Tag Archives: propaganda

Women Defend Yourselves

FK – Sounds like it’s too late for the ballot box. Now you know why they took your guns.

The patriot newbie guidebook

And then he proceeds to prove me right:


FK – The commies re-named themselves long ago to hide their evil. When you call them anything but commies you help them hide their evil.

In a ‘free country’ there’s no such thing as a group whose motives can’t be questioned. But then there are no ‘free countries’ in western civilization are there? Slave mentalities are the sustenance of tyranny, by whatever name.

It’s not name-calling if it’s true.

It’s not stone throwing if they say it’s not:


FK – For the millionth time. The commies know full well the evil they do. We’ve had the net for 20 years. It’s easy to learn how evil the twin evils of socialism and gun control are. There is NO EXCUSE for the war they wage on human Liberty.

Western civilization is dying because of our failure to hunt them to extinction.

The American independent journalist interviewed by a Swedish newswhore:


FK – The only issue that matters: The commies want the migrants and the illegals in western countries so they can get them to vote commie.

Western civilization is dying because of our failure to hunt amerikan and European communist insurgents to extinction.

The crime issue is a red herring. Always has been. Always will be. The elite consider us to be livestock. Everything they do must be judged by that fact.

Crime is down in the U.S. except in certain areas populated largely by the created welfare state parasites whose mothers were paid to have fatherless children in the name of creating inter-generational constituents for the demoncsat party.

Overall the mainstream newsmedia in western civilization is infiltrated and useless.

When he was escorted out of a ‘no-go zone’:

FK – How many places in amerika can we not walk around with a camera for fear of repercussions because of communist or even ‘conservative’ policies?

And going back later:

FK – The ‘citizens’ of the planet need to learn to stand on their own two feet and take responsibility for the world they exist in and stop looking for saviors and stop waiting for the world to end.

As Americans we don’t control our govt. as we’re supposed to. The blood of all those killed in the middle East for the petrodollar is on all our hands. The blood of those who will die in Europe and here is on our hands because of our failure to hunt the amerikan and European communist insurgents to extinction.

Our real enemies have white skin and were never hiding in a cave on the other side of the world.

Trump as click bait, and other things…

What to teach your kids

The killer bees of fake news

No sacred cows, or a new global Bill of Rights

Google fights online trolls with new tool

Last year, gaming entrepreneur Brianna Wu, along with Harvard professors, the International Women’s Media Foundation and the social-services agency Digital Sisters, sent a list of demands to technology companies for how they can clean up their services.

To build a model that can predict hate speech, Cohen said that the Jigsaw team had originally acquired a data set of 17 million reader comments from the New York Times. The company also mined the comment sections of Wikipedia and collected data from victims of online harassment who had kept a record of their experiences.

From there, the company hired several thousand people who rated the comments as toxic or not toxic, as well as whether they thought such comments were personal attacks. Jigsaw developed its toxicity scores based on the annotations. Because there was widespread disagreement on what constituted a personal attack, Cohen’s team ultimately decided not to use “personal attack” as a rating category.

FK – It’s not name calling if it’s true. So much for google, the evil corporation, and it’s non-respect for free speech.

If I call modern ‘liberals’ and ‘progressives’ commies, which is what they are, is that ‘toxic?’ Of course it is, to them. It exposes their evil and how they started calling themselves cute names to hide their limitless arrogance/hubris/statism from an ignorant, dumbed-down public.

The elites created the net now they’re trying to ‘clean it up’ by sweeping all who don’t reach their ‘consensus’ for national and global slavery under socialism, communism, corporatism, into a dark corner of the net where the average mush head voter will never see or hear them. This was easy to predict.

It only means those who know better must work all the harder to finish destroying the mainstream liars. We can do it. Yes we can.

The patriot newbie guidebook

Will Google re-mainstream the net?

More evil google is up to:

This Is Bad…The Biggest Company In The World Just Backed The ACLU Lawsuit Against Trump

More corporate love for their ‘human resources’:

FK – This is an old idea, but a very entertaining one

30 million out of 7 billion? I’m not much of a math whiz but that doesn’t seem like much of a reduction. WWII killed 30 million. Around 200 million died due to Marxism in the 20th century alone, and they’re probably not done. Yet the tool using monkeys just keep breeding.

More love:

FK – The commies want the illegals here so they can get them to vote commie. We have to work on one enemy at a time.

Really we should be rounding up our natural born white-skinned “Liberal”(commie) trash and at the least kicking them out of the country. They are the real ‘illegals’ since there’s no such thing as a right to work covertly or overtly to enslave those around you.

Millions of morons voted for Trump, or hitlery, because they value their false security more than Liberty. Simple sad fact.

Trump as click bait, and other things…

No sacred cows, or a new global Bill of Rights

“All governments suffer a recurring problem: Power attracts pathological personalities. It is not that power corrupts but that it is magnetic to the corruptible. Such people have a tendency to become drunk on violence, a condition to which they are quickly addicted.” – Frank Herbert

Trump’s Ban of Reporters at Press Briefing Isn’t Just Wrong, It’s Unconstitutional

CNN, The New York Times, and several other news organizations were reportedly banned from the White House press briefing on Friday. Many veteran journalists are understandably outraged by the development because the move seemed to be in retaliation for stories that the Trump administration didn’t like.

The controversial gaggle was held in White House Press Secretary Sean Spicer‘s office.  “This is an unacceptable development by the Trump White House,” CNN said in a statement. On top of being unacceptable, the move by the White House may also be illegal and unconstitutional. It is one thing for the Trump campaign or even the DNC to ban certain journalists from rallies or press conferences.  But, Trump is now the President, and as a government official, he answers to the taxpayers and the Constitution.

“It’s unconstitutional when President Trump has said he doesn’t like CNN and the New York Times and then excludes them from a press conference. It’s a content-based ban and the government generally cannot enact laws or restrictions that punish speech based or restrict public access based on content.  Courts have held that a government press conference is a public forum generally open to the media, and any restrictions must be based on reasons other than content,” First Amendment attorney and LawNewz columnist Susan Seager said.

FK – The words ‘press pass’ are not found in the First Amendment. Neither is ‘official,’ or ‘real’ or ‘fake’ or ‘mainstream’ or ‘trained journalist’ or ‘journalism degree’ or commie news network or faux nuze or new yawk slimes or big city daily or tabloid or blog or google or network news or corporate news or robber baron or ‘fit-to-print’ or gatekeepers or a lot of other damn stuff.

Get the drift yet?

White House press conferences have never been open to the public. Just try to get permission to attend one as an independent journalist or even a citizen who happens to own a modern ‘press’ i.e. a blog or website or YouTube channel.

They need to be held in stadiums and Joe Schmo who has just as much ‘freedom of the press’ as any ‘official’ card carrying commie mainstream newswhore should be able to ask any question he chooses of any prez, commie, or ‘conservative’ or faker or whatever.

But we don’t live in that world do we? Not yet. I haven’t given up hope that finally some occupant of the now orange house, formerly the now red house, will do something so arrogant that millions of real Americans, not amerikans, will use the Second Amendment as it was intended and rectify our situation and erect a granite gallows in front of every govt. building and station a militia unit there to make sure it doesn’t fall into disuse.

Did someone once say “Hang the lawyers first?” If not they should have. Really, I’d kill the newswhores first.

When it comes to our Liberty the Bill of Rights is the precedent and WE THE PEOPLE are the final arbiter of our rights, not any group of black-robed shysters or elected, hired or appointed public SERVANTS!

And I didn’t vote for Trump.

Trump as click bait, and other things…

This is the commie idea of ‘free speech’:

FK – Well that was close to being genius. 21/20.

But what are we gonna do about it, when they tell us we ‘can’t fight back‘ that is?

When Trump supporters tell me “OBAMA DID IT FIRST!!!”

FK – Exactly.

Trump as click bait, and other things…

Same as the old same?:

FK – Trump is doing a few good things but is he no less a tool than his predecessors? As I predicted, which was easy to do, he’d throw a few bones to all sides during his admin. But then that’s what his election was about. Who or what is really behind him? Bannon and Wall Street? The moneypowers who recognize they have to deal with these uppity patriots and create more controlled opposition?


FK – “The whole secret lies in confusing the enemy, so that he cannot fathom our real intent.” – Sun Tzu

Have we really finally backed our domestic blood enemies into a corner or have they just changed where the corner is?:


FK – Here’s my version: All immigrants who’ve turned into commie voters get kicked out of the country along with the leadership and financial supporters of the amerikan communist insurgency. Then we go to Wall Street with our modern pitchforks and torches.

And why are we really waging war over there? Is it for our empire or someone else’s?:


FK – But what does ‘America first’ really mean? That’s not the same as Liberty first. Are we to be school yard bullies or a tool for a foreign state or pawns for the money lenders?

Most modern Jews are secular Marxists. What is ‘Reform Judaism?’


FK – Actually you look like a Khazar to me. But I don’t hold it personally against you. Hating someone for being born a certain way is just as mindless as telling anyone “We’re just alike.”

The real question that matters is will western civilization and even the world be ruled by real human Liberty or ‘democracy’ or some other form of manipulation/authoritarianism?

What is Reform Judaism?

I call them the unmentionables.

In a free country there’s no such thing as a group whose motives cannot be questioned. When we have that we have a serious problem. We have a serious problem.

The Tea Party’s National Security Threat

Let’s rearrange the deck chairs

Choosing sides

Who does Trump really owe?


FK – Not all ‘jews’ are banksters and not all banksters are ‘jews.’

And who are we supporting and why?:


FK – Gee, no wonder they railroaded him into prison.

If America isn’t a democracy and isn’t supposed to be one(READ THE DAMN CONSTITUTION!) then why are we spending billions to support one?

What does ‘anti-semite’ really mean?:

FK – What other words do they use to control us and shut down simple minds?


Do Women or Guns Have More Rights?

FK – That 72 hour thing would probably be a good idea. It would save a lot of time and money in child support court, not to mention the billions spent on welfare.

And why wouldn’t any lesbian SJW want its own Teflon coated factory lubed phallic symbol?

Did CNN Just Provoke an Inauguration Day Attack in Front of Millions?


FK – Desperate commies grasping at straws.

I think it’s highly unlikely there’ll be an ‘attack’ of real significance. But only a political child would think it impossible.

It would not serve the NWO’s purposes to carry out such a brazen rebuttal of ‘the people’s will,’ whatever that really is.

If they decide Trump is to die Air Force One will go down at the hands of a surface to air missile in the hands of a fundie raghead or ‘right wing extremist’ or maybe even a modern Weatherman of some sort. Or there are many other ways. Just ask the CIA.

The words ‘press pass’ aren’t found in the First Amendment. Anyone who decides to be a ‘member of the press’ can do so, without govt. permission.

Prez press conferences should be held in large auditoriums and the mainstream Marxist corporate network newswhores should be required to sit in the back.

The patriot newbie guidebook

FIVE Days Before Trump Is Inaugurated Obama WILL Do This… and It CAN’T Be UNDONE!

FK – There is nothing that can’t be ‘undone.’ Our ancestors fought a bloody war to rid us of the divine right of kings. We don’t have a Caesar here to pay tribute to. Any creature/being that tries to make itself such should be killed.

The ‘old world order’ was one where millions wasted their lives trying to decipher the ancient tribal propaganda and killed millions in the process. Why? Are we still that backwards?

If all we do is focus on the end of the world what’s the point to being here?

My standard response to such:

You’re not gonna get beamed up child. It’s time to wake up and grow up and take personal responsibility for the world you exist in. The ancient tribal propaganda isn’t gonna save you. It wasn’t even written for you.

The crazies won’t be helped by the culture war.

Waking up is hard to do

Let’s rearrange the deck chairs

What to teach your kids

The patriot newbie guidebook

No sacred cows, or a new global Bill of Rights

Facebook Thought Police to Decide If What Users Post is ‘True’


FK – Everything posted on fakebook is true, isn’t it? Considering otherwise is more thinking than most tool-using monkeys want to bother with.

Seems to be a popular thing:


FK – I’ve only used google as a last resort for some time now. But blindly trusting any of them is foolish.

Will Google re-mainstream the net?

BREAKING: Obama Bans Free Speech In The Dead of Night


FK – We must stop allowing them to indoctrinate the young.

What to teach your kids

Obama Quietly Signs The “Countering Disinformation And Propaganda Act” Into Law

It’s all about control:



This seems appropriate:

We Are Watching The Long Game to Total Censorship Play Out

FK – If the republicrat house passed this we need to be burning up their phone lines to correct them.

The ‘red menace’ was and is real. McCarthy was right. Propaganda in modern times is that pink goo they make into news mcnuggets, or maybe pizza.

I hate on Soros and didn’t make the list. I’m really disheartened.

It’s ‘all’ propaganda. Here’s another propagandist:


FK – Our fedgov and local prosecutors have lied in court for 200 years. Nothing really new about that. All they need is a complicit black-robed shyster and a jury of morons.

Is Trump going to ride in on his casino horse and save us?

The Pentagon only wasted 125 bil.? I’m impressed. Wait, that probably doesn’t include the black budget… Do they ever have yard sales?

And more:
