Tag Archives: hunting

Cecil the Lion’s Killer Goes Free, Leftists Roar with Rage…

Amidst calls for common sense bow and arrow reform (LOLWUT), the dentist who killed Cecil the Lion will not be charged for murder. Apparently he had all the proper paperwork to go hunting, and there was never anything illegal going on in the first place. Put plainly, this never should’ve been a story. Go figure.

Zimbabwe will not charge U.S. dentist for killing Cecil the lion

In Zimbabwe, We Don’t Cry for Lions

FK – The freaks in this country have lost their effing minds. But that’s assuming they had any to begin with. Their mindless blood lust far exceeds that of any hunter.


Congressman Ed Whitfield announces he will not run for re-election in 2016

Republican Congressman Ed Whitfield, subject of a House ethics probe, announced on Tuesday that he will not run for a 12th term next year.

Whitfield told Pure Politics in August that he planned to seek re-election, but in a statement released through his office, he offered no reason for his decision.

“Representing the people of the 1st District for 21 years has been an honor,” he said in a statement. “I will cherish forever the countless opportunities to work with them to nurture and strengthen the 35 counties comprising Kentucky’s First District.”

The Hopkinsville Republican also included a list of his top achievements, such as helping establish the Federal Health Benefit Program for employees of the Paducah Gaseous Diffusion Plant, securing funding for troops at Fort Campbell, promoting the use of fossil fuels and ensuring animals are treated humanely.

That last point references a central focus of the House Ethics Committee investigation launched in March, which is looking into whether Whitfield improperly aided his wife Connie Harriman-Whitfield, a lobbyist for the Humane Society Legislative Fund, in her work.

FK – Good, one less useless RINO NWO hack in the Congress. To my knowledge he never sponsored any legislation to restore the Second Amendment. And his wife? Talk about sleeping with the enemy.

And some more possible good news:

Under pressure: McConnell pushed to resign as Senate Majority Leader

FK – Now we need to make sure their replacements, as Bonehead’s, aren’t just more of the same ol’ useless eaters.

Gun Owners of America: Abolish Background Checks, Destroy Linked Database

On August 31, Breitbart News spoke with Gun Owners of America’s (GOA) executive director, Larry Pratt, about background checks for gun purchasers, and he made clear that GOA opposed them when they were first introduced under President Bill Clinton and that GOA believes they should be abolished now.

Pratt also stressed that the database tied to them should be destroyed.

Our conversation began with a discussion of how yet another public attacker, Vester Lee Flanagan, demonstrated the impotency of background checks by passing one to acquire the gun he used to shoot and kill Alison Parker and Adam Ward in Virginia.

Pratt responded by pointing out that public attackers are not the only ones background checks fail to stop. He said, “During the last year of record, although the government has done millions upon million of background checks, they brought 14 prosecutions to court for trial–hardly a crime-fighting tool.” He said some people respond to this by pointing out that there were people who were “denied getting a gun at the point of sale,” but these people fail to note that criminals get guns in ways that completely circumvent the checks.

Pratt said:

Many mass murders have gotten their hands on guns by passing a background check, while other criminals are resourceful. They are evil, but they are resourceful, as well, and they get their hands on guns. The idea that somehow we’re safe if we do a background check is simply not true.

FK – I have to disagree with Mr. Pratt on who the ‘evil’ ones are. Most shooters as most criminals are probably suffering from some form of mental illness. It’s the highly educated intelligent authoritarians who seek to disarm us all who are evil, for they fully understand what they do.


FK – And not all our enemies are domestic, though they’re not hiding in a cave on the other side of the world but on our own real estate:

Want to Own a Gun? Help to Get US Out!


Join Oath Keepers for The 2015 Appalachian Mountain Summit!

This is an open invitation to every red blooded American patriot from across our great country to join Oath Keepers and our brothers and sisters from the Appalachian Mountain area for a 3 day, 5 State summit, in Gilbert, West Virginia. In this summit we will be sharing critical information, working on team building, community preparedness, and sharing of critical skills. This is an incredible opportunity to meet like minded individuals from your local area and across the country. Join Allen Lardier, Mike Holbrook (summit organizers,) Stewart Rhodes, Founder and President of Oath Keepers, Liberty Musician Jordan Page, and so many more great patriots just like you, from across the country. Jordan Page will also be putting on a concert on Saturday night! Please see the video at the bottom of this post to see the video for Jordan’s song “Arm Yourself”

Please note that you DO NOT have to be an Oath Keepers Member to attend this event. You just have to be a patriot who believes in the Constitution, Bill of Rights and the equal rights of all men regardless of race, religion or party. We also welcome leadership and teams from other groups, as well as families and individuals.

Hunter who helped U.S. dentist kill Cecil the lion dismisses case against him as ‘FRIVOLOUS’ as he appears in court

The professional hunter who helped American dentist Walter Palmer slaughter a treasured lion in Zimbabwe has dismissed the case against him as ‘frivolous’ and ‘crazy’.

At a court in Hwange town this morning, Theo Bronkhorst told journalists the backlash following the killing of Cecil the lion had been ‘traumatic’.

He claimed he didn’t even know who Cecil was at the time he assisted Dr Palmer – someone he describes as a ‘good man’ – slaughter the popular lion.

His comments will anger animal rights campaigners who are calling for the hunters to face justice.

FK – This is all commie propaganda. They will control everything we do if we don’t force them to stop.

FK – Don’t normally hunt from a blind but if I can share hers I’ll start.

The “Liberal”(commie) trash would rather these people lose their jobs and go flip veggie burgers:


FK – I hunt but I have to ask who the hell would want to spend 30 years looking at that elephant? And what’s that thing on that rock?

Cecil, The Lion, A Victim Of Poaching, NOT Fair Chase Hunting

The International Council for Game and Wildlife Conservation (CIC), a global organisation promoting the sustainable use and conservation of wildlife resources, is deeply concerned about the storm of misinformation of the public, which has been prompted by the illegal killing of a celebrity lion in Zimbabwe.

The ethical, sustainable hunting of wildlife (including trophy hunting) is recognized as an integral part of wildlife conservation policies and strategies[i]. The illegal taking of game is classified as poaching, a crime, condemned and fought against by enforcement agencies and the hunting community alike.

The CIC supports and commends the Zimbabwe authorities and Zimbabwe Professional Hunters and Guides’ Association for the swift actions in relation to the poaching of Cecil. Parties found guilty should be prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law.

FK – Whether this was ‘poaching’ or not seems to still be unclear. If the authorities were so concerned for Cecil’s safety why wasn’t he behind a tall fence? What happens to older male lions when they can no longer defend their pride? Male domestic house cats often kill young kittens, and each other in their quest to further their genetic line. Cecil probably did the same in his career.

To Anti-hunters all hunting is ‘poaching.’ They would ban it all if they could. Giving an inch to them is a grave mistake. We must stop apologizing to our domestic blood enemies and treat them as they deserve to be treated, as garbage that doesn’t belong in our country.

‘Trophy hunting’ is just saying you killed an animal that is allegedly a little harder to kill than the average member of that species, unless it truly is some kind of ‘canned hunt’ or some such. Don’t let our domestic blood enemies decide the language we use or how we express our Liberty.

The deer and the real horror

Welcome to the jungle:

FK – From the vid description:

“This is what happened when a 4 year old male lion wandered into the territory of two dominant 9 year old male lions. The video was shot on safari in the Sabi Sands Game Reserve and shows how the two older dominant males protect their territory by killing another male lion who chose to chase a buffalo into the wrong area. You will see over the series of videos how the dominant males kill him slowly.

“In the end though, this unfortunate lion had 4 brothers close by who got revenge by killing one of the two dominant lions later that night and caused the remaining dominant lion to flee the area. It was a sad situation on both sides because two beautiful male lions were killed and as a result of the change in power, all the area cubs will be killed along with several females as the new 4 dominant males take over the territory.”

And another:


FK – This is not the cheesy touchy-feely world our native born freaks would have us believe.

Shooting the lion to put it out of its misery would probably be ‘illegal.’

Sometimes the hunted fights back:

FK – Amerikan ‘conservatives’ and ‘libertarians’ could learn something from this.

And from this one:


FK – Looks like the lions killed the Giraffe bambi…

Hunting these creatures is a dangerous proposition:

FK – And sometimes maybe the lions are just hungry.

The Truth About Lions

Kentucky Gun Store Declares Itself “Muslim-Free”

The owners of an Eastern Kentucky gun shop made their feelings known this week, by hanging a sign that’s causing quite a bit of controversy. However, the Letcher County store owners said it’s their First Amendment Right to declare their business “Muslim free.”

“It just says Muslim Free gun shop,” said Jill Stidham. She and her husband own Jace Firearms. However, their few short words are causing quite a stir in Whitesburg.

“That’s not freedom of speech, that is discrimination,” said Anthony Stamper, as he walked past the store.

“He’s an American and he’s got his rights and he can do what he wants to,” added Jordan Reynolds as he walked past the business.

Right or wrong, the owners of Jace firearms said it’s their right to say what they want.

“We have the right to freedom of speech, we are trying to stand up for our country,” said Jill.

“I’m not racist, I don’t want to be discriminative of people. But, I agreed with the gentleman in Florida,” said William.

Stidham said after the mass shooting in Tennessee, where  four Marines and a Navy sailor were killed, a Florida gun shop’s video went viral stating they were becoming a “Muslim free zone.” The Kentucky couple agreed with the decision and followed suit.

“I can’t tell them not to come in here. I am not going to do that. I am not going to threaten anybody or put anybody out, but I think it’s my right to say that I don’t want them in here,” said William.

FKWhat group is letting the fundie ragheads and illegals enter our country because they want their votes? Who are our real enemies? Hint: They have white skin, were mostly born here and aren’t hiding in a cave on the other side of the world.

It’s time for those who claim to love Liberty to grow up and grow a backbone and prepare to do what will be required.

GOA Alert: Obama Strikes Again with a New Gun Ban

ACTION: Click here to urge your Representative and Senators to lead the charge against the new Obama gun ban. Urge them to cut all funding for this ban — and to leave our seniors alone!

Millions of seniors could lose their guns, jeopardizing the ability of kids and grandchildren to inherit them

“I didn’t know the VA could take away your guns,” the young Marine said.

The harsh truth is that the Veterans Administration can do that — and they have been for years — to veterans who have committed no crimes whatsoever.

But it’s not just veterans who are on the chopping block.

Obama’s latest gun grabbing scheme could be his cruelest and most dangerous to Americans.

The Los Angeles Times reports that the Obama administration is pushing to “ban Social Security beneficiaries from owning guns” if they lack the mental capacity to “manage their own affairs” — a move that could affect millions of senior citizens.


FK – It took an oath to uphold the Bill of Rights. It’s advocating the destruction of the Bill of Rights and our most basic right so it should be arrested, tried for treason and executed.

But that won’t happen because we exist in a nation full of cowardly whores who are too stupid and apathetic to do what will be required. It will be up to that tiny minority as it always is.

There are enemies in both parties: