Tag Archives: heaven

Born to Hate Jews

FK – You’re still just lying for one of the ‘sides.’

So it’s wrong for the ‘muslims’ to use their ‘religion’ to ‘hate’ jews but it’s OK for ‘jews(however one really defines that) to use their religion, which most of them don’t even follow now, as an excuse to take land that isn’t theirs because they claim some ancient bronze age god gave it to them?

Oh good grief. Why didn’t the European Socialists that founded Israel go buy land, with Zionist money, in Australia where there would be little to no conflict?

Are we willing to kill millions or billions over whose sadistic god gets to burn the vast majority of humans that ever lived alive in fire forever? Are we really this crazy?

The Tea Party’s National Security Threat

Let’s rearrange the deck chairs

NATO Now In Declared War With Russia!


FK – Maybe the alien time traveler was right: We destroy ourselves over dogma, i.e. over whose sadistic god gets to burn billions alive in fire forever. Crazy is a gross understatement.

Whose orders is Erdogan acting under?

Think about your future propagandists dressing like this:


FK – So are millions or billions about to die over religious insanity? Or is that just the excuse as always?

No sacred cows, or a new global Bill of Rights

Or we can have this:


FK – Assuming it’s not fake of course. I know I have to include that disclaimer for the simple minded among us…

Compassion and evidence without Liberty is slavery.

Alien Planets BUSTED Communicating? Putin’s Nibiru Warning! 10/13/16

FK – Saying “the world’s not going to come to an end,” is just as foolish as always claiming ‘the end is near.’

Gee, what could we accomplish if we stopped worrying about things we have no control over, including sadistic asshole gods that were patterned after ancient tyrannical kings, and started working on establishing real human Liberty planetwide?

Maybe we’d stop killing each other over stupid things and learn to work together to save at least some segment of human civilization when the real ‘end’ comes… But sigh, blind faith and fear are both easier than thinking or taking responsibility for the world around us.

The ancient legend/myth of Nibiru or planet X or whatever may or may not be real to some degree but this ancient planet has undergone many cataclysms and ‘modern,’ uh, ‘human'(very loosely defined), uh, ‘civilization’ could very well end because of another one that our ‘leaders’ may or may not expect. This is simple reality.

Which is another reason to stop fighting among ourselves over trifles, establish real human liberty planetwide, and develop technology to deal with whatever may come, if that’s possible.

To do these things we will have to deal with our real enemies, authoritarians of all stripes.

And if we do take ourselves to the brink of nuclear war, will the ‘watchers’ then step in and come down and rule with that ‘iron rod’ spoken of in the ancient tribal propaganda?

If this is all a ‘simulation’ as is so popular to discuss nowadays how would we know whether the first arrival or the second or the third or any are really our ‘friends?’

BREAKING: Elite Admit Reality Is A Simulation


FK – No direct link to the article?

Another version, sub-version or subversion for millions or billions to waste their lifetimes trying to interpret?

Until we have some ‘proof’ that this is a game that really doesn’t matter, and too many already act as such now, we need to keep fighting to establish Liberty on this prison planet. Maybe that’s the real reason we’re here.

Here’s the vid:

FK – So when do I get my holodeck, on a starship, or a starship on my holodeck?

So maybe our ‘creators’ evolved into the ‘perfect’ species with the ‘perfect’ society/culture and then got bored with it and our bodies are their avatars? I want a re-boot.

I think this may be the real problem:

FK – The real problem is most cannot imagine living in a free society. It scares them shitless.

No sacred cows, or a new global Bill of Rights


FK – The header is inaccurate but it’s interesting never the less. What it lacks is proper explanation which I’ll attempt to provide:

At the end there is soft allusion to the ancient tribal propaganda, from the tribe of the unmentionables that is, and the actual rare mention of ‘watchers'(two or three times in the entire ‘king james’ edition) and ‘nephilim‘(not actually in there). I’ve watched a lot of docs on this issue and read some things over the years and don’t claim to be an ‘expert,’ especially since most experts are whores for one institution or another, and showing these skulls which may or may not be ‘human’ and stones that we supposedly lack the ability to work in a similar manner does not the ancient tribal propaganda prove.

Myth and legend and esoterica and symbolism which the ancient tribal propaganda consists of is as always a mix of actual history and utter Bravo Sierra. That’s just how it works. Someone sat down and made it all up, loosely based, or it was ‘inspired,’ like modern books and movies by ‘actual’ events that our primitive ancestors obviously lacked the knowledge to comprehend. That’s how writing works.

We could go back in a time machine and record one of the original writers, whoever they really were, while working on a scroll and bring back an original copy and it would still be a bunch of stuff someone made up.

Those who argue otherwise are basically children.

What passed for ‘knowledge’ in those times was normally controlled by a cadre of elites and their immediate servants, whether priests or bureaucrats, kinda like now.

Personally I ‘think‘ not ‘believe‘ from what I have seen and read that the ‘watchers’ have indeed been with us for a very long time and probably have subtly influenced our evolution into the self-replicating biological robots(trainable slaves) that we are now. This may include influencing the writers of various versions, sub-versions or subversions of ancient tribal propaganda from various ancient cultures, for whatever real purposes.

But again, that doesn’t ‘prove’ that any of the versions, sub-versions and subversions of ancient tribal propaganda of whatever tribe is ‘true’ or inerrant. Only a child argues otherwise.

The Pope Wants You to Pray for a One World Religion


FK – Meanwhile the world’s two major religions(three if you consider the reformation and what it means) worship a sadistic god that according to standard doctrine created billions of ‘human beings’ or ‘souls'(try finding a real definition of that) that it knew billions of years ago would have this less than a blink of an existence and then be burned alive in fire forever.

The church I grew up in preached that upon death sinners go to hell and then are brought out at judgement day to be told they’re going back again. They cajoled little kids into ‘gettin’ saved’ and still do as far as I know, when what we need to be saved from is their ancient tribal propaganda. The Catholic church’s ‘christening’ of newborns is not a symbolic act. Look it up.

We’re still a very primitive species that does need to learn how to ‘get along’ but that won’t happen until we grow past the various forms of authoritarianism our fore-parents found so necessary. Until then we will exist in a very dark age. I know I won’t breathe long enough to see that happen.

The religions were either created as a way to keep the slaves working or infiltrated and manipulated to suit the purposes of the elites, probably both. The recent ‘rapture theory’ that gives them another convenient excuse to sit on their asses and wait for the world to end while their children grow into full-fledged slavery is a case in point.

It’s all so disgusting.

Let’s rearrange the deck chairs

FK – Here’s what I told the pope:

Peace and love without Liberty is slavery. We didn’t sign up for that under your evil global system. We will fight you.

The Hidden Teachings of Jesus

FK – What monk or yogi or whatever first sat around trying to put his tongue up his nose from the inside?

Somewhere in the ancient tribal propaganda it reads “Through god all things are possible…” or some such. If god by whatever name wanted to drive a tornado through a junkyard and turn primates into more advanced primates he, she or it could probably do so.

This is all very interesting but I didn’t see any more ‘proof’ than one normally gets from reading the various ancient holy propaganda of whatever source, which are mostly very poor histories. If god or the son of god or whatever couldn’t be bothered to write down during one of his incarnations exactly what he wanted us to know, or at least hire a secretary, without all the various versions, sub-versions and subversions being argued over and edited out or simply altered to suit the contemporary tastes or culture or rulers of that time then I don’t know what to say about it.

Ignorant people don’t understand how writing and literature and priests and schools and whatever else work, especially in a time, most of human history, when most of the sheeple were ignorant/illiterate and dependent on the ‘authorities’ to tell them what to think/do.

They don’t understand how writers can follow a style or whatever with variations on a theme and on and on which is clearly what the ancient propaganda is.

And I have no problem thinking we came from ‘less evolved’ meat eating primates. Every time I go into a men’s restroom and see where some so-called adult male has urinated on a commode seat, something a 5-year-old should know better than to do, I have no problem with the concept that I have gorillas as cousins.

From reading the comments on this I get the idea that a lot of ‘christians’ will be sorely disappointed if their version of their sadistic god doesn’t allow them to stand around watching billions being burned alive in fire forever, including kids and babies.

Thanksgiving: A Politically Incorrect Guide

FK – Read ‘The Frontiersman‘ by Allan W. Eckert.

The Shawnee would stop at every village north with captives from Kentucky and have them run the gauntlet. This involved stripping them naked, painting them black, then beating them to a near death condition, with old women and little kids joining in. They would be nursed back to health then taken on the next village. If they survived these ordeals the chief of the tribe would eventually decide their ultimate fate, either slavery, being traded for ransom from the British or baked alive inside a ring of fire. If they got the fire treatment it involved being tethered to a stake with a ring of brush around the outside of an area big enough for them to run around inside while trying to avoid being baked, stuck with burning sticks by again the old women and little kids and the occasional warrior that might run through and cut something off. If they were lucky after several hours, or half a day or more, of this someone would finish them off.

Of course this shows how primitive they were compared to our ancestors who baptized babies not as a symbolic act but so their sadistic god wouldn’t burn them alive in fire forever. No wait, the protestant conquerors waited until they were a little older and could be cajoled into ‘gettin’ saved’ so they wouldn’t be burned alive in fire forever by a loving and merciful god. The things our ancestors did to conquer this continent you mentioned, at least some of them, except for the numerous treaties that were broken consistently.

A truly ‘civilized’ society would teach its young ones its real history, warts and all. We haven’t had that in the past and certainly won’t gain it with the Marxist political correctness so prevalent in our govt. indoctrination centers.

For the sake of the simple minded, no we might not teach first-fifth graders about the things the ‘amerindians’ sometimes cut off their prisoners any more than we should teach them about anal sex or Heather who has two mentally ill birth defected mommies or daddies or whatever they’re called now.

I have some ‘native’ blood in me from maybe both sides of my family and I don’t lie awake worrying about it either way. I’ve never had any desire to live in a wikiup or chew a new pair of moccasins.

Gruesome medieval torture and execution methods

FK – We modern ‘native amerikans’ are being conquered by a wholly different kind of beast:

FK – But a “Liberal”(commie) trash citiot could easily say to a rural white southerner “You’re so articulate, and your camouflage matches the mud on your truck.” That would be perfectly OK.

The sex rape thing will be figured out. Eventually all sex acts will be livestreamed.

Bad Future For Jerusalem


FK – All because of their ancient tribal propaganda. Millions, maybe billions dead over a ‘promised land’ that most supporters over here wouldn’t be allowed to move to. How absurd and insane. Billions, including babies, kids and teens burning alive in fire forever.

We’re still a very primitive species and still exist in a very dark age.

I call them the unmentionables. In a free country there’s no such thing as a group whose motives cannot be questioned. When we have that we have a serious problem. We have a serious problem.

The Tea Party’s National Security Threat

Let’s rearrange the deck chairs

No, Really, What is Free Will?

FK – According to mainstream christianity ‘free will’ is being able to ‘choose’ between eternal torture or eternal slavery. Of course the morons don’t call it that. But if someone is threatening to torture you for not obeying them they consider you to be a slave. Christians and many over versions of ‘humans’ don’t mind being slaves. Every prez election cycle proves this.

Real ‘free will’ simply involves being able to choose a possible outcome, not guaranteed, that you actually prefer, say, living long enough to buy your own starship with a holodeck. In the ‘real’ world it simply means being able to choose which Earthly government or which corporation or both treats you like a jackass on a daily basis or deciding to say ‘screw it’ and ending up on the evening propagandacast because you gave an asshole or group of assholes what they so truly deserve.

Of course if you’re rich and highly educated and an excellent speaker with lots of charisma you might be able to convince lots of brain-dead sheeple and a few otherwise cowardly ‘conservatives’ and ‘libertarians’ and other such types to follow you and fight long enough to overthrow the ‘world order’ and install a system where everyone is as ‘free’ as they can possibly be. Good luck with that. The ‘human’ race isn’t really ready for that yet, because real ‘free will’ would scare the shit out of them.

So don’t try to over-complicate it.