Tag Archives: gay marriage

News Flash: ATLAH Church Defeats The Sodomites


FK – This makes me immensely proud even though I can’t ‘agree’ with all of their beliefs. At least these ‘christians’ are standing up for themselves in that pit of hell of a city.

If all amerikan ‘christians’ would stop waiting for the world to end and stand up for themselves and their descendants’ futures we could take our country back. An America ran by such wouldn’t be perfect, would be another form of authoritarianism, but at least we’d have some freedom left as opposed to what the ameri-commies want to do.

The amerikan communist insurgency is using the homos just as they use the other minorities, for their primary purpose of overthrowing our form of govt., what’s left of it, and the Bill of Rights, which they hate, and installing some form of communism which will completely enslave us all.

The Jailing of Kim Davis


FK – Disagreeing with the court is not necessarily ‘irrelevant.’ We the People are the ultimate arbiters of our rights, not a row of black-robed shysters whose decisions are often no less affected by their own values, prejudices, authoritarian leanings, than anyone else.

As is often noted the marriage license was brought about in part to prevent interracial marriage. So what had once been a power of the church became a privilege granted after the payment of a fee or passing of some test or another.

You need to do a search on the ‘fire in the theater’ thing. It’s not quite that simple.

I’ve often heard that ‘christians’ are ‘in the world’ but not ‘of the world.’ Answering first to any govt. is being ‘of the world.’ Taking on a public or govt. job that requires one do be ‘of the world’ such as supporting laws they find incompatible with their version, sub-version or subversion is going against this, one of their most basic commandments.

Where does all this end? I don’t expect to be in this realm long enough to see that outcome. Millions have already died in such wars. We may be headed for another one.

Oh that’s funny. The Kentucky Legislature voting to impeach or convict her. Not in this state. Even the commiecrats aren’t that stupid. It would probably hand the Kentucky House over to the RINOS in the next election cycle and and the already increasing enrollment for Republican voters would skyrocket.

Well, I don’t know, considering the stupidity of the commiecrat House Leadership it might be a possibility.

And that would be ‘God’s opinion’ to the average believer. Something many non-believers don’t seem to get. I was raised in that ignorance and have sat around several campfires listening to many versions, sub-versions and subversions. The mindset is not one of true ‘free will’ but slavery to ancient tribal propaganda and to a god that was clearly patterned after ancient tyrannical kings who looked down their noses at their subjects and said “Be good subjects(slaves, servants) or I’ll torture and/or kill you.

The human mind is still a long way from being free of the tyrannies of the past. That’s why billions have no problem with the concept that their god, that’s ‘their god’ will burn the vast majority of humans that ever existed alive in fire forever. Maybe this inclination was inserted into our DNA for some reason. I can’t imagine why.

See next post

Christians Placing Themselves Above All Other Americans


FK – Both ‘sides’ play this game but the commies started it. The ‘chrisitians’ as usual are only playing copy cat the result being that instead of fighting for real human Liberty they’re arguing over govt. granted ‘civil liberties’ that of course can be rescinded whenever whichever side lies their way into power decide they can.

It’s all such a sickening fiasco especially when one considers that our next prez will be some NWO RINO hack that mumbled out ‘Jesus’ a few times and claims to be for ‘god, country and the amerikan way.’

See comments on the next vid:

FK – I’ve known enough Tennessee good ol’ boys to happily give you permission to make fun of Kentuckians. A good portion of us fully deserve it.

Nepotism in any rural southern or midwestern area is a given. Most of these families have been here since the settlers and everybody is someone’s cousin. Ya’ll are probably related to algore. Study on that.

I don’t even know what party Davis is allegedly registered under. Not that it makes a lot of difference up here. We send ‘conservatives'(loosely defined) to the u.S. Congress but the commiecrats still control the legislature and on occasion we get a RINO governor.

Several years back I attended a ‘watermelon bust’ in western Kentucky hosted by a local bank. There was a gospel group on stage. I was told it was a ‘democrat’ event. This was during the klinton years. I found it very ironic. But most are too ignorant to understand all this considering the history not taught in our government indoctrination centers.

The point to all this is she took an Oath, on a Bible, to the u.S. Constitution and Bill of Rights and the Kentucky Constitution, which she swore to uphold. Those two latter documents are about protecting the rights of the individual and the common welfare, which doesn’t mean a govt. check. They were only partly based on the 3000-year-old tribal propaganda. Much to most of our ‘law’ comes from England and the Romans who ruled it before the ‘dark ages.’

As an elected ‘public servant’ she has to serve ‘all’ the public. Even though fudge packin’ isn’t mentioned in the Bill of Rights this is supposed to be a ‘free’ country and if two sufferers of the birth defect or mental illness or some combination thereof that is ‘homosexuality’ want to form a contract of some sort with one another they should be able to do so as long they aren’t forcing anyone else into it or forcing us all to lie about what it really is.

The real question is why is the govt. in the marriage license business? Money and control, plain and simple. I find it ironic that the commie homos are fighting for a ‘right’ which really amounts to a permission slip from Big Brother.

Mostly this is all about commie propaganda and distraction. The 2016 race for the now red house is another exercise in the quest for the idiot vote, as always.


FK – One insanity vs. another. We’re still a very primitive species and still exist in a very dark age.

Kim Davis on Gay Marriage License: Its A Heaven Or Hell Decision

FK – The crazies won’t be helped by the culture war:

Waking up is hard to do

Homosexuals Have Taken Over Politics, Hollywood, And The Music Industry Like The Mob


FK – The crazies won’t be helped by the culture war.

Neither will this:


FK – The welfare state and govt. indoctrination centers have created exactly the outcomes they were intended to…

Rewriting Reality – A Satirical Expose of Ridiculous Media Propaganda


FK – The crazies won’t be helped by the culture war…

Commiefornia will have to be re-invaded and re-conquered.

Will Gay Marriage Ruling Hurt Religious Freedom?

FK – Expecting our blood domestic enemies, the “Liberal”(commie) trash to do ‘what makes sense’ is like expecting the sun to rise in the North. They are waging war on us and the Bill of Rights. They are using the ‘gays’ and ‘minorities’ as tools. Nothing has really changed.

In the wedding industry if a business does a ‘half butt job’ that will also land them in court.

So when will some now broke and homeless former business owner make the
news for giving some of this trash what it so desperately deserves or for poisoning the cake?

Waking up is hard to do

Waking up is hard to do

Waking up is hard to do
Barry Bright
June 30, 2015

Some days I feel as if I’ve crash landed on a desert island and stumbled upon a couple of cave men, or a group of cave men, beating each other about the head and face with sticks.

This last week or so has been that way, much more so than usual. I’ve seen so many of the same old lies re-flung and so much of the same ignorance re-established as reality I found it hard to write about it, and still do for when I sit down to churn out a column I try to make my paragraphs mean something, and not just be regurgitation from the culture war.

I try to keep up with some general notion of what’s happening in the world around me, having stopped waiting for it to end long ago, not that it couldn’t, but only the still ignorant and pathetic center their lives around the possibility.

From the latest ‘mass shooting’ and the battle flag fallout to the SCOTUS decisions on ‘gay’ marriage and commie care and the natural calls for more authoritarian police state laws there’s been a significant increase in the use of sticks and stones commonly thrown about in our ‘culture war.’

It’s almost enough to make me agree with those who claim comment sections should be shut down because of all the ignorance spewed about in our e-political sphere. But not quite. As I told someone a while back, the comment sections are how we’re winning this war, but now, a few months later, I’m not so sure all internet activists are trying to take us where we’d like to go.

If politics is like making sausage, making propaganda in the internet age is like feeding that now famous pink goo through a high speed fan, or jet engine. Propaganda a few decades back was lies and truth mixed, now it’s run through a blender. The blender is the willful ignorance of the common sheeple, even of many ‘awake’ political activists(or paid trolls, take your pick).

The human race seems to be at an interesting age. I’ve been saying for years we’re headed for another civil war, but now I fear it will be such as the Reformation was in Europe, where millions died over whose sadistic asshole of a god would get to burn the vast majority of humans who ever lived alive in fire forever and after it’s over few will really understand why it was fought, as with most wars, and we will be rewarded with yet again another version of authoritarianism.

But, probably despite many proclamations about the future and the end, the ‘reformers’ and their enemies somehow survived, or rather civilization, loosely defined, survived, and here we are, ready to kill each other over the same old arguments and maybe a few new ones.

A lot of this is truly distraction from more important issues, but that’s a cheap definition. The battle flag is important because it represents an understanding of our history that many lack due to the success of our domestic blood enemies in building the government schools and universities to indoctrinate the youth in statism; and ‘gay’ marriage is important, though it’s a more complicated issue that won’t be solved by the culture war; and commie care, like most socialism, will ‘help’ some people but will of course grease the skids on our ever increasing rate of descent into hell on Earth.

Yet the reality is when you see a battle flag flying in a yard many still think it simply means the owner is a Klan member or some such. We’ve had the internet for 20 years now, so that is the fault of the average dumbass that still depends on a suited smiling whore on the weaponvision to tell it what to think.

Our domestic blood enemies, who have white skin and for the most part were probably born here and aren’t hiding in a cave on the other side of the world, will use any excuse to force us at the point of a government gun into their version of reality.

But too many fail to understand they are simply defending their own version of authoritarianism and though they may be more ‘awake’ than the average dumbass they still have a lot to learn.

Waking up can be hard to do for some. Many get to a certain point and run up against a wall of reality that so challenges their indoctrination that they can’t scale it, or won’t even try because it’s safer to hide in the bushes and wait for the world to end or for their god or political savior to come solve all their problems for them:

“Since government has been involved in marriage, they have done what they always do — taxed it, regulated it, and now redefined it. It is hard to argue that government’s involvement in marriage has made it better, a fact also not surprising to those who believe government does little right.” – Rand Paul

I don’t pretend to understand all the ‘legalities’ of the ‘gay marriage’ issue as they vary from state to state. But if all they wanted was to treat their partners as legal equals that probably could’ve been accomplished without rubbing their political enemies’ faces in their sickness.

But their enemies in the culture war are as much to blame. We are still a very primitive species when so many call an obvious birth defect or mental illness a ‘sin’ and pretend it can be prayed away when some are so obviously blessed by a not-so-loving god with birth defects that don’t fit into the ‘mainstream’ of society and probably never will.

We have gone in my lifetime from one insanity to another, when ‘sex education‘ was provided years after it was truly needed, if at all, to one where little kids are exposed to concepts they won’t need and shouldn’t want for years.

In the church I grew up in we heard about Sodom and Gomorrah, but I had a very vague idea, even into adulthood, what a ‘queer’ really was or did. Only later in college and boot camp did I learn how green I was and in one situation I would’ve been better off if I’d known what signals to watch for. Ignorance doesn’t serve civilization, but neither does wantonness in the public sphere where others are forced to see it when they don’t need nor want to.

The culture war won’t get them the real help they need, or simply leave them alone to live in the best peace they can find in this cruel and dangerous world. But then many of the ‘gay’ activists are “Liberal”(commie) trash who aren’t interested in leaving anyone alone to live in peace and Liberty. And they’re too stupid to understand that when the system they’re trying to install comes to power it will find no more kindness for them than the current one, excuse me, the one we lost.

Maybe it’s truly time to practice some of that love thy neighbor stuff. But then, that can be made impossible when your neighbor is working tirelessly to enslave us all further, and completely, and when those fakebook ‘friends‘ vote to kill those who don’t agree with their evil agenda despite their arrogant claims of pacifism and hatred of the police and military, who they will cheerfully send to break down your door if you happen to think we’re supposed to live in a free country. And the basis of all human Liberty is the right to fight back.


We must stop choosing from among the various forms of authoritarianism or our future will be no less bloody and pathetic than our past.

And we must decide what is to be done and agree on some solid interpretation of what our country is supposed to be about. I think this quote pretty much sums it up:

“At the heart of liberty is the right to define one’s own concept of existence, of meaning, of the universe, and of the mystery of human life….” – Anthony Kennedy

FK – See anyone you know in there?

After Years Of Research, Confederate Daughter Arises


FK – They get away with what we let them get away with. It’s all our fault…

Confederate flag merchandise sales up 4000 percent following major retailers ban

FK – And if that isn’t true, it should be.

Big Pharma responsible for another mass shooting? SC church shooter took psych drugs before attack

FK – Someone else has been sniffing glue, or something, and not actually reading his book:


FK – So whose version, sub-version or subversion will crawl out of the swamp next time?

And let’s not forget the unmentionables:


FK – The indoctrination machine is still doing the dirty work of it’s masters. The SCOTUS is not the final arbiter of our rights. WE ARE!

Most ‘Jews’ today are secular Marxists. Simple fact. As always if we have a group whose motives can’t be questioned, we have a serious problem. We have a serious problem.

This meme pretty much sums it up:

elite distractionFK – In reality, it’s all part of the same war.

flag of slaveryFK – And it still does…

I’m a vet, do ya’ want to thank me?

See my next installment of this:

Waking up is still hard to do

Is Our Universe A Matrix Like Computer Game Designed by Aliens?


FK – I need to see a beautiful South Pacific desert island full of young slender beautiful horny women. The little hourglass is going, waiting, waiting, waiting…. OK who hacked me!!!???

Seriously, we’re all biological robots. Watch Battlestar Gallactica(the new version).

Our universe may be a Matrix-like computer game designed by aliens, says NASA scientist

Meanwhile on other fronts:


FK – They dropped it over here and it’s obviously working…

Bakers Fined $135,000 for Refusing to Bake Gay Wedding Cake


FK – Another reason we need a militia in every county in this country, to dispense swift justice to the trash that so fully deserves it.

21 Problems with the National Outcry About Indiana’s ‘Religious Freedom’ Law on One Map

Indiana’s controversial new bill signed into law is called the Religious Freedom Restoration Act (RFRA). The bill guarantees individuals the right to conduct business without ‘substantially burdening their ability to exercise their religion.’

It has been roundly condemned around the nation. Seattle’s mayor went so far as to issue a travel ban to Indiana for city workers, while San Francisco’s mayor is considering a ban on city funds being sent to the Hoosier state.

Nevertheless, the ‘extremely controversial’ RFRA is based on a 1993 Federal Law, which is also dubbed the Religious Freedom Restoration Act. It was signed into law by ‘right-wing extremist’ president Bill Clinton.

FK – This is all ‘political,’ something else for the ameri-commies to scream and froth at the mouth about.

The entire issue illustrates common human insanity, one absurd ‘extreme’ against another, calling what amounts to a birth defect or mental illness a ‘sin’ and making a political issue out of what should be a health issue.

Kentucky has religious freedom law similar to one causing furor ahead of Final Four in Indiana

Ky: No one can marry same sex, ban not biased

FK – This is supposed to be a ‘free country.’ If two nuts want to ‘marry'(very loosely defined) each other let them have at it as long as they’re not harming anyone else or their property. By the same token ‘christians’ or whomever have the right to teach their children it’s a ‘sin,’ which is just as insane.