Tag Archives: troops

Army Admits SOCOM Plan Is Psy Op


FK – Regardless of who or what is really ‘targeted,’ public awareness of this kind of crap is essential. Make no mistake, they will kill us in large numbers if ‘they’ deem it necessary, for they consider us to be livestock.

Hillary Clinton Wants to Send Citizens to Camps—Fun Camps!


FK – My idea of a ‘fun’ camp would involve target practice with “Liberal”(commie) trash serving as target stands. It would be ‘sporting’ if they moved around or danced…


Joining the military is an act of cowardice, ignorance, or greed

FK – Sorry I didn’t get around to watching this one earlier. If we had the government we should have I’d have no problem telling someone to join and ‘serve.’ In fact I think we need to return to mandatory conscription for all because I encounter so many sheeple in the real world and on the net who have absolutely no concept of reality. This entire culture could use a drill instructor yelling in its face for a while.

I’m a vet, do ya’ want to thank me?