Tag Archives: friends

Mark Dice: Elton John is Threatening to Sue Me


FK – England’s Bill of Rights, such as it is, has been largely ignored over there for a long time. But then so is ours, just a little less.

If only we had a nation of men.

Here’s an earlier vid with some explanation:


FK – The Brits turned their guns over to their govt. without a fight so they fully deserve whatever is done to them.

It’s time for this:

No sacred cows, or a new global Bill of Rights

Wisdom of the Elders – Senior Citizens Give Advice For Younger Generation

FK – But what is a ‘good American’ or amerikan? Wouldn’t that be someone who puts the Bill of Rights above all the other B.S. and ‘isms?’

I can’t believe he found so many on a commiefornia beach with a brain, or something close to it. Are they voting?

Facebook Forced Conservatives to Sign Confidentiality Agreements Before Summit About Censorship

FK – So much for the Libertarian ideal that says monopolies aren’t dangerous. It’s time to break them up, google, fakebook, et al.