Tag Archives: school

Invisible Terrestrial Entities, Vatican LUCIFER Telsecope, CERN & Fake Disclosure 2016!


FK – The question is why does the vatican have a telescope if they blindly believe their ancient tribal propaganda as they expect their ignorant flock to do? Maybe they have an idea from all the ancient scrolls or whatever they keep locked away in their libraries that the ancient tribal propaganda isn’t so inerrant after all.

The simple-minded would rather die than actually think about the world/universe(s?) around them. The vatican/elite/globalist/bankster leadership certainly knows this. They want the tithes/taxes to keep coming in and the slaves to keep working.

When ‘disclosure’ or whatever occurs the church(es) will simply find a new verse to explain it or create a new ‘interpretation’ as they always do so the simple-minded can regurgitate as if it actually means something. Nothing much will change except that those of us who do actually attempt to give a damn about something that matters besides some sadistic asshole of a god that’s going to ‘save’ us from itself will have a whole new set of issues/problems to try to follow/understand.


Apparent Detection via New Telescopes with ConcaveLenses of Otherwise Invisible Terrestrial Entities (ITE)

Another version of mindlessness:

FK – The smartest one knew enough to admit its ignorance. The guy with the helmet was about to have a thought? Maybe for the first time in its life?

But they all know what a tattoo is…

This proves beyond doubt that we must get control of who or what votes.

It’s all about what’s put on that ‘blank slate.’:

FK – We must program the biological robots in such a way that they remain docile and obedient.

Do you know what the word ‘allegiance‘ means?

I stole this quote from one of the commenters:

“Artificially extending childhood is the way schools cripple the majority of our population life long. Many parents have been gulled into assisting this procedure, don’t you be one of them.” – John Taylor Gatto

Don’t know if he actually said/wrote it but it fits. There are many ways of being a child.

FK – The unfortunate fact that the elites understand is that most parents are children. It’s always been that way. Probably always will be.

The question is who or what has control over what is written on the blank slates.

Why Schools Don’t Educate


FK – There’s nothing new about this. It’s just that the elites need a population of biological robots that are just indoctrinated well enough to read and pay their electric bills and keep paying their taxes and tithes.

The popularity gene comes from evolutionary biology. The monkey that didn’t go along to get along didn’t get the banana or the sex.


FK – If we don’t kill off these live white commies we’re not going to have a country left much less a ‘constitution’ or Bill of Rights, which is the document that makes us exceptional. They are waging war on us and on human Liberty and our failure to recognize this fact and act accordingly amounts to national suicide.

The trash is right about one thing. We need to teach our real history, warts and all, including what the Second Amendment is about: eradicating collectivist statist garbage like this creature.

The more indoctrinated you are in communism the better off you are. That’s what this whore means. We should be teaching children reality at an appropriate age, with no version of authoritarianism having a corner on the market of what’s put in the textbooks.

One more time: The purpose of having weapons is so we can hunt and eradicate walking garbage like this.

The communists/globalists have been ‘flim-flamming’ the willfully ignorant for decades. It’s time for that to end, by whatever means necessary.

5 Ridiculous Myths Everyone Believes About the Wild West

What are “Crisis Actors?” | Stuff They Don’t Want You to Know

FK – I think the ‘no one died at Sandy Hook’ crowd are involved in some kind of disinfo op, probably to discredit real ‘conspiracy theorists’ and the ‘right wing’ et al.

I can’t buy an entire town would be complicit in covering up faking the deaths of 20 kids. I can buy govt. or NGO agents being involved in killing 20 kids, no problem. They’ve proven over and over again they don’t care who or what they kill.

Don’t let our real enemies change our focus.

Neil Cavuto Repeatedly Confronts Student Pushing Free College Plan With Harsh Facts – Keely Mullen


FK – And she made it into cawledge…

Texas Teacher Forced 7th Graders To Deny That God Is Real Or Get Failing Grade


FK – Too bad children are caught up in this struggle between these insanities.

Sounds like the teacher is right but using the wrong methods. It’s pointless to argue with blind faith. It’s like blowing a soap bubble and saying “Oh look, my faith, isn’t it beautiful.” Then it floats off and pops and then they say “Oh that was just god’s will.” Then they blow another bubble. It’s a never ending process for those who choose to stop thinking.

But then the commie schools aren’t interested in creating thinking humans either. They’re just indoctrinating to love and blindly obey another god, the govt. or the corporation.

AK-74: Fast Assembly & Dis-assembly In Russian School

FK – Wow. This is what’s wrong with amerikan schools.

Do they get to practice at home? Can they or their parents own those weapons?

I just wish I could get an AK mag inserted that fast.

Free Kentucky column: What’s What?

What’s What?
Barry Bright
July 12, 2015

The following isn’t ‘dirty’ but borders on it. Those who are ‘offended’ by such can avert their eyes… or roll them, I don’t really care.

Once there was a really smart high school senior, Beta Club president, Valedictorian, ad nauseam, the ‘smartest’ kid in his school. He decided he wanted to attend a very prestigious university so he went to visit the school’s dean.

He told the dean, “Sir I want to attend your very prestigious university.”

“Well young sir,” the dean replied, “Before being admitted to our school you must past our test. I suggest you go home and study and return when you feel you are ready.”

So the kid went home and studied, everything he could get his hands on, everything in the school library, all his old textbooks, read the local newspapers religiously, watched the ‘news,’ had conversations with any and all local big shots who would grant him the time.

So after several weeks he went and took the test. He breezed through it. It was the easiest test he ever took in his life, until he came to the last question: “What’s what?”

He sat, scratched his head, thought and thought, and finally went up to dean and said “Sir, I can’t answer this last question.”

“Well, son,” the dean replied, “Go home and study another year.”

So the kid, slightly disheartened, went home and began to visit all the university and local libraries in the lower 48 states and devour their content, spend time with all the ‘educated’ people who would put up with him, got involved in charities, political parties, religions, listened to endless lectures and even watched ‘educational television.’

Finally he felt he was ready once again. So he went back, took the test, breezed through it, and came to the final question: “What’s what?”

Once more he went up to the Dean with a quizzical look on his face and once more the dean told him, “Go home and study for another year.”

So this time he dipped into his college savings, bought a plane ticket, and went to Europe. He read every bit of ancient history he could get his hands on, learned every ancient language, studied all the forms of ancient governance, eventually visited every other country in the world, tearing through their libraries.

Finally his quest led him to the ‘esoterica’ as it is sometimes called. So in this new effort he climbed every mountain, inquired of every sage, joined every ‘secret’ organization he could find out about, to learn their hidden knowledge, and finally, felt he was ready to take the test again.

Same results: “Go back and study another year.”

At this point he was a bit perplexed and started to re-cover all his original material, convinced he had missed out on something basic, day and night, with little rest or relaxation or recreation he toiled, until finally nearly dead with mental and physical exhaustion he decided to take a break. So he called up his girlfriend, where he found time for a girlfriend in all this isn’t explained, and suggested a picnic in the park and day on the lake.

So as they were reclining opposite one another in a rowboat, his mind still filled with millions of details, numbers, statistics, formulas, he noticed a slight breeze begin to flutter his girlfriend’s dress and finally a gust lifted it high into the air.

“What’s that?” He nearly shouted, pointing under her dress.

With her eyebrows raised in anticipation and with a slight knowing smile she demurely answered, “What’s what?”

“Damn,” he blurted out, “If I’d have known that three years ago, I’d be a junior in college.”

The only moral to this story is that sometimes we don’t learn things until we are truly ready to, and sometimes not even then…

This is a slightly enhanced version of a joke told by my high school freshman year science teacher, who was also the football coach. It was a ‘general’ science class and thus not obviously deemed that important for it was probably filled by not-college bound kids. Our teacher spent most of his time telling stories and just generally ‘BSing.’

Expert: Vaccines Are Undeniably Unsafe


FK – Does the medical tech exist to determine who is vulnerable to these issues/complications?

Possible Side-effects from Vaccines

Is MY Child at Risk for Vaccine-Injury?


FK – Follow the money, or as they say: ‘funding is control.’

Measles is GOOD for YOU?


FK – What was it Linus used to say?: “What’s a little rubella among friends?”

“Comer supports a raise for Kentucky teachers and doesn’t have to think about it”!

FK – Will we ever find one with a clue?

What they say during a campaign means nothing. Their records and affiliations, past and present, are all that matter.

Questions for your candidate

Immunologist Proves Vaccines Protect Only Recipient, not Society


FK – So are they going to start forcing re-vaccinations on adults, and flu vaccines?

It seems to me the question to all this is why do they put in the harmful additives, can they be replaced with less dangerous compounds and can people be tested for susceptibility to vaccination problems before being vaccinated?

What would happen to infant and childhood mortality rates if all vaccinations were stopped?

Harvard Trained Immunologist Demolishes California Legislation That Terminates Vaccine Exemptions

RFK, Jr. and National Vaccine Experts to Inform the Maine Legislature on Vaccine Issues

The dtap shot: risks vs. benefits