Tag Archives: the fed

Irwin Schiff Pays the Ultimate Price for Liberty


FK – Yes, amerika has political prisoners. Thanks to all the cowards who claim to love Liberty but who are too pathetic to say publicly what needs to be done much less prepare for it.

Some of his books are still available.

Barry Bright: Waking up is still hard to do

Waking up is still hard to do
Barry Bright
Aug. 2, 2015

This is not a normal column per se, it’s simply my responses to a vid I watched this morning, published over a year ago, referred to by its maker, ‘Suspicious Observers’ whose YouTube morning shows I watch most every day:

FK – How would they ‘take our guns?’ How does the IRS operate? How many does the fed gov. railroad into prison now after stealing their property? What are New York and Connecticut doing right now?

If Congress passed the ‘law’ saying ‘turn them in’ large percentages would simply comply, like Australia and England. Very few would fight back. Very few would say ‘Molon Labe’ or whatever(see my standard response to this at the bottom). Some would hide or bury their weapons as they were doing back in the 90s as some Aussies did along the same time. Have the Aussies dug up their artifacts to use against their evil NWO regime?

The govt. could wisely choose to ignore those who refused for a generation or two, only prosecuting those who fell afoul of the ‘law’ in one way or another. Meanwhile, we’d be limited to shotguns and hunting guns at best, as in England. Generations would grow up in ignorance of the real meaning of the now castrated Second Amendment, far more enslaved than we are now.

A few ‘terrorist’ cells might try some action or another but would be snuffed out by a populace that prefers ‘peace’ under slavery along with a steak, a big screen and an ice cream cone.

Jones may be some sort of ‘plant’ or instigator but to say none of his ‘predictions’ have come true is to blatantly lie. The sad fact is many sheeple respond to and only react to his ‘style’ or passion, whichever you prefer. That’s why wrastlin and religion are so popular after all these years.

I personally don’t think he represented us badly on Morgan’s show. Maybe to dumbed-down pacified idiots who no longer understand why anyone would get passionate about anything but some mindless sporting event on television that has no direct bearing on any of our lives.

Maybe you’re a ‘plant’ or an instigator because you don’t do everything the way I think it should be done?

Waking up is a multi-level process. Most don’t get much past the ‘The world’s gonna end some day and god’s gonna come back and save us before things get too bad,’ or ‘It’s all been written down and there’s nothin’ we kin do about it.’ It’s always up to that tiny minority to fight for Liberty because the masses never care enough to stick their necks out unless some authority figure is telling them it’s OK and providing a govt. check along the way.

All my life I’ve seen books in the department stores claiming some revelation on the next financial collapse, ice age, war, UFO invasion, whatever. There have always been and as long as we have ‘free speech’ will always be profiteering doomsayers. How do you think the churches have stayed in business so long? Maybe our fascination with such was inserted in our DNA by our creator(s)?

When I ‘woke up’ I went through six months of denial. We didn’t have the net back then, only alternative magazines, newspapers, shortwave radio and videotapes sold at gun shows and flea markets. It all seemed so ‘underground’ and fascinating, better than putting screw a in hole b for 30 years. But anything, death itself, would beat that.

One of my professors in college told us to not be afraid to “read along the fringe.” I didn’t ask him if he meant ‘The New American’ or ‘The Spotlight’ because at the time I didn’t know those pubs existed because we certainly weren’t going to see them in the high school or university or local public libraries.

Now we have the net, a whole different kind of tool, created by algore, no the government, that those who pay attention know is our greatest enemy. So what is it’s real purpose? Did they not realize it would be clogged with so much crap? Did they plan from the beginning to sweep all the ‘crap,’ us included off to some dark corner of the future net as we used to be pre-net where the average sheeple would never guess we exist and be frightened when it does glimpse us like seeing a rat in an alley?

We’ve been in a slow steady decline for decades. NAFTA was the marker for my lifetime when decent jobs with decent working conditions were sent over seas because American corporations knew they could find desperate workers to exploit. The dollar has lost 90 percent of its value since WWII yet most, even the poorest in this country, live as kings compared to those of my grandparents’ generation. Well, kings on a govt. check or kings who are expected to waste most of their time in exchange for the money they have to have to buy all the wonderful ‘things’ we now think we can’t exist without.

Out in the real working world I see sheeple who stupidly destroy their health and basically commit slow suicide in the name of pleasing their corporate masters while the money they earned is stolen from their paychecks by a govt. that will readily send its black-suited Nazis against any and all who actually stand up to it. We can bitch and complain all we want, just NEVER fight back, well except for Bundy ranch and a few other instances where they backed down.

Why? Do they really fear us as they should or are they waiting, biding their time for the racial tensions to ignite an excuse for them to do what they will with us? Is all that too dramatic?

If mankind is the greatest smartest thing in the universe then the universe is probably screwed. We don’t even rank as mites on the anthill or tadpoles in the pond. A giant shoe could come down any moment. I’ve never chosen to worry very much about what we can’t control. We can control the laws we exist under, in what is supposed to be a representative republic, with no Caesars whom we owe any allegiance to.

That’s what matters. Too many are still too stupid, apathetic, preoccupied, to understand this or care.

The problem is that we are drowning in information and disinformation. That’s what war is. Someone somewhere has made a ‘science’ out of it.

Jones and you and all of us need to find a way to get those who are ‘awake’ to focus and at least ‘agree'(loosely defined) on what our real goals need to be and how to achieve them. If we could do as well overall in all the battles as the ‘gun rights movement,’ has, as flawed as it is, we might have some real hope.

But none of that forgoes the real danger that some future ‘savior’ or some group might simply try for the whole enchilada, making all the ‘predictions’ come true overnight. Saying that’s not possible is to be just as blind as those who are waiting to get beamed up, or just as despicable as those who deny all this because they are simply mice and want to be toys for the cat because they are too pathetic and cowardly to stand for themselves, i.e. the typical “Liberal(commie) trash.

My standard response as noted above:

Millions will dig the ditch they are told to dig then wet their pants when the machine gun bolts slam home and die stupidly wondering “How did this happen to me?” The tiny minority will have to do what will be required.

It’s time to stop arguing over the culture war. It’s time to stop hunkering down for the apocalypse. It’s time to stop waiting to get beamed up. It’s time to start thinking Normandy.
If you sit home waiting your turn you deserve to have your gun taken from your cold dead hands.

The Founders didn’t wait for the Brits to knock down their doors. They gathered at the green and stood up like men and they killed government employees all the way back to Boston.
What will you do when it’s time to hunt NWO hacks, republicrats and commies(“Liberals” and ‘progressives’)?

A Woman on the $10 Bill?

FK – Jackson stood up to the banksters. Think about it…

If we want to remove ‘murderers’ then Lincoln, and Washington and Jefferson and Grant have to go. They all killed for the republic or the empire or for taxes.

We draw our food and water from blood-stained ground our ancestors conquered. They would spit on our cowardice.

This mindless pacifism will doom this country.

Senators Sell Out America To The Highest Bidder


FK – How much longer?


FK – Why waste money on keeping the trash in prison? This is another fine example of why we need a granite gallows in front of every govt. building and a militia force in every county to make sure the gallows don’t fall into disuse.

The sheeple fully deserve what’s coming, for their apathy and cowardice:


Who Owns the Federal Reserve?

FK – So what banks/shareholders are the dividends paid to? Follow the money…

Is this true?:

The Insanely Profitable Federal Reserve

Or this?:

Fed Sent $77.7 Billion in Profits to Treasury Last Year

Or this?:

Chart of who “owns” the Federal Reserve

Or this?:

Who owns and controls the Federal Reserve

“Unfortunately, Mullins’ source for the stockholders of the New York Fed could not be verified. He claimed his source was the Federal Reserve Bulletin, although it has never included shareholder information, nor has any other Federal Reserve periodical. It is difficult researching this particular claim because a Federal Reserve Bank is not a publicly traded corporation and is therefore not required by the Securities and Exchange Commission to publish a list of its major shareholders. The question of ownership can still be addressed, however, by examining the legal rules for acquisition of such stock. The Federal Reserve Act requires national banks and participating state banks to purchase shares of their regional Federal Reserve Bank upon joining the System, thereby becoming “member banks” (12 USCA 282). Since the eight banks Mullins named all operate within the New York Federal Reserve district, and are all nationally chartered banks, they are required to be shareholders of the New York Federal Reserve Bank. They are also probably the major shareholders as Mullins claimed.”

Read the rest of that one.

I’ve been hearing this stuff for years. I’ve never seen documentation that ‘proves’ it’s the Rothschilds or whomever. Maybe one of the various books on this subject proves it one way or another. It’s been years since I read Devy Kidd’s booklet on the subject. I don’t remember to what level she addresses ownership.

Or maybe this one?:

Who Owns The Federal Reserve?

Or maybe we need to look at other things:

Meet America’s Money Masters


GOA: Don’t Say We Didn’t Warn You

The Daily Caller recently reported on a “shocking government program” where the Department of Veterans Affairs is disarming American vets by getting them put on the FBI’s background check list.

Of course, this was not “shocking” to Gun Owners of America, as we have long warned about the dangers of using medical information to disarm law-abiding citizens.

The Daily Caller said, “The VA sends veterans’ personal medical and financial information directly to the FBI and the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco and Firearms, which can seize their guns in home raids.”

Sadly, this problem is only going to get worse, as ObamaCare funds the computerization of medical records on ALL AMERICANS. So now, millions of Americans could find themselves denied their right to buy firearms because of medical diagnoses such as PTSD or depression.

But you won’t even have to suffer from a “medical issue” to be denied. According to USA Today, the ability to “cut and paste” from one record to another can lead to potentially dangerous medical errors in the database. And for gun owners, this means wrongful denials when submitting to instant background checks while trying to buy guns.

FK – It’s way past time to demand a repeal of all ‘gun laws.’ Where’s the NRA?

I’m a vet, do ya’ want to thank me?

Pentagon Admits They Are Preparing For Mass Civil Breakdown

THEY NEVER STOP: Anti-Gun New York Democrats Push for More Gun Control

BRICS and the Fiction of “De-Dollarization”

The financial media as well as segments of the alternative media are pointing to a possible weakening of the US dollar as a global trading currency resulting from the BRICS (Brazil, Russia, India, China, South Africa) initiative. 

One of the central arguments in this debate on competing World currencies hinges on the BRICS initiative to create a development bank which, according to analysts, challenges the hegemony of Wall Street and the Washington based Bretton Woods institutions.

FK – Well that puts a different spin on it. We already have a global currency, it’s called the dollar.

Gold and Silver Legal Tender Bill Passes in Arizona, To the Governor’s Desk

A bill “legalizing the constitution” by authorizing the use of gold and silver as legal tender was given final approval by the state Senate in Arizona today. It now moves to the Governor’s desk for a signature

Introduced by Rep. Mark Finchem and six cosponsors, House Bill 2173 (HB2173) re-affirms gold and silver as legal tender in the state of Arizona on a voluntary basis. It reads, in part: “Legal tender is money and is not subject to taxation or regulation as property other than money.”

HB2173 previously passed the state House by an overwhelming 34-23 margin. Today, the Senate concurred with a 17-12 vote.

This bill would mark the first step toward currency competition. If sound money is given a foothold in the marketplace against Federal Reserve notes, the people would be able to choose the time-tested stability of gold and silver over the central bank’s rapidly-depreciating paper currency. The freedom of choice expanded by HB2173 can allow Arizona residents to secure the purchasing power of their money.

FK – This is the kind of stuff that starts wars. It’ll be interesting to see how it plays out. I’m betting the governor gets cold feed and vetoes it…

Rothschild Power: Fact Or Fiction


FK – Did he ask Gates if he’s heard of Infowars?

Maybe the ‘real’ owners are off planet.

Nothing will get better until the upper middle class, the people with money, figure out there’s no more corn in the trough.

Nothing will be ‘solved’ until enough gather the gumption to do what will be required at the end of which we will have the war crimes trials and travel the globe to find those truly guilty or at the end of which we’ll all be dead or more deeply enslaved than ever but at least the survivors will be able to claim they were human enough to stand and fight.

Remember, we outnumber them.

FK – Sometimes ya just gotta:


Baltic Dry Plunges At Fastest Pace Since Lehman, Hits New 29 Year Low

The Baltic Dry Index dropped another 3% today to 590 – its first time below 600 since 1986 and not far from the all-time record low of 554 in July 1986. Of course, the absolute level is shrugged off by the over-supply-ists and the ‘well fuel prices are down’-ists but the velocity of collapse (now over 60% in the last 3 months) suggests this far more than some ‘blip’ discrepancy between supply and demand – this is a structural convergence of massive mal-investment meets economic reality.

How Americans Are Spending Their Windfall From Cheap Gas

FK – They best be buying ammunition.

What the market doom-and-gloomers fail to grasp about anemic growth

FK – Doom and gloom sells books, and precious metals. The economy always cycles up and down, but the governments are broke.