of time and distance. When my grandma said “Out of the country,” she didn’t mean England or China or even Tennessee, she meant 5 miles down the road.

‘Protagonist syndrome’ is why so many don’t see beyond their own time here and think about the kind of world their children will inherit or whether they will be free or eternal slaves to lies and false causes, propaganda, created to keep the sheeple pacified and stupid, See the religions and the Marxist globalist propaganda.

‘Those who control the past control the future,’ from a basic blueprint for what’s happening now. And every generation, born into its own cultural conditioning, has little clue what really happened before it.

“History is lies agreed upon,” – attributed to Napoleon.

The ancients probably did experience small changes in tech from generation to generation, though not to the degree we do. Culture was a different thing, that ‘old time religion’ is never what our grandparents remember.

All this info means we’re drowning in a larger ocean of lies.

What’s that ancient Chinese curse?: ‘May you live in interesting times.’

One wonders what the Watchers think of this discussion, if they care.

I’ll never forget the preacher who told us “I think it’ll all be over by 1985.”

Time to vote from the rooftops.

I’m a vet, do ya’ want to thank me?

All my posts since right before the plandemic:

The law the militia should be enforcing

Real or not, Corona is a setup

Who’s writing amerika’s obituary after the virus war?

Tomorrow, April 19, is our real birthday

Welcome to our new soft Hell

Learn to RULE or BE RULED!

Variabilities in disease and tyranny

Cities are burning and the denial rages on

A tale of non heroes and a dying empire

The livestock are turning into ants at the picnic

Yes we’re AT WAR!

Herding the great amerikan beefalo to the butcher shop

One witch down, millions to go

How nations fall and empires rise

Bargaining with devils and aliens for Agenda 21

Never (blindly) trust the white rabbit

Voting by or for genocide

The absurdity of blind belief, blind faith, blind voters

Welcome to the rat turd that is amerika(and the world)

Galactic war by other means, and cat ladies

The biggest lie of all