Tag Archives: sex changes for kids

Have Kentucky and amerika been KIDNAPPED?!

This is supposed to be America with a Bill of Rights that ACKNOWLEDGES our right to free speech and a free press in whatever form and which also ACKNOWLEDGES our right to kill any and all that would take those rights from us in any way whatsoever.

And thus we have no heresy and no blasphemy and no special little groups whose motives cannot be questioned and there is no right for any authoritarian of any stripe be they Marxist, socialist, communist, fascist, corporatist, theocrat, to work covertly or overtly to enslave humanity.

Those who are doing so should be hunted, tried and hung.

I like this guy and I’m glad he’s doing what he’s doing, he has much more patience than I do. But he still has a lot to learn:

Has the KY SOS been KIDNAPPED?!

FK – The republicrat party has been heavily infiltrated from the beginning. It was the original party of big govt. It invaded the southern states so it could keep taxing them.

Read ‘The Real Lincoln’ and ‘Red Republicans and Lincoln’s Marxists.’

This one really got me going:


FK – The problem is the Marxist globalists built the schools for their own purposes. Until we remove them and the religionists from the education/indoctrination process we won’t have the liberty or natural rights ACKNOWLEDGED in our Bills of Rights.

The culture war so-called will never provide the birth defected/mentally ill with the help they really need, be it medical, psychological or psychiatric.

We’ve gone from one insane extreme to another in my lifetime. I remember when the old folks wouldn’t dare talk about sex in front of youth and ‘sex education’ in the schools was provided years after teens had already began to notice the opposite or whatever sex. Now the Marxist trash and their globalist masters have turned the ‘sexual revolution’ which we needed into a worse political tool.

They’re using a minority like they always use them, to gain power. It’s one system replacing another as always. They will shoot them all into the same ditch when they are no longer useful.

When I was young the communists claimed to love the constitution and ‘free speech.’ Now that they perceive they are in power or losing power, you decide which, they hate it.

They were the underdogs then. ‘Conservatives’ then were the perceived rulers, even though they weren’t. Only some remnant of a ‘christian’ culture remained at that time. The old time religion my grandparents used to sing about in church ain’t what it was.

Read William Bradford’s ‘Of Plymouth Plantation 1620 – 1647.’

Religion and cultures evolve, like everything else despite the efforts of so many to ignore it or keep it from happening.

The globalists bought the mainstream news papers out in the early 20th century. They built the radio and tv stations for their own purposes.

I’m glad that some religionists are politically active as they have every right to be, until they begin to work to enslave those around them in their version of authoritarianism.

Their ‘golden rule,’ which allegedly says one should treat others as one would like to be treated totally fails in modern politics, which of course didn’t exist when the ancient tribal propaganda was written, re-written, edited and whatever else centuries and millennia ago.

The real golden rule, like it or not, is to treat others as they wish to be treated, or simply leave them alone, as long as they’re not harming others or their property. There is NO RIGHT to work covertly or overtly to enslave others in one’s personal favorite form of authoritarianism.

In a free country with free speech and a free press that now most of the population carries around in their pockets there is NO SUCH THING as a special group whose motives cannot be questioned.

If they don’t learn that the Bill of Rights keeps them free to practice their own version, subversion or sub-version of the ancient tribal insanity then they will be condemned to publicly practicing whatever the state deems necessary and true.

A couple years back the Chinese govt. was working on re-writing the ancient tribal propaganda to concur with socialism.

In how many generations will the descendants of so-called christians there or here not know the difference?

A few months back a man who was raised Catholic told me he’d never heard of the Reformation. Several years back a southern Baptist told me he thought there had been Baptists since the time of Yeshua or whatever his real name was.

Most religionists of whatever stripe don’t know their own history, much less any history that matters. A few days ago I read a comment on some social site or whatever that claimed the ancient tribal propaganda is our history.

How pathetic and horrifying.

What’s that old saying about repeating history?

The schools must indoctrinate children in the concept of liberty and natural rights this republic was founded upon and in the practice of real critical thought, science, the meaning of history and why and how things happen, real ‘liberal arts’ which doesn’t mean communism and the right and ability to fight back.

All youth that wishes to vote or participate in government in the future should be required to undergo militia/military training, as the Boy Scouts were originally founded to do so that they learn reality and not mindless pacifism.

Self-proclaimed pacifists that vote are hypocrites at best for government is force and it has never been nor will it ever be anything else. Voting is electing someone to hire someone to stick a gun in our neighbors’ faces and force our version of reality on them.

The first amendment does by necessity mean freedom from the religions of the nuts down the road and one of the commenters below that would force us all into their version, sub-version or subversion.

If we don’t want to be forced to exist under Sharia Law then we don’t want to be forced to exist under Catholic Law, as most of Europe was for over 1000 years, or Baptist, or 7th Day Adventist or Branch Davidian or whatever law.

A simple truth I have to come to learn is that all established religions are successful cults. I meet too many of them that are incapable of having an intelligent conversation for more than 30 seconds to think otherwise.

This will require removing the Marxists and those incapable of critical thinking from our classrooms. I have a couple years toward a certificate to teach elementary school so I know most teachers are simply regurgitating whatever has been spoon fed to them by the system be that the govt. school, govt. universities or govt. churches.

A few years back it was common for hermaphrodites to be surgically altered after birth to make them appear more ‘normal.’ Of course that was all ‘god’s will’ because it happened right?

So is the current insane abuse of children in the name of power any more or less evil?

I haven’t read any of these bills(except this one), which I should be ashamed of really, so I can’t comment on how ‘good or bad’ they are. I know there are often lines and amendments that have little to do with the original intent, or maybe do exactly what was intended, another form of control.

I once read ‘The Thread That Runs So True‘ by Kentucky author Jesse Stuart. In it he recounts his own experience as a teacher in the Kentucky mountains in the early 20th century.

Many of his pupils’ parents saw no need for ‘larnin’ as they called it then. Stuart recounted how his first teaching job, at 17, had been at his sister’s former school. She at 19 had been forced to quit and move home ‘a nervous wreck’ because one of her students, a bully, had blackened both of her eyes.

So there is nothing new about human nature or the issues we think we face now, possibly a more dangerous time in human history than ever before. We have two roads before us, real human liberty under a world ruled by the concept of natural rights or a new darker age, much darker than now, ruled by whatever form of authoritarianism wins this war.

Now we force children, raised/educated/indoctrinated to be children as usual, to attend school so-called for 12 years and some to many are lucky if they can read their electric bills.

The sadder thing is that most of them will never read a book that matters after high school, if indeed they did then. One of the reasons for this is their parents thought the only purpose for ‘larnin’ was to ‘git a job’ and mistake a work ethic for a slave ethic and thus have no time of their own to actually pay attention or read a book that matters even if they wish to.

“No one can ever tell me that education, rightly directed without propaganda, cannot change the individual, community, country, state, and the world for the better. It can. There must be health, science, technology, the arts, and conservation of all worthwhile things that aid humanity upon this earth. And there must, above all, be character education.” – Jesse Stuart, from ‘The Thread That Runs So True.’

What he missed is that all education is indoctrination by default and all is propaganda to one degree or another, whether for good or bad. The ancients asked ‘How shall we then live” and proceeded to write down the law they thought best suited their culture at the time which of course was taught to future generations as reality.

Over 200 years ago our Founders fought a bloody 8 year war to rid us of the concept of ‘god appointed kings’ and the anti-Federalists insisted a Bill of Rights be added to the new constitution, that some wanted to turn into a new form of authoritarianism.

Read ‘Hamilton’s Curse: How Jefferson’s Arch Enemy Betrayed the American Revolution–and What It Means for Americans Today’ by Thomas J. DiLorenzo.

What the anti-Federalists feared is nothing compared to the monster we face now. Our criminal governments have a ‘standing army’ that dwarfs anything they rightly feared.

They blatantly stole the alleged highest office in the land and really the world(probably not for much longer) and erected a fence and had members of that standing army standing guard within it to keep amerika’s cowardly so-called patriots from doing what should have been done.

The rulers and the ruled of the rest of the world see how weak this empire has become. Unless it’s all a ruse to sucker China and Russia into a war with a military that still far surpasses their own at least in air and naval forces, then this empire will soon crumble into the dust that future archeologists, if anyone has the freedom to practice real archaeology, will sift through to find our bones.

amerika has already gone over the cliff, as I keep noting. The only question is how far the fall and how many bones will litter the bottom.

Meanwhile our country’s so-called good people have been convinced to sit on their asses and wait for the world to end and pretend the same bronze age god the Founders looked to for guidance as they hunted their enemies now wants them to allow evil to rule.

But the thousands of versions, sub-versions and subversions prove once again that the ancient tribal propaganda can be interpreted as almost anything one’s blind belief and faith prefers.

Simple fact.

Sanctuaries are where cowards hide their buried guns. Until we require our LEOs to arrest, try and execute the fed nazi trash that comes here to enforce evil law then we really have nothing.

But then we have nothing when we pretend that statute law can over ride the Bill of Rights.

A religion class should be required to graduate high school, one that exposes students to ALL or at least most global belief systems so they learn not to put blind faith in any source nor to blindly obey any authority.

Until those who claim they want to live in a free country and free world understand the evil ones they battle will be selling gasoline in Hell then they will not understand what must be done.

All because there are NO MEN here to do what must be done.

The commie globalist trash want us disarmed so we can’t hunt and exterminate them as should have been done generations ago.

The SECOND AMENDMENT was written as a statement of MILITARY purpose to ACKNOWLEDGE our NATURAL BORN right to possess ARMS SUPERIOR to those carried by the standing army our Founders rightly feared. But we have NO MEN to enforce this.

Why don’t we have an engraved in granite copy of the Bill of Rights and the Bill of Rights of that state in front of EVERY govt. building beside a granite gallows to be used on the demonscat and republicrat trash that breaks their Oath as soon as they take it?????!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

The crazies won’t be helped by the culture war or ‘Waking up is hard to do’

What to teach your kids

The purposes of gods and golden rules

A modern 10 commandments

A new birth of Liberty, or death

A conspiracy to indoctrinate, or “What is an education?”

What’s the ultimate question?

Sanctuaries are where cowards hide their buried guns