Tag Archives: marriage

Rand Paul’s BRILLIANT Speech on Libertarianism?

FK – All govt. is force. All voting is the most violent act anyone can participate in because it’s electing someone to hire someone to force your version, sub-version or subversion of ‘reality’ on others at the point of a gun.

There are no pacifists in voting booths. There will always be Negans that call themselves cute names like ‘liberal’ and ‘progressive’ and ‘christian conservative’ and ‘sjws’ and on and on.

A conspiracy to indoctrinate, or “What is an education?”

What’s the ultimate question?

Ask your fav commie by whatever cute name what it wants to happen to those who refuse to obey its commie laws.

They’re commie globalists. There’s nothing liberal or progressive about them. Calling them by their cute names helps them hide their evil.

If the troops were fighting for our freedom, they’d all be here.

The patriot newbie guidebook

The cancer on America’s face, or why I do what I do…

The Bill of Rights is what we’re fighting for.

The purposes of gods and golden rules

What to teach your kids

A few things that might matter, or ‘The Basics’ part two

We ARE NOT free here.

We should’ve kept our troops home from Vietnam and Korea and had them kill the commies here first. We need to bring them home now.

If the military were fighting for our freedom they’d all be here.

The empire’s military hasn’t fought a war for Liberty since 1865 and the bad guys won that one.

I’m a vet, do ya’ want to thank me?

The most important things to do

What must be done – A manifesto of the ‘isms.’

Barney Miller The Sighting


FK – Wow. Between the 6th and 7th grades I spent a lot of evenings watching the skies from my backyard and saw a couple things I couldn’t explain. My ‘UFO Journal’ is in my attic in a box. Need to dig it out.

The gold issue and fears of economic collapse show us there’s always someone setting a date in the name of making money.

And of course the propaganda about needing a permit to own a shotgun is thrown in, which I’m not sure was even true of double-barrelled shotguns in new yawk city even then. Requiring anyone to seek permission to protect themselves or their property is evil.

But here we are years later and the gold and silver sellers are still in business, the average dumbass barely thinks about life outside our limited existence and we’re more enslaved in some ways than we were in the 70s while millions of morons sit on their asses and wait to get beamed up while passing their slavery on to their children.

Does that tell you anything?

A new birth of Liberty, or death

What Every Girl Needs To Hear

FK – The truth is that you’re still making generalizations and leaving out a lot of ‘truth’ most sheeple and people don’t want to speak of.

I once had a Saudi solider show with his hands, his finger snugly inserted into the fingers of his other hand, why he wanted to know if I had a 16-year-old cousin I could sell him. I felt he was serious.

Our biology stems from the cellular need to reproduce that evolved in some pool or jungle where larger cells struggled to eat our ancestors before they could divide or where the strongest primate had the biggest harem.

Once another male actually told me, in so many words, it was OK for him to have multiple partners but his partners damn well better not. But a lot of men don’t want to put up with the amount of bullshit necessary to deal with such a situation. I never had that kind of patience.

It amazes me to some degree that we still don’t seem to be able to talk properly about ‘sex’ decades after the so-called ‘sexual revolution,’ Every generation of teens seems to go through the same thing. They’re biologically primed for something their parents and societies are usually in denial of and thus they aren’t taught how to make love without all the bullshit. From one set of nuts they get ‘abstinence’ and now from another set of nuts they’re told it’s ‘normal’ to have two mommies or two daddies.

We went from no sex ed decades ago to something a little better than a sterile form of biology class in my day to the current insanity of multiple fluid genders in any one being at any given time. It used to be that guilt only came from either doing it or not doing it well enough. Now it’s from not being accepting of whatever insanity comes along next.

My grandmother who was raised in the horse and buggy days tried to instill in me the biblical injunction to marry a ‘helpmeet,’ someone to cook and clean and pop out babies while I went off to the factory as my parents did to earn a check and pay for the trailer. You can damn well bet I wouldn’t have grown richer doing that. But then I’ve never understood why the working poor want to reproduce anyway.

You’re a very attractive intelligent young woman. Perhaps you can argue you were born rich. Many can’t and be honest with themselves, that may be why a lot of them find it easier to sit on the couch and comfort themselves with chips and soda or whatever or harder more dangerous substances.

Men usually have to choose between ‘settling’ for someone who may or may not be a good ‘helpmeet’ or maybe being one of the lucky few who are smart or disciplined or driven or dishonest or whatever enough to make a lot of money while still young and then be lucky enough not to marry a gold digger who may physically represent his dreams but otherwise be a nightmare in the bedroom and the courtroom.

Chasing that younger woman thing as part of some middle age crisis often does cause the first wife to end up rich.

Those young would-be studs who try to act like that early primate with his harem have to remember that in modern society 30 seconds of pleasure can earn him 25 years of child support court.

The crazies won’t be helped by the culture war or ‘Waking up is hard to do’

The purposes of gods and golden rules



FK – So western females are subconsciously crying out for the stronger type A fundie raghead males to come and mate with them?

I’m not surprised. There are no men in western civilization anymore, or we would’ve carried out an extensive and thorough “Liberal”(commie) trash season decades ago.

What is a man, really?

We’ve gone from one insanity to another. Decades ago men would fight at the drop of a hat over nothing. Now there is nothing they will fight for, except false patriotism and empire and the lie of democracy or a paycheck and a retirement plan.

The creators of the welfare state knew full well what the result would be. They were creating inter-generational parasites that could be depended on for votes, guaranteed constituents.

The key isn’t to return to the 1950s and the ignorance of the past but to train all in reality, not the false pacifism that now soaks the human mind in cowardice nor in the fear or shame of anything that was forbidden by some ancient tribal propaganda that was also written as a control device.

What to teach your kids

It’s been my experience that teen females want that sexy guy but after he knocks them up they’re looking for someone to pay for the kid. That’s when the govt. stepped in, the best of both worlds.

We need to stop choosing one authoritarianism or one insanity over another.

The crazies won’t be helped by the culture war or ‘Waking up is hard to do’

Strong women are not always so strong:


FK – Commiefornia should be re-invaded and re-conquered. Trump needs to bring the troops home and have them kill our real enemies that have always been here.

Trump as click bait, and other things…

Transgenderism is a Mental Disorder


FK – The gender/homo crap is the same thing the commies always do: pick a ‘minority’ with real or imagined issues and exploit them for power.

The crazies won’t be helped by the culture war or ‘Waking up is hard to do’

There has long been and probably will always be an on-going argument over what ‘reality’ is. The key is we aren’t forced at the point of a gun into it. We have a Bill of Rights, the document that makes us exceptional, that acknowledges our natural born right to kill those who would do so.

Who deserves to vote?

The tragic story of the intersex person who puzzled 19th-century France

FK – Much of human insanity derives from attempting to deal with real problems with the same old insanity we always have.

Or we invent new forms of insanity:


FK – ‘Psychological violence?’ That’s better and more insane than the rest of them. Does that mean they call out the cops they pretend to hate and have them commit violence against those who don’t speak the new correctly?

Where is this commie crap coming from? Who’s funding it?

The opposite of homogeneity is the goal: They want a population divided and dis-respecting each other.

All this reminds me of my 7th grade English teacher, a short slightly rotund black-haired demon of grammar. She always dressed in those polyester pant suits of the 70s and her face would literally turn pink when shaking her finger in the face of language offenders. Her mission in life was to prohibit her rural students from saying ‘ain’t’ and ‘disk-ed(as in what farmers do to a field).’ Now ain’t is in the dictionary. I don’t think disk-ed has made it yet.

What to teach your kids

Trump dares you to read/watch this!

Well, here we go again. I don’t apologize, not one damn bit.

“There is one source, O Athenians, of all your defeats. It is that your citizens have ceased to be soldiers.” – Demosthenes

Is it a conundrum or blatant deception? Only time may tell…

FK – I agree with him up until the large numbers he’s claiming for child trafficking and ‘organ harvesting.’ Sounds like stuff you’d see on ‘beforeitisnews’ or some such. How about some real documentation for these claims? I’ve been hearing this kind of stuff for years and never seen any real proof of it.

When a kid goes missing around here all hell breaks loose. Could CPS siphon off a few as is often claimed or from war zones? Yes, but I have a hard time with the numbers. If the numbers really are that high I’d start looking off planet for the real reason.

And I wasn’t surprised when Trump won, well a little, but only because I wasn’t sure how effective the demonscat party’s vote fraud would be. Without that I figured, with the way Trump took the primaries, from some very ‘good'(loosely defined) candidates, like Paul and Cruz, he’d have no problem beating the pants off hitlery. Not that we’d like that visual.

This is an extremely dangerous time, even more so than I’ve been claiming in the past. Trump could declare almost any group to be ‘the enemy’ and his glassy-eyed followers would go along with whatever he did to it.

Just post something like this in certain groups on fakebook and see what the reaction is. Much of the time if the header is trump negative the morons won’t even follow a link. They’d rather die than think.

And the ‘left/right paradigm’ may be a created fiction but the fact remains that if millions or billions believe a falsehood to the point they’re willing to kill you over it that makes it very real.

Accountable? If we’d held the last several prezzes accountable they’d all be dead, executed for treason and waging war on the Bill of Rights and human Liberty. But this is no longer a nation of men.

We, the tiny minority that actually gives a damn, have this horse. We need to ride it. If it’s possible we must get millions of Trump’s voters, those intellectually capable, to melt down the republicrats’ phone lines, in congress and in their state legislatures, and force them to restore real Liberty here.

If not the next time the “Liberal'(commie/globalist) trash lies its way back into power it won’t hold back.

Trump as click bait, and other things…

More on the so-called ‘false left/right paradigm’:


FK – It’s called blind patriotism. And western civilization HAS BEEN OVERRUN by the globalist communist insurgency, no matter how ‘real’ or not you think that is nor who really started or funded it or funds it now.

When millions or billions believe a falsehood to the point they’re willing to kill you or enslave you over it that makes it very real.

We’ve had the net for 20 years. It’s easy to learn how evil the twin evils of socialism and gun control are yet the amerikan communist insurgency keeps trying to shove both down our throats at the point of a govt. gun. The young ones may be ignorant through indoctrination but the older ones know full well the evil they do.

Our failure to hunt them to extinction is why our country and our Liberty is dying. Recent elections have replaced one form of authoritarianism with another as usual but it pales in comparison to what the insane ‘left'(communists) would do to us all if they had full control. Simple fact.

Look at Europe for the results of their rule. Multiple generations of morons have tolerated their evil in the name of feel-good mindlessness and now willingly invite an ancient known evil across their borders that will in time destroy them and what is left of human liberty in those lands. Simple fact.

Yes, as I’ve been trying to tell the cowards and morons in the ‘tea party’ and ‘patriot movement’ and ‘conservatives’ and now ‘alt right’ is that no matter who won the last quadrennial quest for the idiot vote the outcome would be civil war.

Lot’s of ignorant 19-year-olds die in wars. Lots of old veterans choose ignorance all their lives and refuse to attempt to understand or accept that maybe ‘their war’ was just another war for profit or empire. Amerika’s military hasn’t fought a war for profit since 1865 and the bad guys won that one.

I’m a vet, do ya’ want to thank me?

The gap will be bridged by flesh and the trench under neath will be flowing with blood, as it always has in the past. We’re still a very primitive species and still exist in a very dark age.

What too many miss is both sides love ‘the state.’ The only difference is in what aspects of our existences they wish to control/restrict. A large part of recent republicrat success was due to the commie propaganda and activism over ‘gay,’ or ‘transgender,’ so-called lifestyles and in this state ‘gay marriage.’ Voters here consider themselves to be religious for lack of a better word and they are led around by the nose by the ancient tribal propaganda much like many Trump voters are by his rhetoric. Both are looking for an easy answer to their problems that will allow them to avoid taking on personal responsibility for the world they exist in.

Let’s accept for the moment that communism was a created force, by the elites, for their own designs. All they do clearly shows they view us as livestock, whether they abuse us through communism, fascism, corporatism or whatever other ism. All they do must be judged by this fact and the realization that they will accept nothing but submission.

They want jackasses they can beat that will thank them for the opportunity or nowadays robots they can turn on an off on a whim all in the name of getting richer. The game hasn’t changed, only the technology and phraseology.

Both(all) sides rely on fear and ignorance, which varies from individual to individual.

I’ve been watching this ‘open communication’ for 30 years. They’re still telling the same basic lies because they know a new generation of mush heads are always coming up, many they generated them selves via the welfare state and the govt. schools and universities. The older generation of mush heads is usually dominated by those who really pay scant attention to politics and thus never really catch on to what is being done to them as long as they have steak, ice cream, color tv and grandkids to spoil and of course a socialist security check that they think they ‘earned.’

And I must ask, what kind of ‘anarchist’ is he? A real one who truly wants ‘no govt.’ or a commie one who only uses ‘anarchy’ as an excuse to overthrow ‘the system’ so he can install his commie system? I figure the former since he’s at this conference but nowadays all bets are off. Infiltration is one of their favorite tools.

We need to focus on how to win this war if we truly want to be free, or go shopping for a good set of knee pads because both ‘sides’ will have us bowing to one sort of god or another.

What must be done – A manifesto of the ‘isms.’

The patriot newbie guidebook

Where are our real enemies?

Do Women or Guns Have More Rights?

FK – That 72 hour thing would probably be a good idea. It would save a lot of time and money in child support court, not to mention the billions spent on welfare.

And why wouldn’t any lesbian SJW want its own Teflon coated factory lubed phallic symbol?

Was Scalia’s Death Foul Play?


FK – Regardless of how or why Scalia died this creates a very dangerous situation in this country, a country full of morons that falsely think we have to abide by whatever ruling comes down from a commie court. Let me be clear on this:

WE DO NOT HAVE TO OBEY THEM!!!!! The SCOTUS is not the final arbiter of our rights. WE ARE!

The most important single issue right now is this: When will the so-called ‘good and intelligent’ people congeal into an alternative government with a fighting force that will be necessary to do what will be required?

Then we have this:

Dems in Senate passed a resolution in1960 against election year Supreme Court appointments

FK – Read the comments on that one.  I’m not enough of a legal eagle to say if this will apply or not. Regardless, my comments above stand.

We MUST draw a line in stone that is etched in deeply enough to carry the blood away. Our domestic blood enemies that have white skin and aren’t hiding in a cave on the other side of the world will NEVER just throw up their hands and say “Oh sorry we bothered you. We’re going home now to live in peace and Liberty with our neighbors.”

It’s not in their arrogant nature to do such. We WILL have to hunt them to extinction to save this country. It’s time to wake up to this reality.

More funny stuff:


FK – The commies never give anyone or anything a ‘fair hearing.’ If they did they would voluntarily commit themselves to the hangman for they are all guilty of treason and of waging war on us all, the Bill of Rights, human Liberty and this country.

Antonin Scalia MURDERED by Obama to Open Supreme Court Spot for a Liberal? – Illuminati Conspiracy


FK – This is not a ‘political disagreement.’ A disagreement is when a man and wife go to buy a car and he wants a blue car and she wants a pink one. Working openly to disarm real Americans, not amerikans, to destroy the Bill of Rights, the document that makes us exceptional, is not a ‘disagreement.’ It’s an act of war. This evil scat is waging war on us and our failure to respond accordingly, as it’s our right to do, as there’s no such thing as a right to enslave others, is what’s killing us.

While I doubt he was assassinated, I wouldn’t put it past our domestic blood enemies to do so. Their wicked ideology killed 200 million in the 20th century alone. Their false pacifism will not keep them from killing more of those who stand up to their evil.

The vid he referred to:

FK – It’s disgusting to think of the millions of morons in this country that don’t believe their govt. is capable of using these tools on any of us at any time.

McConnell Makes a Stand: Vacancy Shouldn’t Be Filled Until America Has a New President

Majority Leader Mitch McConnell has released a statement, saying the vacancy should not be filled until Americans choose the next president.

“Today our country lost an unwavering champion of a timeless document that unites each of us as Americans. Justice Scalia’s fidelity to the Constitution was rivaled only by the love of his family: his wife Maureen his nine children, and his many grandchildren. Through the sheer force of his intellect and his legendary wit, this giant of American jurisprudence almost singlehandedly revived an approach to constitutional interpretation that prioritized the text and original meaning of the Constitution. Elaine and I send our deepest condolences to the entire Scalia family,” McConnell released in a statement. “The American people should have a voice in the selection of their next Supreme Court Justice. Therefore, this vacancy should not be filled until we have a new President.

FK – Regardless of how this comes out there is only one fact that matters: The SCOTUS is NOT the final arbiter of our rights. WE ARE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Any commie ruling could and should be contested by millions of us going to the district of commie criminals and doing what will be required resulting in lots of expensive suits and black robed shysters hanging along Pennsylvania Ave.

If only we had a nation of men.

Hey, The Supreme Court Might Decide On ‘Assault Weapons’ After All

FK – See comments above. The situation hasn’t changed. Only copious amounts of blood will do that now.

They deserve what’s coming:


FK – Another reason if we had a nation of men we’d have a militia company in every county whose primary job it would be to make sure the granite gallows in front of every government building doesn’t fall into disuse and the rope all elected, hired and appointed public servants are required to wear every day doesn’t grow too slick from rubbing against their over-priced clothes.

How much longer?


FK – A percentage of the court is openly communist, or may as well be. Calling them ‘liberal’ or ‘progressive’ is only allowing the evil scat to hide it’s evil behind cute key terms and phrases.

Here’s what they will do to us:

Venezuela Is Out of Food: Here’s What an Economic Collapse Really Looks Like

FK – The collapse has been on going here since NAFTA, passed by a commie congress and signed by a commie/nwo tool prez that said it was against it during its first campaign.

How much longer? When will American men decide to be men? Are they even capable anymore?

FK – Our domestic blood enemies don’t want to debate us. They want to rule us.

They must shut us up. They must herd all the real Americans on the net off to some dark corner where the average mush head will be to afraid to go.

What will we be forced to do after they steal our natural born right to free speech?

Oathkeepers Media Director Investigating 68 Warrants issued for Those Who Stood at Bundy Ranch, Oregon Refuge and Mines

FK – We should have had a militia unit in every county in this country decades ago to deal with such evil.

And with evil such as this:


FK – Will ‘the public’ ever get upset enough to do what will be required to fix this mess if it can be fixed?

If the elites appoint their CFR witch to be the next prez then war will be our future. It will appoint more commies to the SCOTUS which will have to be dealt with during the treason/war crimes trials with executions to follow.

If we do not do what will be required for a restoration of the Bill of Rights and the form of government we’re supposed to have here, Venezuela is our future.

Once again my standard responses to such –

The patriot movement won’t grow up until it learns to do three things:

Stop worrying about what our domestic blood enemies, our greatest enemies that have white skin and aren’t hiding in a cave on the other side of the world, including the mainstream newswhores, say about us. The last one of them to stretch a rope after the war crimes trials will still be lying as its last filthy breath spews out of its upper sewer.

Stop kowtowing to their “Liberal”(commie) trash ‘friends’ who vote to kill them every time they vote.

Stop being cowards and start openly declaring what will be required to fix this mess if it can be fixed: an extensive and thorough “Liberal”(commie) trash season whereby we eradicate enough of our natural born statist/authoritarian vermin to restore Liberty and the Bill of Rights

There’s no such thing as casual ‘friends’

Who’s our greatest enemy? Those who build the Trojan Horse or those who open the gate?

Nothing will get better until we stop worrying so much about the fundie ragheads and start rounding up and at the least deporting our real enemies, our domestic enemies.

So who or what is our real enemy? A tiny no. of fundies who manage to kill a few mush heads now and again or our own white home-grown “Liberal”(commie) trash that works relentlessly to disarm and thus fully enslave millions?

What will we do when a commie SCOTUS rules it’s OK for the “Liberal”(commie) trash, our real enemies, to demand we ‘turn them in?’ How many cowards will comply? Those are the questions that matter.

What’s an ‘illegal gun?’ Those two words are nowhere to be found in the Second Amendment.

Was the Inland Center a ‘gun free zone?” Why is commiefornia still a ‘may issue’ state? Why do we seek ‘permission’ to exercise the most basic right any creature possesses, that of self defense?

If the Marxist mutt and other commie extremists that call themselves ‘liberal’ and ‘progressive’ tell us to surrender our weapons and thus our most basic right, they’ll find out what blood really is.

The most important ‘private property’ anyone owns is their own life, health, safety, and no one, anywhere, anytime has the ‘right’ to take that from them or deny them their most basic right, that of self defense.

We all get the elected public servants the brain dead sheeple deserve.

I’ll vote for the candidate that will bring the troops home, activate the militias, and re-invade and re-conquer commiefornia and the other commie enclaves on the left and East coasts.

They’re not ‘leftists,’ ‘liberal’ or ‘progressive.’ They’re communists/globalists. They want us disarmed so we can’t kill them when enough finally wake up to the necessity of doing so.

Our Liberty is dying because of our failure to hunt the “Liberal”(commie) and globalist trash to extinction.

What must be done – A manifesto of the ‘isms.’

Don’t understand my bad attitude? Start here.

Governments will always be able to get guns so we must always be better armed than them.
Act politically but prep for what history shows will have to be done. It’s way past time to prep for what will be required.

Rules for the militia

What is our ‘duty‘ exactly?:

FK – What is our duty, exactly? What are we fighting for, a false system or a Bill of Rights? The zombie apocalypse is already on our doorstep. Who or what do we really owe ‘allegiance’ to?

Prepping for slavery

Is Asexuality More Common Than You Think?

FK – So around 30 percent of the sheeple population is suffering from birth defects/mental illness?

More asexual women than men? I have no problem with that one. For many to most females sex is only a means to pop out babies and have someone else pay for it. But then I’ve known many ‘men’ who will nail anything that will lie down or stand up in front of them.

Some may think I’m ‘a-sexual’ when in reality there are three words that have always struck fear in my heart: “child support court.”