Tag Archives: tyrant control

How Star Wars Explains the New Testament Canon

FK – I made my father take me to see it on christmas day the year it came out. I was 15 and loved it. Watched it again years later and realized it’s a kid’s movie. Like the ‘Lord of the Rings’ stuff it presents a very simplistic view of ‘good and evil.’

But then ‘christians’ of whatever version, sub-version or subversion love to say “It’s so simple even a child could understand it.”

So yeah, I can envision the story being made up or ‘fictionalized’ about a real person who did some of the things jesus allegedly did and over time the brain-dead sheeple who have short lives and much shorter memories blindly accepting whatever each generation is told about those events.

Could ‘Star Wars’ or Star Trek or some other sci fi franchise transition from cult to religion? Probably.

Just go out and find some childish believer to ‘witness’ to you and listen to them explain how you’re choosing eternal torture in fire over slavery to the sadistic asshole of a god that is threatening you with such, as if there actually is a ‘choice.’ Ask that creature a simple question about such and it will likely fly right over their heads.

The purposes of gods and golden rules

To expound on the first paragraph think how sickening, horrifying it is that fans can go watch movies or read books in which the heroes stand against injustice with ‘illegal’ weapons but every time some mass shooting is blown up into another propaganda tool by the lowlife mainstream marxist newswhores they’re screaming to disarm the common people so we can’t fight back.

An ‘illegal’ weapon is simply something those who would rule you fear you possessing because it might be used on them or their tax collectors.

But we are still a very primitive species and exist in a very dark age and most readily choose slavery over liberty in the name of false security be it of Earthly or ‘heavenly’ origins.

What’s the ultimate question?

A conspiracy to indoctrinate, or “What is an education?”

There they go, proving me right again:


FK – They have nothing to fear. One cannot get the average cowardly so-called ‘conservative’ or ‘libertarian’ to publicly discuss and prepare for what will be required.

Trump: I’ve Directed AG ‘to Propose Regulations to Ban All Devices That Turn Legal Weapons Into Machine Guns’

FK – I will say “I told you so.”

Trump as click bait, and other things…

It’s ‘republicrat’:

FK – The question is not “What will you do when they come for your guns?” but “What will you do when they come for your neighbors’ guns?”

What will these teachers do?:

Butler County, Ohio, Sheriff Richard K. Jones offered free concealed carry training for 50 teachers and 250 teachers responded within 24 hours.

What is a man, really?

The words ‘illegal gun’ aren’t in the Second Amendment.

The only real reason for the militia

The most important things to do

The cancer on America’s face, or why I do what I do…

It’s time to put guns back in the schools and educate children in reality not communist fantasy land.

What to teach your kids

Why the commie globalists want us disarmed

The origin of the right to keep and bear arms

A pointless conversation:


FK – Rebellion against tyranny is always ‘illegal.’

Doing what is required to fight tyranny is always ‘illegal’:
