Tag Archives: european union

Brit says “Hello Angry Losers” to Brexit whiners

FK – Your ‘democracy’ is a lie and what got you in the mess you’re in. “Establishing democracy is the first step in the revolution.” – Karl Marx

Many, that you wouldn’t dare listen to, could have told you to stay out of the EU in first place. Like the UN it’s a Marxist globalist creation.

“It’s as if Europe is being run by our enemies…” Uh, no, it IS being ran by the enemies of human Liberty. And they will have to be hunted to extinction to rid us of them. Nothing you say to most of them will make any difference. They will still be lying when hell thaws out again.

No sacred cows, or a new global Bill of Rights

FK – From his list of links:

Is this the end of democracy?

“Members of parliament are much better informed than the public as a whole, and they recognise their decisions have real weight.”

FK – Apparently this cat has never sat in on a legislative committee hearing. But then it’s a Marxist lying for a Marxist rag and of course excluding a lot of information, like what a ‘liberal’ is(commie trash).

But I have to agree with the professor on who should vote, but for vastly different reasons. If they don’t understand human Liberty and limited govt. they don’t need to vote.

Who deserves to vote?

Australia Takes Aim at Guns, Again, After Confiscation Scheme Fails to Disarm Criminals

The much-heralded Australian gun confiscation scheme of the late 1990s failed to disarm criminals to such a degree that Australia is going after guns again, beginning in July of this year.

In other words, the gun confiscation scheme Hillary Clinton praised on October 16, 2016, as “worth looking at” for gun policy in America actually created an uneven playing field where law-abiding citizens turned in their guns while criminals retained theirs.


To put it succinctly, evidences of the failure of Australia’s gun ban are legion. The solution? More gun control of course, but this time there will be no financial payments for the guns surrendered.

FK – The Aussies turned in their weapons without opening “Liberal”(commie) trash season so they fully deserve whatever is done to them.

Another corner of the world edges toward Liberty, that distant dream:


FK – So will they recognize their right to fight their govt.?

While other places creep backwards:


FK – Don’t think for a heartbeat there aren’t white-skinned “Liberal”(commie) trash in this country, our greatest enemies, who won’t do this here is they get a chance. We either force the republicrats to restore our republic now or the commies will lie their way back into power and next time they won’t hold back.

Once again my standard answer to such:

Let’s make amerika free again!

Are we ready for the outcome of voting for the lesser of two evils, and eventually getting more evil than we can handle?

Is there a militia force in your county yet? Why not? Are you afraid of the ‘m’ word that’s in the Second Amendment?

The patriot newbie guidebook

The Bill of Rights is what we’re fighting for.

Who’s our greatest enemy? Those who build the Trojan Horse or those who open the gate?

Nothing will get better until we stop worrying so much about the fundie ragheads and start rounding up and at the least deporting our real enemies, our domestic enemies.

So who or what is our real enemy? A tiny no. of fundies who manage to kill a few mush heads now and again or our own white home-grown “Liberal”(commie) trash that works relentlessly to disarm and thus fully enslave millions?

What will we do when a commie SCOTUS rules it’s OK for the “Liberal”(commie) trash, our real enemies, to demand we ‘turn them in?’ How many cowards will comply? Those are the questions that matter.

What’s an ‘illegal gun?’ Those two words are nowhere to be found in the Second Amendment. A right applied for is a privilege.

Was the last ‘mass shooting’ site a ‘gun free zone?” Why are commiefornia and others still ‘may issue’ states? Why do we seek ‘permission’ to exercise the most basic right any creature possesses, that of self defense?

If the Marxist mutt and other commie extremists that call themselves ‘liberal’ and ‘progressive’ tell us to surrender our weapons and thus our most basic right, they’ll find out what blood really is.

The most important ‘private property’ anyone owns is their own life, health, safety, and no one, anywhere, anytime has the ‘right’ to take that from them or deny them their most basic right, that of self defense.

We all get the elected public servants the brain dead sheeple deserve.

I’ll vote for the candidate that will bring the troops home, activate the militias, and re-invade and re-conquer commiefornia and the other commie enclaves on the left and East coasts.

They’re not ‘leftists,’ ‘liberal’ or ‘progressive.’ They’re communists/globalists. They want us disarmed so we can’t kill them when enough finally wake up to the necessity of doing so.

Our Liberty is dying because of our failure to hunt the “Liberal”(commie) and globalist trash to extinction.

What must be done – A manifesto of the ‘isms.’

Don’t understand my bad attitude? Start here.

Governments will always be able to get guns so we must always be better armed than them.

Act politically but prep for what history shows will have to be done. It’s way past time to prep for what will be required.

Rules for the militia

The Brexit Betrayal

FK – It’s all because you Brits didn’t open “Liberal”(commie) trash season when they told you to turn in your guns.

The patriot newbie guidebook

No sacred cows, or a new global Bill of Rights

Zbigniew Brzeznski 2016: The New World Order Is Dead, Long Live The New World Order!


FK – Allowing the U.S. to split is unacceptable. That would mean allowing some states like commiefornia, new yawk, mass., Connecticut, and a few others to completely enslave their sheeple under communism, creating borders that can’t be crossed without passports, visas, vehicle inspections, loss of the most basic right of travelers. It would be like crossing a border into marxico or commieda. Crossing the border into Mexico with one bullet is a 5 year prison term. Going hunting or fishing or hiking or camping in Canada? Your handgun must stay at home and if a Grizzly eats you the “Liberal”(commie) trash and animal Nazis will be there to pass it the salt and pepper.

Those too stupid to be able to defend themselves deserve whatever happens to them but the trash has NO RIGHT AT ALL to force the rest of us into their pathetic mindless pacifism. We should be forcing such demonscat out of our country.

We need to be concentrating on hunting and eradicating our “Liberal”(commie) trash and preventing the demonscat from ever participating in our governments again.

They are already waging war on us and have been for a long time:


FK – The 9th Circuit Court is in Commiefornia. What a surprise. What other evil have we heard coming from that pile of demonscat?

Commiefornia must be re-invaded and re-conquered. It’s time to bring the troops home and activate the militias and carry out an extensive and thorough “Liberal”(commie) trash season.

Federal Court Rules Medical Cannabis Patients “Do Not Have the Right to Buy a Gun”

What else are the demoncsat up to?:

FK – The newswhore needs to learn that the words ‘illegal gun’ are nowhere to be found in the Second Amendment. As for Egor or whatever why hasn’t it been tried and executed for waging war on the Bill of Rights?

Because we no longer have a nation of men.

Alex Jones’s CRAZY “‪Message To Bernie Sanders‬’‪ Supporters‬”

FK – Can’t say I agree with Jones about ‘everything’ but in this case he’s 1000 percent right. I would only add that despite the fact that communism was a created tool of the elites the sad fact remains that if millions are willing to kill you over a falsehood that makes it very real.

And make no mistake every time a piece of “Liberal”(commie) trash votes, whether out of ignorant greed and envy or out of a serious desire to control all of humanity it votes to kill those of us who value human Liberty and the Bill of Rights, the document that makes us exceptional.

What do you value more, Marx’s Communist Manifesto or the Bill of Rights? If the answer is the former you’re garbage and don’t belong in America and should be hunted to extinction.

It’s not only a pity but an act of war that the corporations that have been infiltrated by commie/globalist trash aren’t teaching individual Liberty and patriotism to human liberty.

No human system has ever been perfect nor ever will be but one does not cure heart disease by introducing cancer. Socialism by whatever cute name is a cancer, a plague on humanity. What’s happening in Europe now proves this beyond all doubt. The fact that Sanders and other commies work so hard to disarm us via ‘common sense gun control’ proves what they are, authoritarians, and that we will be forced to deal with them with the harshest means.

Chomsky is just another commie propagandist. The trash that agrees with it’s ultimate goals should be ran from our shores or hunted to extinction.

The rich elites are the system. The fact that the welfare state was created to encourage the stupid and the lazy to breed so that the democrat party would have guaranteed generational constituents shows this. They know full well the evil they do.

The klintons are highly intelligent educated elite tools that know full well the evil they do. Sanders may very well actually be stupid enough to believe the scat he spouts.

Oh look, we have a ‘choice’:

FK – If we had a nation of men both of these pieces of trash would’ve been arrested, tried for treason and executed decades ago.

When NAFTA was passed by a demoncrat congress and signed by a demoncrat prez that said it was against NAFTA during its campaign 30 million of us should’ve gone to the district of commie criminals and hung the lot of them.

The same should be done to any that support so-called ‘free trade’ that allows ‘American’ corporations to move jobs overseas where they can treat foreign peasants like jackasses. Only a child thinks finishing the job of turning America into amerika will ‘make things better.’

Sanders like all politicians mixes truth and lies, or in this internet age runs them through a blender. As someone once said “Hitler did a few good things.” They all use ‘the truth’ when it’s convenient, to help cover up their larger lies.

Any candidate that supports disarming the common people cannot be for the common people.

Here’s what the trash is doing here because it wants more commie voters:


FK – Why didn’t he mention the real and most dangerous reason the commies want the illegals here: so they can get them to vote commie?

The zombie apocalypse is on our doorstep and in Europe’s bedrooms because of the failure of western civilization to deal with it’s commie/globalist trash in the harsh way that will be required to excise this cancer once and for all.

Here’s what it’s doing in Europe:


FK – The zombie apocalypse is on our doorstep and in Europe’s living room. This is due to intentional international planning, as the welfare state was created to guarantee commie constituents, they at the least want more ignorant voters to ensure the complete transition of western civilization into the controllable authoritarian global police state the elites dream of, all on the votes of the ‘common man(herd animal).’

The Europeans need to start smuggling guns and munitions because it’s a matter of time now until they are forced to use them. Let’s hope they realize their real enemies have white skin and aren’t fresh across the border but were likely born there.

Real Americans already see this need but we will need many more. We can be sure our domestic blood enemies are mostly false pacifists and not only vote to kill us every time they vote but will pick up weapons and use them to add to the millions their ideology has already murdered in the last century and a half.

Despite all this and what Jones said about communism being a creation of the elites I place the blame for our sorry state squarely on the shoulders of the average dumbass that has the ability to understand our situation but would rather die than make the effort to do so:


FK – Bread and circuses have been turned into beer and pizza and a big screen. It obviously works. But the sad fact is that most of them wouldn’t give a damn about anything that actually matters anyway or have the courage to do what needs to be done if they did. Or at least they have yet to show that to me.

The elites know full well what they seek to create:


FK – I never understood the concept of allowing someone to try to break my neck or of trying to do it to someone else. Not that participating in sports is bad, it has many benefits. But the mindless adoration for and ‘fanatical’ love of something that really doesn’t directly affect someone’s life is pathetic especially when we have so many pressing issues, like ‘How many amerikans are we gonna have to kill?’ to fix this mess if it can be fixed.

We are fools to blindly trust any of them:


FK – Sanders, as most of his supporters, may be stupid enough to swallow their own commie kool(k) aid, but that doesn’t make them any less dangerous. Every time they vote they vote to kill those real Americans who value human liberty and the Bill of Rights, the document that makes us exceptional. Maybe we need to start telling them this openly and what we will do to them if their ‘savior’ gets the power it craves and succeeds in any of its goals, especially that of working to disarm us all.

We must at some point stand up and tell them “NO MORE! YOU’RE DONE HERE!”


FK – Don’t miss the last guest on that one.

And don’t forget to vote to elect another tool:


FK – How much longer until we tell them “NO MORE!”?

Is the West Disintegrating?

By Patrick J. Buchanan

On Jan. 1, 2002, the day that euro coins and banknotes entered into circulation, my column, “Say Goodbye to the Mother Continent,” contained this pessimistic prognosis:

“This European superstate will not endure, but break apart on the barrier reef of nationalism. For when the hard times come, patriots will recapture control of their national destinies from Brussels bureaucrats to whom no one will ever give loyalty or love.”

The column described what was already happening.

“Europe is dying. There is not a single nation in all of Europe with a birth rate sufficient to keep its population alive, except Muslim Albania. In 17 European nations, there are already more burials than births, more coffins than cradles.

“Between 2000 and 2050, Asia, Africa and Latin America will add 3 billion to 4 billion people — 30 to 40 new Mexicos! — as Europe loses the equal of the entire population of Belgium, Holland, Denmark, Norway, Sweden and Germany.

“By 2050, the median age in Europe will be 50, nine years older than the oldest nation on earth today, Japan. One in 10 Europeans will be over 80. And who will take care of these scores of millions of elderly, before the Dutch doctors arrive at the nursing home?

“Immigrants is the answer, immigrants already pouring into Europe in the hundreds of thousands annually from the Middle East and Africa, changing the character of the Old Continent. Just as Europe once invaded and colonized Asia, Africa and the Near East, the once-subject peoples are coming to colonize the mother countries. And as the Christian churches of Europe empty out, the mosques are going up.

FK – The zombie apocalypse is upon us. This is the early stage, when denial is not just a river in Egypt. If we don’t deal with our domestic blood enemies, our greatest enemies, that are causing all this we will be washed away as well.

Brussels Cancels New Year’s Fireworks Over Terror Fears

FK – “It is better not to take risks”.

Well, there ya’ go, the modern “Liberal”(communist) mindset in a nutshell. They pass the laws that let them in/attract them, then allow them to destroy western civilization.

Speaking of enemies:

DC Pastor: Christians Have No Right To Use Guns For Self-Defense

FK – To begin with the ancient tribal propaganda that contradicts itself constantly can be twisted to mean most anything some huckster wants it to mean at the moment. It was probably designed that way.

But then again what kind of preacher is this? Does he lead a commie church of some sort that uses religion as a front? In the district of commie criminals that’s a good bet.

The Huge Political Repercussions Of The French Election

FK – I like how he said “repurricans.” Oddly appropriate that is…

Does this guy really think the commies are out to ‘protect’ the common folk when they work relentlessly to disarm them? Really?(I suppose and hope not. Could’ve used a little more intro on him, his background, beliefs, etc.)

The commies there did the same thing ours did, they simply changed their names. Their evil remains the same.

And of course those who simply want to save their culture and thus western civilization are ‘the devil.’

Gas is finally affordable again. I don’t call that a disaster.

The Latest Update On The War Between Russia and The U.S

FK – That’s OK. The ancient tribal propaganda says we’re supposed to kill millions or more over there. So our masters who are ‘appointed by gawd’ are only doing what prophecy says they must.

Meanwhile the globalists who consider us to be their livestock laugh into their sleeves at the common willful ignorance that allows them to keep ruling us.

The Invasion of Europe

FK – Your democracy is what’s killing you. Your failure to demand Liberty allows the sham of democracy, another form of manipulation, to continue.

Your failure to start killing your commies and your globalists when they told you to turn your weapons over to them will finish your civilization. The ragheads will have no problem circumventing their ‘gun laws’ and importing whatever they need to rule you.

They’re not ‘progressive Pollyannas.’ They’re communists and they know full well what they do. Your failure to hunt them to extinction, like ours, is what’s killing you.

All this is intentional. The question is who is really behind this and what are their real goals? One thing must be known above all else: They consider us to be livestock.