Tag Archives: server

Hillary Clinton Mocks FBI Investigation – Me In Handcuffs Will Never Happen


FK – In reality the CFR witch is probably right. It’s a tool of the modern royalty and would probably have to kill a baby in public in front of several camera phones before facing criminal charges.

If we had a nation of men both pieces of trash in that booth would’ve been executed for treason decades ago and the FBI’s only job would be investigating government corruption and they wouldn’t have to answer to whatever piece of breathing scat lies its way into the now red house as a NWO tool.

We see how the witch operates:


FK – I doubt those are bulletproof even if the Nazimobile is.

Find out where they keep it and who has the keys.

Another blow to political transparency as Clinton campaign blasts reporters with white noise machine so they can’t hear her speech at outdoor campaign fundraiser

FK – Can’t have the plebes hearing what is planned for them can we?