Tag Archives: socialism

When is it time to FIGHT? Oregon Standoff Strategy Check – Rex Reviews


FK – Do you think George Washington had god’s army? Really? There’s never been any such thing and never will be outside of stories in ancient tribal propaganda.

I agree that the initial action was foolish, misguided, maybe intentionally by instigators or idiots or both take your pick. But this event has put this issue all over the world. It’s up to us now to make sure the sheeple understand that we are in the right in a war against this beast system that started it.

Even if the first real firefight, that was really in Texas 20 years ago, that they started, if totally their fault, as it was, they, our domestic blood enemies, our greatest enemies that have white skin and wear expensive suits and aren’t hiding in a cave on the other side of the world, will call us every name in the book and eventually use all the military’s might against us if they have a president in the now red house that is, as always, one of their tools along with a congress of fools, cowards and whores.

In short, it won’t be an easy or short fight. For a time it may or probably will look as if the evil ones are winning. If we seek to fight them in the open on a large scale they probably will win. If we focus on eroding their foundations, another outcome may be possible. But make no mistake, it will be forced upon us, and even if it’s not we are fools for not expecting it to be and for making every possible preparation.

But then we don’t have a nation of men anymore, but a nation of cowardly whores and even the so-called pre-eminent ‘pro-gun’ group can’t find the backbone to publicly state what will be required.

I was involved in the patriot movement in the 90s when the OK City bombing went down. I saw the patriot/militia movement deflate because of that. That’s because this is a nation of cowards. But even after that we still had a militia movement of sorts but it’s never been what it should be and making it what it should be is what we need to focus on. To do that we have to get over our fear of the ‘m’ word that’s actually in the Second Amendment.

When the metal meets the meat it’ll be about who has the courage to at least show up or act on their own in whatever way they can not about who’s ‘official.’ Most of the ‘officials’ are whores.

It’s not about what we want. It’s about what will be required.

The patriot movement won’t grow up until it learns to do three things:

Stop worrying about what our domestic blood enemies, our greatest enemies that have white skin and aren’t hiding in a cave on the other side of the world, including the mainstream newswhores, say about us. The last one of them to stretch a rope after the war crimes trials will still be lying as its last filthy breath spews out of its upper sewer.

Stop kowtowing to their “Liberal”(commie) trash ‘friends’ who vote to kill them every time they vote.

Stop being cowards and start openly declaring what will be required to fix this mess if it can be fixed: an extensive and thorough “Liberal”(commie) trash season whereby we eradicate enough of our natural born statist/authoritarian vermin to restore Liberty and the Bill of Rights.

See what evil they are preparing for:

Oathkeepers: Malheur SITREP: 2200L 23 JAN 2016

FK – And what they have proven they are capable of:


FK – How much longer until we bring them to justice? For more on this evil go here.

From a couple weeks back:


FK – The Fed Nazis and their evil communist/globalist masters have proven they have no problem with ‘collateral damage,’ i.e. women and children and your grandma and your dog.

Mitch McConnell Wants To Give Obama Unlimited War Powers

FK – We’ve had 20 plus years of speeches and the internet for 20 years. The saturation of the ‘awake’ may not grow much more. It’ll be, as always, up to that tiny minority.

And we won’t always win every battle, or always be right, but we will always be ‘in the right’ because our domestic blood enemies are so clearly evil:


FK – The mainstream newswhores will NEVER give the real patriots good press. Thinking they will is a fool’s quest. Our domestic blood enemies will call us every name in the book no matter what side fires the first shot and no matter who’s winning or losing. We need to make sure we’re the ones who write the future history books.

The ‘range war’ has been going on for decades, unkown to the average cowardly dumbass in this country that only cares about its little pathetic existence and its subservience to its employers and the banksters.

Most of them are still in total denial of what’s coming:

FK – Heard this on Radio Paradise this morning which I find to be ironic. Can’t say for sure what they mean with their song but I know what it means to me. Will we really sit back and let things get that bad?

Maybe we already have:

Brandon Smith: The Advantages of Barter and Localism

The Time for Compromise is OVER

FK – Really strange how you’re now saying what I’ve been trying to get so many to understand for so long…

Feel the Bern? There’s a Cure.

FK – Is this really a war of ideals or something else?

Here in Kentucky most factory workers don’t make 15 bucks an hour. It’s probably the same over much of the south. What matters is what the money can buy and how much time the average employee has to waste to ‘earn’ it vs. having time for something that approaches being a real life.

If the “Liberal”(commie) trash want to ‘help’ the common folk why do they work so hard to disarm them?

FK – Sorry I missed this one earlier. Good advice to a point. Some of them can be converted, if they’re not faking. I’m convinced many of them are buying weapons and ammo so they can fight back against the ‘wing nuts.’ Not all of them are brain dead pacifists. Many know full well the evil they do and that their pacifism is false. They’re counting on the police and military they profess to hate so much to do their dirty work for them. Their kind killed 200 million in the 20th century alone and they’re probably not finished.

I prefer to use them as target stands.

The Huge Political Repercussions Of The French Election

FK – I like how he said “repurricans.” Oddly appropriate that is…

Does this guy really think the commies are out to ‘protect’ the common folk when they work relentlessly to disarm them? Really?(I suppose and hope not. Could’ve used a little more intro on him, his background, beliefs, etc.)

The commies there did the same thing ours did, they simply changed their names. Their evil remains the same.

And of course those who simply want to save their culture and thus western civilization are ‘the devil.’

Gas is finally affordable again. I don’t call that a disaster.

1 in 4 Americans Know Government is the Enemy – #NewWorldNextWeek


FK – It will take more than a couple of alt. YouTube journalists to make them ‘freak out and run away.’

The current occupants of the moon, possibly its creators, may not agree so heartily with the ‘right to mine.’ Why haven’t we gone back to the moon? Why did it ring like a bell when struck with one of our primitive tools?

We already know space is out there. We need a modern day Columbus to plant a flag and open it for business? Might not work out so well. Some of the natives might be better armed/advanced than us.

We don’t need to ‘reform’ a corrupt system. That’s the problem. All the ‘reform’ is what got us where we are. The commies/globalists are constantly ‘reforming.’ They’ve been reforming the schools all my life.

Didn’t vote for Dubya either time. Haven’t voted for a mainstream candidate in the prez race, the quest for the idiot vote, since 1992. By ‘mainstream’ I mean some piece of trash the mainstream newswhores tell the brain dead sheeple “can win” and is thus OK to vote for.

Report: More Than 1 In 4 Americans Believe Government Is The Enemy

FK – Maybe when enough finally realize the elites consider us to be livestock the farm animals will turn on the farmers. The pacification program has been very successful. We have a Second Amendment that millions take to the range and the deer woods but is kept hidden away while we protest with signs and internet comments and our real enemies just sit back and laugh.


FK – Since most ‘environmentalists’ are communists guess what? Communism mixed with capitalism = fascism. Not a new trick there. The environmental movement was probably founded originally as a tool, or at the least infiltrated soon after. Infiltrate, overtake and overcome is the standard.

As noted in the notes nothing was done about the ‘revelations.’ What does this tell us about our enemies, our greatest enemies, that have white skin, worship govt. as god and aren’t hiding in a cave on the other side of the world?: The only limit to their arrogant lies is the limit we will be forced to force upon it.

But sadly western civilization lacks real men and women to stand up to this evil. Even so-called ‘conservatives’ and ‘libertarians’ have been pacified with ice cream, soft couches and a false sense of ‘right and wrong.’ The real wrong is not fighting back when it is so obviously necessary.

I decided 20 years ago which side of history I want to be on. I’ve been waiting all this time for the rest of the dumb-asses to catch up.

Well, a few more of the sheeplets are catching on:


FK – Now the question is what other tools does she know how to use?

And let’s not forget the unmentionables:


FK – Hitlery will do the same thing the Marxist mutt has done: Wake more sheeple up, piss more people off, sell lots of guns and ammo, keep the ‘tea partiers’ and ‘conservatives’ off the golf course and the couch and if we’re lucky will put another commie on the SCOTUS and after a few commie rulings come forth the NRA and several other milquetoast ‘right wing’ groups will be forced to fish or cut bait, in other words, fight.

It will not be a war for expensive suited shysters.

My now standard response to the prez race and its quest for the idiot vote:

The most important ‘private property’ anyone owns is their own life, health, safety, and no one, anywhere, anytime has the ‘right’ to take that from them or deny them their most basic right, that of self defense.

We all get the elected public servants the brain dead sheeple deserve.

I’ll vote for the candidate that will bring the troops home, activate the militias, and re-invade and re-conquer commiefornia and the other commie enclaves on the left and East coasts.

They’re not ‘leftists,’ ‘liberal’ or ‘progressive.’ They’re communists/globalists. They want us disarmed so we can’t kill them when enough finally wake up to the necessity of doing so.

Our Liberty is dying because of our failure to hunt the “Liberal”(commie) and globalist trash to extinction.

What must be done – A manifesto of the ‘isms.’

Don’t understand my bad attitude? Start here.

Governments will always be able to get guns so we must always be better armed than them.

Act politically but prep for what history shows will have to be done. It’s way past time to prep for what will be required.

Paul Ryan Tells Sean Hannity He Will Not Support Any Cuts To Muslim Immigration: ‘That’s Not Who We Are’

In an interview with Sean Hannity on Fox News, Ryan declared that considering an applicant’s religion would not be “appropriate” and would be fundamentally un-American— insisting “that’s not who we are.”

In his questioning of Ryan, Hannity cited populist thought leader Sen. Jeff Sessions (R-AL), who chairs the Senate Immigration Subcommittee and whose office has put out a series of analyses in recent months detailing the enormous scope of immigration into the United States in general, as well as the vast scope Muslim immigration in particular.

Since 9/11, the U.S. has accepted more than 2 million immigrants, refugees and asylees from predominantly Muslim nations. Sessions has repeatedly called on Congress to reduce the number of green cards issued, including in an op-ed last week one day prior to the Paris attack.

Eighty-three percent of voters want to see projected immigration growth reduced — which means Congress must take up and pass a bill to reduce the number of visas handed out each year,” Sessions wrote. “Congress should immediately begin to move popular immigration reforms that would be backed by overwhelming majorities of voters, including… blocking the president from using federal funds to unilaterally expand the costly refugee resettlement program.”

FK – It’s not about ‘religion.’ It’s about our biggest enemies, our domestic blood enemies, waging war on us through violent immigrants, illegals, who they also hope will vote commie someday.

Now we need to shut their phone lines down and jam up their email inboxes until they fire this trash…

‘The Ryan Charm’: Beltway Insiders’ Politico Praises New Speaker for Standing Up ‘to the Right Wing’ for Obama

What we’ve learned about Paul Ryan

The Rape of Sweden


FK – The commie newswhores know exactly what they do, there and here. They are our enemies and should be treated as such. Not doing so is a deadly mistake.

He included several story links with this vid.

The UGLY truth about the Social Security scam!


FK – I’ve long wondered why they pay out to old wealthy(financially secure) people who don’t need the money. It’s simple. They need their votes to keep the system in place. Think about that one.

F**k the Pope

FK – The human race is insane and we still exist in a very dark age.

Why does the Catholic church baptize babies? It’s not a symbolic act. Why do protestants cajole little kids in to ‘gettin’ saved?’ Because billions have no problem with the concept that their god, that’s ‘their’ god is gonna burn billions alive in fire forever.

The next global conflict will not be about true human liberty but over whose asshole of a god gets to rule the human race. How sad and disgusting.

The commie newswhores and globalist elites promote the pope because he’s a fellow traveler:


Greek banks prepare plan to raid deposits to avert collapse

Greek banks are preparing contingency plans for a possible “bail-in” of depositors amid fears the country is heading for financial collapse, bankers and businesspeople with knowledge of the measures said on Friday.

The plans, which call for a “haircut” of at least 30 per cent on deposits above €8,000, sketch out an increasingly likely scenario for at least one bank, the sources said.


Depositors can withdraw only €60 a day from bank ATM cash machines, while requests to transfer funds abroad have to be approved by a special finance ministry committee in co-operation with the Greek central bank.

Two senior Athens bankers said the country had only enough cash to keep ATMs supplied until the middle of next week. This followed the ECB’s decision this week not to increase Greece’s allocation of emergency liquidity assistance after the bailout programme ended on June 30.


Greek deposits are guaranteed up to €100,000, in line with EU banking directives, but the country’s deposit insurance fund amounts to only €3bn, which would not be enough to cover demand in case of a bank collapse.

With few deposits over €100,000 left in the banks after six months of capital flight, “it makes sense for the banks to consider imposing a haircut on small depositors as part of a recapitalisation. . . It could even be flagged as a one-off tax,” said one analyst.

FK – How far are we from this? And far worse than this?:

FK – Are gas masks legal there? Are they real ‘anarchists’ or commies/paid black blockers etc. posing as such? Do they have a minority population at all? Is this what it looks like when the parasites stop getting their checks?

When it happens here we need volunteers to go to the big cities and help direct the ‘rioters’ to the neighborhoods where the rich white “Liberal”(commie) trash lives.


FK – Here’s the question that will matter: ‘Got Ammo?’