Tag Archives: religious icons

Art, Transcendence, and the Gatekeepers

This vid was taken down by the creator according to goolagtube. It was basically about the ‘decadence’ of ‘modern art’ more specifically that seen in connection with ‘pizzagate’ and similar stuff, lots of ugly people, weirdness, non-traditional ‘art’ and so on. Vertigo Politix is a goolagtube channel I’m subbed to though I can’t agree with all their conclusions, as usual.


FK – The Romans had vestal virgins and claimed to value purity yet history shows what their armies and dictators called Caesars did to those who refused to pay the tax. See what Lincoln and his generals did to the Southern States in the name of maintaining the ability to tax them.

Our modern empire is a modified version of those of the past, which often had ‘powers behind the throne’ that actually made the decisions about which pawns would die on what days. But now they send ‘the troops’ to kill and maim for the lie of ‘democracy‘ which like religion is another control device, and the petrodollar and global hegemony and the Israeli empire.

Sexual/reproductive symbolism goes way back into pre-history. Then someone invented a god that we only had to sacrifice animals to. Later remission of sins depended on the symbolic blood of a ‘savior’ which for two millennia its followers actually believed crackers and wine are turned into the blood and flesh of that savior, that’s ‘saving’ us from it’s own threat of eternal torture, because of the mutterings of a priest.

Baptizing babies is not a symbolic act. Without it they actually fear newborns, yet they fight for them to be born, will be tortured alive in fire forever by their sadistic bronze age god. Cajoling 8-year-olds into ‘gettin’ saved’ as the protestants do is little better for the same reasons.

Art as always is in the eyes of the beer or wine holder, which the Europeans used to drink for every meal because their ignorance let them urinate and crap in their water sources.

Art is both a result of reality and a cause of it and has always been used as propaganda from the animals in the cave paintings used to train young hunters for the benefit of the tribe or to please the spirits of the animals themselves and thank them for their sacrifice. Demons and angels on Gothic cathedrals were used to put the ‘fear of god’ into the ignorant.

Art is usually funded only by the wealthy for their benefit, whether for their own pleasure or to indoctrinate the ignorant masses. So instead of focusing on the so-called artists we need to focus on the wealthy elite garbage that funds them.

We should have free speech but there is no such thing as a right to work covertly or overtly to enslave those around you.

Who deserves to vote?

Questions for your candidate

What to teach your kids

Spend some time in your local redneck mecca and learn that the ‘western concept of beauty’ is indeed a rare thing. Part of the problem with these ‘artists’ is they do see the reality around them and aren’t afraid to be honest about it in their work. The average sheeple doesn’t want to think about this much less understand it.

The problem of course is that as Marxists their solutions are as twisted as the problems they see around them.

This ongoing culture clash will indeed result in ‘everything being taken away.’ The domestic enemies of western civilization have defeated us. We should be hunting them to extinction but there are no men here to carry this work forward. The ‘good people’ are convinced they’ll get beamed up soon so why care about what laws and systems of government their grand-children will inherit? They refuse to see that their great-grandparents didn’t get beamed up and neither will their descendants.

The crazies won’t be helped by the culture war or ‘Waking up is hard to do’

The purposes of gods and golden rules

The intelligentsia of ‘those who claim they want to live free,’ the libertarians and ‘conservative'(very loosely defined) types can’t be bothered with a discussion of what must happen when we’re told to ‘turn them in.’ We should already have a militia force in place in every county to deal with such an event but they are cowards all.

What is a man, really?

The only real reason for the militia

Since there are no men left here and since the bubble as always will one day burst what do we have to look forward to? Will the masters of the internet allow a dark corner to exist where the message of human liberty can still light a candle or will it all be snuffed out?

One man’s philosophy has always been another’s heresy just as one government’s terrorist has been another’s freedom fighter. Historically what lies between often degrades into a screaming bloody fuzziness.

Humanity’s problems will not be solved by continuing to replace one version of authoritarianism with another, as they have always done. Some of our Founders, the Anti-Federalists, insisted on a Bill of Rights to acknowledge our natural born right to self defense against those who would force their version, sub-version, or subversion of art, religion, ideology, speech, peace, compassion and on and on on the rest of us.

What’s the ultimate question?

A conspiracy to indoctrinate, or “What is an education?”

We are still a very primitive species and still exist in a very dark and dangerous age.

Christian rebels and modern cowards

Destroying Christianity From Within

Destroying Christianity From Within

As always actually watch the vid the read my comments and FOLLOW THE LINKS TO UNDERSTAND…


FK – It’s impossible to ‘represent the ancient tribal propaganda.’

It was written/infiltrated/edited to provide various excuses for doing various things thus any asshat can point to a verse and claim “Peace,” or “War,” or “Obedience,” or “Pay your taxes like a good little slave,” or “Obey your god-appointed kings/masters so you can have paradise in the next life,” or “it’s time to overthrow the god appointed king(because we want his power/gold) because he’s no longer following god’s will.”

And on and on and on.

The purposes of gods and golden rules

And they, the flock, never catches on. This is proven by the fact that the Founders had real men in their pulpits who told the men in their churches to go kill their fellow Englishmen so they could live without an earthly king. It was a natural part of human evolution.

Today’s preachers are whores and cowards for the most part who tell their flocks “Ya’ll are a gonna get beamed up soon so ya’ll don’t have ta worry or do anythung about what you don’t even know is happening because them there conspiracy theorists are all wrong and ah workin’ for th’ devil.”

The purpose of the sheepdog, whether it wears a badge or a robe or a cheap suit or an expensive suit with a flag pin is to herd the sheep to the sheerer/butcher.

All government represents a form of collectivism. The difference is the Founders, the anti-Federalists, who insisted on a Bill of Rights, tried to instill the concept that we have a natural born right, duty and responsibility to kill the bastards when they overstep their bounds.

Modern ‘christians’ and secular Marxists alike have been so dumbed-down and pacified, or really, kept in natural born ignorance of their rights, that telling them the facts in the last paragraph blows their little minds and gives them that deer in the headlights look before they bound off for the couch and the big screen like the useless livestock they are.

It’s makes one realize where the hell myth really came from. Most of them aren’t worth the bullet a tyrant would use to put them into a ditch.

After all these years and the times I’ve wasted my time in exchange for money in blue-collar shitholes I’m more and more convinced that the ‘kings of the earth’ invented or a least infiltrated religion/Marxism for their own purposes. Who funds Antifa and provides the propaganda for the SJWs?

A modern 10 commandments

In reality they’re simply replacing the ‘moral absolutes’ of the past. This has happened many times before. Thinking there has to be a ‘higher power’ for evil to exist is part of the problem if not the problem.

In the world I grew up in the ancient ignorance was still very much with us. Normal human relations were not talked about much less abnormal ones. Sin was the explanation for the simple-minded while many suffered through life via birth defects/mental illness that still will find no help in the current culture wars.

The crazies won’t be helped by the culture war or ‘Waking up is hard to do’

What we really have here is ‘a failure to communicate.’ The cultural divide is so great and so many still so entrenched in their preferred ignorance that I don’t expect to see an end to it in my lifetime. That’s why we must focus on restoring America’s Bill of rights then create a global version.

No sacred cows, or a new global Bill of Rights

We can send the sacred, or scared, cows to Australia

So-called objective truth has been chased through the bushes for a long time with a lot of bodies strewn along the way. The same bronze age god that allegedly commanded ‘thou shalt not kill’ commanded his special chosen tribe to go over the hill and kill every thing there and not bring back so much as a goat or a sack of wheat.

Today we wage a ‘war on terror’ in the name of ‘democracy‘ and the petrodollar and global hegemony and our own modern form of empire.

All the cultural Marxist/globalist propagandists generate is not a quest for any truth but simply the old game of mental manipulation via sowing confusion and distraction so the right hand won’t know what the left is doing. Sound familiar?

Brainwashing as always intones something was removed and replaced. Our real problem is indoctrination, or rather a lack of indoctrination in the love of human liberty. Instead we’ve gotten blind faith, blind obedience, blind patriotism, with the only question being which ‘cultural norm’ they’re directed toward.

Go to a religious funeral here in amerika and hear the preacher ask “Who will stand for Jesus?” and you’ll find the same peer pressure the cultural Marxists seek to apply via their control of the major news media and social sites.

Modern churches are full of re-married divorcees and teenagers wearing one piece bathing suits at baptismal services because of natural human evolution. We stopped burning christians and witches long ago. Now we need to grow up enough to stop looking forward to our sadistic bronze age god burning the assholes we didn’t like in this life and learning to stand up against them in the here and now and cease passing our slavery on to our children.

As noted above the flock never catches on. A percentage, a huge percentage, of the human population will happily remain sheeple all their days because it’s easier and they think safer. A bird or a gold piece in the hand is better than a hope of freedom in the future. The love of money is the root of all evil as the book says. They stupidly think they’ll always be able to hang on to enough of ‘their’ money to ‘live the good life’ and maybe the guys driving the truck or the train will forget their address.

At the end of every work day it’s proven again that filthy lucre is their real god.

Meanwhile they turn their children’s minds over to their enemies in the churches and the schools and on the weaponvision and now the net.

The real question might be why are they so convinced they must have a world system? Is it only for trade? To prevent nuclear war? To please the aliens in that old 1950s flick ‘The Day the Earth Stood Still?’

Connecting Dots: UFOGate to the Missing Trillions

We are headed for another re-set. Of this there is no doubt. There are no men left in amerika/western civ or we’d be hunting our true enemies, our domestic white-skinned enemies to extinction. The great Trump would be ‘making amerika great again’ by bringing the troops home and shutting down the Marxist/globalist front groups, NGOs, Universities, Foundations etc. and trying for treason and executing those who fund/run them.

But there I go dreaming again.

The republicrats aren’t going to save us and there are no men here to do what will be required.

Christian rebels and modern cowards