Tag Archives: invasion

YEAR OF STRANGE: 2016 & The Alien Coverup Reviewed

FK – Gee you brag about the increased ‘belief’ in aliens/UFOs/extra Terran civilizations, whatever then you go on to say this ‘belief’ might damage our global ‘belief’ systems. Funny thing that.

I don’t ‘believe’ there are aliens and I certainly don’t ‘believe in’ them. I ‘think,’ not believe, there is strong evidence for the UFO/abduction phenomena, not so much for most of the ‘artifacts’ pix from the moon and Mars, most of which are exceedingly questionable as are a lot of the floating lights you feature.

Maybe it’s time to stop looking for the ones that are flying around and start focusing on the ones that are walking around among us. Maybe they don’t want the religions to be challenged for they find them useful.

No sacred cows, or a new global Bill of Rights

A Word To The Criminal Migrant

FK – The roots of your problems go back to WWII when with our empire’s help you defeated the lessor of two evils and allowed the greater evil, watered-down communism, by many cute names, to rule you.

When they demanded your guns you surrendered them without a fight. That was your ‘democracy’ speaking. Now you are full-blown slaves and it was done by white-skinned Europeans, not brown skinned fundie ragheads. Now your domestic blood enemies are driving their western culture destroying bayonet into your hearts and you fully deserve it.

But then we do to, just not as much. Because we should’ve opened “Liberal”(commie) trash season a long time ago.

Meanwhile on the continent:


FK – It’s not ‘feminism.’ It’s communism by another name. Your ‘democracy’ brought this on you. It’s time to throw ‘democracy’ on the trash heap of history and demand Liberty.

No sacred cows, or a new global Bill of Rights

To our next door neighbor:


FK – What is ‘royal assent?’

The problem is giving any authoritarians ‘political capital’ in the first place.

Our tolerance of them will be our destruction.

Will we be saved?:

FK – As I’ve written before Trump was probably programmed to throw a few bones to the ‘conservatives’ because the elites see the sun setting on their hegemony, at least in this country and they needed someone to keep his finger in the dike until they had time to re-group and slither out from their dark corner with a new plan and slightly altered lies.

One of the bones:

The “Trump-Effect” Ends Gun Free Zones Before He Even Takes Office

FK – That’s a good bone but we still have a long way to go.

And the more I think about it the arrogant officer class in the military is probably hoping Trump and the rest of the milquetoast ‘gun rights’ activists will accept this and move on instead of demanding that everyone has their right to carry(their most basic right, that of self defense) on any federal property acknowledged and not ‘granted.’

And which direction will Trump truly take?:

FK – Keeping the commies out of power would be a good thing but the outcomes show that wasn’t the real goal huh? They won in all but Korea and even there kept half the country.

We need to bring our troops home, activate the militias and ‘national guard’ and hunt them here.

And what ‘free speech’ do we truly have?:

Imam charged for preaching Jews ‘offspring of apes and pigs’

FK – So which political correctness is worse? The Euro commies protecting the fundie ragheads in the name of ‘human rights’ or the Euro commies and ‘christians’ and others having a ‘special group’ that no one can criticize?

I call them the unmentionables.

In a free country there’s no such thing as a group whose motives cannot be questioned. When we have that we have a serious problem. We have a serious problem.

The Tea Party’s National Security Threat

Let’s rearrange the deck chairs

It’s already here:

Former Sanders Spokeswoman: “We Don’t Need White People Leading The Democratic Party”


FK – So the white-skinned commies who are our real enemies will be kicked out of their own party? This commie cow is in for a rude awakening.

Are you beginning to see the connections yet?

The patriot newbie guidebook

Leaked NASA Email About Aliens? Strange Lights Over NC & More! 10/1/16

FK – So what journalist made the contact with the NASA guy? Who’s the real source?

I’ll stick to thinking, not ‘believing,’ that they want us here for some reason, doing what we’re doing. Either we’re their petri dish, their resource or if we’re lucky one of their nature preserves. Or maybe it’s for some reason we’re not capable of understanding.

They may very well allow us to ‘destroy ourselves’ for various reasons. Or they may ‘save’ us to fight again another day. After all we were ‘made in their image.’ Would an intelligent cow love the farmer that takes it calf and turns it into hamburger?

Yet the ‘scientist’s’ words are very arrogant. We don’t even rank as tadpoles in the mudhole and we do lots of stupid things like wage war over whose sadistic asshole of a god is going to burn the vast majority of humans that ever existed alive in fire forever. Sometimes there are real reasons for some humans'(very loosely defined) versions of ‘stupidity,’ i.e. hunting “Liberal”(commie) trash and other authoritarians to extinction would be a good thing.

As always we are still a very primitive species and still exist in a very dark age.

UFO Disclosure: How We Are Being Told The Greatest Story Of All Time by Grant Cameron


FK – First of all the prez is a tool that is ‘allowed’ into the now red house and ‘allowed’ to make certain decisions within certain parameters.

If anyone is at 60,000 feet it ain’t him, or it, or whatever is allowed in there in the future.

It seems to me the mothership would be at 60,000 feet.

Propaganda has always been a mix of truth, half truths and blatant lies from the ancient tribal propaganda to the pink goo that flows on the internet and drowns us all in dis/information.

It wouldn’t surprise me if they told us the Aliens want us to give up our guns so they can teach us how to exist as peaceful slaves. Oh wait, they already did that in the 50s.

But, but it’s on the weaponvision so it must be real:


FK – The phenomena is very real but you can bet the enemies of human liberty will use it to their advantage every time they can.


FK – The Marxist mutt doesn’t have to ‘disclose’ anything. It will be obvious to all during the next prez administration regardless whether the big hair or the big ego(you figure out which is which) wins that the aliens are among us and the mush heads in the middle voted them into power.

‘IT’S COMING’ The UFO truth legacy more profound than Christ which Obama may trigger

A new Goldilocks for habitable planets

FK – We need to find the ‘Goldilocks zone’ for human intelligence. In reality it’s very narrow and we let too many with none vote. That’s the problem.

More propaganda?:

FK – ‘Compassion and evidence’ would be a dogma as well if it’s practiced no better than ‘modern science.’

Our Earthly enemies tell us lies and claim to be what they are not and will use the alien presence to their advantage if they can.

No sacred cows, or a new global Bill of Rights


FK – Obviously they used religion in ancient times to try to stifle the sex drive and train better worker bees.

Democracy is evil, another tool of the elites. Demand Liberty.

Are the alien greys biological androids, avatars, controlled by others far or nearby, like our drones?

When the commies/globalists control the government schools and universities and media it’s not ‘brainwashing’ but indoctrination.

Maybe everything’s already ‘infused’ and we’re just not yet advanced enough to see it. Maybe that’s what the ‘revelation’ or pulling away of the veil will be about.

At best those that ‘made us in their image’ and/or have subtly guided our evolution are nurturing us toward whatever they wish us to be or if we’re lucky, what we choose to be. At worst we’re someone’s resource or petri dish. Or maybe all the above.

Patriot/ Prepper…This could kill you if you do not take care of it.

FK – For the most part the war will not be fought by ‘preppers’ or patriots or militiamen. Most of them will be dead or in the supermax by the time things really get serious, if they show up for the first firefight at all.

If we had a nation of men the war would’ve began years ago. This country is ripe for collapse/invasion. Harsh words now are nothing compared to what’s coming. Most will kiss fondle and suck whatever is stuck in their faces in order to keep the steak and ice cream and big screen fantasyland turned on.

It will be up to that tiny minority as always.

Hybrid Armies and Little Green Men! – Open Minds UFO Report

FK – Not likely he’d ‘disclose’ such in a public speech or maybe even know much about the reality of the watchers. More likely he’s getting off on using the lingo the military uses to feel cool and intelligent.

In any case billions aren’t ready to deal with such reality. They’re too busy waiting for the world to end right after they get beamed up.

Army Chief of Staff warns of “hybrid armies” and “little green men”


FK – The primary purpose of any government should be to protect and increase human Liberty. But instead they view us as livestock. Or maybe ‘they’ view us as livestock.

A Knock At Midnight


FK – What was it your master allegedly said?: “He who is without sin…?”

Yep, us white folk should all be breeding as the ancient kings decreed to produce workers and soldiers for their conquering armies. What did ‘replenish’ the allegedly newly created Earth mean anyway? And why did the Hebrew god(s) give the order to those they had created in their image before the fall, before Adam and Eve were allegedly doing the nasty and having babies?

Yep, amerika is falling, but not so much in a material way. The Romans lost their republic but continued for centuries under various dictators, just as we’ve been doing since 1865. Only our dictators are appointed by the elites then the dupes are allowed to vote for them in sham elections whereby they seek another savior that repeats the same lies the last one did so that it may obey its real masters, the NWO elites, and forward their agendas while throwing bones to the pack, or what was once called the mob.

Did the Romans fall because they stopped worshiping their pagan gods and switch to monotheism? Or was it a simple lack of will brought about by easy upbringing that always produces a softening of heart and mind?

America is dying because of a lack of men with the willingness to understand what we’re supposed to have here or with the courage to do anything about it. Will future history books even tell the truth about it or will our conquerors write them?

I rest my case:
