Tag Archives: militiamen

How the demonscat party can save itself

How the demonscat party can save itself
Barry Bright June 23, 1017

As a pre-cursor – I actually voted for Bill Klinton out of ignorance when it first ran for prez in 1992 because it said it was against NAFTA. Then during its first year in office a demonscat congress voted NAFTA through and klinton signed it and bragged about it.

So much for the ‘party of the little man.’ So much for voting for a candidate based on what spews from its upper sewer during the quadrennial quest for the idiot vote.

Bush the first was in favor of closing American factories and allowing American corporations to send their jobs to ‘developing’ countries where they could find desperate workers who were willing to do or say anything to get a job and to show up on time, do what they’re told and never ask inappropriate questions to keep it.

Otherwise klinton’s platform was repulsive to me but in my youthful college educated ignorance I didn’t yet understand how evil the twin evils of socialism and gun control are. We’ve had the net for 20 years now so there’s no excuse for supporting or tolerating either.

Never in my government school or college career did anyone explain to me the real difference between a ‘conservative’ and a ‘liberal.’

It’s pretty simple really, ‘democrats’ only have to do these things:

1. Stop working to disarm the common people and instead work to restore the Second Amendment by repealing ‘all,’ that’s the ‘all’ that’s in the dictionary, gun laws on the federal, state and local level.

2. Work to bring real good paying jobs back home. Require employers to treat their workers like human beings, not ‘human resources,’ or as I often say, jackasses.

3. Get over all this absurd propaganda about an obviously mentally ill or birth-defected tiny minority of the population. People who ‘feel,’ uh, ‘gay’ or ‘trans-gendered’ or whatever silliness they’ve come up with recently shouldn’t be mis-treated or abused but neither should we all be forced at the point of a govt. gun to lie about what they really are and pretend they’re all ‘happy, healthy and normal’ when they’re anything but.

4. Stop using minorities of whatever kind as propaganda tools by constantly harping on ‘race’ or inclusiveness or multiculturalism or whatever other bilge some Marxist wordsmith comes up with next.

5. Get the communists out of their party, out of our govt. schools, out of the universities, out of our news and entertainment media and stop trying to communize our health care, and every other institution in our society.

6. Stop working to import illegals, immigrants, whatever from cultures that have even a poorer understanding of Liberty than most amerikans do so they can get them to vote commie, uh, democratic.

7. Go into therapy to learn how to stifle their ultimate arrogance so that we won’t be forced to.

What must be done – A manifesto of the ‘isms.’

But then we must realize their arrogance will never allow them to do these things. We will be forced to force them to stop working covertly and overtly to enslave us all further, completely.

I write all this in the recognition that the republicrat party is as always determined to fail in the restoration of our republic, our Bill of Rights and our individual liberty. The amerikan communist insurgency infiltrated every institution it could over the last century and a half, including the republicrat party, the original party of big government.

So as history shows the demonscat party just has to wait one more time for ‘conservative’ voters to get sick of republicrat stonewalling and cowardice and for angry demonscat voters to get off their couches and golf carts or park benches and ‘get active’ for the next election cycle.

Are we ready?

What does ‘We the People’ actually mean?

It means we are responsible…

We have a representative republic, guaranteed to every state, not a democracy.

We have a Bill of Rights that acknowledges rights we are born with, not granted or created by any government.

We vote with the knowledge that voting is the most violent act anyone can participate in because voting is electing someone to hire someone to stick a government gun in our neighbors’ faces and force our version of reality on them at the threat of their very lives.

We stand ready to protect our Liberty and the Liberty of our neighbors, not destroy it, via any version of authoritarianism, of any age or place.

We are prepared with knowledge and force of arms to make war against and kill if necessary those who would destroy our Bill of Rights whether they represent domestic or foreign enemies.

We do not lie to ourselves, our families, our friends, our business associates, our descendants, our enemies, about these things and do not EVER tolerate those who would have us do so.

If the troops were fighting for our freedom they’d all be here.

The only real reason for the militia

Will the republicrats be able to save themselves?

FK – It’s commie care. They’ve wanted to force it on us for decades and will not give up until we force them to.

Speaking of such:


FK – It won’t be a cakewalk, it won’t be over quickly.

And don’t miss this one:

America Closing In On Civil And Global War

Trump as click bait, and other things…

The only real reason for the militia

The only real reason for the militia
Barry Bright – June 15, 2017

“We’re not trying to overthrow the government. The government’s already been overthrown.” – Charlie Puckett, Kentucky State Militia Commander

For 70 plus years survivors of the ‘holocaust’ and their associates have hunted Nazis and ‘former’ Nazis and German soldiers who in one way or another contributed to the alleged murder of 6 million ‘Jews’ and others The National Socialist German Workers Party found to be undesirables.

They have prosecuted even lowly camp guards who may not have even belonged to the Nazi party but who as part of a larger machine were just ‘doing their jobs‘ for a check and a retirement plan assuming they survived the wars.

Just like our modern soldiers and guardsmen and policemen, who by the way do not exist to ‘protect’ anyone or their property via more than one SCOTUS ruling. Instead as history shows they exist to protect the state, enforce its laws and collect its taxes.

As history shows again gun or weapons confiscation almost always precedes genocide thus any participating in such are equally guilty of genocide. All ‘gun control’ is propaganda designed to condition the sheeple to accept more ‘control’ thus all gun control is an act of war. So all those forwarding gun control are waging war on human liberty, our Bill(s) of Rights of the United States and several states and on humanity itself.

The most important ‘private property’ anyone owns is their own life, health, safety, and no one, anywhere, anytime has the ‘right’ to take that from them or deny them their most basic right, that of self defense.

The words ‘illegal gun’ are not found in our Second Amendment, which as the rest of the Bill of Rights is an acknowledgment, not a creation or allowance, of the most basic right any creature possesses, the right to fight back against and kill if necessary those who would enslave(in our case enslave us further) or otherwise abuse or murder them for whatever statist/authoritarian reasons or excuses.

The first battle in our American revolution was fought on April 19, 1775, now known as ‘Patriots’ Day’ during which British Troops advanced upon two or more villages in order to seize their cannon, powder and shot and small arms, which were locally owned and controlled.

In response to this, to make a long story short, our ancestors, men of the local militia who kept their personal weapons that were equal to or superior to that carried by British soldiers at home at all times or near their persons so that they could respond at a ‘minute’s notice’ thus the name ‘minute men,’ proceeded to kill government employees all the way back to Boston.

Minute men kept their weapons with them. They didn’t go to the armory to be issued the weapons that were equal or superior to those carried by British soldiers. Neither should we.

For the record Patriots Day should be our greatest holiday for it was the day the local common man and woman began doing their part in securing their future independence and Liberty. And they had blood of their fellow Englishmen on their hands when they were finished.

That is how our country was founded. Indeed this entire continent, and all of human civilization, sits upon and draws its food and water from blood-stained ground.

Americans killing government employees. That’s what won our country, our independence and  what’s left of our Liberty. History shows it’s a process that will have to be repeated.

In the wake of the devastation of a hurricane named ‘Katrina’ a few years back local and other ‘officials,'(public servants) who have still not been called to answer for their crimes, ordered police and other uniformed sanctioned soldiers of the state to participate in similar evil. Most of them did so.

At the least they should all have laid down their arms and refused per their Oaths to defend our Constitution and its Bill of Rights. At the most they should have been killed by local citizens because of their participation in the carrying out of these orders. The people would have been well-within their natural rights regardless of what modern authoritarian ‘law’ might have to say about it.

Our modern military’s weapons are kept locked in Federal armories and are mostly bought with Federal funds. As an old saying goes, funding is control. They function under orders from on high, the Federal government or whatever creatures have been recently elected to do so by a not-always best informed constituency.

While possible it is highly unlikely any state governor(elected public servant) would ever call out his ‘state’ guardsmen to defend the liberty of his employers from the Federal govt. In fact the opposite is far more likely.

So let’s hear no more about the ‘National Guard’ or the Army or any other federal force being equal with the militia. They are not now nor have they ever been. There are some states with ‘state defense forces‘ but most likely their weapons are all kept locked in armories as well.

We can see now what is happening in Europe and England. Most of those peoples face severe restrictions on their ‘right to bear arms’ either in defense of their Liberty, their loved ones, their property or themselves.

Thanks to law passed by “liberal”(communist/globalist) trash rape gangs now roam the streets of several European cities. There are ‘no-go’ zones where even their police are told not to tread. Muslim clerics regularly preach sermons where they proclaim Shari’a law is our future and all of western civilization will soon bow to their version or sub-version or subversion of what ‘god’ is.

Who is letting them in and allowing them to stay? Who is more culpable, an enemy without, or within the gate that drags the Trojan Horse through it?

And still the real enemies of human Liberty and western civilization, not the fundie ragheads of whatever name or stripe, but white-skinned “Liberal”(commie) trash are allowed to hold office, pass their laws, tell their lies, with no more repercussion than one would lay upon a mischievous child and really far less.

But they, despite the denial of many to most who claim to love freedom, know full well they are waging war. As part of that war they must disarm us as they did the people of England and Australia of arms that might equal, in part, that carried by any common soldier or Marine.

When that day comes, and a biased SCOTUS rules such orders can be carried out, or before, we must be ready.

Indeed the SCOTUS(our employees), is NOT the final arbiter of our rights. WE THE PEOPLE ARE!

So may it be deemed responsible and right that if any ‘gun turn in points’ are ever instituted within the boundaries of our nation those running them shall be treated as our nation’s soldiers would have treated those German camp guards if they had refused to surrender and give up their horrendous job which they undertook for the sake of a paycheck and a retirement plan or because, “I was just following orders.”

That’s the reason for the militia. Not to sit home muttering ‘Molan labe’ and dying one household at a time but to go forward as our ancestors did, hunting our enemies and destroying them.

Where’s yours? Are you afraid of the ‘m’ word that’s in the Second Amendment?

What is a man, really?

Rules for the militia

What you tolerate you deserve


What will be required

What our ‘law enforcement’ is capable of:


A few did refuse:


Will you keep your Oath?:



From the Wikipedia page on the ‘National’ Guard:

During the 1993 Waco Siege of the Branch Davidians, elements of the Alabama and Texas Army National Guard were called in to assist the ATF and the follow on effort by the Federal Bureau of Investigation; the National Guard’s involvement was limited to several specific areas; surveillance and reconnaissance, transport, maintenance and repairs, training and instruction, helicopters, unarmed tactical ground vehicles. The Army National Guard helicopters were also used to do photographic reconnaissance work. Training for ATF agents included such subjects as Close Quarters Combat, and combat medical instruction, and a mock up of the Mount Carmel complex was constructed at Fort Hood, Texas for rehearsals. ATF also received several surplus helmets, flack vests, canteens, first aid dressings, empty magazines, and some night-vision equipment, in addition to MREs and diesel fuel. The FBI would request and receive the use of Bradley Armored Fighting Vehicles, and tank retrieval vehicles, as well as overflights by UH-1 and CH-47 helicopters.[34]

FK – So they helped murder the Branch Davidians


The Appalachians: The Scotch-Irish / Scots-Irish

FK – Oh for men such as those who fought on King’s Mountain.

What is a man, really?

What is a man, really?

What is a man, really?
Barry Bright
Dec. 8, 2016

Off and on for the last few months I’ve been using the phrase “Oh for a nation of men” or some such or alluding to the fact that there are no longer any men in this country.

Someone has finally called me on it. It’s another sad indicator that I’m right. It was a woman, maybe a ‘conservative’ female with some clue but not enough to grasp what I was really trying to get across, someone who still has some commie indoctrination to overcome.

I’m not ‘attacking’ her. She seems to have a partial clue and may be on the way to really waking up but she still has a long way to go. Sigh. So many newbies, so little time.

Years back it used to be a common thing for trolls on the net, YouTube and various places to taunt supporters of the Second Amendment with some trash like this:

“You don’t need a gun. Just use your fists like a real man.”

Of course that’s an attitude fit for an 8th grade school yard but then this is a country full of so-called humans that never learned to think much beyond that level. Our recent quest for the idiot vote has proven that once again.

On the other end of this spectrum, or pretty close to it, was a statement a younger cousin of mine made several years back after watching me shoot a couple of coyotes with my deer rifle:

“I didn’t think you could shoot them that far away.”

They were only 150 – 200 yards away. Anyone with any rudimentary knowledge of firearms should’ve known that’s not a long range for such a tool, a weapon, that’s designed to kill.

That’s another ‘thing’ with me. It was once common for ‘pro-gun’ so-called ‘men’ to start whining when one referred to a gun as a ‘weapon.’ Their common refrain was that it might ‘scare the sheeple’ in so many words.

Pfff…. That’s always been our problem. Real men don’t whine about what their domestic blood enemies might think or say. They just move forward and stay ready to stomp their arrogant faces into the dirt.

But amerika is swamped in both kinds of ignorance, from the bully mentality developed in homes where violence is often considered the first and best resort to homes where violence is mindlessly forbidden to the point that the child never develops any kind of adult mindset, the mindset of a real human, that knows sometimes violence is the only choice.

A couple clarifications for the sake of the weak-minded and weak-willed:

It’s wrong to stupid to teach a child that violence is always the first option in any situation, and few parents intentionally do this. But many intentionally do something far more evil: teach their children and worse the children of others that violence is never an option. It’s evil because they are raising willing slaves and pathetic cowards who will probably never undertake to understand the necessity of what I write here.

Spoiling or over-protecting any child is a form of child abuse, for it is a form of neglect. Any so-called ‘adult’ that doesn’t realize it may have to kill at some point is a pathetic creature not to be pitied, but to be looked down upon as a lesser being, and they have no business voting, which is the most violent act any human can participate in.

A real man does these things:

He isn’t afraid to say what needs to be done and prepares to do it. He doesn’t ignore the effort to create a ‘new world order’ and pretend that he’s gonna get beamed up before things get too bad and then leave his descendants to exist in total slavery.

He doesn’t play word games. He owns weapons not just tools or guns or toys for the range or the deer stand that are or can be used to kill not only game for the table but the garbage that insists he doesn’t ‘need’ to able to fight back and kill them after they’ve voted to kill him by electing some piece of scat to hire some whore to come and disarm him after some group of judges have ruled it’s OK for the government to tell us to ‘turn them in.’

He doesn’t allow his bubble-gum headed wife to insist his children are raised without the basic knowledge they need to defend themselves and if necessary kill those who would enslave them or in our case enslave them further or kill any common criminal that might endanger them or their property.

He doesn’t let his “Liberal”(commie) trash ‘friends‘ get away with claiming he has no such right.

He joins or forms a militia group and helps them train in whatever way he is capable in order to be ready to water the Tree of Liberty by hunting our real enemies, our white-skinned domestic blood enemies that were born here, to extinction before they do such via the police and military to those they claim to hate and who simply wish to live in the free country the Founders attempted to bequeath to us.

I know that unfortunately I must insert a few more disclaimers so the weak-minded and the brain dead and the newly awakened may understand:

I’m not Rambo and have never claimed to be but that’s another jibe the “Liberal”(commie) trash trolls once commonly used. I’ve never claimed to be and that’s the point. In boot camp they taught us to work as a team not as individual super heroes. We must do the same.

As a veteran I never had any real issue with females in the military even though I know on a scientific and biological basis they should not be regularly placed on the ‘front lines.’

I have no doubt there are female athletes who could out run, out fight, out shoot me with little effort. But they are the minority of their sex, just as there are men who can’t make it through Marine boot camp. Eight of 10 or so graduated when I went through. As a non-athletic half spoiled non-physical fighting only child with no experience in the Boy Scouts or other organizations I had a rough time of it.

But none of that is the point of this. The point is that we must begin to train, indoctrinate, our youth in not only Liberty but in the skills needed to maintain it. This could range from learning basic martial arts such as how to shoot a BB gun to playing video games that develop skills that could be used to eliminate our real enemies, foreign or domestic.

Not everyone is willing to be on or belongs on the front line. But all should be required to learn the basic skills it takes to keep what we are supposed to have here.

And yes this is supposed to be a nation of laws, more or less, not a nation of dictators. Really it’s supposed to be a group of sovereign nation states where the most basic right of all is recognized: the right to fight and kill if necessary those who would work covertly or overtly to destroy our Bill of Rights, which acknowledges our right to do so, not grants it.

For the record there is no such thing as a ‘right’ to work covertly or overtly to enslave those around you. Yep, I’m talking to you, dear “Liberal”(commie) trash.


Or your cowardice.

FK – There is a way for all to do their part, even those who miss-interpret the ancient tribal propaganda whose god told it’s subjects to go over the hill and kill everything there and not bring back so much as a goat or a sack of wheat.

The only real reason for the militia

Posting this Despite My Fears!

FK – It’s way past time to turn the hymnals into wadding

Oathkeepers Official Call to Action

Stand By Me for Liberty – Kentucky