Tag Archives: law school

The GOA Sues Trump and ATF over Unconstitutional Ban on Bump Stocks


FK – Their only goal is our submission. All else is propaganda. They would ban our arms if they could get away with it:

The origin of the right to keep and bear arms

This country has no shortage of idiots. The problem is we let them vote.

Who deserves to vote?

Where are the genuine peoples’ militias we need in every county to deal with this evil?

All gun control is an act of war.

Until we are prepared for the worst case scenario we are still losing.

Don’t be found in a pile of brass. Be found with your brass strung out behind you along an avenue of approach. That’s how wars are won.

My answer to ‘Molon Labe’

Judge Andrew Napolitano: How the Courts Killed Natural Law

FK – “Government is not reason, it is not eloquence, it is force.” – attributed to Gen. George Washington.

The govt. is whomever is willing to exercise the force necessary to create/maintain it.

This is no longer a nation of men so those who wrote and voted for the anti-patriot act and those who enforce the gun laws and drug war and war on terror and on and on will not soon get the justice they deserve.

I fear we are already defeated.

My answer to ‘Molon Labe’