Tag Archives: satan

The Hidden Teachings of Jesus

FK – What monk or yogi or whatever first sat around trying to put his tongue up his nose from the inside?

Somewhere in the ancient tribal propaganda it reads “Through god all things are possible…” or some such. If god by whatever name wanted to drive a tornado through a junkyard and turn primates into more advanced primates he, she or it could probably do so.

This is all very interesting but I didn’t see any more ‘proof’ than one normally gets from reading the various ancient holy propaganda of whatever source, which are mostly very poor histories. If god or the son of god or whatever couldn’t be bothered to write down during one of his incarnations exactly what he wanted us to know, or at least hire a secretary, without all the various versions, sub-versions and subversions being argued over and edited out or simply altered to suit the contemporary tastes or culture or rulers of that time then I don’t know what to say about it.

Ignorant people don’t understand how writing and literature and priests and schools and whatever else work, especially in a time, most of human history, when most of the sheeple were ignorant/illiterate and dependent on the ‘authorities’ to tell them what to think/do.

They don’t understand how writers can follow a style or whatever with variations on a theme and on and on which is clearly what the ancient propaganda is.

And I have no problem thinking we came from ‘less evolved’ meat eating primates. Every time I go into a men’s restroom and see where some so-called adult male has urinated on a commode seat, something a 5-year-old should know better than to do, I have no problem with the concept that I have gorillas as cousins.

From reading the comments on this I get the idea that a lot of ‘christians’ will be sorely disappointed if their version of their sadistic god doesn’t allow them to stand around watching billions being burned alive in fire forever, including kids and babies.

Bad Future For Jerusalem


FK – All because of their ancient tribal propaganda. Millions, maybe billions dead over a ‘promised land’ that most supporters over here wouldn’t be allowed to move to. How absurd and insane. Billions, including babies, kids and teens burning alive in fire forever.

We’re still a very primitive species and still exist in a very dark age.

I call them the unmentionables. In a free country there’s no such thing as a group whose motives cannot be questioned. When we have that we have a serious problem. We have a serious problem.

The Tea Party’s National Security Threat

Let’s rearrange the deck chairs

Star Trek Depicts Satan as Savior of Mankind in 1973 Animated Series Magicks of Megas-Tu Episode


FK – Governments always try to control religions, and vice versa. Both seek to manipulate their subjects and keep the slaves working.

I always enjoyed the old Star Trek. Watching the reruns on Sunday morning beat going to the indoctrination center where I was handed a guilt trip and little kids were told they deserved to be burned alive in fire forever. Let’s hope Roddenberry was right about that one point at least.

The ‘real’ Satan, whatever it was or is, may be just a less powerful sadistic asshole than the ‘christian’ god or it may be some alien or inter-dimensional entity that tried to tell the sheeple things their earthly or ‘heavenly’ rulers didn’t want them to know. We may never know for sure. That’s how history works. It’s usually written by the victors.

We need to be working toward a human future based in human Liberty, among the stars. This planet will someday undergo another cataclysm and shake us from its skin.

Time to wake up and grow up.